maintenance requirement
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2021 ◽  
Rafael Silva Marchão ◽  
Felipe Barbosa Ribeiro ◽  
Jefferson Costa de Siqueira ◽  
Marcos Antonio Delmondes Bomfim ◽  
Janayra Cardoso Silva ◽  

Abstract BackgroundLysine is an essential amino acid and, generally, the first limiting in diets for tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), main native fish produced in continental aquaculture from South America. However, there is a lack of information on their amino acids requirements, especially for maintenance and efficiency of utilization of lysine.ResultsDiets with increasing levels of digestible lysine significantly increased final weight and the weight gain of tambaqui, for all studied ages. Feed intake decreased significantly only for fish weighing 121 g (p < 0.05), and was not affected for other ages. However, digestible lysine consumption significantly increased in all body weights groups evaluated (p < 0.05). In addition, digestible lysine consumption provided sufficient intervals to obtain of values negative, near zero and positive of retention body protein and lysine, allowing estimation of maintenance requirements without extrapolation. The maintenance lysine requirement was determined at the intersection of the point to maintain body protein retention equal to zero, and the efficiency of lysine utilization was the slope of the line between the digestible lysine consumption and its retention, for different tambaqui body weights (121, 235 and 596 g). Linear responses (p < 0.05) were observed between protein retention and body lysine in function on the consumption of digestible lysine for all evaluated body weights, and the parallelism test showed influences of body weight on the values of the maintenance requirement and efficiency of utilization for lysine, with an increase in the maintenance requirement as the fish grow. However, the efficiency of using lysine decreases with the increase in fish body weight.ConclusionsThe requirement of tambaqui for maintenance lysine and efficiency utilization are directly related to the body weight. The requirement for digestible lysine for tambaqui maintenance was 82.03 mg kg-0.7 day-1 for body weights 121 to 235 g and utilization efficiency of 55%. For weight of 596 g, the requirement of maintenance was 106.85 mg kg-0.7 day-1 and 40% of utilization efficiency of lysine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 167-168
Thaís Costa ◽  
Tiago Mendes ◽  
Felipe Moura ◽  
Ranyeri Souza ◽  
Marta Fontes ◽  

Abstract We aimed to investigate the impact of maternal feed restriction at different stages of gestation on proteomic profile in the skeletal muscle of newborn goats. A total of 14 pregnant dams were randomly divided into one of the follow dietary treatments: Animals fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 100% maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (RM, n = 6), and animals fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 50% maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (MR, n = 8). Longissimus muscle was sampled from male newborn goats and submitted to sarcoplasmic protein extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. The raw data were processed with MaxQuant ( software with parameters set to default values. Label-free quantification (LFQ) was added and only protein ratios calculated from at least two unique peptides were considered. Our data showed 3 differentially expressed proteins down-regulated in RM (q-value &lt; 0.05). Additionally, we observed proteins present exclusively in each treatment (RM= 137 proteins; MR= 41 proteins). The overall enriched pathways in RM newborn goats are associated with glycolysis (PKM), NADPH synthesis (PGD), lipid oxidation (ECHS1, ACAT1) and citrate cycle (ACO1, OGDH). While the overall enriched pathways in MR newborn goats are associated with glycolysis/gluconeogenesis (GAPDH, ENO) and citrate cycle (PDHA, IDH3A). In addition, correlation analysis between shotgun proteomics and RNAseq data from the same samples showed that there were no relationships between proteins and transcripts observed. These results indicate that maternal feed restriction during different stages of gestation alters enzymes and protein domains abundance associated with nucleotide metabolism in the skeletal muscle of newborn goats. Moreover, the lack of correlation between protein-transcript suggests the importance of post-transcriptional regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism as a consequence of maternal feed restriction at different stages of gestation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 15-16
Anoosh Rakhshandeh

Abstract Immune system stimulation (ISS) modifies protein and amino acid (AA) metabolism in animals and humans. During ISS, AA are redirected away from growth and reproduction towards mounting an immune response. This redirection can impact AA requirements both qualitatively (i.e., the AA ratio) and quantitatively. Special attention has been given to sulfur-containing amino acid (SAA; Met + Cys) metabolism during ISS, due to their roles as precursors for the synthesis of proteins and metabolites that are involved in the immune response. A series of studies were conducted to investigate the impact of ISS on various aspects of SAA utilization, including ileal digestibility, plasma kinetics, the glutathione (GSH) synthesis rate, the irreversible loss of Cys, and dietary total SAA requirements. In all of the studies, pigs were feed restricted (≥ 2 times the maintenance requirement for ME) to eliminate the confounding effect of ISS on feed intake. Results indicated that ISS alters SAA metabolism and increases SAA requirements per unit of protein deposition. The latter occurs due to increased maintenance requirements for SAA during ISS. The results also showed that the enhanced maintenance requirement for SAA occurs mainly as a result of increased SAA utilization, mainly Cys, for the synthesis of immune system metabolites, such as GSH and acute-phase proteins, as well as the increased catabolism of Cys to taurine. In addition, we found that ISS increases the dietary Met-to-total SAA ratio in pigs, suggesting an enhanced preferential demand for dietary Met during ISS, perhaps to support an elevated rate of transsulfuration. Collectively, our findings point toward a need for developing an optimal dietary AA profile for diseased pigs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 164-165
Luana Santos ◽  
Thaís Costa ◽  
Ranyeri Souza ◽  
Felipe Moura ◽  
Ivam Oliveira Junior ◽  

Abstract We assessed the effect of maternal feed restriction at different stages of gestation on growth and development of organs and small intestine of newborn goats. A total of 14 pregnant dams were randomly divided into one of the follow dietary treatments: Animals fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 100% maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (R-M, n = 6), and animals fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 50% maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (M-R, n = 8). At birth, newborns were slaughtered for collection of corporal components. No differences were observed among treatments for birth weight (P = 0.46). The weight of the complex reticulum-rumen-omasum tended to be heavier (P = 0.057) in the M-R group, when expressed per kg of body weight. The small intestine (P = 0.038) and total intestine (P = 0.038) were heavier in the offspring of the M-R group when expressed in kg of body weight. The M-R newborns had greater length of the small intestine (P = 0.043) and total intestine (P = 0.026). Maternal feed restriction did not influence the intestinal villi height (P = 0.406). However, newborn from R-M group had lower villus height:crypt depth ratio (P = 0.016), due to the tendency of the greater of crypt depth in these animals (P = 0.081). No differences among treatments were observed in mRNA expression of the MGAM and GLP-2R in the jejunum of the offspring (P &gt; 0.12). Newborns of the M-R group tended to present greater mRNA abundance of the SLC5A1 (P = 0.091), SLC2A2 (P = 0.091), and OCLN (P = 0.061). In summary, restriction in the first half of gestation may be more detrimental to the performance and health of offspring throughout life due to increased impairment of intestinal development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 167-167
Thaís Costa ◽  
Tiago Mendes ◽  
Felipe Moura ◽  
Ranyeri Souza ◽  
Marta Fontes ◽  

Abstract The current study aimed to identify differentially expressed genes and their biological process in the skeletal muscle of newborn goats as a function of maternal feed restriction during different stages of gestation. A total of 14 pregnant dams were randomly divided into one of the follow dietary treatments: Animals fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (RM, n = 6), and animals fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (MR, n = 8). At birth, all male offspring were euthanized and a sample of Logissimus muscle was collected for total RNA extraction and sequencing. Cuffdiff tool (Cufflinks 2.2.1) was used to count reads, normalize transcript expression (FPKM), and identify differentially expressed genes (DEG) between treatments. Network analysis was performed with String 11.0 using the available genome from the closest specie (Ovis aries). A total of 66 DEG (q-value &lt; 0.05) were identified, with 6 up-regulated genes in skeletal muscle of RM compared to MR newborn goats. These genes are related to tissue development, such as CYTL1, UGT8, and NPNT. The 60 down-regulated genes in skeletal muscle of RM compared with MR newborn goats are related to transcription factors (TF) complex. Among the TF, FOS and JUNB families forms heterodimers in response to several stimuli (cytokines,growth factors, stress), and play key roles controlling a number of cellular processes, including signal transduction, cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. In conclusion, maternal feed restriction at different stages of gestation affects tissue development and changes the transcription pattern in the skeletal muscle of newborn goats, which may lead to negative consequences in animal growth and performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. e364997150
Caroliny Batista Lima Mariz ◽  
Fernando Guilherme Perazzo Costa ◽  
Danilo Vargas Gonçalves Vieira ◽  
Matheus Ramalho de Lima ◽  
José Humberto Vilar da Silva ◽  

Were used 724 quails, with initial weight of 105.05±1.40g to determine the model requirements for European quails 16-36 days old. Were used 384 quails for the maintenance requirement experiment and 240 for the gain requirement experiment and the remaining 100 quails composed the birds of the comparative slaughter. Maintenance requirement: the treatments consisted of four levels of feed offerings (100, 75, 50 and 25% of consumption ad libitum) with four pens and four quails per pen for each climatic environment (18, 24 and 28ºC), being 192 quails for each nutrient under study. Gain requirement: the requirements of the studied nutrients for gain were determined from 240 quails, created and fed ad libitum, being 120 quails for each nutrient studied, that is, 30 quails were slaughtered at 21, 26, 31 and 36 days of age. The quails of the reference slaughter comprise the same as the experiment for determining the maintenance requirement. In conclusion. The prediction equations for estimating the requirements were: 1) Pr (mg/quail/day) = (27.029 + 1.5943 × T) × kg0.75 + 12.24 × WG, in which Pr is the phosphorus requirement, kg0.75 is metabolic weight (kg), WG is weight gain (g/quail/day). 2) Ca (mg/quail/day) = (158.93 - 5.187 × T) × kg0.75 + 23.66 × WG, in which Ca is the calcium requirement, kg0.75 is metabolic weight (kg), WG is weight gain (g/quail/day), T is temperature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
Juliano Cesar de Paula Dorigam ◽  
Edney Pereira da Silva ◽  
Nilva Kazue Sakomura ◽  
Nelson José Peruzzi ◽  
Michele Bernardino de Lima ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (11) ◽  
pp. 4579-4587
W Zhong ◽  
L L Mu ◽  
F F Han ◽  
G L Luo ◽  
X Y Zhang ◽  

Abstract The maintenance requirements of net energy and net protein were assumed to represent the most accurate and important values totally for the animal’s utilization. The objective of this experiment was to determine the net energy and net protein requirements for maintenance of growing arctic foxes. The experiments was evaluated using regression models estimated from data collected by means of indirect calorimetry, nitrogen balance trials, and digestion and metabolism experiments. Thirty-six growing arctic foxes (3 487 ± 261.7 g) at the age of 85 days were randomly assigned to four groups with 9 animals in each group. Arctic foxes were fed a complete formula diet at four intake levels (100%, or 80%, 60%, and 40% of feed requirements) from 24 July 2017 to 23 September 2017. Arctic foxes in each treatment were kept individually in respiration chambers after 1-d adaptation at day 2 for a 3-d balance trial and then at day 5 followed by a 3-d fasting period. The metabolizable energy intake (MEI), heat production in the fed state (HP), and retained energy (RE) of arctic foxes significantly decreased (P < 0.01) as the feed intake level decreased. Fasting heat production (FHP) of arctic foxes was not influenced by feed intake level (P > 0.05). The metabolizable energy maintenance requirement (MEm) and net energy maintenance requirement (NEm) estimated from the linear relationship between RE and MEI were 230 and 217 kJ/kg of body weight BW0.75/d, respectively. The MEm and NEm estimated by logarithmic regression of HP on MEI were 225 and 209 kJ/kg BW0.75/d, respectively. The net N maintenance requirement (NNm) and net protein maintenance requirement (NPm) estimated from the linear relationship between retained nitrogen (RN) and daily nitrogen intake (NI) were 179.6 mg/kg BW0.75/d and 1.123 g/kg BW0.75/d, respectively. It is concluded that NEm and NPm values obtained fill the net energy and protein requirements shortage, and provide the basic data for establishing the standard of nutrition demand of breeding arctic foxes in China.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Muhammad Fatih Wahab Alhaddafi ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

The purpose of this study were 1) To determine the role of the Notary and the Land Deed Official (PPAT) in the manufacturing process Waqf deed, 2) to determine the obstacles and solutions Notary and Land Deed Official (PPAT) in the manufacturing process of Waqf deed.The method used in this research is normative juridical approach is the approach taken by the primary legal materials by means of studying the theories, concepts, principles of law as well as legislation related to this research. The specifications research used in this research is descriptive, which aims to unravel the facts to obtain an overview, on current issues, Based on the results of this study concluded that 1) The role of the Notary and the Land Deed Official (PPAT) In Preparation of Deed of Endowment. In the Act the existing regulations, a notary and land Deed Official (PPAT) does not have a role in making the Deed of Endowment. In fact, people need the help of Notary and land Deed Official (PPAT) in the process of making the Deed of Endowment for the maintenance of soil and conditions and Nadzir Wakif need can be helped by a Notary and land Deed Official (PPAT). 2) Constraints Notary and Land Deed Official (PPAT) In Preparation of Deed of Endowment. In this case the Notary and Land Deed Official (PPAT) has a problem because in Undan Act, Notary and Land Deed Official (PPAT) does not have the authority to make direct Waqf Deed. And so Notaries Land Deed Official (PPAT) can only help in the maintenance requirement is needed in the manufacture of Waqf Deed. 3) Solutions Notary and Land Deed Official (PPAT) In Preparation of Deed of Endowment. The best solution is awaiting a government decision stating that a Notary Public or Land Deed Official (PPAT) can be Endowment Deed Official Pledge (PPAIW). Thus simplifying wakif and nadzir to make Endowment Deed without going through a long process.Keywords: Roles; Notary; Land Deed Official (PPAT); Endowment Deed

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