scholarly journals Penerapan Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Dan Senam Lansia Sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Demensia Pada Lansia

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 867-873
Ganda Sigalingging ◽  
Zulkarnain Nasution ◽  
Hetti Marlina Pakpahan ◽  
Nasilia Tafonao

ABSTRAK Ancaman triple burden merupakan tantangan yang harus dihadapi di Indonesia, diantaranya jumlah lansia yang terus meningkat. Seiring pertambahan usia, berpotensi menimbulkan masalah kesehatan fisik dan psikososial antara lain depresi, harga diri rendah, bahkan bunuh diri, jika tidak ditangani dengan serius. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya mempertahankan kesehatan lansia pada taraf kesehatan optimal. Tujuan untuk  meningkatkan kemampuan lansia berinteraksi dalam rangka pencapaian penyesuaian psikologi, perilaku dan pencapaian adaptasi optimal.  Metode kegiatan melakukan senam sehat dan terapi aktivitas kelompok (TAK). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan, secara keseluruhan lansia terlihat ceriah dan bahagia. Disimpulkan kegiatan ini mampu meningkatkan semangat dan menciptakan kebersamaan sesama lansia selama berada di rumah Jompo. Kepada Yayasan panti jompo untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan sesuai kebutuhan lansia yaitu melakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok (TAK) dengan senam sehat secara berkesinambungan untuk  tercipta perasaan yang riang gembira sehingga kualitas hidup lansia  tetap sehat, mandiri, berguna, dan produktif. Kata kunci : Terapi aktivitas kelompok, senam sehat, demensia,  lansia.    ABSTRACT The triple threat is a challenge that must be faced in Indonesia. More and more the number of elderly continues to increase. As you age, changes occur due to the aging process that causes physical and psychosocial problems. one of the psychosocial problems in the elderly is low self-esteem. If that doesn't work, the elderly will repair, attract, challenge, and even escape. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the health of the elderly at an optimal level of health. The goal is to increase the ability of the elderly in the contexts of psychological loss, behavior, and optimal adaptation. Activity methods of doing healthy gymnastics and group activity therapy. The results of the activity showed that overall the elderly looked bright and happy.  This activity can increase enthusiasm and create togetherness among the elderly in a nursing home.  Keywords: Group activity therapy, healthy gymnastics, dementia, elderly.


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the elderly. The provision of appropriate and accurate psychopharmacology as well as nursing therapy is not enough, but must be followed up with selected therapy modalities regularly and continuously until the normal functioning of stable normative behavior or adaptive behavior, one of which is group activity therapy. To determine the effect of group activity therapy on the level of anxiety in the elderly. The design of this study is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test group design with a total sample of 44 people. The independent variable is group activity therapy (TAK) and the dependent variable is anxiety. The instruments used are questionnaire sheets and observation sheets. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon test with a significance value of = 0.05. The anxiety level of the majority of the elderly before TAK therapy was severe anxiety as much as 40.91% and after TAK therapy the majority of the elderly with mild anxiety level as much as 47.73%. There was a difference in anxiety before and after giving group activity therapy with a P value of 0.000 (P <0.05). Group activity therapy has an effect on reducing anxiety levels in the elderly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 335
Rita Hadi Widyastuti ◽  
Nurullya Rachma ◽  
Elis Hartati ◽  
Artika Nurrahima ◽  
Muhammad Mu’in ◽  

Jumlah Masalah psikogeriatri semakin meningkat di Indonesia. Penatalaksanaan psikogeriatri yang tidak tepat dapat menimbulkan dampak baik bagi lansia maupun caregiver yang merawatnya. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah  (1) menurunkan masalah psikogeriatri khususnya kesepian pada lansia di panti wreda; (2) meningkatkan pengetahuan caregiver dalam melakukan Art therapy sebagai upaya dalam penatalaksanaan psikogeriatri di Panti Wreda; (3) meningkatkan ketrampilan caregiver dalam melakukan Art therapy sebagai upaya dalam penatalaksanaan psikogeriatri di Panti Wreda; dan (4) adanya buku panduan Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Art Therapy.  Metode yang digunakan adalah  pelaksanaan Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Art Therapy pada lansia dengan masalah psikogeriatri khususnya kesepian, dan  pelatihan dengan metode ceramah dan praktik melakukan TAK Art Therapy.   Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan: (1) Kegiatan Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Art Therapy pada lansia dapat menurunkan nilai kesepian dengan rata- rata 4,5 ; (2) Pelatihan dilakukan pada 15 caregiver dengan hasil terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan caregiver dengan mean 7,5 ; (3) peningkatan  ketrampilan caregiver dalam penatalaksanaan psikogeriatri dengan mean 8; dan (4) tersusun buku panduan Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Art Therapy. Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Art Therapy pada lansia dapat dilakukan oleh caregiver sebagai upaya dalam penatalaksanaan psikogeriatri di Panti Wreda.Kata kunci : Lansia, art therapy, psikogeriatri ABSTRACTNumber of psychogeriatric problems is increasing in Indonesia. Incorrect psychogeriatric management can have an effect on both the elderly and caregiver. The objectives of this activities are (1) to decrease the problem of psychogeriatri, especially loneliness on elderly at nursing home; (2) to increase caregiver knowledge in performing Art therapy as an effort in the management of psychogeriatri at Panti Wreda; (3) to improve caregiver skills in performing Art therapy as an effort in the management of psychogeriatri in Panti Wreda; and (4) there is guidance book of Group Activity Therapy Art Therapy. The method used is the implementation of Group Activity Therapy Art Therapy on the elderly with psychogeriatric problems, especially loneliness, and training with lecture method and practice doing TAK Art Therapy. The results of activities indicate : (1) Group Activity Therapy Activities  Art Therapy in elderly can decrease loneliness value by an average of 4.5; (2) The training was carried out on 15 caregivers with the result of increased caregiver knowledge with mean 7.5 ; (3) incresing caregiver skill in psychogeriatric management with mean 8; and (4) the creation of guidance book of Group Activity Therapy Art Therapy. Group Activity Therapy Art Therapy on elderly can be done by caregiver as an effort in psychogeriatric management in Panti Wreda.   Keywords: Elderly, art therapy, psychogeriatrics

2018 ◽  
pp. 97-101
Fatma Jama

Group activity therapy is very important to practice socialization skills, especially in elderly people living in social institutions. Elderly who good socialization skills will be easier and able to interact socially to the community and the surrounding environment, while the elderly who experience social disorders, then the elderly will have difficulty in interaction to the community and the surrounding environment. The elderly will generally experience problems in their lives where the problem is one of them is the change of status and role in the group or society, and the lack of socialization between the elderly one with other elderly. Elderly who experience the problem will greatly affect the psychosocial changes, so it can lead to changes in behavior. The behavioral changes that are meant related to the inability of the elderly to socialize to other fellow elderly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of group therapy therapy on the socialization of the elderly in the Social House Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Gowa District. The type of research used is Quasi Experiment with One Group Pre-test and Post-test. Sampling method used is Accidental Sampling, where the sample of the research obtained is as many as 32 people. The results were obtained by using questionnaire on pre-post and direct observation on post-test. Data processing / statistical test using T-paired test. This study concluded that significantly giving group activity therapy by play, social skill, and consecration work can improve the socialization ability of elderly living in Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Social House of Gowa Regency.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dwi Handayani ◽  
Aat Sriati ◽  
Efri Widianti

Halusinasi merupakan gejala positif yang paling sering dialami oleh pasien dengan gangguan jiwa. Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi merupakan bagian dari terapi modalitas yang diberikan pada pasien skizofrenia yang mengalami halusinasi dengan tujuan tercapainya kemandirian pasien. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yaitu melihat gambaran tingkat kemandirian pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi setelah mengikuti kegiatan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi. Sebanyak 42 orang menjadi responsden dengan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, yang dalam pelaksanaannya peneliti dibantu oleh numerator. Analisis data dengan persentase dan dideskripsikan dalam tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat kemandirian pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi setelah mengikuti kegiatan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi adalah supportive28,6%, partially 61,9%, dan wholly9,5%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar tingkat kemandirian pasien adalah partiallysehingga perlu dikembangkan strategi-strategi dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja perawat dalam pelaksanaan tindakan keperawatan sehingga dapat menumbuhkan kemandirian pasien.Kata kunci: Halusinasi, tingkat kemandirian, terapi aktivitas kelompok, stimulasi persepsi AbstractHallucinations are positive symptoms most commontly experienced bypatients with psychiatric disorders. Perceptual stimulation therapy group activities are part of the therapeutic modalities that are given to patients with schizophrenia who experienced hallucinations in order to achieve independence of patient. This is a descriptive study which saw the picture of the level of independence of the patients in the control hallucinations after following stimulation group activity. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling, in which 42 people were interviewed. The process of data collection using the method of observation, which in practice researchers assisted by the numerator. Analysis of the data with the percentage and frequency distribution are described in the table. The result showed that the level of independence of patient hallucinations in controlling halluciantions after following stimulation group activity therapy activity perception is supportive 28.6%, partially 61,9%, and wholly 9,5%. Based on the findings that majority of patients a level of independence that is partially, developed strategies necessary in an effort to increase the performance of nurses in the implementation of nursing actions that can foster patient independence.Key words:Level of independence, hallucination, therapeutic group activity stimulation perception

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1875-1881
Pradistia Gilang Ghozali ◽  
Yuni Sandra Pratiwi

AbstractThe risk of violent behavior is a symptom of schizophrenic patients that can be controlled through perceptual stimulation group activity therapy. It is an effort to train the patient to perceive the stimulus provided or the stimulus that has been experienced. This study aims to investigate the effect of the effect of perceptual stimulation group activity therapy on patients with violent behavior risks based on a literature review.It took three journals from Google scholar and with group activity therapy, perceptual stimulation, and the risk of violent behavior as the keywords. These are full-text published in 2011-2020. The result of respondents’ characteristics analysis stated 66 people were taken as respondents, 83% are male with the age 21-40 years. Their average value in controlling anger before intervention was 46,873 and 43.5 after the process. It proved to control patients’ anger. Thus, nurses suggested to teach this therapy for overcoming the problem.Keywords: Perceptual stimulation group activity therapy; the risks of violent behavior AbstrakRisiko perilaku kekerasan ialah gejala dari pasien skizofrenia dapat dikontrol melalui terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi. Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi ialah upaya untuk melatih pasien mempersepsikan stimulus yang disediakan atau stimulus yang pernah dialami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi pada pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan berdasarkan literature review. Desain karya tulis ilmiah berupa literatur review dengan jumlah tiga artikel yang diambil dari laman jurnal google scholar dan dengan kata kunci ‘’terapi aktivitas kelompok’’, ‘’stimulasi persepsi’’ dan ‘’resiko perilaku kekerasan’’ berupa artikel fullteks, terbit tahun 2011-2020. Hasil analisa karakteristik responden dari tiga artikel menunjukan jumlah responden 66, sebagian besar (83%) laki-laki dengan umur 21-40 tahun. Nilai rata-rata kemampuan mengontrol kemarahan sebelum intervensi 46,873, setelah intervensi 43,5. Simpulan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi dapat mengontrol marah pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan. Saran bagi perawat hendaknya mengajarkan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi untuk mengontrol resiko perilaku kekerasanKata kunci: Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi; resiko perilaku kekerasan

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 426
Widya Sepalanita ◽  
Wittin Khairani

The prevalence of mental emotional disorders indicated by symptoms of depression and anxiety for ages 15 years and over reaches around 14 million people or 6% of the total population of Indonesia. While the prevalence of severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, reaches around 400,000 people or as many as 1.7 per 1,000 residents. Hallucinations are one of the symptoms of schizophrenic mental disorder. Therapy Activities Groups with perceptual stimulation are therapies that use activities to perceive various stimulations related to experience with life to be discussed in groups. The aim of the research was to know the effect of group activity therapy on hallucinogenic control ability in schizophrenic patients in Jambi Province Mental Hospital in 2018. This study used a quasi experimental design with a design of one group design with pretest and posttest. The study was conducted at the Jambi Province Mental Hospital in June-September 2018 with a total sample of 30 people taken by purposive sampling. The results of this study are that there is a significant effect of group activity therapy on hallucinogenic control ability in schizophrenic patients at Jambi Province Mental Hospital. This study is expected to increase knowledge, understanding and skills of mental nurses in treating or treating schizophrenic patients, to improve the ability to control the hallucinations of schizophrenic patients through therapeutic activities of perception simulation groups by applying group activity therapy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 174

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Skizofrenia adalah suatu gangguan jiwa berat yang ditandai dengan penurunan atau ketidakmampuan berkomunikasi, gangguan realitas (halusinasi dan waham) afek tidak wajar atau tumpul, gangguan kognitif (tidak mampu berfikir abstrak) serta mengalami kesukaran melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Tujuan:  penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi halusinasi terhadap kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi pada pasien skizofrenia di ruang rawat inap Arjuna Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Provinsi Jambi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuntitatif dengan metode penelitian pre eksperimen dengan desain berupa one group pre test dan post test. Sampel dipilih secara purposive sampling sebanyak 10 responden. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada tanggal 28 Juli sampai 10 Agustus 2017. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrument berupa lembar wawancara dan observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik t-test. Hasil:  penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata kemampuan pasien mengontrol halusinasi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi halusinasi dengan nilai rata-rata (14,30) menjadi (16,30) setelah diberikan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi halusinasi. Terdapat pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi halusinasi terhadap kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi pada pasien skizofrenia di ruang rawat inap Arjuna Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Provinsi Jambi dengan p-value=0,001 < 0,05. Kesimpulan:  ada pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi halusinasi terhadap kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi pada pasien skizofrenia. Kata kunci : Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Stimulasi Persepsi Halusinasi dan Kemampuan Mengontrol Halusinasi   ABSTRACT Background:Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by a decrease or inability to communicate, disruption of reality (hallucinations and abstractly) and have difficulty doing everyday activities. Aim: This study aimed to determine is there any the effect of group activity therapy stimulation of hallucinatory perception toward the ability to control hallucinations in schizophrenic patiens in Arjuna room psychistric hospital Jambi province. Method: This is a quantitative research by using pre experiment method and one group pre test and post test desaign. Samples were 10 respondents, it used purposive sampling. This study was conducted on July 28th – August 10th 2017. The data collecting used instrument through interview and observation. Data analyzed used t-test. Result: The findings indicated that there is an increase in the average ability of patients to control hallucinations before and after given group activity therapy stimulation of hallucinatory perception with average value (14,30) become (16,30) after given group activity therapy stimulation of hallucinatory perception. There is the effect of group activity therapy stimulation of hallucinatory perception toward the ability to control hallucinations in schizophrenic patients in Arjuna room psychiatric hospital Jambi Province with p-value 0,001 < 0,05. Conclusion:  It cocluded there is the effect of group activity therapy stimulation of hallucinatory perception toward the ability to control hallucibations in schizophrenic patients   Keywords : Activity Therapy Stimulation of Hallucinatory Perception and the Ability to Control Hallucinations  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Angga Sugiarto ◽  
Suyanta Suyanta ◽  
Erna Erawati ◽  
Sri Handayani

Background: Hallucination is a problem that appears in schizophrenia as a positive symptom that must be addressed immediately so as not to disturb the health status. Nursing therapy is the main alternative to resolve hallucinatory problems in schizophrenic patients who are treated at the Mental Hospital.Methods: The method used is literature review with a library of articles or journals from 2010-2019 by searching through Google Scholar, Pro Quest, GALE, EBSCOhost, and Ovid Journal.Results: The results of the synthesis show that nursing therapy can overcome the problem of hallucinations in schizophrenic patients.Conclusion: CBT and group activity therapy as nursing therapy are effective for hallucinations of schizophrenia

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 967-973
Lin Herlina ◽  
Febi Risdayanti

Anak tunagrahita yaitu anak yang  memiliki  fungsi intelektual di bawah rata-rata (70) dan disertai dengan keterbatasan dalam kemampuan kognitif, kemampuan verbal, kemampuan motorik dan kemampuan sosialisasi. Sosialisasi adalah suatu proses seseorang belajar berperilaku tertentu sesuai dengan tuntunan budaya tempat ia hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok pada kemampuan sosialisasi anak tunagrahita sedang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan metode pendekatan one grouppretest-posttest, teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 10 orang yaitu pada kelas 1 sampai kelas 4. Data diperoleh dengan cara observasi dan dianalisis secara statistika menggunakan analisa uji paired t-test, dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,05. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil sebelum dilakukan terapi dari 10 orang responden dengan nilai median11,50 dan nilai minimal 10 serta maksimal 14 dengan katagori tidak mampu, sedangkan setelah dilakukan terapi didapatkan hasil median 13,00 dengan nilai minimal 10 serta maksimal 17 dengan kategori mampu.Dari hasil uji statistik menggunakan paired sampel t-test didapatkan hasil atau nilai p value yaitu 0,000 yang artinya bahwa (0,000<0,05). Dengan demikian ada pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok terhadap kemampuan sosialisasi anak tunagrahita sedang di SLB-C  Pancaran Kasih Kota Cirebon 2017. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terapi aktivitas kelompok terhadap kemampuan sosialisasi anak tunagrahita sedang di SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Kota Cirebon dengan metode bermain kartu diharapkan bisa menjadi bahan kegiatan untuk stimulasi kemampuan sosialisasi yang dapat dilakukan oleh sekolah maupun orang tua sesuai dengan SOP pada anak tunagrahitaKata Kunci          : Kemampuan sosialisasi anak tunagrahita  ABSTRACTChildren with intellectual challenges of children who have intellectual functioning below average (70) and is accompanied by limitations in cognitive abilities, verbal skills, motor skills and socialization skills.Socialization is a process of learning to behave in a particular manner in accordance with the guidance of the culture in which he lives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of group activity therapy on the ability of socialization of children with mental retradation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of group activity therapy on children with ental retradation socialization skills were. This research is a quasi-experimental approach method one group pretest-posttest, The sampling technique using purposive sampling with the number of samples 10 people are in classes 1 to 4. Data obtained by observation and analyzed statistically using analysis of paired t-test, with a significance level of 0.05. From the results obtained prior to therapy of the 10 respondents with a medianvalue11,50 and a minimum value of 10 and a maximum of 14 in the category of inadequacy, whereas after therapy showed a median of 13.00 with a minimum value of 10 and a maximum of 17 categories capable .From the results of statistical tests using paired sample t test or the results obtained p value is 0.000, which means that (0.000 <0.05). Thus there is the effect of group activity therapy to children with mental retradation socialization skills were in SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Cirebon 2017. Based on the results of group activity therapy on the ability of socialization of children mental retradation being in SLB-C Pancaran Kasih Cirebon with the method of playing cards is expected to be a material activity for the stimulation of socialization skills that can be done by schools and parents in accordance with SOP in children mental retradation.Keywords             : Socialization skills of children intellectual challenges

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