statistical evaluation
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Caily Schwartz ◽  
W. Lee Ellenburg ◽  
Vikalp Mishra ◽  
Timothy Mayer ◽  
Robert Griffin ◽  

Sayed Mohammad Hosseini ◽  
Ahmad Radmehr ◽  
Arash Hosseinian Ahangarnejad ◽  
Robert B. Gramacy ◽  
Mehdi Ahmadian

Volodymyr Novodvorskyi ◽  
Mykola Shved ◽  
Dmytro Shved

Polymer materials are widely spread and used in all industry sectors. The operating properties of polymer products make them practically indispensable in various industries. They have acquired widespread popularity and their production volumes are predicted to grow every year. The extrusion of polymers is one of the main methods for their processing. The melt uniformity is one of the main factors that influence the quality of the products and is determined by the level of mixing, i.e., by the redistribution of additives in a dispersion medium when these additives are introduced into the main polymer. The influence of working conditions, geometry of working bodies and other parameters on the melt temperature uniformity was determined. Nowadays, there are a lot of methods for determining the melt uniformity. They can be used indirectly in or after the extrusion process and can be short or long lasting, which in fact determines the acceptability of each of the methods. To determine the melt uniformity, statistical evaluation methods, which have been verified by many experiments and are well known, are often used. The analysis showed that the mixing index is most sensitive among the criteria described. Although statistical criteria of evaluating the melt uniformity are widespread, it is better to use parameters that allow the state of the mixture to be analyzed directly in the work process for the extrusion of polymers, to identify those that depend on the mixing process. Methods and criteria for verifying the melt quality were analyzed and potential use of their temperature uniformity for measuring and evaluating the melt quality directly in the extrusion process, to eliminate the costly sampling process, was determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-23
І. О. Yarema ◽  
М. І. Fedorovska ◽  
L. М. Grytsyk ◽  
А. V. Sinichenko

The aim of the work: features elucidation of the objective structured practical exam (OSPE) on the discipline of “Technology of Drug”, conducting a survey among students to determine the main benefits of OSPE, as well as identifying difficulties that arose during the preparation and passing the exam. Materials and methods: question papers, checklists for examiners and students, questionnaire, questionnaire results, analytical and statistical evaluation of the obtained data. Results. The article presents OSPE features in the discipline “Technology of Drug”. The structure of the question paper by the stations 1, 2, 3 is considered, as well as checklists for examiners and students are presented. To determine the main advantages and disadvantages of the organization and conduction of OSPE, a survey was conducted among graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. Conclusions. According to the results of the survey, it was found that students noted the high level of organization and conduction of OSPE in the discipline of “Technology of Drug”. At the same time, the difficulties encountered during the preparation for and passing the exam were outlined, including the lack of time to prepare for the exam and the mixed form of education during the year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Key words: OSPE; technology of drugs; checklists; questionnaire; respondents.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Maria Beatriz Bernábe Loranca ◽  
José Espinosa Rosales ◽  
Mirna Huerta Orea ◽  
John Cardiff

The objective of this paper is to compare and evaluate statistically the behavior of two vaccines against cysticercus in a sample of female rabbits. The two vaccines under discussion are 1) S3Pvac-Papaya12 mg and 2) Wild Type (WT) or S3P Wild and also 3) Saline Solution. The challenge is to show that the developed vaccine, S3Pvac-Papaya, produces more antibodies and with better stability than the other vaccine and saline solution. With the aim of proving this conjecture, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple Fisher comparisons at 95% confidence were performed. The vaccine of interest, S3Pvac-Papaya, revealed in the box diagram at T2 that the development of antibodies was high and showed little dispersion, which implies that the vaccine S3Pvac Papaya is statistically efficient in the production of antibodies. Finally, the mathematical contribution centers on highlighting the low use of inferential statistical techniques, comparing means of generated antibodies by a set of vaccines in order to determine which one is more efficient and reliable. Tacitly, a methodology both statistical and procedural has been proposed along this work, to apply when contrasting other kinds of vaccines in both animals and humans for diverse conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 469-474

Diffuse solar radiation on horizontal surfaces is estimated at Qena / Egypt. The basic procedure is to develop relationships of the widespread use Liu & Jordan types between the daily global horizontal radiation (G) and its diffuse component (D) using measured values of these two quantities. An error analysis has been done for the results of diffuse radiation calculated using the regression models obtained in this paper and those estimated from other known ones of the Liu & Jordan type, According to statistical evaluation of the various relationships, it is seen that our models provide the best estimation of the diffuse radiation, Effect of climatic conditions was considered in the discussion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (6) ◽  
pp. 11-43
Vahram Atayan

The goal of this contribution is the analysis of selected expressions of immediate posteriority in German and Italian from a comparative and translation-related perspective. In the present study, which was carried out as part of a joint research project (Nachzeitigkeit in Sprachvergleich und Übersetzung i. e. ‘Expression of Posteriority in Language Comparison and Translation’) at Heidelberg University and the University of Jena, these linguistic expressions are analysed using manual annotations of abstract semantic and pragmatic features on authentic instances using various statistical methods. Occurrences of the adverbs gleich, sofort, immediatamente or subito in the Europarl and OpenSubtitles corpora, in original or translated text material, serve as a source for the analysis. Typical use contexts of the four adverbs will be identified on a language-specific basis, possible influences of the text types/corpus sources on the use of the adverbs will be determined. Moreover, the use contexts of the adverbs will be analysed cross-linguistically as to correspondences and differences between the two languages, and typical translation options for the individual adverbs will be investigated as a result of various influencing parameters. At a general methodological level, the study intends to test rich semantic and pragmatic annotations and their statistical evaluation as approaches to comparative linguistics and translation studies as far as onomasiologically and functionally defined phenomena are concerned.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8346
Kristián Čulík ◽  
Vladimíra Štefancová ◽  
Karol Hrudkay ◽  
Ján Morgoš

This paper focuses on the statistical evaluation of various operating characteristics of electric buses. The data obtained for statistical evaluation come from practice. In this paper, we focus on electricity consumption—an important aspect of electric bus operation. The ambient temperature significantly affects electricity consumption. In this paper, we use applied mathematics—correlation analysis, we accurately identify the effect of temperature on the consumption of the electric bus. Our next goal was to define the relationship between the loss of energy from the battery and driving power. We used regression analysis to describe this relation. Our article also includes an example of the practical use of ANOVA analysis in identifying a statistically significant effect of a particular vehicle on average consumption. We also show results from previous research and compare two different types of electric buses in operation.

2021 ◽  
Finn Renken ◽  
Rüdiger Ulrich Franz von Bock und Polach ◽  
Jan Schubnell ◽  
Matthias Jung ◽  
Markus Oswald ◽  

Commonly, to evaluate the influence of the local weld geometry in fatigue test, small-scale specimens are used, assuming those represent a longer weld adequately. In this study, a comparison between short specimens and a long weld is performed. A method is developed for the statistical evaluation of weld toe radii and angles, stress concentration factors and weld quality classes. The results show a strong sampling rate dependence and lower ISO 5817:2014 weld quality results for higher sampling rates. Comparable results between short specimens and a long weld can be achieved using modal values of the parameters assuming a lognormal distribution.

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