scholarly journals Methodology and Methods of Research on the State and Causes of Academic Failure in Modern Schoolchildren

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 271-280
A. Turukbaeva ◽  
N. Gilyauzizova

In this article, the author reveals research methods for working with underperforming students. We conducted an electronic survey (in connection with the pandemic) of students in urban schools and their parents, and each question was analyzed. As diagnostic methods for studying the state and causes of academic failure in modern schoolchildren, the author used various methods: the method of theoretical analysis of scientific, pedagogical, psychological, managerial and methodological literature on the research problem, the method of empirical research, the diagnostic method, the method of pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming, control and their description). The study of the reasons for academic failure was carried out in three stages, which differed both substantively and procedurally. The first stage was devoted to a questionnaire survey of students and parents of students in order to identify their interest and participation in general in the upbringing and academic performance of the child. At the second stage, the students' color world analyzer was used. And the final, third stage, contains the application of tests of school anxiety to diagnose the socio-psychological climate. The purpose of the methodology is to identify the level of anxiety in adolescents, localized in three main planes: educational activity, relationships with peers and significance in the eyes of adults and self-image. After all, adolescence is still an insufficiently mature and insufficiently socially matured person; it is a person who is at a special stage in the formation of its most important features and qualities. This stage is the borderline between childhood and adulthood.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (152) ◽  
pp. 57-64
O. O. Oliinyk ◽  

Changing the system of family values, views of the society on the significance and functioning of the family institution contribute to the transformation of marital role relationships in modern families. The already formed model of role interaction, the ability of spouses to define and clearly distribute family roles and to treat them responsibly is the important factors in building constructive marital relations and creating a favorable psychological climate in the family. Objective. The research deals with the analysis of the essence of the “family role” concept and the classification of family roles; experimental definition and analysis of the main types of family roles in marital relations. Methods. Theoretical research methods were used to solve the research problem: analysis of scientific psychological literature, generalization method, systematization of scientific information. To solve the second part of the set objective, the empirical research methods were used, such as: conversation, psychodiagnostic method “Distribution of roles in the family” by Yu.Ye. Alioshyna, L.Ya. Hofman, O.M. Dubrovska, and also the method of processing and quantitative and qualitative interpretation of results. The research was conducted during September-October 2020. The study involved 11 married couples (husband and wife) with different marital experience of 22 people aged 25 to 47 years (Kyiv). All the couples have children aged 1 to 20 years. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of family roles distribution showed that the roles of entertainment organizer (63.64 %), master (mistress), (72.73 % and 63.64 %), the family subculture organizer (54, 55 % and 45.45 %) women and men share almost equally; the roles of educator and “psychotherapist” is more typical for women (90.91 % and 81.82 %); The role of sexual partner and the partner responsible for material support is more often performed by men (90.91 % and 72.73 %). The prospects for further research are seen in the study of role interaction in the parental families of adolescents and young people as a prerequisite for their future family roles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (23) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Bożena Majewicz

The state of education in Poland and its functioning was exposed by the coronavirus pandemic which contributed to school closures and enforced a transition to distance learning. There was a need to look for alternative ways of distance education in which teachers played a special role. Some of them had to learn new skills related to distance education at all levels of education in a short time. In the period when schools are closed or their functioning is limited, the competences they possess play an important role in the educational activity of teachers, among which IT and media competences become particularly important. The considerations presented in the article relate to online education, with particular attention to its necessary aspects occurring both on the side of school and students’ homes. A review of studies on remote education during the pandemic has been made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 161-174
B.J. Parıdınova ◽  

The problem of developing the spiritual worldview and spirituality was the development of society at all stages. The spiritual worldview and spirituality of the individual, teachers in society changed depending on the level of the social structure of the state and its ideology, religious and secular views, the development of pedagogical science. Therefore, the spiritual worldview and spirituality of the whole society is one of the most important characteristics of the pedagogical preparation of the individual. The research problem is relevant in the framework of the program «Rukhani zhangyru». Therefore, we believe that a set of activities under the program is the core of this topic. Spiritual worldview and spirituality is the most important issue in the context of globalization. The purpose of this article is to generalize and systematize this problem, to determine the role and place of the spiritual worldview and spirituality. To achieve the purpose, this study discusses some of the findings of scientists on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality in education. The discussed fundamental principles of development and existing scientific works on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Many actual issues can be considered in the notion of concept since these categories has not yet been studied in science. In this article special attention is paid to spiritual worldview and spirituality and its basic concepts, which is one of the most important problems in pedagogy and psychology. The article the relevance and importance of theoretical understanding of the data category. Presented some theoretical problems of the formation and preservation of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Рухани дүниетанымның даму мәселесі және руханилық қоғам дамуының барлық салаларында өзекті болып саналады. Қоғамдағы тұлғаның, мұғалімнің рухани дүниетанымы мен руханилығы мемлекеттің әлеуметтік құрылысы мен оның идеологиясы, діни және зайырлы көзқарастары, педагогикалық ғылымның дамуы деңгейіне байланысты өзгеріп отырады. Сондықтан барлық қоғам мүшелерінің рухани дүниетанымы мен руханилығы тұлғаның педагогикалық дайындығының маңызды сипаттамалық белгісі болып табылады. Зерттеу мәселесі «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында өзекті болып саналады. Сол себепті бағдарлама шеңберіндегі шаралар кешені берілген тақырыптың өзегі деп ойлаймыз. Жаһандану шарттарында «Рухани дүниетаным» және «Руханилық» категориялары маңызды мәселе болып табылады. Осы мақаланың мақсаты болып берілген мәселені жинақтау және жүйелеу, рухани дүниетаным мен руханилықтың рөлін, орнын анықтау болып саналады. Мақсатқа жету үшін берілген жұмыста білім берудегі рухани дүниетаным мен руханилық мәселесіне байланысты кейбір қорытындылары қарастырылады. Рухани дүниетаным мен руханилық мәселесіне байланысты дамытудың негізгі қағидалары мен ғылымда бар жұмыстар талқыланады. Өйткені берілген категориялар ғылымда толықтай зерттелмеген және зерттелуі тиіс көптеген өзекті мәселелері жетерлік. Берілген мақалада рухани дүниетаным және руханилықтың, оның педагогикадағы және психологиядағы негізгі түсініктеріне ерекше назар аударылады. Мақалада берілген категорияларды теориялық түсінудің өзектілігі мен маңыздылығы дәйектеледі. Рухани дүниетаным мен руханилықтың қалыптасуы мен сақтаудағы кейбір теориялық мәселелері ұсынылған.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 166-173
A.I.  Sevalnev ◽  
A.V. Kutsak ◽  
L.P. Sharavara ◽  
Yu.V. Volkova

The article is devoted to the analysis of limitation of dose load on the population as a result of radiological researches. It is especially actual and represents rather high scientific and practical interest. In this regard, it is very important to have information about the state of the dose load of the population in separate regions and to rank types of diagnostics by the amount of their contribution to the total dose of medical exposure. The aim of the work was to study the state of dose load of the population of Zaporizhzhia region due to X-ray diagnostics, to develop approaches to analysis and forecasting regarding its limitation. Analytical, statistical calculation and logical generalization methods were used in the course of the work. We used the results of studies carried out in accordance with the regional “Program for the Protection of the Population of Zaporizhzhia Region from the Effect of Ionizing Radiation. The authors analyzed scientific publications (15 sources), including 9 Ukrainian and 6 foreign on the relevance of the problem of exposure of the population caused by X-ray diagnostics. The analysis of the results allowed to determine that in 2010-2014 the radiation dose of the population of Zaporizhzhia region due to X-ray diagnostics averaged 0.92 mSv year-1, in 2015-2016 the dose increased and amounted to 0.96 mSv year-1. The proposed approach to the analysis makes it possible to summarize and model data on radiological studies of the population over a long period of time, to identify persistent trends in the contribution of different types of radiation diagnostics to the dose of medical radiation. All this is necessary for the development, first of all, of measures to reduce the frequency of radiography, its replacement by other diagnostic methods. Priority tasks aimed at reducing the dose load of the population due to X-ray examinations are proposed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 931 ◽  
pp. 178-183 ◽  
Yuriy Y. Shatilov ◽  
Alexander A. Lyapin

Conducting surveys of multi-storey buildings is a laborious task, because large volumes of visual and instrumental research should be carried out. Reduction of labor costs with an increase in the reliability of information about the state of damage and technical condition is an actual scientific and practical task. One of the ways to solve it is to use non-destructive vibration diagnostic methods. The purpose of carrying out diagnostics with the use of vibration based damage detection methods is to search for damages in structural elements that can cause the deviation of the dynamic parameters of a structure from calculated ones. Determination of the dynamic parameters of the structure, in particular natural frequencies and mode shapes of mechanical systems, is one of the most important tasks that allows obtaining integral information about the state of a structure. This article presents the results of calculations for the localization of slabs defects in a multi-storey building with a transverse crack, span L = 4.5 (m), height H = 0.2 (m), with prestressed reinforcement d = 0.05 (m). Vibration based Damage Index method was used to localize the defect. During the study, reliable localization values of the defect area of the slab were obtained, this indicates that the vibration method for determining the damage index with a sufficient degree of accuracy allowed predicting the site of damage to the structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-198
Inger Skjelsbæk ◽  
Torunn Lise Tryggestad

Abstract The national self-image of Norway is as a gender-equal and peace-promoting nation. Norwegian gender equality policies grew out of a strong social and political civil society engagement from below combined with equal rights laws as well as quota systems implemented from above by the state. In this paper, we explore the intersection of pro-gender norms and peace engagement in Norwegian foreign policy. While gender mainstreaming has been on the agenda of Norwegian development cooperation for decades, the introduction of pro-gender norms in peace engagement is a more recent phenomenon. How are gender equality norms and concerns understood and promoted by Norwegian peace facilitators in practice. And how are pro-gender experiences, values, and norms balanced in Norwegian peace engagement?

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1723
Sebastiana Adriana Pereira Sousa ◽  
Helcileia Dias Santos ◽  
Cristiane América de Carvalho ◽  
Aline Marinho Machado ◽  
Letícia Espindola de Oliveira ◽  

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is expanding in the Brazilian territory. Dogs are considered an important urban reservoir; however, studies have demonstrated the presence of infected cats in some Brazilian states. This report aimed to describe a case of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum infection in a two-month-old domestic feline from a Brazilian region with a high incidence of human visceral leishmaniasis. The analyzed samples were the cat’s blood, conjunctiva, spleen, liver, popliteal, submandibular and mesenteric lymph nodes, skin, lung and kidney. The diagnostic methods were: parasitological examination, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and an immunoflurescence antibody test (IFAT). All tissues were positive. The title obtained using the IFAT was 1:160. The animal was negative for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV). This work addresses the first case of feline leishmaniasis in the state of Tocantins, and reveals data that may contribute to the knowledge of the disease, since it has been shown to be able to develop rapidly and fatally in kittens, with the ability to infect several tissues.

10.12737/4830 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Татьяна Шуберт ◽  
Tatyana Shubert

In this article the three stages of development of the Russian Constitution (1918, 1925, 1937), are discussed each of represents a certain phase of the constitutional development of the Soviet state. The first stage (1917—1925) is characterized with the transition from capitalism to socialism, the second one stages (1925—1937) is associated with the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1925, reflecting changes in the state-building — the formation of the unanimous union of the republican states — the USSR and delegating some mostly important items to it, the formation of the new autonomous regions, the end of the civil war and the reconstruction of the national economics. The third stage (1937—1940) is connected with the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937 (based on the Stalin Constitution of the USSR), which was characterized with the victory of socialism, the industrialization of the country and the collectivization in the agriculture, sphere of economics, the construction of a society without exploiting classes based on the alliance of the working class and the peasantry.

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