viral yield
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2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
Rosvita Sitar ◽  
Tanja Švara ◽  
Aleksandra Grilc Fajfar ◽  
Sabina Šturm ◽  
Marko Cvetko ◽  

Abstract: Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) is considered a serious disease of several marine fish species, caused by RNA virus belonging to the family Nodaviridae, genus Betanodavirus. The disease is spread almost worldwide and causes significant losses among diseased fish. It is characterised by vacuolation of the central nervous system and the retina. In July 2018, behavioural abnormalities i.e. altered swimming, swirling and vertical floating as well as lethargy and anorexia were observed in farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the Gulf of Piran (Slovenia), associated with significant mortality. The disease initially occurred in juvenile sea bass, but later market-sized fish also became affected. Diseased fish displayed ocular opacity and multifocal skin ulceration on the head. Emaciation in some fish was also evident. Histopathology revealed characteristic vacuolation in the brain and retina. Performing a RT-PCR and RT-qPCR techniques, we have identified and confirmed the presence of betanodavirus nucleic acid in ocular and brain tissues. In addition, concentrations of the causative agent of VER in spleen and kidney did result in significantly higher viral yield than expected. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Slovenian isolate belongs to RGNNV species of betanodaviruses. Based on the clinical signs, gross and typical microscopic lesions and results of molecular analyses, we can conclude that farmed sea bass from the Gulf of Piran were affected with VER. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of VER in Slovenia.Key words: viral encephalopathy and retinopathy; betanodavirus; sea bass; histopathology; RT-qPCR PRVI IZBRUH VIRUSNE ENCEFALOPATIJE IN RETINOPATIJE PRI GOJENIH BRANCINIH (Dicentrarchus labrax) V SLOVENIJI Izvleček: Virusna encefalopatija in retinopatija (VER) je nevarna bolezen številnih vrst morskih rib, ki jo povzroča nevrotropni RNA virus iz družine Nodaviridae, rod Betanodavirus. Bolezen je razširjena skoraj po vsem svetu in povzroča visok pogin okuženih rib. Zanjo so značilne vakuole v centralnem živčnem sistemu in retini. Konec julija 2018 so v ribogojnici v Piranskem zalivu pri brancinih opazili nepravilno plavanje, vrtenje in postavljanje v vertikalno smer ter letargijo in neješčnost, brancini so množično poginjali. Bolezen se je najprej pojavila pri mladicah, nato tudi pri konzumnih kategorijah brancinov. Obolele ribe so imele sivo-motna očesna zrkla ter multifokalne kožne razjede na glavi, posamezne so bile shujšane. S histopatološko preiskavo smo ugotovili značilne vakuole v možganih in retini. Z molekularnima metodama RT-PCR in RT-qPCR smo potrdili prisotnost nukleinske kisline betanodavirusa v očesnem zrklu in možganih. Koncentracije virusa, ki so bile signifikantno višje od pričakovanih, smo ugotovili tudi v vranici in ledvicah. Na podlagi kliničnih znakov, makroskopskih in tipičnih histopatoloških sprememb ter rezultatov molekularnih preiskav lahko zaključimo, da so gojeni brancini v ribogojnici v Piranskem zalivu zboleli za VER. Opisani izbruh je prvi potrjeni primer te bolezni v Sloveniji.Ključne besede: virusna encefalopatija in retinopatija; betanodavirus; brancin; histopatologija; RT-qPCR

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13521
Chiara Gentile ◽  
Arianna Finizio ◽  
Guendalina Froechlich ◽  
Anna Morena D’Alise ◽  
Gabriella Cotugno ◽  

Background: Oncolytic viruses are immunotherapeutic agents that can be engineered to encode payloads of interest within the tumor microenvironment to enhance therapeutic efficacy. Their therapeutic potential could be limited by many avenues for immune evasion exerted by the tumor. One such is mediated by adenosine, which induces pleiotropic immunosuppression by inhibiting antitumor immune populations as well as activating tolerogenic stimuli. Adenosine is produced starting from the highly immunostimulatory ATP, which is progressively hydrolyzed to ADP and adenosine by CD39 and CD73. Cancer cells express high levels of CD39 and CD73 ectoenzymes, thus converting immunostimulatory purinergic signal of ATP into an immunosuppressive signal. For this reason, CD39, CD73 and adenosine receptors are currently investigated in clinical trials as targets for metabolic cancer immunotherapy. This is of particular relevance in the context of oncovirotherapy, as immunogenic cell death induced by oncolytic viruses causes the secretion of a high amount of ATP which is available to be quickly converted into adenosine. Methods: Here, we took advantage of adenosine deaminase enzyme that naturally converts adenosine into the corresponding inosine derivative, devoid of immunoregulatory function. We encoded ADA into an oncolytic targeted herpes virus redirected to human HER2. An engineered ADA with an ectopic signal peptide was also generated to improve enzyme secretion (ADA-SP). Results: Insertion of the expression cassette was not detrimental for viral yield and cancer cell cytotoxicity. The THV_ADA and THV_ADA-SP successfully mediated the secretion of functional ADA enzyme. In in vitro model of human monocytes THP1, this ability of THV_ADA and THV_ADA-SP resulted in the retrieval of eADO-exposed monocytes replication rate, suggesting the proficiency of the viruses in rescuing the immune function. Conclusions: Encoding ADA into oncolytic viruses revealed promising properties for preclinical exploitation.

2021 ◽  
Juliana Debrito Carten ◽  
Matthew Greseth ◽  
Paula Traktman

An enduring mystery in poxvirology is the mechanism by which virion morphogenesis is accomplished. A30.5 and L2 are two small regulatory proteins that are essential for this process. Previous studies have shown that vaccinia A30.5 and L2 localize to the ER and interact during infection, but how they facilitate morphogenesis is unknown. To interrogate the relationship between A30.5 and L2, we generated inducible complementing cell lines (CV1-HA-L2; CV1-3xFLAG-A30.5) and deletion viruses (vΔL2; vΔA30.5). Loss of either protein resulted in a block in morphogenesis and a significant (>100-fold) decrease in infectious viral yield. Structure-function analysis of L2 and A30.5, using transient complementation assays, identified key functional regions in both proteins. A clustered charge-to-alanine L2 mutant (L2-RRD) failed to rescue a vΔL2 infection and exhibits a significantly retarded apparent molecular weight in vivo (but not in vitro ), suggestive of an aberrant post-translational modification. Furthermore, an A30.5 mutant with a disrupted putative N-terminal α-helix failed to rescue a vΔA30.5 infection. Using our complementing cell lines, we determined that the stability of A30.5 is dependent on L2, and that wild-type L2 and A30.5 coimmunoprecipitate in the absence of other viral proteins. Further examination of this interaction, using wild-type and mutant forms of L2 or A30.5, revealed that the inability of mutant alleles to rescue the respective deletion viruses is tightly correlated with a failure of L2 to stabilize and interact with A30.5. L2 appears to function as a chaperone-like protein for A30.5, ensuring that they work together as a complex during viral membrane biogenesis. IMPORTANCE Vaccinia virus is a large, enveloped DNA virus that was successfully used as the vaccine against smallpox. Vaccinia continues to be an invaluable biomedical research tool in basic research and in gene therapy vector and vaccine development. Although this virus has been studied extensively, the complex process of virion assembly, termed morphogenesis, still puzzles the field. Our work aims to better understand how two small viral proteins that are essential for viral assembly, L2 and A30.5, function during early morphogenesis. We show that A30.5 requires L2 for stability and that these proteins interact in the absence of other viral proteins. We identify regions in each protein required for their function and show that mutations in these regions disrupt the interaction between L2 and A30.5 and fail to restore virus viability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Zhenyu Lin ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Wenxian Zhu ◽  
Xiangyu Yu ◽  
Zhaofei Wang ◽  

Chickens are the natural host of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV). The discovery that the RIG-I gene, the primary RNA virus pattern recognition receptor (PRR) in mammals, is naturally absent in chickens has directed attention to studies of chicken RNA PRRs and their functions in antiviral immune responses. Here, we identified Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp (DEAD)-box helicase 1 (DDX1) as an essential RNA virus PRR in chickens and investigated its functions in anti-RNA viral infections. The chDDX1 gene was cloned, and cross-species sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analyses revealed high conservation of DDX1 among vertebrates. A quantitative RT-PCR showed that chDDX1 mRNA are widely expressed in different tissues in healthy chickens. In addition, chDDX1 was significantly upregulated after infection with AIV, NDV, or GFP-expressing vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-GFP). Overexpression of chDDX1 in DF-1 cells induced the expression of IFN-β, IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), and proinflammatory cytokines; it also inhibited NDV and VSV replications. The knockdown of chDDX1 increased the viral yield of NDV and VSV and decreased the production of IFN-β, which was induced by RNA analog polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly[I:C]), by AIV, and by NDV. We used a chicken IRF7 (chIRF7) knockout DF-1 cell line in a series of experiments to demonstrate that chDDX1 activates IFN signaling via the chIRF7 pathway. Finally, an in-vitro pulldown assay showed a strong and direct interaction between poly(I:C) and the chDDX1 protein, indicating that chDDX1 may act as an RNA PRR during IFN activation. In brief, our results suggest that chDDX1 is an important mediator of IFN-β and is involved in RNA- and RNA virus-mediated chDDX1-IRF7-IFN-β signaling pathways.

2021 ◽  
yuqi Wang ◽  
Yanyan Wang ◽  
Hong Cao

Abstract Background: Influenza virus infection with seasonal or occasional but devastating morbidity and mortality, is a severe threat to public health. The frequent emergence of resistant viral strains limited application of current antivirals and posing an urgent need for novel antiviral therapies. Natural products offered a broad prospect in the screening and development of new influenza inhibitors.Methods: In this research, a high-throughput antiviral screening for 891 natural products was performed based on a recombinant reporter influenza A virus. According to the cytotoxicity assay and dose-response relationship, alloprogesterone (ALLO), as the positive hit was selected, and verified by viral titer reduction assay and immunofluorescence using a wild-type virus. Followingly, we explored its antiviral potency of counteracting with IAV and IBV, and preliminary investigated the mechanism of ALLO through time-of-addition assay and mini-replicon system.Results: Under the criteria of 80% inhibition and 70% cell viability, ALLO was screened out and confirmed antiviral activity in varied cells. The inhibitory effect of ALLO against influenza virus with a dose-dependent manner and significantly reduced viral yield of five different influenza viruses in the presence of 40 µM ALLO, including oseltamivir-resistant virus. Moreover, ALLO exhibited no influence on IAV entry or release during the viral replication cycle, but obviously interfered with the genome replication regarding post-infection 2 hrs to 6 hrs, which is consistent with the evidence of decreased polymerase activity.Conclusions: In summary, we firstly identified a new pharmacological activity of ALLO, as a broad spectrum inhibitor for treatment influenza infections, targeting viral replication stage and possessing great value of further development.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 3233
Giulia Raimondi ◽  
Sabrina Gea-Sorlí ◽  
Marc Otero-Mateo ◽  
Cristina Fillat

Oncolytic adenoviruses (OA) are envisioned as a therapeutic option for patients with cancer, designed to preferentially replicate in cancer cells. However, the high number of genetic alterations in tumors can generate a context in which adenoviruses have difficulties replicating. Abnormal miRNAs expression is a trademark of pancreatic cancer, with several oncogenic miRNAs playing essential roles in cancer-associated pathways. The perturbed miRNome induces reprogramming of gene expression in host cells that can impact the complex interplay between cellular processes and viral replication. We have studied the effects of overexpressed miRNAs on oncolytic adenoviral activity and identified miRNAs modulators of adenoviral oncolysis in pancreatic cancer cells. Inhibition of the highly upregulated miR-222 sensitized cancer cells to oncolysis. To provide a therapeutic application to this insight, we engineered the oncolytic adenovirus AdNuPARmE1A with miR-222 binding sites, working as sponges to withdraw the miRNA from the cellular environment. AdNuPAR-E-miR222-S mediated-decrease of miR-222 expression in pancreatic cancer cells strongly improved the viral yield and enhanced the adenoviral cytotoxic effects. Antitumoral studies confirmed a high activity for AdNuPARmE1A-miR222-S in vivo, controlling tumor progression more effectively than the scrambled control virus in xenografts. We demonstrated that the increased antitumor potency of the novel oncolytic virus resulted from the combinatory effects of miR-222 oncomiR inhibition and the restoration of miR-222 target genes activity enhancing viral fitness.

2021 ◽  
Benjamin P Holder ◽  
Catherine A. A. Beauchemin

Background For a typical influenza infection in vivo, viral titers over time are characterized by 1–2 days of exponential growth followed by an exponential decay. This simple dynamic can be reproduced by a broad range of mathematical models which makes model selection and the extraction of biologically-relevant infection parameters from experimental data difficult. Results We analyze in vitro experimental data from the literature, specifically that of single-cycle viral yield experiments, to narrow the range of realistic models of infection. In particular, we demonstrate the viability of using a normal or lognormal distribution for the time a cell spends in a given infection state (e.g., the time spent by a newly infected cell in the latent state before it begins to produce virus), while exposing the shortcomings of ordinary differential equation models which implicitly utilize exponential distributions and delay-differential equation models with fixed-length delays. Conclusions By fitting published viral titer data from challenge experiments in human volunteers, we show that alternative models can lead to different estimates of the key infection parameters.

2021 ◽  
Benjamin P Holder ◽  
Catherine A. A. Beauchemin

Background For a typical influenza infection in vivo, viral titers over time are characterized by 1–2 days of exponential growth followed by an exponential decay. This simple dynamic can be reproduced by a broad range of mathematical models which makes model selection and the extraction of biologically-relevant infection parameters from experimental data difficult. Results We analyze in vitro experimental data from the literature, specifically that of single-cycle viral yield experiments, to narrow the range of realistic models of infection. In particular, we demonstrate the viability of using a normal or lognormal distribution for the time a cell spends in a given infection state (e.g., the time spent by a newly infected cell in the latent state before it begins to produce virus), while exposing the shortcomings of ordinary differential equation models which implicitly utilize exponential distributions and delay-differential equation models with fixed-length delays. Conclusions By fitting published viral titer data from challenge experiments in human volunteers, we show that alternative models can lead to different estimates of the key infection parameters.

2021 ◽  
Longping V. Tse ◽  
Rita M. Meganck ◽  
Stephanie Dong ◽  
Lily E. Adams ◽  
Laura J. White ◽  

Maturation of Dengue viruses (DENV) alters the structure, immunity and infectivity of the virion and highly mature particles represent the dominant form in vivo. The production of highly mature virions principally relies on the structure and function of the viral premature protein (prM) and its cleavage by the host protease furin. We developed a reliable clonal cell line which produces single-round mature DENVs without the need for DENV reverse genetics. More importantly, using protein engineering coupled with natural and directed evolution of the prM cleavage site, we engineered genetically stable mature DENVs without comprising viral yield and independent of cell, host, or passage. Using these complementary strategies to regulate maturation, we demonstrate that the resulting mature DENVs are antigenically distinct from their isogenic immature forms. Given the clinical importance of mature DENVs in immunity, our strategy provides a reliable strategy for the production of stable, high-titer mature candidate DENV live virus vaccines, genetically stabilized viruses for DENV maturation and immunity studies, and models for maturation-regulated experimental evolution in mammalian and invertebrate cells. Our data from directed-evolution across host species reveals distinct maturation-dependent selective pressures between mammalian and insect cells, which sheds light on the divergent evolutionary relationship of DENVs between its host and vector.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 403
Silvia Madeddu ◽  
Alessandra Marongiu ◽  
Giuseppina Sanna ◽  
Carla Zannella ◽  
Danilo Falconieri ◽  

Plant products provide an alternative and successful source of lead compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. The present study was aimed to evaluate, in cell-based assays, the antiviral properties of essential oils obtained from plants that commonly grow in Sardinia, Italy, against a broad spectrum of RNA/DNA viruses. The essential oils of Helichrisumitalicum (Roth) G. Don ssp. microphyllum (Willd.) Nyman, Laurus nobilis L., Mirtuscommunis L., Pistacia lentiscus L., Salvia officinalis L., Saturejathymbra L., Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Interestingly, the essential oil of Salvia officinalis showed moderate activity against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), an enveloped RNA virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family. BVDV is responsible for several clinical manifestations in bovines, including respiratory, gastroenteric, and reproductive diseases, with a significant economic impact. With the aim to individuate the constituent of the Salvia officinalis responsible for the biological activity, we tested the major components of the oil: camphene, β-pinene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, cis-thujone, camphor, (E)-caryophyllene, and α-humulene. Here, we describe α-humulene as an active component that is non-cytotoxic and active against BVDV (EC50 = 36 µM). Its antiviral effects were evaluated using virucidal cytopathic effect inhibition and viral yield reduction assays. This is the first scientific report showing the anti BVDV effects of Salvia officinalis essential oil and α-humulene as the main active component.

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