literature theory
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-329

This study aims to discover the moral value in character of Learisa Kayeli's Crocodile story written and developed by Asrif. Literary studies talking about children's literature through Maluku folklore are still not found in scientific journals. Therefore, the theory used in this study is the children’s literature theory of Burhan Nurgiyantoro. The research method used descriptive method of content analysis. This study describes the qualifications and disclosure of the character from the story as an introduction in interpreting the moral values. This story was chosen because (1) it has never been examined using children's literature theory; (2) the important characters are played by animal characters and result in more readers’ imagination compared to stories with human characters; (3) this story is intended for children especially for the fourth, fifth, and sixth graders; (4) it has a complete storyline; and (5) it is printed Maluku folklore written in Indonesian and went through digitalization process. This study concludes that there are seven moral values conveyed by the author in character of Learisa Kayeli's Crocodile story, namely: (1) do not be afraid to defend the truth or to quell tyranny even though life is at stake in order to create a harmonious and peaceful life; (2) appreciate the one who has contributed in (saving) your life in order to establish eternal brotherhood until the end of life; (3) do not disturb the peace of other people's lives so that your lives remain fortune; (4) never give up in trying to do something so that your dreams can be achieved; (5) make good friends with others so that you may be accepted by anyone and anywhere including in any new environment; (6) be patient in solving any obstacles in life so you can cherish other people; and (7) be wise to the surrounding environment in order to create a healthy natural balance so that it can provide benefits for mankind. Kajian ini bertujuan menelusuri nilai moral dalam tokoh cerita rakyat Maluku berjudul Buaya Learisa Kayeli yang ditulis dan dikembangkan oleh Asrif. Kajian sastra yang mengangkat tentang sastra anak melalui cerita rakyat Maluku masih belum ditemukan dalam karya ilmiah. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah teori sastra anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Kajian ini mendeskripsikan kualifikasi dan pengungkapan watak tokoh cerita sebagai pengantar dalam menafsirkan nilai moral yang terkandung di dalamnya. Cerita ini dipilih karena (1) belum pernah dikaji melalui  kajian sastra anak; (2) para tokoh penting diperankan oleh karakter binatang sehingga nilai fantasinya lebih tinggi daripada cerita dengan tokoh manusia; (3) cerita ini diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak terutama kelas 4, 5, dan 6; (4) memiliki cerita yang utuh; dan (5) merupakan cerita rakyat Maluku yang sudah dibukukan dan sudah berbahasa Indonesia bahkan sudah mengalami proses digitalisasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa ada tujuh nilai moral yang disampaikan pengarang dalam tokoh cerita Buaya Learisa Kayeli, yaitu (1) janganlah takut membela kebenaran/menumpas kezaliman meskipun nyawa menjadi taruhannya supaya tercipta kehidupan yang harmonis dan tenteram; (2) hargailah orang yang telah berjasa dalam (menyelamatkan) hidupmu supaya terjalin persaudaraan yang abadi sampai akhir hayat; (3) janganlah suka mengganggu ketenangan hidup orang lain supaya tidak bernasib buruk di kemudian hari; (4) jangan pernah menyerah dalam berusaha supaya impianmu bisa tercapai; (5) berperangailah dengan baik terhadap orang lain supaya kamu bisa diterima oleh siapa pun dan di mana pun termasuk di lingkungan baru sekali pun; (6) bersabarlah dalam menghadapi rintangan kehidupan supaya buah dari kesabaran itu bisa bermanfaat bagi orang lain; dan (7) bersikap bijaklah terhadap lingkungan sekitar supaya tercipta keseimbangan alam yang sehat sehingga bisa memberikan keuntungan bagi umat manusia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-293
Mega Fransiska Ariani ◽  
Eggy Fajar Andalas

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap suara-suara masyarakat yang dimarginalkan dalam kumpulan cerpen Orang-Orang Pinggiran karya Lea Pamungkas. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra dengan metode penelitian deskripsi kualitatif hermeneutik. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah karya sastra berupa kumpulan cerpen Orang-Orang Pinggiran karya Lea Pamungkas. Data pada penelitian ini berupa teks yang memperlihatkan suara-suara masyarakat pinggiran. Hasil penelitian ini berupa marginalisasi terhadap perempuan dan kelompok masyarakat. Marginalisasi pada perempuan, yaitu perempuan dianggap hanya sebagai subjek pemuas nafsu kaum laki-laki. Marginalisasi terhadap kelompok masyarakat ini berupa suara yang diabaikan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehingga menyebabkan kemiskinan Indonesia.Kata kunci: kumpulan cerpen, marginal, masyarakat pinggiran, sosiologi sastra ABSTRACT This study aims to reveal the voices of the marginalized in a collection of short stories Orang-Orang Pinggiran by Lea Pamungkas. This research uses sociology of literature theory with hermeneutic qualitative description research method. The Source of this research is a literary work in the form of a collection of short stories from Orang-Orang Pinggiran by Lea Pamungkas. The data in this study are in the form of texts that show the voices of marginalized communities. The result of this research is the marginalization of women and community groups. Marginalization of women, women are considered only as a subject to satisfy the lust of men. The marginalization of this community groups is in the form of their a voice that is ignored in meeting their needs, causing poverty in Indonesia.Keywords: a collection of short stories, marginal, marginal societ, literary sociology

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-167
Hiroyuki Suzuki ◽  
Sonam Wangmo

Abstract This exploratory study focuses on the use of hearsay evidential marking in the course of storytelling in a Tibetic language, Lhagang Tibetan, combining a descriptive linguistic approach with a literary-theoretic analysis. Tibetic languages generally possess a morpho-syntactically encoded evidential-epistemic system, in which the hearsay evidential represents a non-first-hand information source. However, we find a random use of the hearsay evidential marker in the oral literature of Lhagang Tibetan, although it has been transmitted from one generation to another by storytellers. The article aims to provide a reasonable explanation for the use of the hearsay evidential in storytelling. It proposes that hearsay evidential marking reflects the speaker’s attitude towards the utterance to either avoid full responsibility for the utterance or enhance the utterance’s authenticity. The former objective principally appears in telling a story based on a weak memory of the story; the latter appears in telling a legend. This explanation is supported by oral literature theory, especially the arguments regarding the difference between folktales and legends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Sriyati Sriyati

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the calculation of the cost of production using the full costing method the determine the cost of production at PT.Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya. Researchers used data sources consisting of primary data consisting of primary data and secondary data. The secondary theory is the theory obtained from the existing literature theory data, while the primary data is obtained from the company PT. Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya. In this study, the researcher used descriptive method with a qualitative method approach. Descriptive research method is research on problems that occur in the company and qualitative method is a research procedure that produces descriptive data consisting of written or oral forms of people and behaviors that researchers observe. The tools used for research use the full costing method. The researchers use the full costing method because the full costing method is one method of determining the costs of production that takes into account all elements of production costs into the costs of production. The results of the research that researchers have done are in calculating the cost of production using the full costing method to produce a higher value than the method applied by PT. Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya. This is because PT. Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya does not fully calculate the costs, both variable and fixed. The results of the analysis in calculating the cost of production using the full costing method for plastic 50 miliing mechines amounting to Rp.170.723.300, plastic 100 milling machines of Rp.300.976.260, plastic 200 milling mechines of Rp .509.424.300 and coconut milk machine of Rp. 169.424.300 Keywords: Full Costing Method, Cost of Production, Analysis Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana perhitungan harga pokok produksi dengan menggunakan Metode full costing untuk menetapkan harga pokok produksi pada PT. Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya. Peneliti menggunakan sumber data yang terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teori sekunder adalah teori yang diperoleh dari data kepustakaan yang ada, sedangkan data primer diperoleh dari perusahaan PT. Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya.Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Metode diskriptif dengan pendekatan Metode kualitatif. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif adalah penelitian terhadap masalah yang terjadi diperusahaan dan Metode kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data secara deskriptif yang terdiri dari kata bentuk tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang yang peneliti amati. Alat yang digunakan untuk penelitian menggunakan Metode Full Costing karena Metode penentuan harga pokok produksi yang memperhitungkan semua unsur biaya produksi ke Dalam harga pokok produksi.Hasil peneliti yang telah peneliti lakukan adalah Dalam perhitungan harga pokok produksi dengan menggunakan Metode full costing menghasilkan nilai yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Metode yang diterapkan oleh PT.Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya. Hal ini dikarenakan PT.Cahaya Agro Teknik Surabaya tidak sepenuhnya melakukan perhitungan harga pokok produksi baik yang bersifat variable maupun tetap. Hasil analisis Dalam perhitungan harga pokok produksi menggunakan Metode full costing untuk mesin giling plastic 50 sebesar Rp 170.723.300, Mesin Giling Plastik 100 sebesar Rp 300.976.300, Mesin Giling Plastik 200 Sebesar Rp 509.424.300 dan mesin peras santan sebesar Rp 169.424.300. Kata Kunci: Metode Full Costing, Harga Pokok Produksi, Analisis

2021 ◽  
Vol 146 ◽  
pp. 105612
Christopher B. Barrett ◽  
Kate Ghezzi-Kopel ◽  
John Hoddinott ◽  
Nima Homami ◽  
Elizabeth Tennant ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-30
G. Khachikyan

Հոդվածում ներկայացրել ենք գյումրեցի արձակագիր, գրականագետ, բանասիրական գիտությունների դոկտոր, պրոֆեսոր Հայկազ Հակոբջանյանի կյանքը, նրա գրական ժառանգության համառոտ բնութագիրը: Ավանդական և ժամանակակից գրականության տեսության հայեցակետերից ուսումնասիրել ենք նրա գեղարվեստական արձակի բնորոշ առանձնահատկությունները: Նարատոլոգիայի օրինաչափությունների կիրառմամբ համառոտ կերպով բացահայտել ենք գրողի վաղ շրջանի վիպակների («Ամանոսի լեռների առասպելը», «Պադվալի Վաղոն», «Խանասոր»), ինչպես նաև Վ. Տերյանի, Դ. Վարուժանի, Սիամանթոյի, Ռ. Սևակի մասին կենսագրական վեպերի մեջ հեղինակի և պատմողի (նարատոր) փոխառնչությունների առանձնահատկությունները: / In the article we have presented the life and brief description of the literary heritage of the Gyumri prose writer, literary critic, Doctor of Philological Sciences Haykaz Hakobjanyan. We examined the characteristics of his fiction from the point of view of the traditional and modern literature theory. Using the principles of the narratology, we briefly revealed the early novels of the writer (―The Myth of the Amanos Mounts‖, ―Padvali Vaghon‖, ―Khanasor‖), as well as the features correlations of the author and narrator in biographical novels about V. Teryan, D. Varuzhan, Siamanto, R. Sevak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Supadi Supadi ◽  
Amrizal Amrizal ◽  
Fina Hiasa

Learning Outcomes Improvement Through The Implementation Discovery Learning Model Using Whatsapp Group in Literature Theory Courses ABSTRAKPenerapan model discovery learning berbantuan aplikasi WhatsApp group pada mata kuliah Teori Sastra pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa semester satu Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, FKIP, Universitas Bengkulu. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes pada awal dan akhir siklus. Selain itu, teknik non tes juga digunakan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran awal dan akhir yang telah berlangsung. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Pada siklus pertama, hasil yang diperoleh belum memenuhi target capaian. Target yang ditetapkan tercapai pada siklus kedua. Hasilnya siswa yang memperoleh nilai A sebanyak 14 orang (33%), nilai B sebanyak 20 orang (50%), nilai C sebanyak 7 orang (17%), dan nilai D sebanyak 0 orang (0%). Hasil ini menunjukkan penerapan model discovery learning berbantuan aplikasi WhatsApp group telah berhasil memenuhi target capaian berupa peningkatan hasil belajar sebanyak 30%.Kata kunci: discovery learning, teori sastra, grup whatsapp ABSTRACTThe implementation of the discovery learning model assisted by the WhatsApp group application in the Literary Theory course in this study aims to improve the learning outcomes of first semester students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, FKIP, Bengkulu University. Data was collected by using test techniques in the beginning and the end of the cycle. In addition, non-test techniques are also used to determine student responses to the initial and final learning that has taken place. This classroom action research was carried out in two cycles, in the first cycle the results obtained did not reach the achievement targets. The target’s goal was achieved in the second cycle. As a result, 14 students (33%), B grades 20 (50%), C scores 7 (17%), and D scores 0 (0%). These results indicate that the application of the discovery learning model assisted by the WhatsApp group application has succeeded in the target achievement in the form of 30% increasing learning outcomes.Keyword: discovery learning, literary theory,whatsapp group

Abjadia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Noer Doddy Irmawati ◽  
Adhe Puspita Mayasari

This study aimed to describe social reality in Dancer Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari using sociology of literature theory. Analyzing the data used descriptive method, and collected bylibrary study with identifying novel “The Dancer”. From this study can be seen that there is a social reality in Dukuh Paruk. Dukuh paruk is a poor village and backward in every way. In it there are traditions that may be considered by some as taboo and violating norms, but in the village of Dukuh Paruk, they are still strong in holding onto these traditions. The social condition of people who are poor in wealth and knowledge has other social impacts. Rasus and Srintil, who are the main characters in the novel, make Dukuh Paruk village a witness to their love journey which is full of problems and challenges. However, the social problems that hinder them are not only due to their inability to unite their love, but also because of the many environmental factors that surround them. In Dukuh Paruk village, there are many social realities which represent the life of Dukuh Paruk Village which is small but has complex problems. This phenomenoncaused by some aspects such aspoverty and lack of knowledge in society. Some social reality founded in this story started from poverty, sorcery, tyranny, love, prostitution, pre-wedding sex, trickery, social jealousy and sexual abuse.

CALL ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Alfi Muhammad Firdaus ◽  
Mahi M. Hkikmat

Novels The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain and The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini have similarities in describing struggle against hegemony. The term of “hegemony” is related to a domination of dominant group to subordinate group through agreement. In addition, this hegemony can also include physical violence to strengthen the domination. Meanwhile the term “Struggle” means that there are also resistances against the hegemony. These two novels were analyzed by comparative literature theory by Susan Basnett and Antoni Gramsci’s theory about hegemony. Focus of this research is how the writers describe hegemony and counter hegemony in social environment through literary work. This research aims to describe hegemony from dominant group to subordinate group in several kinds such as culture, ideology, intellectual and moral leadership, and state. This research also describes about several resistances, such as active, passive, and humanistic resistance. The result of this research is that there are similarities and differences of hegemony and counter hegemony based on state of factor of American and Afghanistan. The similarities can be found in the struggle, such as passive and humanistic resistance. Meanwhile for the difference in hegemony, the novel The Kite Runner includes physical hegemony through war and assassination. For the difference in struggle, The Kite Runner provide an active resistance toward a dominant group.Keywords: Hegemony; Counter Hegemony; Comparative Literature

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