Journal Acta Diurna
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Published By Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Sukma Alam

ABSTRAK Keberhasilan penanganan Covid-19 di suatu negara salah satunya tercermin dari kemampuan pemerintah dalam berkomunikasi ke masyarakat. Di Indonesia, isu komunikasi pemerintah merupakan topik yang sedang hangat dibincangkan bukan hanya dilihat dari sektor kesehatan saja tetapi juga mengandung kosekuensi politik dan ekonomi sangat besar. Pemberitaan tentang komunikasi pemerintah di pandemi Covid-19 menjadi sorotan publik. Sebab, komunikasi pemerintah tidak berjalan maksimal, cenderung tidak merespons dan abai terhadap virus corona. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui pembingkaian (framing) komunikasi pemerintah dalam berita, dan dan untuk mengetahui penonjolan dan seleksi isu dalam berita komunikasi pemerintah di pandemi Covid-19 yang dilakukan, dan Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah analisis framing Robert M. Entman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ditemukan perbedaan pembingkaian dalam berita yang dimunculkan oleh membingkai komunikasi pemerintah sebagai permasalahan serius, membingkai komunikasi pemerintah sebagai isu krusial dan membingkai isu komunikasi pemerintah dari aspek politik. Sementara dari aspek seleksi isu, lebih kepada permasalahan yang berdampak langsung terhadap masyarakat, lebih kepada permasalahan komunikasi pemerintah dan lebih kepada permasalahan juru bicara. Kemudian aspek penonjolan, cenderung menonjolkan diksi berkonotasi dan narasumber kritis, lebih menonjolkan kritikan membangun dan cenderung menyudutkan pemerintah.   Kata Kunci: Framing, Berita Komunikasi Pemerintah, Covid-19   ABSTRACT One of the successful handling of Covid-19 in one country is the government's ability to communicate with the public. In Indonesia, the issue of government communication is a hot topic discussed not only from the health sector but also contains enormous political and economic problems. The news about government communications in Covid-19 pandemic became the public spotlight. Therefore, government communication is not running optimally and ignores corona virus. This research aims to study to find out the framing of government communication in, and news and to study the highlighting and selection of issues in government communication news in Covid-19 pandemic conducted, and The method used in this research is Robert M. Entman's framing analysis. The results of this study are finding framing in the news that was raised by framing government communication as serious, framing government communication as a crucial issue and framing government communication issues in political terms. While from the aspect of issue selection, is more a challenge that is directly related to the community, is more about the problem of government communication and Criticism builds and further corners the government.   Keywords: Framing, Government Communication News, Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Mite Setiansah

Beautiful or not is a socio-cultural construction that is very relative and can be different in every place, time and culture. However, there are beauty standards that are often used as ideal indicators for women to be considered beautiful. When women are deemed not meeting these criteria, then they will be vulnerable to various discriminatory treatment from their environment. As a result, women must always strive to meet these beautiful standards in various ways including using make-up. This condition was revealed in the analysis of the digital comic The Secret of Angel. The analysis was carried out using mix methods approach to 89 comic episodes. The results of the analysis show that quantitatively (66%) of the utterances addressed to women, especially the main character, are positive, but qualitatively when attached to the context, the positive representation does not necessarily have a positive connotation and frees women from discriminatory treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Wisnu Widjanarko

Tourism is one of the many resources owned by Banyumas Recency, a small town located in Central Java Province, which has potential impact in increasing the independence and welfare of the community. To promote Banyumas tourism, a communication medium that is in tune with the present and can built public motivation and interest in visiting the location is urgently needed. Instagram is a social media that responds as a digital communication platform that has the ability to build a reputation and sustainable reciprocal relationships with audiences/publics. This research aims to identify how to manage the Instagram account content @dinporabudpar_banyumas in supporting the tourism potential promotion system in Banyumas Regency. Using a qualitative approach and content analysis, the data were obtained through the upload documentation in Instagram from 21 September until 31 December 2019. The results showed that the uploaded content was categorized into three types, namely cultural, natural and culinary tourism. Uploaded content combines photo and video aspects with attention to informative-persuasive text narrative. This capability in management will have an impact on the development of regional development and become a form of public relations articulation for the government that takes sides in the implementation of development. Keywords: Social Media, Instagram, Public Relations, Promotion, Tourism

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Aryo Bimo

This digital era has made human interaction, which was done face-to-face, switch to using conversation applications or social media. A meme is a popular digital object that people can save, share and create / modify. One of these memes is a WhatsApp sticker. WhatsaApp is a conversation application that is often used in the digital age. Millennials who were born in the digital era have made WhatsApp a medium to interact with each other. Interactions that were in the form of symbols in the form of language, gestures, expressions were replaced with WhatsApp sticker memes. The phenomenon that occurs on WhatsApp is the use of stickers. These stickers can be classified in the meme category because they are digital objects in the form of photos or illustrations complete with text and can be shared with other people, and can be changed or modified by each user. This research is based on the author's assumption that millennials communicate through meme stickers as a form of self-expression within the framework of symbolic interactions. The purpose of this research is to prove this assumption. This research uses a qualitative method and is seen from the theory of symbolic interaction by interviewing several millennials to see how these millennials use WhatsApp stickers based on the symbolic meaning of the stickers related to themselves. Symbolic interaction is a process of interpreting actions because symbolic meanings can be formed differently for each person. The goal to be achieved is to see whether the use of WhatsApp stickers is interpreted as self-expression that appears as a result of actions to respond to what happens in interactions with other people. The results showed that the exchange of symbols that occurred with WhatsApp stickers was interpreted and used to respond to an interaction that occurred.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Fahrisur Rijal

ABSTRACT Nowadays there are lots of educational cinema films that can be used as alternatives as learning media. This is in line with the development of the film industry in Indonesia which is developing rapidly through the film with the theme of the heroism of the kiai. He appreciates that the struggle for Indonesian independence, but here is also present from the ulama 'groups which are focused through diplomacy channels spearheaded by NU scholars and students led by KH Hasyim Asy'ari. This research was conducted to analyze how the Nationalism messages of students and scholars presented in the film by using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes and qualitative descriptive methods. The researcher can conclude that the message of nationalism in the film of the kiai always gives the messages of nationalism in various ways in every film scene that is served. In this film through the character KH. Hasyim Asy'ari emphasized the audience to always uphold the aqeedah, fight for nationalism, dare to take risks, contribute to the nation and the state as well as inspire others with the deeds done. ABSTRAK Saat ini banyak tanyangan film-film bioskop edukatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif sebagai media pembelajaran. Hal ini sejalan dengan perkembangan dunia perfilman di Indonesia yang berkembang pesat melalui Film yang bertemakan kepahlawanan Sang Kiai ini mengapresiasikan bahwa perjungan kemerdekaan Indonesia, tetapi disini juga hadir dari kalangan ulama’ yang difokuskan melalui jalur diplomasi yang dipelopori oleh para ulama NU dan santri-santri yang di pimpin oleh KH Hasyim Asy’ari. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa bagaimana pesan Nasionalisme dari santri dan kiai yang tersaji dalam film dengan menggunakan teori semiotik Roland Barthes dan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pesan nasionalisme dalam film sang kiai selalu memberikan pesan-pesan nasionalisme dengan bermacam cara dalam setiap adegan film yang di suguhkan. Dalam film ini melalui karakter KH. Hasyim Asy’ari menekankan kepada penonton untuk selalu memegang teguh aqidah, memperjuangkan nasionalisme, berani mengambil resiko, berkontribusi untuk bangsa dan negara juga menginspirasi orang lain dengan perbuatan yang dilakukan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Lilik Darmawan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis komunikasi yang dilakukan Bupati Banyumas Achmad Husein melalui akun @ir_achmadhusein dengan mendeskripsikan komunikasi antara Bupati Banyumas dengan masyarakat di ruang publik virtual. Serta menganalisis isi pesan yang disampaikan oleh Bupati Banyumas dan masyarakat dalam ruang virtual di akun Instagram dalam kurun waktu Maret hingga Juni 2020. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif terhadap akun Instagram Bupati Banyumas Achmad Husein @ir_achmadhusein dengan metode virtual etnografi. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan pengamatan akun Instagram Bupati Banyumas dan interaksiny dengan pengikutnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bupati Banyumas menggunakan fitur-fitur yang ada di Instagram untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan informasi terkait Covid-19 kepada masyarakat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Rafly Pratama ◽  
Mahardiansyah Suhadi ◽  
Rifky Anindiya Yusuf

The film is one of the mass communication media which has a big influence on society at large. a film is also a form of a message consisting of various symbols and signs that form a meaning system so that it can be interpreted by each person differently, depending on the person's reference and ability to grasp the meaning conveyed. The film Dua Lines Biru by Gina S. Noer takes the theme of teenage pregnancy in promiscuity. The interpretation of the conflict in this film scene becomes the background for the research to see the reception of the audience or the public in watching the film Dua Garis Biru. The purpose of this study was to analyze the reception of adolescent audiences on the impact of promiscuity in the film Dua Garis Biru. This research uses a qualitative method with an analytical approach to encoding and decoding theory from Stuart Hall, which observes the audience's position on the meaning of a work. An understanding of the impact of promiscuity in the film Two Blue Lines. The results of this study the audience dominates the Hemegony Position which means the message is conveyed and the audience accepts the meaning or message as it is. But several scenes are in the Negotiated Position and Oppositional Position because the informant has its own alternative meaning or reference in certain scenes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Joaldrik Ferad Wawolumaja

Rapid advances in digital technology are followed by intense competition for digital products. Digital product competition requires every business business to keep trying to facilitate their users as an effort to improve the User Experience of each user. User Experience (UX) Design is an important thing for digital businesses to pay attention to. The ease of user interaction or use of digital products will make the digital product widely used and anti to be abandoned. The better User Experience (UX) Design of a digital product, will make the user more comfortable in using it and as an impact, the user will become a loyal user and may be happy to recommend the product to others. Carsworld app, is the nearest car service online booking application. This application was created in 2018 and has been downloaded more than 10 thousand times on Playstore. This research will discuss about how User Experience (UX) Design affects the ease of users in using Carsworld application. The research was conducted by descriptive quantitative method based on 3 (Three) factors that need to be considered by user experience designer (UX) design as an effort to provide convenience for users of Carsworld application namely Usability, Look and Feel. The results of the study showed that User Experience (UX) Design affects the ease of users in using Carsworld application.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Nadira Maurizka Kuputri

The pandemic caused by Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has an impact on all levels of society in Indonesia. The people who are below the poverty line are no exception. The government's call for physical distancing by stopping many sectors of the economy, further worsening the welfare of the underprivileged. One of non-governmental social organization that was launched on its Instagram page, helping a lot of those in distress, is the Chakra Abhipraya Responsif. In carrying out its activities, the Cakra Abhipraya Responsif is assisted by many parties which makes it easier for them to reach more targets with maximum results. This research tries to look at the communication strategy launched by the Cakra Abhipraya Responsif and their fundraising program through the language they use on their Instagram page. Using Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, the text is analyzed through three components, namely text, discourse practice, and socio-cultural practice. Then by discussing Bourdieu's theory of Habitus and looking far behind the scenes, it can be concluded that social capital in the form of the background/relations of the Cakra Abhipraya Responsif volunteers influences a lot in the implementation of their activities. Although information about social organizations is quite minimal on the internet. The Cakra Abhipraya Responsif communication strategy uses a caption writing style that flicks the audience by focusing their fundraising on communities whose economies have indeed been in decline long before the existence of this pandemic.   Keywords: COVID-19, communication strategy, critical discourse analysis, social capital, habitus

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Yanti Setianti ◽  
Priyo Subekti ◽  
Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana ◽  
Heru Ryanto Budiana

Kehilangan pekerjaan, menurunnya pendapatan dan berubahnya sistem pembelajaran adalah persoalan yang dihadapi masyarakat pada masa pandemi COVID-19 yang bisa berimbas kepada mereka yang mempunyai anak mahasiswa. Salah satu upaya menumbuhkan kesadaran untuk bertahan ditengah suasana pendemi ini adalah  mencoba menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa dengan melaksanakan komunikasi pendidikan melalui pelatihan kewirausahaan sehingga mereka bisa memulai usaha yang bisa menghasilkan pendapatan untuk membantu orang tuanya membiayai uang kuliah dan kehidupan sehari hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang kewirausahaan, keterampilan mahasiswa membuat perencanaan kewirausahaan dan keterampilan mahasiswa melakukan kewirausahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif yaitu memberi gambaran mengenai pengetahuan,perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kewirausahaan oleh mahasiswa di pulau Jawa dan Bali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setelah dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai kewirausahaan  menjadi meningkat, dari yang tidak tahu sama sekali mengenai wirausaha menjadi tahu apa yang dimaksud dengan kewirausahaan. Keterampilan mahasiswa dalam merencanakan kewirausaha meningkat, dari yang tidak mengerti sama sekali mengenai perencanaan wirausaha menjadi mengerti dan mempraktikkan perencanaan wirausaha. Keterampilan mahasiswa mengenai pelaksanaan wirausaha meningkat, dari yang tidak pernah membayangkan suatu saat mereka akan bisa wirausaha menjadi terbayangkan bagaimana nantinya kalau mereka jadi pengusaha.

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