International Journal of Southeast Asia
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Published By Literasi Kita Indonesia


2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Sumarto Sumarto ◽  
Ahamad Faosiy Ogunbado

This paper discusses Leadership and Islam Wasathiyah Perspective of The Qur'an, Hadith and 'Ulama. The leadership displayed by a leader is an implication of his ability to manage his emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. Goleman in Abd. Kadim Masaong said that optimizing the management of emotional intelligence will produce four competency domains that are very effective in creating a leadership style, namely, the domains of selfawareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Tawassuth is an attitude that is in the middle or between two attitudes, namely not too far to the right (fundamentalist) and too far to the left (liberalist). With this tawassuth attitude, Islam will be easily accepted in all walks of life. The character of tawassuth in Islam is the middle point between the two ends and it is a virtue that has been placed by Allah Subhana wata'ala from the start. The value of tawassuth, which has become a principle in Islam, needs to be applied in all fields so that the religion of Islam and the religious expressions of Muslims become witnesses of measuring the truth for all human attitudes and behavior in general.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
H. M Umar

Marriage in Indonesia has been regulated in laws and regulations that apply to all Indonesian people, namely the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974.[1] In this Law as stated in Article 2 which reads that marriage is only valid, if it is carried out according to each religion and belief, then each marriage is recorded based on the applicable laws and regulations. The Jambi Religious Court as the executor of judicial power in the Jambi Religious High Court area has received 2 (two)cases isbat/ marriage ratifications for non-Muslim husbands and wives to become converts to get legal certainty from marriage before embracing Islam, namely the case with Number 14/Pdt.P /2017/PA Jmb on 01 February 2017 and the case with Number 64/Pdt.P/2019/PA Jmb on 09 August 2019. The reason for converting husbands and wives to submit isbat/ marriage ratification is because marriage before embracing Islam does not have a certificate marriage from the Civil Registry Office. So that the husband and wife of the converts filed a case isbat/ marriage ratification to the Jambi Religious Court to ask for the validity of their marriage. The Jambi Religious Court judge who tried the case, in his decision, granted the request and declared the marriage of a husband and wife to be converts to Islam without advocating remarriage. Even though the marital status of a non-Muslim husband and wife when they converted to Islam, the scholars were still debating until they were divided into two groups.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Tsulis Amiruddin Zahri

The Covid-19 pandemic has replaced face-to-face learning with online learning. Universities take advantage of the Siakadcloud application which has various challenges. The readiness of lecturers, students, and most importantly the internet network must be in harmony without any obstacles. Siakadcloud is an application that has just been socialized, of course it has the potential to cause stuttering, plus the distribution of internet networks is still questionable. This can trigger incoherence and cohesiveness in participating in teaching and learning activities. Whereas the urgency of Pancasila education is to teach about awareness of living together in the nation and state. This study aims to identify the challenges of online learning in strengthening students' Pancasila values ??as an effort to support the 4th goal of sustainable development (SDGs), namely quality education in the field of Civics Education. Using qualitative-descriptive research methods with analysis technique Creswell (2004), then combined with the concept of social solidarity (Emil Durkheim). The object of research is Pancasila Education class students in the odd semester of 2021 at Bangka Belitung University. The results showed that Pancasila education for students taught the values ??of unity, love for the homeland, and pluralism. So the strengthening of Pancasila values ??focuses on these three topics. The interesting thing is, students at Bangka Belitung University have a social environment that practices a good religious life. So that it becomes the basis for new students to strengthen the values ??of Pancasila through the value of God Almighty. On the other hand, the social solidarity that is formed in student online learning is organic solidarity which is a division of tasks based on the specifications of each new student's expertise.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Gabby Maureen Pricilia ◽  
Habib Rahmansyah

This study aim to determine the effect of using local wisdom based learning model on students’ writing narrative text ability at the fourth semester students of English Education Program in Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan. The research type is quantitative with experimental method. The researcher collected the data by using composition writing test. The sample was taken by using total sampling technique, it was 25 students. The data were then analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis, it was t-test formula by Arikunto. The results of the research are the mean score of students’ writing ability before using local wisdom based learning model was 53.54 which categorized bad, then after using local wisdom based learning model was 82.50 which categorized good. The hypothesis testing showed that t-test was higher than t-table, it means that the hypothesis is accepted. The finding of research reveals that there is a significant effect of local wisdom based learning model on students’ writing narrative text ability at the fourth semester students of English Education Program in Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Siti Marlina

This paper is about Islamic Law on Mediation in Indonesia; Position and Strategy. Islamic law in the context of its position and strategy towards national law becoming positive law has sparked ongoing controversy since independence until now. The various strategies and explanations about them give a special style to the peculiarities of Islamic legal thought in Indonesia. This paper focuses on how the position and strategy of Islamic law in the positivization of law in Indonesia. The plurality of Indonesian law, which is a necessity, becomes a positive partner for Islamic law towards the positivization of legal law nationally. The strategy taken is to unite perceptions which are the substance of Islamic teachings in the meaning of sharia and fiqh in the form of universality values that exist in Islam such as the substance of justice, honesty, equality, balance and the like. The concept of mediation in Islamic law must be in accordance with PERMA No. 1 of 2016, its position and strategy. Mediation is nothing more than facilitating the negotiation process, where a mediator tries to help the parties negotiate effectively and efficiently so that they can reach the decisions they want. There are two simple rules for mediators proposed by Stitt, namely the first is do no harm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Murniyanto Murniyanto

This research is looking at the current conditions that hit the whole world, namely the corona virus pandemic. A pandemic that causes the entire order of world life to change in all fields, one of which is in the field of education. Due to a pandemic, all activities outside the home are limited. Education is very important in life, therefore education must continue to be carried out during this pandemic. Schools during the pandemic are completed remotely or also known as web or internet learning. Distance learning interactions can maintain distance, and do not cause extreme sports outside the home, of course to maintain health. Furthermore, to find on the web or the internet the learning steps are well done. Exploration is subjective and the subjects of this test are educators and students of SDN class 1V Muara Tiku. The exam cycle begins with the perception to decide on the school's internet learning interactions. Further meetings and documentation. The information collected is checked using reports or explanations from educators and students. The achievement of learning with an online framework in Indonesian language learning includes (a) the use of whatsapp gatherings, (b) dramatization techniques and online conversations, (c) supporting elements for picking up network distances that must be steady and displaced using media, (d) inhibiting factors for interaction learning is an organization that is often disconnected from the network, the topics are difficult to understand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
H. M Umar

This paper is entitled Perspective of Islamic Law on LGBT Behavior (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) which explains that as khal?fah, humans must submit, obey, obey, and serve Allah-not to others-in a broad sense based on the provisions which is stated in shar?'ah. For the convenience of carrying out this great mandate, Allah has equipped with super complete facilities starting from the mind, heart, five senses, sent by the prophet and given the book of the Qur'an as the main guide, although not a few people are still lost. As humans who have external dimensions, humans are given the freedom to enjoy their needs while in the world, including the need to eat, drink, and their biological needs (sexuality). The fulfillment of these needs must be in line with the demands of religion, it should not be as human. That means that human life, both in the spiritual dimension and in the worldly dimension, all of his actions are very tied to the provisions of Allah in this case is shar?'ah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Lidya Triani ◽  
Lias Hasibuan ◽  
Kemas Imron Rosyadi

This study aims to find a profile of Quality Management Implementation in three Private Vocational High Schools with a detailed aim of finding an implementation model to provide information to all other private vocational high schools that have not achieved “A” accreditation so that they can achieve “ A “ accreditation. This research is a qualitative research, where the reseach is conducted in three private vocational high schools in Jambi city which are accredited “A” represented in Yadika, PGRI 2, Pelita Raya schools. Data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation, data Analysis using the Cresweel model and data valiidity techniques using data triangulation. The results of the research on Implementation of Quality Development Management at private vocational high schools in the form of innovative ideas that are applied in the field, cover a number of aspects that are quite broad because the customers of a Bujan scholl are only students but also administrative staff, teachers, and stakeholders or the community. The Conclusion of this study is that the Quality development management in Increasing the Competitive Advantage of Private vocational high schools in Jambi Provinces is the existence of a solid and responsible team commitment and cooperation in order to get special attention from the community and become an option for the community, the success factor of the Implementation of Quality development management, what can increase competitive advantage in private vocational schools in Jambi Province is organized management, supported by reliable human resources, good relations with the enviroment and the world of work, mature leadership policies, support from foundations and a solid work plan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Zainal Arifin ◽  
A. Husein Ritonga ◽  
Hadri Hasan

In Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning waqf and Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning the implementation of Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning waqf which regulates immovable and movable waqf to provide opportunities for those whose lives are simple but want to do good. Of the eleven City Regencies in Jambi Province, one of them is Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency has 11 sub-districts, 20 sub-districts and 73 villages (out of a total of 141 sub-districts, 163 sub-districts and 1,399 villages throughout Jambi). In 2017, the population was 222,834 people with an area of 5,445.00 km² and a population distribution of 41 people/km². The research methodology used is sociological/empirical research and uses a qualitative approach, referring to all regulations or laws and regulations relating to the legal issues under study, namely research on the norms contained in the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. The results of the study, namely the regulation of waqf property management, show that the current waqf property management regulatory system is a pattern of regulation of waqf property management which is still considered traditional-consumptive. This can be known through several aspects: Leadership, Recruitment of nazira human resources, Operationalization of empowerment, Patterns of utilization of results, and control and accountability systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Syamsul Arif

Every activity of the school organization must be supervised by the principal. This is important because without supervision, all school program activities will not be successful. In this case, if there are deviations, it cannot be detected early and in detail. The role of the principal in this case is very important, in other words that success in carrying out supervision is largely determined by the skills of the supervisor. Supervision comes from the words super and vision which means to see and review from above or view and judge from above what is done by superiors on activities, creativity, and bottom performance.

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