Background: Correlation analysis informs us about the relative importance of the breeding traits and quite useful for plant breeders to formulate their breeding and selection strategies. Path coefficient analysis splits the correlation coefficient into the measures of indirect and direct effect. It identifies the indirect and direct influence of different autonomous genotype on a dependent trait. Present study aimed to determine major seed contributing components affecting seed yield and also to know the relationship among these components.
Methods: Present investigation was carried out on 147 advanced breeding lines to know the correlations and path coefficient for 12 yield and yield contributing traits. The material was evaluated in augmented block design with 07 blocks, each block having 21 lines. A set of three check varieties were repeated in each block. Observations were recorded on number of primary branches/plant, number of secondary branches/plant, plant height (cm), silique/plant, fruiting zone length (cm), main shoot length (cm), number of seeds/siliquae, siliquae length (cm), biological yield/plant (g), seed yield/plant (g), harvest index and test weight.
Result: The seed yield per plant showed positive and significant correlation with primary branches per plant (0.273), secondary branches per plant (0.280), siliquae per plant (0.627), biological yield per plant (0.744), harvest index (0.188), test weight (0.212) and oil content (0.225). Biological yield per plant (0.5747) had maximum direct effect on seed yield per plant followed by siliquae per plant (0.2438), harvest index (0.127), oil content (0.118) and test weight. These characters have positive and significant association with seed yield per plant. The study thus indicated that biological yield per plant, siliquae per plant, harvest index and test weight are the important characters which should be considered in selection programme in Indian mustard.