vegetable cultivation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Dwi Apriyani ◽  
Nurfadilah Siregar ◽  
Khomsatun Ni'mah ◽  
Iis Aisyah

Masyarakat di Desa Setiawargi sebagian besar belum memanfaatkan lahan-lahan kosong untuk tempat budidaya sayuran yang menyebabkan kontinyuitas bahan baku olahan pangan terhambat. Selain itu, kualitas produk olahan dan akses terhadap pasar untuk menjual produk olahan juga masih terbatas. Hal ini membuat pendapatan petani semakin kecil di tengah pandemi covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan melalui beberapa rangkaian kegiatan yaitu penyuluhan, pendampingan dan monitoring evaluasi. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, sementara itu kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan metode pembinaan yang tidak terikat oleh batas waktu dan tempat. Kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Keluaran yang telah dicapai antara lain pemahaman petani mengenai budidaya sayuran organik meningkat, petani lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam memanfaatkan lahan non produktif, dan petani mampu mengabdopsi iptek pengemasan. Adapun dampak ekonomi dan sosial yang dirasakan mitra sasaran antara lain: (1) termotivasi untuk mencoba dan memulai menanam sayuran organik, (2) lahan-lahan non produktif mulai termanfaatkan, (3) mampu mengadopsi teknologi pengemasan modern, dan (4) semakin meningkatnya kekompakan anggota poktan maupun KWT. Keberhasilan kegiatan pengabdian membutuhkan peran serta masyarakat yang aktif dan kreatif untuk mendukung keberlanjutan program.  Abstract. Most of the people in Setiawargi Village have not used vacant lands for vegetable cultivation which has hampered the continuity of food processing raw materials. In addition, the quality of processed products and access to markets to sell processed products are also still limited. This makes farmers' incomes smaller during the covid-19 pandemic. Service activities are carried out through several series of activities, namely counseling, mentoring, and evaluation monitoring. Extension activities are carried out using the lecture method, while mentoring activities are carried out using a coaching method that is not bound by time and place limits. Monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out through interviews and observations. The outputs that have been achieved include increased understanding of farmers regarding organic vegetable cultivation, farmers are more creative and innovative in utilizing non-productive land, and farmers can adopt packaging science and technology. The economic and social impacts felt by the target partners include: (1) being motivated to try and start growing organic vegetables, (2) starting to use non-productive land, (3) being able to adopt modern packaging technology, and (4) increasing the cohesiveness of farmer group and KWT members. The success of service activities requires active and creative community participation to support program sustainability.

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Ajit Singh ◽  
S. S. Jheeba ◽  
Pramendra K ◽  
B. L. Manjunatha ◽  
Dipika Hajong

The study was conducted in Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan to assess the extent of use of chemical pesticides under commercial vegetable cultivation. The primary data were collected from 100 farm households across 18 villages from 2016 to 2019. Chemical insecticides were used by all farmers whereas biopesticides and botanical pesticides were used by <5% for insect pest control in vegetables. The average number of chemical pesticide sprays in a crop cycle was 14, 15, 15 and 13 in cauliflower, cabbage, tomato and pea crops respectively. Average quantity of chemical pesticides used was 4.23, 3.87, 5.16 and 3.47 kg active ingredient per hectare in cauliflower, cabbage, tomato and pea crops respectively. The study highlights the overuse and misuse of chemical pesticides in vegetable crops where the economic part is edible unlike cotton where the economic part is nonedible.The direct negative impact of chemical pesticides on health of farm workers is estimated in the paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Maya AL-ABDALA ◽  
Afraa SALLOWM ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The objective of this research was to classify the determinant factors of irrigated vegetable problems and the amount of variance that is explained by each factor in Swaida Governorate/ Syria by using the Exploratory Factor Analysis. The research is based on the data which were collected through questionnaires that were obtained according to the opinions of farmers. It included questions about some of the social and economic characteristics of farmers, and the concerning problems related to irrigated agriculture by using multiple-choice questions (on a 3-point scale) during the 2019-2020 Based on a sample size of 92 farmers, representing 54.9 % of the studied statistical community, and distributed randomly within the areas of spread of irrigated vegetable cultivation.. The results showed the success of using the exploratory factor analysis technique, using the Principal components methodology and Varimax in classifying six factors with an initial eigenvalues greater than one for each, and these factors are: agricultural technological progress, agricultural employment, sale outlets, natural conditions, prices, production requirements. These factors explained (13.21 %, 12.65 %, 12.55 %, 11.12 %, 10.94 %, and 9.85 %) of the total variance respectively, and together explained 70.33 %.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 997
Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Soesetio R. MF. A ◽  
Afriadin Afriadin ◽  
Sefiana R.R ◽  
Sabrina A. ◽  

ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pelatihan  kepada petani sayuran melalui teknik meramu media berbasis standar budidaya pertanian yang baik atau “Good Agriculture Practices”, dan sekaligus  memperkenalkan konsep budidaya sayuran melalui pemanfaatan pupuk organik yang ramah lingkungan. Kegiatan PKM  ini  dilaksanakan dengan  metode pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dengan melibatkan anggota kelompok tani, ketua kelompok tani, Penyuluh Pertanian setempat, ketua dan anggota Karang Taruna, tokoh masyarakat dan beberapa staf desa. Hasil kegiatan PKM ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pemahaman peserta tentang teknik pembuatan pupuk organik dari berbagai limbah pertanian untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan meramu media tanam untuk meningkatkan produksi sayuran organik. Secara umum, peserta PKM  sangat antusias dan memberikan respon yang positif terhadap materi yang disampaikan dan bersedia menerapkan penggunaan pupuk organik  ramah lingkungan tersebut dalam teknik budidaya sayuran organik dilahan pertaniannya. Di akhir sosialisasi dan pelatihan ini peserta berharap dapat diberikan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan dari mahasiswa KKN Universitas Mataram. Kata kunci : inovasi;  pupuk organik;  sayuran;  nilai ekonomis. ABSTRACTThe objective  of this Community Service Activity (PKM) is to increase knowledge and training to vegetable farmers through the technique of combining various waste material as plant growth media based on good agricultural cultivation standards or "Good Agriculture Practices", and at the same time introduce the concept of vegetable cultivation through the use of Environmentally Friendly organic fertilizers. This Community Service Activity is carried out by Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach method by involving members of farmers groups, farmers group chairmen, local Agricultural Extension, chairmen and members of Karang Taruna, community leaders and some village staff. The results of this PKM activity showed that there was an increased understanding of participants understanding of organic fertilizer manufacturing techniques from various agricultural wastes to increase soil fertility and concoct planting media to increase organic vegetable production. In general, PKM participants are very enthusiastic and give a positive response to the material delivered and are participants are willing to apply the use of environmentally friendly organic fertilizers in organic vegetable cultivation techniques in their farms. At the end of this socialization and training participants hope to be provided with ongoing assistance from KKN students of Mataram University. Keywords: innovation; organic fertilizers; vegetables; economic value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 472-477
Indri Fariroh ◽  
Nurul Dwi Novikarumsari ◽  
Ratih Apri Utami

The paddy-paddy-palawija or paddy-paddy-tobacco cropping pattern is generally cultivated by most of members Hidayah Tani group in Sukowiryo Village, Jelbuk district, Jember. Meanwhile vegetables are rarely cultivated in there. Vegetable cultivation in yard around the house using verticulture is one of the household economic adaptation efforts during pandemic for increasing income. The aim of this community service are provide knowledge and insight about alternative uses of yard around the house for vegetable cultivation using verticulture, improve family welfares, and environmentally sustainable agriculture implementation. The method used in this program are preparation, socialization, training, and evaluation approaches. The results of this program showed that the community was enthusiastic in vegetable cultivation using verticulture, because its efficient built on limited yard, easy and simple to built in, could increase household income if its commercialized, supporting family food security, easy to get healty food, verticulture building is easy to move.

K. Sindhura ◽  
V. S. Tekale ◽  
Pranali N. Thakre

Vegetable cultivation involves intensive cultural operations since sowing to marketing, providing regular employment opportunities to unemployed youth and farm family. Vegetable production is now commercialized, but still traditional farming is done in far flung areas. Besides, they are not as well served by the extension system as the farmers growing food grains. Moreover, most of the vegetable growers in this region are small and marginal farmers, and they have their peculiar concerns and problems which need to be studied urgently and earnest. The present study was carried out in Akola and Amravati districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state during the year 2019 with a sample size of 120 respondents to define the constraints faced by vegetable growers in Amravati division of Maharashtra. The major constraints faced by the vegetable growers were price fluctuation, electricity, fertigation, exploitation by middle men and lack of market knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-246
Heny Agustin ◽  
Indri Indrawan

Trilogi University with the community ‘Kampung Ramah Lingkungan’ (KRL) Seroja Kahuripan have conducted underweight prevention services in Cibitung Wetan Village, Pamijahan, Bogor. This service activity aims to educate importance of nutritious food, train in creating greenhouses and hydroponic installations, cultivate vegetable crops and their processing to increase the food value as prevention of underweight. The method was carried out in several stages: 1) The preparation and coordination; 2) Implementation; and 3) monitoring and evaluation. Based on the data, it was known that 13,69% of children aged 0–23 months are observed with underweight with body weight far below the standard and 34,44% of children are approaching as underweight. Efforts to prevent underweight were carried out by strengthening the identity of partners, the construction of greenhouse and hydroponic installation as well as training in vegetable cultivation carried out by the team so that partners can be independent in providing nutritious food. The yields of vegetables and their processed products in form of nuggets and jerky have provided food value added increasement to partners. As a result, increasement in the number of partner members from 15 to 54 people, the formation of a group logo as identity reinforcement, the construction of greenhouse facilities and hydroponic installations series, increasement of partner’s knowledges and skills in hydroponic cultivation and crops processing, and increasement partner’s awareness of underweight issue. The results of partner’s satisfaction questionnaire showed that 85% were very satisfied with the program and they hoped for sustainable and further fostering.

2021 ◽  
pp. 883
Risma Rusniati ◽  
Firzatulloh Irhab Kautsar ◽  
Ramadhina Nurdianti ◽  
Kusumaningdyah Nurul Handayani

The increasing number of people who are not accompanied by the expansion of the area in Delanggu Village has resulted in reduced land for farming to meet food needs independently. The majority of the yards owned by residents in this village have an average area of 3 m2 which is relatively narrow. Vegetable cultivation with vertical farming techniques is one solution to overcome these problems. This cultivation can be done on vertical media so it does not require a large area. The purpose of this activity is so that the community can meet their food needs in the form of vegetables independently so as to create household food security. The service activity was carried out in Tegalsari Hamlet, Delanggu Village which was attended by 17 PKK members, 9 cloud community members and 6 teenagers. The community service method is carried out in stages, namely: preparation of tools and materials, socialization of efforts to create food security through vegetable cultivation with verticulture farming techniques and the correct way of vegetable cultivation starting from seeding, care and harvesting, and finally monitoring participants viaWhatsApp and offline. From the series of activities, the participation and enthusiasm of the participants was quite good. PKK members apply it more, because they have more time at home compared to the general public and youth groups.Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk yang tidak dibarengi dengan perluasan wilayah di Desa Delanggu mengakibatkan berkurangnya lahan untuk bercocok tanam guna memenuhi kebutuhan pangan secara mandiri. Mayoritas lahan perkarangan yang dimiliki oleh warga di desa ini memiliki rata-rata luasan 3 m 2 yang tergolong sempit. Budidaya sayuran dengan teknik pertanian vertikultur merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Budidaya ini dapat dilakukan pada media vertikal sehingga tidak membutuhkan lahan yang luas. Tujuan darikegiatan ini agar masyarakat dapat mencukupi kebutuhan pangan berupa sayuran secara mandiri sehingga tercipta ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Dukuh Tegalsari, Desa Delanggu yang diikuti oleh 17 anggota PKK, 9 orang masyarakat awam dan 6 orang remaja. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan secara bertahap, yaitu: persiapan alat dan bahan, sosialisasi mengenai upaya terciptanya ketahanan pangan melalui budidaya sayuran dengan teknik pertanian vertikultur dan cara budidaya sayuran yang benar mulai daripembibitan, perawatan dan panen, serta yang terakhir yaitu monitoring peserta melalui WhatsApp dan luring. Dari rangkaian pelaksanaan kegiatan, partisipasi dan antusiame peserta cukup baik. Anggota PKK lebih banyak mengaplikasikannya, dikarenakan mempunyai lebih banyak waktu di rumah dibandingkan dengan kelompok masyarakat umum dan remaja.

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