oblique rotation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (11) ◽  
pp. 2582-2588
Rabia Ishaq ◽  
Aiesha Ishaque ◽  
Qaiser Iqbal ◽  
Faisal Shahzad ◽  
Nafees Ahmed ◽  

Objective To examine the psychometric properties of the Urdu version of the Quality of Life Questionnaire for Physiological Pregnancy (QOL-GRAV). Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Obstetrics, Gynecology department of Sandeman Provincial Hospital, Quetta. The QOL-GRAV was translated into Urdu by using a forward-backward procedure. The test-retest reliability was assessed through Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis. The validity of the translated questionnaire was constructed by using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) through principal axis factoring extraction and Oblique rotation with Kaiser Normalization. SPSS v 20.0 was used for data analysis with p<0.05 as significant. Results The Urdu version of the questionnaire (QOL-GRAV-U) exhibited acceptable alpha values of 0.780 (Test) and 0.812 (Retest) at two-time points with an overall value of 0.790 (field test). All items of the QOL-GRAV-U showed good stability with Intraclass Correlation Coefficient values of > 0.80. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy for the factor analysis was 0.812. Barlett’s Test of Sphericity was significant (Chi-square = 1032.43; p < 0.05) revealing relationships of the data and suitability of EFA. Three factors explaining the total variance of 65% were extracted whereby loading values for all nine constructs were acceptable (> 0.40).  Conclusion The results of this study conclude that the translated version of QOL-GRAV-U is a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of QoL for pregnant women in regions where Urdu is a prime language of communication. Continuous....

Marta Walentynowicz ◽  
Iris van de Pavert ◽  
Liselotte Fierens ◽  
Sofie Coenen ◽  
Johan W S Vlaeyen ◽  

Abstract Background and Aims Disease-related behaviours that may maintain or worsen symptom burden remain largely unexplored in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study, we developed and validated an instrument assessing IBD-related, modifiable behaviours and explored which behaviours prospectively correlate with fatigue, a debilitating and common symptom in IBD. Methods Initially, 72 items reflecting IBD-related behaviours were generated based on literature review and input from clinicians and people diagnosed with IBD. During wave 1, 495 IBD patients rated to what extent each behaviour was applicable to them. Additionally, disease activity, fatigue, IBD-related concerns, and psychological variables were assessed. During a follow-up visit 4-12 weeks later (wave 2), a random selection of 92 patients from wave 1 completed the measures assessing the IBD-related behaviours, disease activity, and fatigue once more. Results A principal component analysis with oblique rotation revealed seven components in the 72 IBD behaviours, which could be interpreted as: (1) Avoiding food and activities, (2) Access to toilets, (3) Avoidance of sex, (4) Cognitive avoidance, (5) Not sharing with others, (6) Alternative treatments, and (7) Disease management. Each component was reduced to 3-5 representative items, resulting in a final, 25-item IBD-Bx questionnaire showing good concurrent validity (alphas &gt; .63) and reliability. Almost all components were cross-sectionally related to levels of fatigue. Avoiding Food and Activities and Access to Toilets significantly predicted fatigue at wave 2 when controlling for baseline fatigue. Conclusions The IBD-Bx is a valid and reliable questionnaire of IBD-related behaviours, some of which predict future fatigue burden.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 70-93
Rosa Paola Figuerola-Escoto ◽  
David Luna ◽  
Miguel Angel Lezana-Fernández ◽  
Fernando Meneses-González

Introduction: Psychological well-being favors the functioning of personal and social life. Valid and reliable instruments are necessary for its evaluation that allow deciding and assessing the actions necessary to promote it. Objective. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Scale of Psychological Well-being for Adults (BIEPS-A) in a Mexican sample. Methods: The BIEPS-A scale and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were administered to 188 university students and 94 participants from the general population. Results: A parallel analysis detected a single factor in the BIEPS-A scale, structured by exploratory factor analysis (main components, oblique rotation) that retained 9 items and explained 54% of the variance. Internal consistency ranged from acceptable (Cronbach's α = .78) to high (ordinal alpha = .90). ROC curve analysis identified a cut-off point equivalent to the median (AUC = .72, p <.01) and another to the 75th percentile (AUC = .80, p <.01). The latter identified as a woman, between 18 and 25 years old with a low or slight level of self-esteem as predictors of a low level of psychological well-being. The BIEPS-A scale showed concurrent (r = .57) and predictive (β = .63) validity with the EAR. Discussion and conclusions: The BIEPS-A scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychological well-being in the Mexican population. However, the differences with respect to its original structure indicate the need for a psychological well-being scale designed specifically for the Mexican population.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003022282110436
Joachim Wittkowski ◽  
Pierre-Marc Paré

This study examines the structure of death-related attitudes among French-speaking people. Participants from Canada, Belgium, France, and from Switzerland whose mother tongue was French in an online survey responded to the French adaptation of the item pool of the Multidimensional Orientation Toward Dying and Death Inventory (MODDI; N = 373). Exploratory factor analyses with orthogonal and oblique rotation yielded a 5-factor Fear domain and a 3-factor Acceptance domain, thereby reproducing the a-priori conceptualization. These results are discussed with respect to the issue of universal dimensions of death-related attitudes across cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Marko Marelić ◽  
Joško Viskić ◽  
Lovela Machala Poplašen ◽  
Danko Relić ◽  
Dražen Jokić ◽  

Abstract Background Social media permeated everyday life and consequently it brought some changes to behaviour of health professionals. New form of professionalism emerged called e-professionalism depicting professional behaviour while using social media. There are a number of studies conducted in the past several years measuring behaviour of different populations of health professionals on social media and social media sites. Many studies have investigated aspects of e-professionalism of medical or dental students as future health professionals, but there are no validated instruments made for assessing attitude towards e-professionalism of those two populations. Objective of this paper is to validate a newly developed scale for measuring attitudes towards e-professionalism among medical and dental students. Methods The original 32-item scale was developed and administered to 411 medical students (RR 69%), and 287 dental students (RR 49.7%). Exploratory factor analysis was used to investigate the existence of underlying factors. Principal component analysis was used as an extraction method with oblimin as selected oblique rotation method. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess reliability. Results Total of 698 student answers entered analysis. The final scale had 24 items that formed seven factors named: ethical aspects, dangers of social media, excluding physicians, freedom of choice, importance of professionalism, physicians in the digital age, negative consequences. Cronbach’s alpha indicating scale reliability was .72. Reliability conducted on each factor ranged from .570 to .877. Conclusions The scale measures seven factors of attitude towards e-professionalism and exhibits satisfactory reliability. Based on insights from validation, some possible improvements are suggested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Vera Dimitrievska ◽  
Ana Tomovska Misoska

Introduction: This paper examines the factors and approaches the question of patients’ satisfaction in the health care delivery system in North Macedonia. Aim: The study aims to assess how key service quality dimensions relate to an important measure of performance patient satisfaction and to find the elements that are valued by patients and the reasons behind patient satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Materials and method: In this research study, the factor analysis was used to group 12 questions measuring patient satisfaction under certain extent with Promax oblique rotation using the satisfaction responses gauged by importance. We have performed a structural equation model (SEM) to determine the relationships between one or more independent variables (IVs). Results: All component measures were greater than .702 which shows strong internal reliability among components. The reliability levels for the three components were .842 for the hospital environment, .835 for admin and .702 for interaction with health care professionals. Cronbach’s Alpha test of the whole instrument was .903. Conclusions: The explanatory factor analysis (EFA) analysis identified three distinct components or factors of patient satisfaction: (i) hospital environment, (ii) medical administration and (iii) interactions with professionals or staff behaviour. These three factors obtained after exploratory factor analysis have a significant impact on patient satisfaction. This path estimates for our model provide insights into relationships among various constructs.

2021 ◽  
Vera Dimitrievska ◽  
Ana Tomovska Misoska

Introduction: This paper examines the factors and approaches the question of patients’ satisfaction in the health care delivery system in North Macedonia. Aim: The study aims to assess how key service quality dimensions relate to an important measure of performance patient satisfaction and to find the elements that are valued by patients and the reasons behind patient satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Materials and method: In this research study, the factor analysis was used to group 12 questions measuring patient satisfaction under certain extent with Promax oblique rotation using the satisfaction responses gauged by importance. We have performed a structural equation model (SEM) to determine the relationships between one or more independent variables (IVs). Results: All component measures were greater than .702 which shows strong internal reliability among components. The reliability levels for the three components were .842 for the hospital environment, .835 for admin and .702 for interaction with health care professionals. Cronbach’s Alpha test of the whole instrument was .903. Conclusions: The explanatory factor analysis (EFA) analysis identified three distinct components or factors of patient satisfaction: (i) hospital environment, (ii) medical administration and (iii) interactions with professionals or staff behaviour. These three factors obtained after exploratory factor analysis have a significant impact on patient satisfaction. This path estimates for our model provide insights into relationships among various constructs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Wahyu Setyaningrum ◽  
Edward E. Pandelaki ◽  
Atik - Suprapti

Abstract: Melikan Village as a tourist village for pottery craftsmen is the only one in the world with an oblique rotation technique. This village is unique in its anthropological design. This study will discuss how the design anthropology in Melikan Village, which can be seen from the regional design pattern, its composition, the designation function so as to form a relationship of form-function-meaning in the region. The method used is descriptive with journals and books that discuss the anthropology of the Melikan Village area, accompanied by direct observation and study of the state of the Melikan tourist village. Some of the theories used are: figure ground theory, linkage, form and symbols, as well as the forming elements of urban planning which are used to analyze the macro and micro (building) as form-function-meaning relation (region). From the research carried out, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between the form-function-meaning of anthropology found in the Melikan Tourism Village Area. In macro: such as the existence of figure ground theory, Linkage, shapes and symbols, as well as elements of urban planning, In micro (residents' houses,showrooms and Sunan Pandanaran’s mosque) there are several similarities in the shape of the building (Adjusting the state of the room), Building structures that use structures and roofs to adjust the shape of the house, Facades are made of woven bamboo and some of the bricks and ornaments, some of which use earthenware columns, as well as in mosque buildings found in the form of buildings that are symmetrical and taller than the surrounding area, the canopy roof structure containing the crown as a symbol of Allah's power, simple facades and windows made of wood, and ornaments on the door with plant motifs symbolizing closeness to nature. There is integration between residents' houses as a center for pottery craftsmen, a showroom and the Sunan Pandanaran mosque. Abstrak: Desa Melikan sebagai desa wisata pengrajin gerabah satu-satunya di dunia dengan teknik Putaran Miring, desa ini memiliki kekhasan dalam hal desain antropologinya. Kajian ini akan membahas bagaimana antropologi design yang ada di Desa Melikan, yang dapat dilihat dari pola desain wilayah, komposisinya, fungsi peruntukan sehingga membentuk hubungan dari bentuk-fungsi-makna di wilayah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan jurnal dan buku yang membahas antropologi kawasan Desa Melikan ini, disertai dengan observasi dan studi langsung keadaan Desa Wisata Melikan. Beberapa teori yang digunakan seperti: teori figure ground, linkage, form dan symbol, serta elemen pembentuk tata kota yang digunakan untuk menganalisis relasi bentuk-fungsi-makna ruang secara makro (Wilayah) dan mikro (Bangunan). Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada korelasi antara bentuk–fungsi–makna antropologi yang terdapat di Kawasan Desa Wisata Melikan: seperti adanya teori figure ground, keterkaitan (Linkage), bentuk dan simbol, serta elemen pembentuk tata kota, pada bangunan rumah warga dan showroom terdapat beberapa kesamaan pada bentuk bangunan (Menyesuaikan keadaan ruang), Struktur bangunan yang menggunakaan struktur dan atap menyesuaikan bentuk rumah, Fasad terbuat dari anyaman bambu dan beberapa dari bata serta ornamen ditemui pada rumah tinggal ada yang menggunakan kolom dari gerabah, serta pada bangunan masjid ditemui berupa bentuk bangunan yang simetris dan lebih tinggi dari daerah di sekitarnya, struktur atap tajuk yang terdapat mahkota sebagai simbol kekuasaan Allah, fasad yang sederhana dan jendela yang terbuat dari kayu, serta ornamen pada pintu yang bermotif tanaman melambangkan kedekatan dengan alam. Adanya integrasi antara rumah warga sebagai sentra pengrajin gerabah, showroom dan Masjid Sunan Pandanaran.

Patricia Montiel-Overall

Exploratory factor analysis was used to examine the structure of a 32-item teacher and librarian collaboration survey (TLC-II). The survey consisted of two scales with 16 items in each scale, Frequency and Importance to Student Learning. Scores from teacher surveys (N=194) were examined using principal axis factoring and oblique rotation to identify underlying constructs. A four factor interpretable structure of teacher and librarian collaboration emerged providing support for a proposed model of teacher and librarian collaboration. Internal consistency was high for the overall scale and for each of the factors. The results of this study provide a basis for further refinement of the instrument in preparation for broad distribution among teachers and librarians.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 926-926
Erika Friedmann ◽  
Nancy Gee ◽  
Eleanor Simonsick ◽  
Barbara Resnick ◽  
Erik Barr ◽  

Abstract Pet ownership (PO) has been linked to better health outcomes in older adults, particularly those with chronic health conditions. It is suggested that pets influence their owners lives both by encouraging social interaction and by interfering with owners’ willingness or ability to seek care for themselves. We use data from 6 questions about the positive and negative influence of pets on community dwelling older adults’ administered to pet owners (N=223, age &gt;=50 years) in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. We use principal components analysis (oblique rotation) to extract dimensions of owner’s perceptions of pet influences (PPI) and examine the relationship of these dimensions to owners’ cognitive, physical functional, and psychological status. Three dimensions of PPI include: fiscal/health challenges (F1: 3 items, alpha=0.70), wellness promotion (F2: 2 items, alpha=0.80); and reason for social/travel constraints (F3: 1 item). In regression analysis with all factors entered simultaneously, after controlling for age, higher magnitude of F1 significantly independently predicted poor physical quality of life (p=.0007), greater perceived stress (p=0.041), and lower happiness (p=0.014); F2 did not independently predict any health outcome; higher F3 significantly independently predicted lower emotional vitality (p=0.048). Controlling for age, all three factors were independent predictors of pet attachment (p’s=0.001, 0.010, 0.047, respectively). F1 and F3 were positively and F2 was negatively correlated with attachment. PPI was associated with owners’ physical and mental health. Perhaps older adults with higher attachment to pets are more likely to keep them despite higher challenges.

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