contingency coefficient
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2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012085
A Baihaqi ◽  
T Fauzi ◽  
E Susanti ◽  
A H Hamid ◽  
E Rasmikayati ◽  

Abstract Farmer household income is certainly very closely related to expenditure. Coffee farmers in Aceh Tengah spend their income on consumptive and productive expenditures. This study aims to find out how the consumptive spending decisions and productive spending decisions of coffee farmers in Aceh Tengah District are described and to find out how the correlation between coffee farmers’ income and consumptive and productive spending decisions. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics and Chi-Square analysis. The results showed that the consumptive expenditures of coffee farmers in Aceh Tengah District had a high category with a percentage of 42.2% or 62 farmers, while for productive expenditures of coffee farmers in Aceh Tengah District had a low category with a percentage of 45.6% or 67 farmers. The results of the Chi-Square analysis, namely from the results of the two analyzes, can be seen that the significance value of the correlation between income and consumptive and productive spending decisions is 0.000, which means that there is a correlation because of the Asymp value. Sig < 0.05. Moreover, the contingency coefficient (r) has a high (0.61-0.80) and moderate (0.41-0.60) correlation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Judit Olah ◽  
Adriana Tiron Tudor ◽  
Vadim Pashkus ◽  
Genady Alpatov

Research background: Consumers’ interest in environmental responsibility, sustainable consumption, and the circular economy is significantly increasing in all aspects of their lives. Clothing and fashion are clearly among these aspects. The fashion industry is one of the most resource-intensive and environmentally polluting industries. Circularity has been offered as a solution to this issue; however, the change must be in the attitudes of all concerned (Musova et al., 2021b). Businesses must react to this requirement for sustainable fashion, which is the reason that new circular concepts have been raised. Different generations prefer different models of circularity. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the current study is to detect the existence of dependency between generation and the fashion industry’s circular models, and to identify consumers’ specific preferences. Methods: The original consumer survey was undertaken by the authors in 2021, and involved 513 Slovak and 974 Czech consumers, who responded on their preferences in the circular economy. Pearson’s chi-square test of independence was used to confirm the dependence between consumers’ generation and the circular concept. The significant medium dependence of the nominal variables was confirmed by Pearson’s contingency coefficient, C, and Cramer's V. The relationships between the generation categories of Central European consumers and the categories of the new circular models in the fashion industry were established through correspondence analysis. Findings & Value added: The findings of the study suggest that Baby boomers single out capsule wardrobes, Generation X prefers patchwork and slow fashion, while Millennials prioritise GOTS and SWAP. Finally, Generation Z favours leasing jeans, upcycling, and renting clothes.

Esti Ambar Widyaningrum ◽  
Kumala Sari PDW ◽  
Lelly Winduhani Astuti ◽  
Sri Suhartatik ◽  
Rimawati Rimawati ◽  

Background: Geriatric patients are elderly people who have various diseases and or problems as a result of diminished organ, psychological, social, economic, and environmental functioning and who require integrated health treatments from a multidisciplinary team. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to complications such as stroke, CHD, and kidney failure. The more incidence of complications, causing the geriatrics to get more drugs (polypharmacy). Polypharmacy is one of the risk factors for the occurrence of Potentially Inappropriate Medication (PIMs) that often occurs in geriatric patients. The 2019 Beers Criteria is one of the clear criteria that can be used to determine the prevalence of PIMs in geriatric individuals. Objectives: The objective of this study was to see if there was a correlation between the number of drugs administered to hypertensive geriatric outpatients at Dr. Soedomo General Hospital in Trenggalek and the incidence of PIMs. This study employed an observational study with an analytical approach and retrospective. This study included a sample of 85 prescriptions for outpatient geriatric hypertension outpatient at Dr. Soedomo General Hospital in the period October - December 2020 taken using the purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using the C contingency coefficient correlation test. Results: 67,1% of prescriptions contained ≥ 5 kinds of drugs and 32,9% of prescriptions contained < 5 kinds of drugs. Based on the incidence of PIMs, there were 97.6% of prescriptions for PIMs and 2.4% of prescriptions without PIMs. The C contingency coefficient correlation test shows the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.216 with a positive direction and p-value = 0.041. Conclusions: The number of drugs has a significant correlation and can cause the incidence of PIMs in geriatric patients with weak correlation strength. Collaboration between pharmacists and doctors is needed to provide the best therapy to patients, to maximize the role of pharmacists in monitoring drug use in geriatric patients at Dr. Soedomo Hospital in Trenggalek.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 14
Ali Mustofa ◽  
Ninuk Dwi Ariningtyas ◽  
Kartika Prahasanti ◽  
Muhammad Anas

Preeclampsia is one of the most common complications in pregnancy that can lead to various complications such assevere illness, long-term disability, andmaternal, fetal, and neonatal mortality. The prevalence of preeclampsia, 30%-40% can cause maternal mortality, and 30%-50% can lead to perinatal mortality. Maternal age is one of the riskfactors for late-onset preeclampsia. Maternal age is grouped into two categories; extreme age (<20 years and> 35 years)and reproductive age (21-35 years). This studyaims to determine the relationship between maternal age and late-onsetpreeclampsia at PKU Muhammadiyah Surabaya Hospital from January to June 2020. The research method used isobservational analytic with case control design. The samples involved were pregnant women visiting PKUMuhammadiyah Surabaya Hospital from January to June 2020. The data were analyzed using a statistical test ofcontingency coefficient correlation. The results showed that respondents who experienced late-onset preeclampsia inthe extreme age group (<20 years and> 35 years) were 37 respondents (100%) and in reproductive age (21-35 years)were 28 respondents (80%), the respondent who did not experience late-onset preeclampsia in extreme ages (<20 yearsand> 35 years) was 0 respondents(0%) and in reproductive age (21-35 years) were 7 respondents (20%). The resultsof the statistical test for the contingency coefficient correlation showed a p-value of 0.004 below (≤0.05). All thingsconsidered, there was a significant relationship between maternal age and late-onset preeclampsia at the PKUMuhammadiyah Surabaya Hospital from January to June 2020.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7821
Agnieszka Izabela Baruk

The purpose of this article is to determine final purchasers’ needs satisfied due to cooperation with offerors and the dependencies between these needs and previous behaviors and attitudes toward this cooperation. The results of the world literature analysis indicate a cognitive and research gap regarding the aspects mentioned. In order to reduce the gap, empirical studies were conducted, in which an online questionnaire was used to gather primary data. The research was implemented in the second half of 2020 among 1150 respondents representing Polish adult final purchasers. The data were subjected to quantitative analysis using statistical analysis and statistical testing, including exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis, Pearson chi-square independence test, V-Cramer contingency coefficient analysis, and Kruskal–Wallis test. The results of the statistical analysis made it possible to verify six research hypotheses. Dependencies were found between needs satisfied due to cooperation with offerors and the following aspects: (1) purchasers’ previous participation in cooperation with offerors, (2) purchasers’ willingness to cooperate with offerors, and (3) the assessment of contemporary purchasers’ readiness to cooperate with offerors. Willingness to cooperate with offerors differentiated all eleven needs satisfied due to cooperation with offerors analyzed in this study. Two other variables differentiated only a few of the needs analyzed. The results obtained from the research have a cognitive and applicability value. They contribute to theory of marketing and market behavior. They can also facilitate establishing and strengthening cooperation between offerors and final purchasers as important partners cooperating in the process of creating a marketing offer. This effect is very important in the case of shaping the cooperation between final purchasers and offerors of different products including energy ones. The originality of the approach proposed is evidenced by the fact it is the first time final purchasers’ needs that can be satisfied due to cooperation with offerors have been analyzed in the context of attitudes and behavior reflecting purchasers’ (1) previous participation in this cooperation, (2) willingness to cooperate with offerors, and (3) the assessment of contemporary final purchasers’ readiness to cooperate with offerors.

Ana Castillo-Díaz ◽  
Antonio Castillo-Esparcia

This work analyzes the relationships between interest in the campaign for the 2019 Spanish general elections, the type of media used to follow it, and participation through conversations, disseminating electronic messages about the elections, and voting. A secondary data analysis of surveys published by the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) is carried out. The existence of relationships between the variables is determined by using the chi-squared hypothesis test, while the strength of the associations is measured by means of the Cramér’s V and the contingency coefficient. Trends are examined by analyzing the conditioned relative frequencies. The results show a strong association between interest in the campaign and the type of medium chosen to obtain information. Likewise, there is a remarkable relationship between the interest of voters and their participation in conversations, especially in family environments, and in the dissemination of digital information about the elections. In contrast, the candidates’ arguments and pledges are not significantly related to the reason for voting. Similarly, demographic variables are weakly related with interest in the campaign, following it on the media, and participation by voting, with educational level being the only characteristic exhibiting moderately strong associations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Icha Nur Oktaria ◽  
Juniastuti Juniastuti ◽  
Gatut Hardianto

AbstractBackground: Based on data in RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, showed that during the 2018 period, bacterial vaginosis was among the top 10 most diseases. One risk factor for bacterial vaginosis is still controversial is the body mass index. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between the incidence of bacterial vaginosis with body mass index in RSUD Dr. Soetomo. Method: The research data used secondary data. This research method was cross sectional with observational analytic research design. The total samples were 158 patients, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis used chi square test. Results: The results 158 patients, divided into 79 (50%) patients with BV and 79 (50%) patients without BV. Based on BMI, 88 (55.7%) patients with normal BMI and 70 (44.3%) people with abnormal BMI. Patients with normal BMI were mostly not BV, that was 56 (63.6%) people and 32 (36.4%) people were BV positive. Patients with abnormal BMI were mostly BV, that was 47 (67.1%) people and 23 (32.9%) people did not BV. Statistical analysis showed there was a significant association between the incidence of bacterial vaginosis with body mass index (p= 0.001) with contingency coefficient 0.292. Conclusion: There is associated between the incidence of bacterial vaginosis with body mass index in RSUD Dr. Soetomo in 2017-2018. 

2021 ◽  
Sergey Roussakow

Abstract BACKGROUND: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is in crisis, in part due to bad methods, which are understood as misuse of statistics that is considered correct in itself. The correctness of the basic statistics related to the effect size (ES) based on correlation (CBES) was questioned. METHODS: Monte Carlo simulation of two paired binary samples, mathematical analysis, conceptual analysis, bias analysis. RESULTS: Actual effect size and CBES are not related. CBES is a fallacy based on misunderstanding of correlation and ES and confusion with 2 × 2 tables that makes no distinction between gross crosstabs (GCTs) and contingency tables (CTs). This leads to misapplication of Pearson’s Phi, designed for CTs, to GCTs and confusion of the resulting gross Pearson Phi, or mean-square effect half-size, with the implied Pearson mean square contingency coefficient. Generalizing this binary fallacy to continuous data and the correlation in general (Pearson’s r) resulted in flawed equations directly expressing ES in terms of the correlation coefficient, which is impossible without including covariance, so these equations and the whole CBES concept are fundamentally wrong. misconception of contingency tables (MCT) is a series of related misconceptions due to confusion with 2 × 2 tables and misapplication of related statistics. Problems arising from these fallacies are discussed and the necessary changes to the corpus of statistics are proposed resolving the problem of correlation and ES in paired binary data. CONCLUSIONS: Two related common misconceptions in statistics have been exposed, CBES and MCT. The misconceptions are threatening because most of the findings from contingency tables, including meta-analyses, can be misleading. Since exposing these fallacies casts doubt on the reliability of the statistical foundations of EBM in general, we urgently need to revise them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Ashon Sa’adi ◽  
Tiyas Kusumaningrum

Vasomotor complaints are common on postmenopausal women. Most women feel these complaints within 2 years after entering menopause; some of them will even feel up to a decade. In addition to vasomotor complaints, the incidence of central obesity also increases in menopause. The poor adipocyte system in central obesity that affects the central nervous system, body temperature and excessive sympathetic nerve activity have been suspected to be a cause of vasomotor syndrome at menopause. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between central obesity and the characteristic of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women. Method: this observational analytic study used a cross sectional design. The number of samples were 86 women aged 45-55 years who had been in postmenopausal period. Sampling technique was consecutive sampling. The independent variable was central obesity while the dependent variable was vasomotor symptoms. The data was taken using modified MENQOL questionnaire and direct measurements waist circumference to determine central obesity in the respondents. Data was tested using contingency coefficient test with α 0.05. Results: There were 59.3% respondents who experienced central obesity. More than eighty percent respondents with central obesity also experienced vasomotor symptoms which were considered disturbing. There was a significant relation between central obesity and the characteristic of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women (p=0.00; r=0.513). Conclusion: The presence of central obesity leads to disturbing vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-63
Anggray Puspasari ◽  
Pungky Mulawardhana ◽  
,Nila Kurniasari

Cervical cancer is a process of changing into malignancy in the cervix. Based on studies and previous research, cervical cancer is the third female cancer in terms of incidence (527,600 new cases) and mortality (265,700 deaths) in the world. Cervical cancer has histotopathological types in the form of squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and other types. This study aimed to analyze the relationship of risk factors with histopathological types in cervical cancer patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Method: This analytical descriptive study used a cross sectional research design. The number of samples were 300 patients collected by total sampling. Independent variables were risk factors including age, marital age, parity, smoking, oral contraceptives, and education while dependent variables were histopathological types including squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and other types. Instruments used documentation. Data analysis used chi square, fisher and contingency coefficient tests. Results: There was a relationship of cervical cancer risk factors of age to histopathological type (p= 0.000 and contingency coefficient = 0.170) and no relationship of risk factors to number of parity (p= 0.321 and contingency coefficient = 1000 0.064 ), marriage age (p = 0.720 and contingency cofience = 0.038), smoking (p = 0.711 and contingency cofience = 0.036), oral contraceptive (p = 0.655 and contingency comfience = 0.042), education (p = 0.744 and contingency co-efficiency = 0.089) to histopathological type. Conclusion:  There is a relationship between risk factors and histopathological types in cervical cancer patients at Oncology Polyclinic at Dr Soetomo Hospital of Surabaya.  

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