temper tantrum
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-140
Adela Tsamrotul Fikriyah ◽  
Imam Syafi’i

Early childhood is a time to learn to deal with feelings, whether disappointed, sad, angry when what they want is not fulfilled. That's all a natural and natural feeling. Sometimes without us realizing it we as adults clog an emotion, for example distracting a child. However, if this feeling cannot be expressed by the child, there will be a pile of emotions that can later explode and get out of control, and appear like a tamper tantrum. Expressing emotions with dangerous actions is a form of tantrums so that children get what they want or need. The older the child, the more energy he puts into expressing his emotions. Therefore it is difficult for adults to control and prevent uncontrollable behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of counseling guidance in overcoming children with temper tantrums in RA Anak Salih Suwayuwo, precisely in group A children. Researchers used qualitative methods in their research. Counseling guidance at RA Anak Salih Suwayuwo is carried out through various stages of certain services. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Siti Aisyah ◽  
Anita Afrianingsih

Temper trantum merupakan suatu bentuk luapan emosi yang tidak terkontrol pada anak. Masih Banyak di Indonesia orangtua belum  mengenal istilah ini, namun sangat akrab dengan perilaku yang ditunjukkan anak saat mengalami temper tantrum seperti menangis keras-keras, berteriak, menjerit, memukul, menggigit, mencubit, menendang, serta melempar badan ke lantai. Covid-19 telah resmi menjadi pandemi di Dunia. Sejak di tetapkannya pandemi ini banyak sekali aktivitas yang berubah mulai dari pekerjaan,  sekolah bahkan kehidupan sehari-hari pun berubah. Kegiatan yang dilakukan di rumah saja berdampak cukup besar kepada siswa, diantaranya adalah mereka harus belajar dari rumah. Belajar dari rumah secara Daring membuat siswa harus beradaptasi secara ekstrim perubahan gaya belajar mereka. Hal ini menimbulkan kecemasan pada siswa, karena mereka tidak bisa bersosialiasai dan bermain bersama teman seperti biasa, berkurangnya bimbingan dari guru, orang tua yang kurang mampu memberikan bimbingan belajar, membuat siswa panik karena takut tidak dapat pencapai target belajar mereka sebelumnya. Anak usia dini merupakan anak yang baru belajar mengenal dirinya sendiri, termasuk sosial emosionalnya. Pada masa ini pula anak-anak baru mengenal perasaan senang, sedih, marah, kecewa dan sebagainya.  anak usia dini masih belum mampu mengelola dan mengekspresikan emosinya secara wajar. Konselor dalam sesi konseling harus memiliki berbagai cara keterampilan untuk membantu mengungkap permasalahan ataupun keinginan konseli, salah satu cara mengungkap permasalahan konseli dapat dilakukan menggunakan lukisan. Lukisan sangat tepat untuk mengepresikan berbagai hal yang sulit diungkapkan konseli secara verbal maupun tulisan Konseling yang baik adalah dengan seni, karena lebih selaras dengan humaniora dibandingkan dengan ilmu pengetahuan (Hansen, 2012). Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan metode Observasi dan tindakan orang tua. Pada penelitian ini subyek menangis karena tidak ingin mengerjakan PR BDRnya daningin bermain dengan memandikan ayamnya, akan tetapi orangtuanya mencegahnya sehingga ia menangis dan melempar-lempar barang yang ada di sekitarnya. Dalam penelitian ini konseling memberikan terapi Melukis Pada subyek dan subyek merespon dengan baik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Diah Fauzia Zuhroh ◽  
Kamilah Kamilah

Temper tantrum adalah suatu perilaku yang termasuk bagian dari perkembangan emosi anak. Perkembangan emosi anak erat kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan keluarga terutama orang tua. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik anak dan ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum pada anak usia prasekolah di Bangkalan. Janis penelitian analitik pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sebanyak 38, dengan besar sampel 35 ibu dan anak yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji contingency coefficient  dan Fisher’s exact test.  Karakteristik anak menunjukkan jenis kelamin sebagian besar laki-laki 57,1%, umur ibu sebagian besar 17-25 tahun 54,3% dan sebagian besar ibu tidak bekerja 51,4%.  Hasil uji contingency coefficient dari hubungan jenis kelamin anak dan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p= 0,070. Sementara dari hasil uji Fisher’s exact test dari hubungan umur ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p=0,026 dan pada hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan kejadian temper tantrum diperoleh nilai p=0,013. Hasil penelitian ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kejadian temper tantrum pada anak usia prasekolah di Bangkalan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Pratiwi Gasril ◽  
Yeni Yarnita

Kids’ future and development will really depend on the experience they obtained, included education and various parenting patterns consisting of democratic parenting, permissive parenting, and authoritarian parenting. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of parenting pattern which causes temper tantrum at Pembina Kindegarten Pekanbaru City. The method of this research was descriptive study to find out the description of parenting pattern which causes temper tantrum in pre school age with total samples were 109 respondents. The research results show that democratic parenting is 41 (37,6%), permissive parenting is 63 (57,8%), while authoritarian parenting is 5 (4,6%) and the result of temper tantrum obtains heavy temper tantrum in the amount of 2 children (1,8%), medium temper tantrum in the amount of 33 people (30,3%), and light temper tantrum in the amount of 74 people (67,9%). These results show that the majority of parenting pattern at Pembina Kindegarten Pekanbaru City is permissive and the majority occurance is light temper tantrum. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 114-119
Rusana Rusana ◽  
Ida Ariani ◽  
Erna Sari

Temper tantrum is an emotional condition related to the behavior of preschool children. Tantrums will be problematic if it’s excessive and even injurious behavior. Several factors caused tantrums such as physiological, psychological, parental and environmental factors.The aim of this study was to analyze the dominant factors between parental factors (parenting, communication, occupation and gender), child factors (gender, education level) and family environmental factors (number of children under five, families living at home) with temper tantrums for pre-school children. . Analytical survey research and cross sectional design. The sample size was 120 parents and pre-school children using cluster random sampling technique. Bivariate analysis used the chi square test, while multivariate analysis used multiple logistic regression. The results showed that the parenting style was the main predictor related to the temper tantrums of preschool children (pv = 0,001) with an OR= 14.879 controlled by variables of occupation and families live at home.In conclusion authoritarian parenting style causes temper tantrums 14.8 times higher than democratic parenting in pre-school children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-32
Budi Pratiti

Abstract One form of emotional expression in the form of explosive anger in children is known as tantrum behaviour, which can be categorized as bad behaviour based on the perspective of some parents. This is very much related to the problem of child despair, which is caused by the way parents are not quite right in responding to tantrums, so the child reacts inappropriately. Parental responses make children increasingly undisciplined, even this provides opportunities for children to find certain ways to get their desires in a negative way. The child's inability to communicate is one aspect of tantrum studies. This communication is more translated as an expression of emotion and better known as tantrum. This article review will discuss temper tantrum behaviour in children along with a review of various theoretical points of view.

T. N. Shakina ◽  
L. V. Kulikova ◽  
A. V. Martynova ◽  
L. A. Serova

The paper presents the results of the study of phenorhythms and introduction assessment of four samplesIris sibirica L. and 9 of it cultivars: 'Burgomistr', 'Roaring Jelly', 'Temper tantrum', 'Contrast in Styles', 'Caeser', 'Tikun','Butter and Sugar', 'Ruffled Velvet', 'Kabluey'. Phenological observations between 2016 and 2019 in the "Botanical Garden"of the SSU of Saratov, calendar dates of the main phases of development were set, the average values of the timing andduration of flowering in the studied samples were determined. Conducted research showed that the studied samples andcultivars are stable in culture, as they are winter resistant, immune to diseases and pests, differ in decorative flowering.Cultivars have been successfully grown for a number of observed years, preserving their varietal features. Evaluation ofthe introduction success showed that the tested samples and varieties of Iris were very promising for introduction into theculture and can be recommended for landscaping in the conditions of Saratov.

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