kuroshio extension
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Takuya Itaki ◽  
Sakura Utsuki ◽  
Yuki Haneda ◽  
Kentaro Izumi ◽  
Yoshimi Kubota ◽  

AbstractMarine isotope stage (MIS) 19 is considered to be the best orbital analog for the present interglacial. Consequently, clarifying the climatic features of this period can provide us with insights regarding a natural baseline for assessing future climate changes. A high-resolution radiolarian record from 800 to 750 ka (MIS 20 to MIS 18) was examined from the Chiba composite section (CbCS) of the Kokumoto Formation, including the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the lower–middle Pleistocene boundary on the Boso Peninsula on the Pacific side of central Japan. Millennial-scale oscillations in the Kuroshio warm and Oyashio cold currents were revealed by the Tr index, which is estimated using a simple equation based on radiolarian assemblages. The estimated Tr values ranged between 0.1 and 0.8 for MIS 18 through MIS 19, with minimum and maximum values corresponding to values observed off present day Aomori (41°N) and the Boso Peninsula (35°N), respectively. The observed patterns tended to be synchronous with the total radiolarian abundance associated with their production. Multiple maxima in radiolarian abundance occurred during periods of the Oyashio expanded mode before 785 ka and during periods of Kuroshio extension after 785 ka in MIS 19. Such increases in radiolarian abundance with the Kuroshio extension during MIS 19 are likely related to improvements in nutrient and photic environments with the development of a two-layer structure along the Kuroshio–Oyashio boundary zone. A similar pattern of millennial-scale climatic changes was also recognized in a precipitation record from the Sulmona Basin in central Italy, suggesting a close relationship with the CbCS record as a result of a large-scale climate system similar to the Arctic Oscillation in the northern hemisphere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Zhiwei You ◽  
Lingxiao Liu ◽  
Brandon J. Bethel ◽  
Changming Dong

Although a variety of ocean mesoscale eddy datasets are available for researchers to study eddy properties throughout the global ocean, subtle differences in how these datasets are produced often lead to large differences between one another. This study compares the Global Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Atmospheric-Oceanic-Biological interaction Observational Dataset (GOMEAD) with the well-recognized Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas in four regions with strong eddy activity: the Northwest Pacific Subtropical Front (SF), Kuroshio Extension (KE), South China Sea (SCS), and California Coastal Current (CC), and assesses the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. It was identified that while there is a slight difference in the total number of eddies detected in each dataset, the frequency distribution of eddy radii presents a right-skewed normal distribution, tending towards larger radii eddies, and there are more short- than long-lived eddies. Interestingly, the total number of GOMEAD eddies is 8% smaller than in the META dataset and this is most likely caused by the GOMEAD dataset’s underestimation of total eddy numbers and lifespans due to their presence near islands, and the tendency to eliminate eddies from its database if their radii are too small to be adequately detected. By contrast, the META dataset, due to tracking jumps in detecting eddies, may misidentify two eddies as a single eddy, reducing total number of eddies detected. Additionally, because the META dataset is reliant on satellite observations of sea surface level anomalies (SLAs), when SLAs are weak, the META dataset struggles to detect eddies. The GOMEAD dataset, by contrast, is reliant on applying vector geometry to detect and track eddies, and thus, is largely insulated from this problem. Thus, although both datasets are excellent in detecting and characterizing eddies, users should use the GOMEAD dataset when the region of interest is far from islands or when SLAs are weak but use the META dataset if the region of interest is populated by islands, or if SLAs are intense.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Shuqin Zhang ◽  
Gang Fu ◽  
Yu Zhang ◽  
Jianjun Xu ◽  
Yufeng Xue ◽  

Statistical characteristics and composite synoptic-scale environmental conditions of explosive cyclones (ECs) over the Japan Sea and Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension are examined and compared using ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis to give a better understanding of their differences. ECs over the Japan Sea frequently occur in late autumn and early winter and those over the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension mainly occur in winter and early spring. The maximum deepening rate, minimum central sea level pressure and explosive-developing lifetime of ECs over the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension are generally larger, lower and longer, respectively, than those over the Japan Sea. ECs over the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension formed over the East China Sea tend to develop more rapidly, and weak and moderate ECs generally begin to develop explosively over the sea to the east of the Japan Islands, while the strong and super ECs over the sea to the south of Japan Islands have longer explosive-developing tracks. Composite analysis shows that synoptic-scale environmental conditions favoring rapid EC development over these two regions are significantly different. ECs over the Japan Sea have stronger baroclinicity and cyclonic vorticity, but weaker water vapor convergence and upper-level jet stream than those over the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension. The key factor contributing to the baroclinicity is the cold air intrusion over the Japan Sea and the strong warm current heating over the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension. The potential vorticity shows anomalies in upper and low levels for both EC areas and extends further downwards over the Japan Sea.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105-108
Т.Р. Кильматов ◽  
А.Д. Черепанова

В работе на основе базы данных температуры поверхности воды в северной части Тихого океана на климатическом масштабе 1980 - 2019 годы с временным шагом один год исследована зависимость скорости изменения температуры от широты. В летний (август) период отмечается устойчивая зависимость темпов роста средней зональной температуры поверхности в направлении от тропиков к субарктике. Характерная скорость роста температуры в тропических широтах 0,011 0C/год, в субтропиках 0,021 0C/год, в субарктических акваториях выше 400N имеем 0,027 0C/год. В зимний сезон (февраль) такой тенденции не наблюдается. Представлены количественные оценки возможного влияния температурных трендов на глобальную циркуляцию. Рост поверхностной температуры увеличивает вертикальную стратификацию и уменьшает вертикальный обмен вод, относительное ослабление вертикальной скорости не превышает 0,01 % за десятилетие, что представляет незначительным. Представлена количественная оценка уменьшения геострофической составляющей горизонтальной скорости течения продолжения Куросио на восток вследствие климатического сглаживания перепада температуры воды южнее и севернее струи. The change of sea surface temperature (SST) in the North Pacific Ocean on the climatic scale 1980 - 2019 is considered. The rate of temperature change as a function of latitude with the one year time step and the 10 degrees spatial step is investigated. The latitudinal time series for summer and winter are separated. The summer (August) period has the climatic stable dependence of the surface temperature growth rate in the direction from the tropics to the subarctic area. The characteristic rate of temperature rise in tropical latitudes is 0.011 0C / year; in the subtropics is 0.021 0C / year; in subarctic waters above 40 0N this is 0.027 0C / year. The winter season (February) does not have this tendency. The quantitative estimates of the temperature trends influence on global circulation are presented. The SST growth enhances vertical stratification and decreases the vertical water exchange. The estimation of the relative vertical speed decrease is not more than 0.01% / decade. The quantitative assessment of the weakening of the geostrophic horizontal velocity in the Kuroshio extension due to the climatic smoothing of the SST south - north gradient is presented.

2021 ◽  
Yuma Kawakami ◽  
Atsushi Kojima ◽  
Kiyoshi Murakami ◽  
Toshiya Nakano ◽  
Shusaku Sugimoto

AbstractTemporal variations of net Kuroshio transport are examined for 1972–2018 based on a repeated hydrographic section along 137°E, which is maintained by the Japan Meteorological Agency. The net Kuroshio transport obtained by integration of geostrophic current velocity relative to 1000 dbar depth fluctuates on inter-annual and decadal timescales. The predominant timescale of the net Kuroshio transport changes with time; the inter-annual variation is pronounced in 1972–1990 and 2000–2018, and the decadal variation is detected only before 2000. We find that a winter wind stress curl variation in the central North Pacific which reflects meridional movements of the Aleutian Low and intensity fluctuations of the North Pacific subtropical high on an inter-annual timescale and intensity fluctuations of the Aleutian Low on a decadal timescale, causes the net Kuroshio transport variation. In addition to the inter-annual and decadal variations, we further pointed out a bi-decadal-scale variation of the net Kuroshio transport and its possible link to the Aleutian Low intensity fluctuation. Moreover, our results indicate that during large net Kuroshio transport, sea surface temperature around the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension region tends to increase, resulting in vigorous upward sensible and latent heat release.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Guidi Zhou ◽  
Zhuhua Li ◽  
Xuhua Cheng

In this work we use satellite altimeter observations to study the mechanism of decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension (KE), with special attention on jet-eddy energy transfer, and on the relationship between the wind-driven sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs) and those directly driven by intrinsic oceanic processes including jet and eddies. It is shown that energy feedback between the jet and mesoscale eddies can maintain the decadal oscillation of the KE. The wind-driven SSHAs are broad-scale and very weak compared to the intrinsic variability. Physically they can potentially trigger delayed responses of the latter by modulating vorticity advection from upstream but the statistical significance is low. KE perturbations resulting from the intrinsic variability, on the other hand, could feedback onto the wind-driven SSHAs by inducing anomalous basin-scale wind stress. The KE jet is thus an integrated system involving the jet and the eddies, possibly feeding back to, and paced by, wind stress anomalies.

Bo Qiu ◽  
Shuiming Chen

AbstractA unique characteristic by the Kuroshio off the southern coast of Japan is its bimodal path variations. In contrast to its straight path that follows coastline, the Kuroshio takes a large meander (LM) path when its axis detours southward by as much as 300 km. Since 1950, eight Kuroshio LM events took place and their occurrences appeared random. By synthesizing available in-situ/satellite observations and atmospheric reanalysis product, this study seeks to elucidate processes conducive for the LM occurrence. We find both changes in the inflow Kuroshio transport from the East China Sea and in the downstream Kuroshio Extension dynamic state are not determinant factors. Instead, intense anticyclonic eddies with transport > 20 Sv emanated from the Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) are found to play critical roles in interacting with Kuroshio path perturbations southeast of Kyushu that generate positive relative vorticities along the coast and lead the nascent path perturbation to form a LM. Occurrence of this intense cyclonic{anticyclonic eddy interaction is favored when surface wind forcing over the STCC is anticyclonic during the positive phasing of Pacific decadal oscillations (PDOs). Such wind forcing strengthens the meridional Ekman flux convergence and enhances eddy generation by the STCC, and seven of the past eight LM events are found to be preceded by 1 ~ 2 years by the persistent anticyclonic wind forcings over the STCC. Rather than a fully random phenomenon, we posit that the LM occurrence is regulated by regional wind forcing with a positive PDO imprint.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (19) ◽  
pp. 5539-5554
Shuangling Chen ◽  
Mark L. Wells ◽  
Rui Xin Huang ◽  
Huijie Xue ◽  
Jingyuan Xi ◽  

Abstract. Subduction associated with mesoscale eddies is an important but difficult-to-observe process that can efficiently export carbon and oxygen to the mesopelagic zone (100–1000 dbar). Using a novel BGC-Argo dataset covering the western North Pacific (20–50∘ N, 120–180∘ E), we identified imprints of episodic subduction using anomalies in dissolved oxygen and spicity, a water mass marker. These subduction patches were present in 4.0 % (288) of the total profiles (7120) between 2008 and 2019, situated mainly in the Kuroshio Extension region between March and August (70.6 %). Roughly 31 % and 42 % of the subduction patches were identified below the annual permanent pycnocline depth (300 m vs. 450 m) in the subpolar and subtropical regions, respectively. Around half (52 %) of these episodic events injected oxygen-enriched waters below the maximum annual permanent thermocline depth (450 dbar), with >20 % occurring deeper than 600 dbar. Subduction patches were detected during winter and spring when mixed layers are deep. The oxygen inventory within these subductions is estimated to be on the order of 64 to 152 g O2/m2. These mesoscale events would markedly increase oxygen ventilation as well as carbon removal in the region, both processes helping to support the nutritional and metabolic demands of mesopelagic organisms. Climate-driven patterns of increasing eddy kinetic energies in this region imply that the magnitude of these processes will grow in the future, meaning that these unexpectedly effective small-scale subduction processes need to be better constrained in global climate and biogeochemical models.

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