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2021 ◽  
pp. 125-134
Tatyana Victorovna Voloshina ◽  
Tatyana Eduardovna Sizikova ◽  

In the article, the authors note that at present, especially in the field of education, the already existing processes of the development of new content thinking under the influence of Internet technologies are being actualized, as well as the need to develop reflection, starting from an early age of children and in artificial intelligence. The purpose of this article is an analytical study of the changes taking place in the thinking of consumers of Internet technologies. The authors note that in the current conditions of accelerating scientific and technological progress and the development of global information networks, qualitative changes are taking place in the mental activity of a modern person. The article examines topical issues related to the development of a new type of thinking – content thinking, conditioned by web technologies. The authors examined in detail the Internet technologies Web 3.0, Web 4.0 and their influence on the psychological content of the ontological foundations of human life on the basis of the methodological principles of the consistency of determinism and development. The authors identified the main characteristics of Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 content: semantic structure, cooperativity, clustering, ample opportunities for consumer self-expression, self-developing basic personal content, self-correcting system, effective and convenient information management, accessibility, simplicity and maximum convenience, development and use additional opportunities, human resource management in the current time mode, crystallization, the presence of the maximum possible consumer protection. The authors have shown the influence of Internet technology 3.0, 4.0 on the psychological content of the ontological foundations of human life, including new content thinking. The method of such thinking is synthetic deduction and the method of developing such thinking is the method of “synergetic deduction 3.0” developed by us.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Natalya Sosnickaya ◽  
Olena Kryvylova

Formulation of the problem. In the field of higher education, general and special competencies are acquired, which have in common the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. Therefore, the formation of mental and practical skills and abilities of future energy specialists to solve practical problems is becoming more and more important. The effectiveness of solving practical problems in the field of power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics depends on the understanding by future specialists of energy profile the theories and methods of physics. There is a need to develop and implement effective teaching methods, in particular on the basis of physical projects. Materials and methods. The analysis of research in the field of education, the National Qualifications Framework, the standard of higher education in the specialty 141 "Electricity, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education to theoretically substantiate the requirements for mental and practical skills of future energy specialists to solving practical tasks and advantages of physical projects in their formation was carried out; pedagogical experiment was carried out for testing the effectiveness of the use of physical projects in the training of future energy specialists; diagnostics (using the 16-factor personal questionnaire of R. Cattell and the method of analysis of products of activity as projects) was for evaluation the levels of ability of future energy specialists to solve practical problems using theories and methods of physics; statistical calculations, such as quantitative and qualitative data processing, graphical presentation of results, were for tracking the dynamics of the levels of formation of the ability of future energy specialists to solve practical problems and establishing the scientific reliability of the results of the study. Results. The essence of physical projects and features of their using are theoretically substantiated on the example of discipline "Alternative energy", the maintenance of which is directed on formation of ability to apply the received theoretical knowledge, scientific and technical methods for the decision of scientific and technical problems and problems of power. Such criteria as personal, content-procedural, evaluation-regulatory, indicators and diagnostic tools for testing the ability of future energy specialists to solve practical problems with the using of physics methods are characterized. The analysis of experimental data showed significant qualitative changes in the levels of formation of the ability of future energy specialists to solve practical problems by EG physics. That is confirmed by calculations of Pearson's criterion (17,61> 7,8).

Moacir Marocolo ◽  
Anderson Meireles ◽  
Hiago Leandro Rodrigues de Souza ◽  
Gustavo Ribeiro Mota ◽  
Dustin Jay Oranchuk ◽  

Instagram (IG) reaches millions of people, sharing personal content and all kinds of information, including those related to exercise and health. However, the scientific quality of the posted information is questionable. Thus, this study aimed to analyze whether exercise and health information posted by popular Brazilian IG influencers has technical-scientific accuracy. A personal IG account was created to identify Brazilian IG profiles. The inclusion criteria of the accounts were: (1) having 50% of all the shared posts related to topics about exercise and health, such as nutrition, health and wellness, medicine, or physical fitness; and (2) having over 100,000 followers. Qualitative analysis revealed a low quality percentage (38.79 ± 25.43%) for all analyzed posts. Out of all the posts, only 13 (~2.7%) cited a reference endorsing the information. Moreover, the higher quality-ratio score of the posts was not directly associated with the higher educational qualification of the influencers (r = 0.313; p = 0.076). Nevertheless, the number of followers was inversely correlated with the educational qualification of the influencers (r = −0.450; p = 0.009), but not with the quality-ratio score of the posts (r = −0.178 p = 0.322). We conclude that prominent Brazilian IG influencers disseminate low-quality information about exercise and health, contributing to the wide-spreading of misinformation to millions of followers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-86
Onora O’Neill

Discussion of the ethics of digital communication often focuses on the speech content communicated, rather than on the speech acts performed. This can be illustrated by data protection approaches to rights to privacy, which seek to prevent the reuse of personal content unless the relevant data subjects give informed consent. Unfortunately, the partition of content into personal and non-personal is insecure: personal data can sometimes be inferred from data not seen as personal. A more robust approach to digital ethics would focus on communicative action, and would query the degree of protection and above all the anonymity available to those who control and organize others’ digital communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-95
Eva Solina Gultom

Abstract—The coronavirus has fully motivated a number of regions in Indonesia to implement Large-Scale General Restrictions (PSBB). This policy may be the right solution. However, it also brings with it a recent dilemma embracing women. PSBB has influenced individuals to limit their physical mobility and move them to use high dependence on technology platforms including the web or social media. The intensity and repetition of social media use leads to online aggression compared to the case of women. The Jakarta Women's Legal Aid Institute noted that there were 30 cases of online violence against women in Indonesia in March and April 2020. Unfortunately, this number continues to increase from year to year. Many forms of online sex-based violence exist and most of them aim to intimidate, humiliate, and dominate women. Some of them are online sexual harassment, fear of sharing personal content with exploitation themes, dating violence, and online extortion. Surprisingly, not all women in Indonesia understand and report these forms of violence to the National Commission for the Protection of Women or related agencies due to the lack of information and socialization from local governments during the pandemic. As a result, this issue marks a long list of solutions involving governments and the private sector to make online violence worse. This paper will explicitly show the importance of eradicating online violence against women during the Coronavirus in Indonesia. Courage to speak is needed. Community support to exercise their right to vote is very important to voice positive things and stop violence against women. Keywords: covid-19,gender, Indonesia, online violence, woman Abstrak—Virus corona telah mendorong sejumlah daerah di Indonesia untuk menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Kebijakan ini mungkin bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat. Namun, hal tersebut dapat menjadi dilemma bagi perempuan. PSBB telah mempengaruhi setiap individu untuk membatasi mobilitas fisik dan menggerakkan masyarakat untuk memiliki ketergantungan tinggi terhadap teknologi, seperti internet atau media sosial. Jumlah intensitas dan penggunaan media social yang semakin meningkatkian harinya, mengarah kepada agresi online terhadap perempuan. Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Perempuan Jakarta mencatat ada 30 kasus kekerasan online terhadap perempuan di Indonesia pada Maret dan April 2020. Sayangnya, jumlah ini terus meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Ada banyak bentuk kekerasan berbasis seks online dan mayoritas diantaranya bertujuan untuk mengintimidasi, mempermalukan, untuk membagikan konten pribadi yang mengarah kepada eksploitasi, kekerasan dalam berpacaran, dan pemerasan online. Anehnya, tidak semua perempuan di Indonesia memahami dan melaporkan bentuk-bentuk kekerasan tersebut ke Komnas Perempuan atau instansi terkait karena minimnya informasi dan sosialisasi dari pemerintah daerah selama pandemi. Akibatnya, masalah ini menandai daftar panjang dan solusi terhadap buruknya kekerasan online yang melibatkan pemerintah dan sektor swasta. Tulisan ini secara eksplisit akan menunjukkan pentingnya pemberantasan kekerasan online terhadap perempuan selama virus Corona di Indonesia. Dibutuhkan keberanian untuk berbicara. Dukungan masyarakat untuk menggunakan hak pilihnya sangat penting untuk menyuarakan hal-hal positif dan menghentikan kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Kata kunci: covid-19, gender, Indonesia, kekerasan online, perempuan

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Yichun Zhao ◽  
Jens Weber

Social media has become a major part of people’s daily lives as it provides users with the convenience to connect with people, interact with friends, share personal content with others, and gather information. However, it also creates opportunities for fake users. Fake users on social media may be perceived as popular and influential if not detected. They might spread false information or fake news by making it look real, manipulating real users into making  certain decisions. In computer science, a social network can be treated as a graph, which is a data structure consisting of nodes being the social media users, and edges being the connections between users. Graph data can be stored in a graph database for efficient data analysis. In this paper, we propose using a graph database to achieve an increased scalability to accommodate larger graphs. Centrality measures as features were extracted for the random forest classifier to successfully detect fake users with high precision, recall, and accuracy. We have achieved promising results especially when compared with previous studies.   

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-74
Andrew Cain

Jerome composed a total of eight prefaces for his four Pauline commentaries: one for each of the three books of the Galatians and Ephesians commentaries, and one each for the Titus and Philemon commentaries. In half of these prefaces he includes personal content which has nothing to do with the epistle under comment. This chapter argues that he deployed these four prefaces to work toward a number of goals at once—cultivate literary patrons in Rome, defend his opus Paulinum against anticipated criticism, and displace Marius Victorinus and install himself as the Latin West’s first legitimate commentator on Paul.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 95-110
Miisa Rotola-Pukkila ◽  
Pekka Isotalus

Sosiaalisen median vaikuttajien seuraajille voi muodostua affektiivisia ystävyyden kaltaisia tunnesiteitä eli parasosiaalisia suhteita seuraamiansa mediapersoonia kohtaan. Sosiaalisessa mediassa on otolliset lähtökohdat parasosiaalisten tunteiden syntymiselle ja kehittymiselle, kun vaikuttajat päästävät katsojat kurkistamaan elämäänsä kuvien ja videoiden välityksellä, kertovat itsestään henkilökohtaisia asioita seuraajilleen ja puhuttelevat yleisöä tuttavalliseen tyyliin.Artikkelissa syvennytään parasosiaalisen suhteen syntyyn ja sitä edistäviin tekijöihin. Tutkimuksen kohteena on sosiaalisen median vaikuttaja Mmiisas eli Miisa Rotola-Pukkila. Tutkimus toteutettiin netnografisella tutkimusmenetelmällä, ja parasosiaalisen suhteen ilmenemistä vaikuttajalle tarkasteltiin seuraajien lähettämistä Instagramin yksityisviesteistä. Lisäksi vaikuttaja kirjasi havaintojaan ja ajatuksiaan parasosiaalisesta ilmiöstä kolmen viikon ajan tutkimuspäiväkirjaan.Tuloksista ilmeni, että ainakin osalla seuraajista saattaa olla hyvinkin vahva parasosiaalinen suhde sosiaalisen median vaikuttajaan. Seuraajien yksityisviesteistä oli havaittavissa monia kuvitellun ystävyyden piirteitä, jotka osoittavat vahvaa yksipuolista tunnesidettä vaikuttajaan. Mmiisas-vaikuttajan lähes kaikki sisältö perustuu itsestäkertomiseen. Tuloksista on nähtävissä, että kaikista henkilökohtaisimmat aiheet edistivät vahvimmin seuraajien parasosiaalisen suhteen ulottuvuuksien ilmenemistä viesteissä.Tulosten pohjalta artikkelissa myös pohditaan, missä mielessä parasosiaalinen suhde on vaikuttajalle tavoittelemisen arvoista, sillä Mmiisas-vaikuttaja rakentaa tiivistä ja lähes ystävyydenkaltaista suhdetta seuraajiinsa yksityisyytensä kustannuksella. Seuraajien vastavuoroinen viestintä ja avoin itsestäkertominen antavat uudenlaista näkemystä siitä, että parasosiaalinen suhde voi olla kuvitellun ystävyyden lisäksi vastavuoroinen ja vahva luottamussuhde vaikuttajan ja yleisön välillä.Avainsanat: parasosiaalisuus, parasosiaalinen suhde, sosiaalinen media, julkisuus, InstagramFriendship or illusion? The appearance of parasocial relationships in followers’ messages to the social media influencerFollowers may develop an emotional, affective, and one-sided friendship-like bond with a social media influencer, also known as a parasocial relationship. Social media creates a good basis for the development of parasocial relationships because followers have an opportunity to peek into influencers’ private lives, while the influencers disclose personal issues and address the audience in an acquaintance-like style.In this article, the formation of parasocial relationships and the elements that foster them are considered. The study aims to investigate an audience’s relationship with Finnish social media influencer Mmiisas (Miisa Rotola-Pukkila). The method used was netnography. The data were collected from private messages, which the followers sent to the influencer on Instagram. The influencer Mmiisas also kept a research journal during the three-week research period.Results revealed that at least some of the followers had a strong parasocial relationship with the influencer. In the private messages, there were many features of imagined friendship that showed a strong one-sided relationship with the influencer. Nearly all of Mmiisas’ content is based on self-disclosure. The results showed that highly personal content seems to foster the characteristics of followers’ parasocial relationships in their messages.The article discusses how beneficial a parasocial relationship is for an influencer. For example, Mmiisas seemed to build a strong friendship-like bond with her followers by sharing pieces of private information. The followers’ reciprocal communication and self-disclosure create the perspective that a parasocial relationship may also be a confidential relationship between an influencer and his or her followers.Keywords: parasociality, parasocial relationship, social media, publicity, Instagram

Yang Feiyu

The purpose of the article is devoted to the peculiarities of creative interpretation of musical works in vocal performance, namely the consideration of a number of professional and personal characteristics of singers, as well as three interrelated stages of the process of creative interpretation. The methodology of the study is dialectical and systemic methodologies used in the field of cultural studies. General scientific and logical methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction, historical and comparative research of the problem are used. The author applies a hermeneutic approach to the study of the essence of vocal-performing style, identifying the personal content of objects to be interpreted. The scientific novelty of the work lies in deepening ideas about modern stylistic trends in vocal performance, clarifying the essence of the concepts of «performing style», «vocal-performing style», substantiating the tendency to interest in classical vocal works in modern vocal performance. Conclusions. Nowadays there is a steady tendency to interest in classical vocal works. The more significant, richer, and deeper in content the works of the past, the greater the preconditions for the interpretations of performers of one era and subsequent eras to be quite diverse and modified in the future, by bringing unique and individual means of expression in the interpretation of classical works. Active development of the classical tradition can be considered a stable and natural trend in the development of modern vocal and performing arts.

Ankit Kumar Jain ◽  
Somya Ranjan Sahoo ◽  
Jyoti Kaubiyal

AbstractWith fast-growing technology, online social networks (OSNs) have exploded in popularity over the past few years. The pivotal reason behind this phenomenon happens to be the ability of OSNs to provide a platform for users to connect with their family, friends, and colleagues. The information shared in social network and media spreads very fast, almost instantaneously which makes it attractive for attackers to gain information. Secrecy and surety of OSNs need to be inquired from various positions. There are numerous security and privacy issues related to the user’s shared information especially when a user uploads personal content such as photos, videos, and audios. The attacker can maliciously use shared information for illegitimate purposes. The risks are even higher if children are targeted. To address these issues, this paper presents a thorough review of different security and privacy threats and existing solutions that can provide security to social network users. We have also discussed OSN attacks on various OSN web applications by citing some statistics reports. In addition to this, we have discussed numerous defensive approaches to OSN security. Finally, this survey discusses open issues, challenges, and relevant security guidelines to achieve trustworthiness in online social networks.

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