resonance model
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Michael J. Bank ◽  
Nicola Scafetta

Orbital systems are often self-organized and/or characterized by harmonic relations. Inspired by music theory, we rewrite the Geddes and King-Hele (QJRAS, 24, 10–13, 1983) equations for mirror symmetries among the distances of the planets of the Solar System in an elegant and compact form by using the 2/3rd power of the ratios of the semi-major axis lengths of two neighboring planets (eight pairs, including the belt of the asteroids). This metric suggests that the Solar System could be characterized by a scaling and mirror-like structure relative to the asteroid belt that relates together the terrestrial and Jovian planets. These relations are based on a 9/8 ratio multiplied by powers of 2, which correspond musically to the interval of the Pythagorean epogdoon (a Major Second) and its addition with one or more octaves. Extensions of the same model are discussed and found compatible also with the still hypothetical vulcanoid asteroids versus the transneptunian objects. The found relation also suggests that the planetary self-organization of our system could be generated by the 3:1 and 7:3 resonances of Jupiter, which are already known to have shaped the asteroid belt. The proposed model predicts the main Kirkwood asteroid gaps and the ratio among the planetary orbital parameters with a 99% accuracy, which is three times better than an alternative, recently proposed harmonic-resonance model for the Solar System. Furthermore, the ratios of neighboring planetary pairs correspond to four musical “consonances” having frequency ratios of 5/4 (Major Third), 4/3 (Perfect Fourth), 3/2 (Perfect Fifth) and 8/5 (Minor Sixth); the probability of obtaining this result randomly has a p < 0.001. Musical consonances are “pleasing” tones that harmoniously interrelate when sounded together, which suggests that the orbits of the planets of our Solar System could form some kind of gravitationally optimized and coordinated structure. Physical modeling indicates that energy non-conserving perturbations could drive a planetary system into a self-organized periodic state with characteristics vaguely similar of those found in our Solar System. However, our specific finding suggests that the planetary organization of our Solar System could be rather peculiar and based on more complex and unknown dynamical structures.

Toshihide IDE ◽  
Mitsuaki Shimizu ◽  
Noriyuki TAKADA

Abstract We establish the method for estimating the stray elements of the GaN-WPT circuit by measuring the radiated emission around the GaN switching device. By controlling the circuit supply voltage, the spectrum peak shift due to the output capacitance of the GaN-HEMT is observed. It is found that these peak shift characteristics include the influence of both the stray wire inductance and stray capacitance. By the fitting using the series resonance model, the value of the stray inductance and stray capacitance can be estimated in the non-destructive measurement in the GaN-WPT circuit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (4) ◽  
pp. 042001
S Diakonova ◽  
St Artyshchenko ◽  
N Medvedeva ◽  
M Gusev

Abstract This paper proposes an addition to Kondratyev’s theory of the emergence of innovations in long cycles. Regularities of the emergence of crisis phenomena and the concept of “avalanche-like growth of innovations” are considered. The study investigated the innovation peaks occurring in the middle of the depression phase, followed by the growth stages of economic activity after a certain period of time. Research has shown that the active emergence of innovations, which we have called the “snowballing growth of innovations,” falls in the middle of the depression phase. The authors investigated and supplemented the theory of the triggering effect of depression, which is similar to the action of the trigger, which results in an “avalanche-like growth of innovations”. To describe the processes associated with resonance and trigger effects, the authors propose to use the parametric resonance model and the Mathieu equation. With the help of mathematical modeling of innovation processes, a more accurate description of the periodic change in the number of innovations over time is possible, namely, the “avalanche-like growth of innovations”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 ◽  
Matteo Mancinelli ◽  
Vincent Jaunet ◽  
Peter Jordan ◽  
Aaron Towne

We model the resonance mechanism underpinning generation of A1 and A2 screech tones in an under-expanded supersonic jet. Starting from the resonance model recently proposed by Mancinelli et al. (Exp. Fluids, vol. 60, 2019, p. 22), where the upstream-travelling wave is a neutrally stable guided-jet mode, we here present a more complete linear-stability-based model for screech prediction. We study temperature and shear-layer thickness effects and show that, in order to accurately describe the experimental data, the effect of the finite thickness of the shear layer must be incorporated in the jet-dynamics model. We then present an improved resonance model for screech-frequency predictions in which both downstream- and upstream-travelling waves may have a complex wavenumber and frequency. This resonance model requires knowledge of the reflection coefficients at the upstream and downstream locations of the resonance loop. We explore the effect of the reflection coefficients on the resonance model and propose an approach for their identification. The complex-mode model identifies limited regions of frequency–flow parameter space for which the resonance loop is amplified in time, a necessary condition for the resonance to be sustained. This model provides an improved description of the experimental measurements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yazeed M. I. Qasaymeh

In this study, a miniaturized 2 × 2 sequentially rotated (SR), circularly polarized (CP), and quasi-lumped antenna array that resonates in the IEEE 802.11a band is introduced. The shorting pins technique is implemented to achieve circular radiation patterns, and the resonating elements are excited using a SR quarter-wavelength feeding network. A resonance model of the four radiating elements array is postulated to give a physical insight into the relative dimensions and to allow for a study of the resonance characteristics and the effect of the shorting pins. An antenna model is simulated, fabricated, and measured to authenticate this arrangement, giving results of |S11| < −10 dB and axial ratio (AR) < 3 dB for bandwidths of 3.85% (5.645–5.867 GHz) and 1.54% (5.77–5.86 GHz) for right-hand circular polarization (RHCP). The size of the antenna array structure is 0.696 λ 0 × 0.599 λ 0 × 0.0157 λ 0 at a center frequency of 5.8 GHz.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 566-567
Marcellinus Namas Iskandar ◽  
Fitri Aprilianty

Since the civilized era, branding has played a very important role in business activities which when people recognize the brand, they have a perceived perception of the object. Seems simple and practical, many people mistakenly think that brand-building is an easy thing to do and therefore many businesses are stuck or even fail because they are not built through the appropriate implementation of strategies. One of which included Raiment, an online platforms-based business which helps people to create or customize clothing products. Having a vision to simplify the process of procuring a clothing product that was previously considered inefficient, concerns started to arise after it was known that the number of sales generated by Raiment for more than 1 year operating did not have any significant progress. In fact, most of the sales generated are still related through relatives such as friends and families. The aim of this research is to help Raiment to be able to assess the related factors in building its brand and also develop the right strategy to be able to create a better brand. External and internal analysis are also used in this research to help see the root of the problems faced by Raiment. The external analysis included is Porter's Five Forces, PESTEL Analysis, and Competitor Analysis. Meanwhile, the internal analysis included is Company Analysis and Brand Audit Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the roots of the problems faced by Raiment are around unclear brand-building guidelines, lack of available budget, lack of knowledge regarding the industry, and also lack of brand marketing efforts. Several solutions were proposed to address the root causes of the problem in developing the Raiment brand, such as creating a brand positioning model to increase brand awareness, building a brand resonance model to build brand loyalty, and also creating a brand value chain model to measure returns from the allocated investment for brand marketing activities. The results of this research can also help other businesses in improving and strengthening the existence of their brands, especially in the Indonesian market. With a note, further studies related to the garment/convection industry need to be carried out due to the growing trend.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Patrick Krauss ◽  
Konstantin Tziridis

AbstractRecently, it was proposed that a processing principle called adaptive stochastic resonance plays a major role in the auditory system, and serves to maintain optimal sensitivity even to highly variable sound pressure levels. As a side effect, in case of reduced auditory input, such as permanent hearing loss or frequency specific deprivation, this mechanism may eventually lead to the perception of phantom sounds like tinnitus or the Zwicker tone illusion. Using computational modeling, the biological plausibility of this processing principle was already demonstrated. Here, we provide experimental results that further support the stochastic resonance model of auditory perception. In particular, Mongolian gerbils were exposed to moderate intensity, non-damaging long-term notched noise, which mimics hearing loss for frequencies within the notch. Remarkably, the animals developed significantly increased sensitivity, i.e. improved hearing thresholds, for the frequency centered within the notch, but not for frequencies outside the notch. In addition, most animals treated with the new paradigm showed identical behavioral signs of phantom sound perception (tinnitus) as animals with acoustic trauma induced tinnitus. In contrast, animals treated with broadband noise as a control condition did not show any significant threshold change, nor behavioral signs of phantom sound perception.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6769
Atsushi Honda ◽  
Fumiya Sugino ◽  
Ken Yamamoto

Microbial treatment by ultrasonic waves has been attracting attention as a useful water treatment technology because it does not use special chemicals and the equipment is simple. In addition, because microbial cells are destroyed during treatment, it can be applied to ingredient extraction technology. Although ultrasonic cavitation bubbles are thought to be involved in the processing mechanism, the details of the mechanism remain unclear. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the destruction mechanism of algae, microcapsules, and plankton by ultrasonic waves. Each sample was irradiated with ultrasonic waves over a wide range of frequencies, and frequency dependence was observed in all the samples. For algae and microcapsules, we matched the frequencies against the resonance frequency calculated based on the mechanical resonance model using adjacent ultrasonic cavitation bubbles. As a result, a good match was found. For plankton, partial damage to the shape was observed after ultrasonic irradiation, suggesting that shear stress, which is a local action caused by bubbles, was involved. By estimating the shear stress value based on the vibration equation of bubble, it was confirmed that the tendencies match.

Climate ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 67
Maria Teresa Caccamo ◽  
Salvatore Magazù

Recent decades have registered the hottest temperature variation in instrumentally recorded data history. The registered temperature rise is particularly significant in the so-called hot spot or sentinel regions, characterized by higher temperature increases in respect to the planet average value and by more marked connected effects. In this framework, in the present work, following the climate stochastic resonance model, the effects, due to a temperature increase independently from a specific trend, connected to the 105 year Milankovitch cycle were tested. As a result, a breaking scenario induced by global warming is forecasted. More specifically, a wavelet analysis, innovatively performed with different sampling times, allowed us, besides to fully characterize the cycles periodicities, to quantitatively determine the stochastic resonance conditions by optimizing the noise level. Starting from these system resonance conditions, numerical simulations for increasing planet temperatures have been performed. The obtained results show that an increase of the Earth temperature boosts a transition towards a chaotic regime where the Milankovitch cycle effects disappear. These results put into evidence the so-called threshold effect, namely the fact that also a small temperature increase can give rise to great effects above a given threshold, furnish a perspective point of view of a possible future climate scenario, and provide an account of the ongoing registered intensity increase of extreme meteorological events.

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