work sampling
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 473-487
Helmi Alfiansyah ◽  
M. Syamsul Maarif ◽  
Nimmi Zulbainarni

Human resource planning is a series of activities carried out to anticipate business and environmental demands on the organization in the future and to meet labor needs that arise from certain conditions. This study aims to analyze the use of working time by employees in the Government Service Division; analyze the optimal number of employees based on the workload in the Government Service Division, and analyze the alternatives or managerial implications that can be offered to the Government Service Division. This study used the Workload Indicator Staffing Need (WISN) analysis method with work sampling technique. The population in this study are employees who work in the Government Service Division (DGS). The sample size was selected using the probability sampling method and the sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the highest use of working time was found in the Legal 1 Bidding and Management sub-unit with a value of 84.32% and the lowest was found in the Complaint Handling Assurance and Delivery sub-unit with a value of 80%. Each Government Service Division unit requires additional employees, with the highest need being in the Assurance and Delivery unit as many as 19 people and the lowest need being in the Government Solution and Partnership unit as many as eight people. The managerial implication that can be given as input is that the company needs to re-evaluate the planning of all aspects both in recruitment, competence, and the development that will be carried out. Keywords: employee needs, WISN, workload, work sampling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Muhammad Irwansyah Barkhati Setiawan ◽  
Arief Rahman ◽  
Faradilla ◽  
Muhammad Atta Bary

The importance of quality human resources in oil palm plantations in the field of harvesting to achieve high productivity, the success of harvesters is also very much determined by the pressure of the workload that is owned by workers, the workload depends on the job description compiled by the company. also the possibility of a workload that is too high. This study aims to analyze the working time of harvest employees and determine the productive, unproductive and personal time of harvest employees and analyze the number of harvest employees needed at PT. XYZ. This research was conducted at PT. XYZ Tanjung Batu Village, Derawan Island District, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. This research was conducted using work sampling data collection method, namely observing the working time of harvest employees with 10 minutes intervals for 7 working hours by noting productive time, unproductive time and personal time. The results from the observations of researchers through the characteristics of harvest workers that affect the characteristics of age and height characteristics, it is proven that the age of 20 - 29 years is faster to reach the target or basis compared to the age of 30 - 49 years. And the characteristics of height have an effect on reaching the target, it is proven that height 170 - 179 cm reaches the target or base faster than 150 - 159 cm. And the observations of researchers from 16 respondents harvest productive working time an average of 73.52%, 17.20% unproductive time and 9.28% personal time. Calculation of the need for harvest workers in 1 division (763.33 ha) results in 33,644 rounded up to 34 harvest workers, the results needed in 1 division (763.33 ha) through the calculation of the time of completion of tasks (WPT).

Yumi Damai Yanti ◽  
Idzani Muttaqin ◽  
Ice Trianiza

UD. Budi Ayu merupakan salah satu industri kecil yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan material bahan bangunan berupa paving block dan batako dinding. Penelitian dilakukan karena adanya ketidakseimbangan beban kerja antar stasiun kerja dan keluhan rasa sakit yang dialami oleh para pekerja karena beban kerja yang berlebih. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis beban kerja tiap-tiap bagian dan menentukan jumlah tenaga kerja optimal serta untuk menganalisis keluhan rasa sakit di bagian tubuh yang dialami oleh para pekerja. Metode Workload Analysis digunakan untuk mengetahui beban kerja dari masing-masing pekerja. Metode work sampling digunakan untuk mendapatkan persentase waktu produktif sedangkan untuk mengetahui keluhan rasa sakit digunakan SNQ (Standard Nordic Questionnaire) yang dibagikan kepada para pekerja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka didapatkan bahwa hamper seluruh pekerja memiliki beban kerja lebih dari 100% kecuali pekerja 5 yang hanya memiliki beban 90,41%. Bagian batako dinding merupakan bagian yang memiliki beban kerja paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 123,2%. Beban kerja kerja yang tinggi ini jika dibiarkan secara terus menerus tanpa adanya perbaikan dapat berakibat pada fisik pekerja maupun kualitas hasil kerja. Usulan yang diberikan adalah menambah pekerja 1 orang dibagian batako dinding sehingga dapat mengurangi beban kerja dibagian tersebut dan dengan adanya penambahan pekerja tadi dapat di manfaatkan untuk membantu pekerjaan distasiun lain yang membutuhkan sedangkan Keluhan otot terbesar yang dialami pekerja selama bekerja yaitu pada tubuh bagian pinggang dengan persentase sebesar 12,70%. Kata Kunci: Beban Kerja, Work Sampling, Workload Analysis (WLA)

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 148-154
Suvana Aninda ◽  
Harmein Nasution ◽  
Linda Trimurni Maas

Human resources are individuals who work as the cogs of a company and can produce ideas that are useful for the company. A company must have a department which in carrying out its duties functions to regulate planning in Human Resources and in carrying out the department concerned will calculate the number of employees who will then be given authority or responsibility for their work. Productivity and work efficiency can be disrupted if there is an employee workload. Employee workload can occur when doing tasks that exceed the ability of employees. At PT Asuransi Central Asia there is an imbalance of work in some divisions and causes delays in completing work. In addition, the distribution of employees in each work unit, there are still those who do not refer to the workload and there are also employees who do not use their productive time as well as possible. The purpose of this study is to analyze the working time of employees by using the Work Sampling method and also to analyze the amount employee needs based on workload measurement with the Full Time Equivalent method. The results of this study indicate that the effective working day for a year is 226 days and the effective working time is 1,360 hours for five working days per week. Through the Work Sampling method, it is known that the total time for productive activities is 78%, unproductive activities are 11% and personal activities are 11% with a 30% allowance. Based on the results of measuring the workload with the Full Time Equivalent method, it can be seen that there are 16 employees with an under load workload, an in load workload of 13 employees and an employee with an overloaded workload of 8 employees. Therefore, the company can take several steps to optimize its employees, namely by transferring tasks from overloaded employees to under loaded employees in the same division, companies can also increase working time with overtime wages without having to add 5 employees to save company costs, companies can also conduct employee transfers, provide training and education to improve employee skills and knowledge, and pay attention to the employee's work system. Keywords: Employee Needs, Workload, Work Sampling, Full Time Equivalent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 2469
Kian K. Kong ◽  
Siew C. Ong ◽  
Guat S. Ooi ◽  
Mohamed A. Hassali

Background: The clinical pharmacy service to the ward was established in 2005 in Malaysia, as the number of pharmacists working in the public service sector began to grow. Yet, there has been little local research done on reporting the range of work activities of clinical pharmacists and the amount of time that they spent on their work activities. Objective: This study aimed to identify the range of work activities of clinical pharmacists by observation and to estimate the proportion of time spent on different work activities by using the work sampling technique. Methods: The time spent by clinical pharmacists on various activities was measured using the work sampling technique over 30 working days. The work activities of clinical pharmacists were pre-identified and customized into an activity checklist. Two observers were placed at the study site and took turns recording the activities performed by the clinical pharmacists by following a randomly generated observation schedule. Results: 1,455 observations were made on five clinical pharmacists with a total of 3493 events recorded. Overall, clinical pharmacists spent 78.8% (n=2751) of their time providing clinical services whereas 12.3% (n=433) of their time was spent on non-clinical activities. They were found to be idle from work for 8.9% of the time. There was no difference in bed occupancy rate in the study site regardless of the presence of the observer (p=0.384). Clinical pharmacists were found to report a higher average daily cumulative work unit of 9.8 (SD=4.3) when under observation compared to an average daily cumulative work unit of 6.5 (SD=4.6) when no observer was present (p=0.005). Conclusions: The results revealed that clinical pharmacists spent a significant amount of time on non-clinical work. Their responsibilities with non-clinical work should be properly taken care of so they can allocate more time to providing patient care.

Jurnal METRIS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (01) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Malvin Taruna

This study aimed to determine the workload of the workers to be used for incentive plan in the Quality Control Division, Company X. Studying work characteristics, a work sampling technique was used. Two workers from this QC division were participated in the study. A number of 440 observation were taken from each Worker 1 and Worker 2. Results showed that the percentages of productive time are 93.62% for Worker 1 and 91.81% for Worker 2. Meanwhile for workload resulted 151% and 138% for Worker 1 and Worker 2 (classified as overload for both workers). This study recommended the company to add one more worker to help in this workstation to reduce the workload of these two workers

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  

Chatime merupakan salah satu bisnis waralaba penyedia minuman yang berasal dari Taiwan. Dalam perkembangannya, Chatime telah membuka cabang di berbagai negara, salah satunya di Indonesia. Kualitas pelayanan Chatime sangat dipengaruhi oleh kasir dimana sebagian besar pekerjaan dilakukan oleh kasir, seperti menerima pesanan, membuat pesanan, melakukan transaksi, dan memberikan pesanan kepada pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, kinerja kasir perlu diukur dengan analisis produktivitas operator yang tepat guna meningkatkan produktivitas dan kepuasan pelanggan. Gerai Chatime Mangga Besar merupakan gerai baru yang dibuka pada tanggal 18 Januari 2019 dan Mangga Besar merupakan daerah yang terkenal ramai sebagai tempat wisata kuliner malam dimana jam buka berbagai tempat kuliner di Mangga Besar akan meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja operator kasir menggunakan metode work sampling di gerai Chatime Mangga Besar yang dilakukan pada pukul 18.00-21.00 WIB. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai waktu normal 0,8605 menit/orang, waktu baku 1,2843 menit/orang, output standar 420,4625 pelanggan, persentase produktif 94,59%, dan beban kerja 185,9%.

Jurnal Airaha ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 039-044
Putri Wening Ratrinia ◽  
Aulia Azka ◽  
Widya Romaini

This study aims to determine the level of labor productivity in catfish fillet processing using the LUR method. In this study, data collection was carried out by means of work sampling by recording labor activities and classifying them into three types of activity, namely effective, contributory, and ineffective. Based on the results of the analysis of Labor Utilization Rate (LUR) using the work sampling method carried out at 4 work stations, namely skinning, filleting, trimming, and freezing for 4 days of observation, it was found that the level of labor productivity in the catfish fillet processing industry was quite satisfactory, due to utility factors or the LUR value is more than 50%, which is an average of 92.22%.

Sylvie Indah Kartika Sari ◽  
Bintoro Dwi Krisna Winata ◽  
Debrina Puspita Andriani ◽  
Wisnu Wijayanto Putro

Industrial competition demands that each company be effective and efficient, hence companies need to make optimal use of resources. The purpose of this research is to determine the productivity of the workers in completing their work and to discover how much workload is caused by the activities carried out. In addition, recommendations for improvements were also given as an effort to reduce the high rate of overtime hours and determine the appropriate number of the workforce at spare parts and raw materials division. The results showed that some workforces have an uneven workload. Meanwhile, based on the results of workload analysis, it can be seen that the workload of the warehouse feeder is classified as a high workload, which is 102%.

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