bioclimatic index
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (25) ◽  
Dijana Đurić

Knowledge of the thermal comfort of an area is of increasing importance when planning space, tourism, recreation and the health of the population that lives or is currently located there. Due to the great anthropogenic changes of nature, the temperature is rising, which is expressed especially in urban environments. The impact of temperature rise is best seen in Europe by monitoring summer meteorological parameters. The research was done by analyzing meteorological parameters of the city of Bijeljina, which is a thermal island in the area of Semberija in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Meteorological parameters during the summer months are unfavorable and affect thermal comfort, which often reflects through the health of the population. For this research were observed and calculated values of bioclimatic index UTCI or Universal thermal climate index, for the month August of 2017 which was one of the hottest months in the 21th century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. e115101321077
Sivanilza Teixeira Machado ◽  
Irenilza de Alencar Nääs ◽  
João Gilberto Mendes dos Reis ◽  
Pedro Luiz de Oliveira Costa Neto ◽  
Rodrigo Carlo Toloi ◽  

Handling of pigs under hot weather conditions face a critical challenge in meeting thermal comfort and animal welfare standards. Moreover, climate variation affects production and pre-slaughter logistics. This study assesses the thermal comfort of pigs during pre-slaughter procedures under different weather conditions. The case study was conducted at two commercial pig farms in Southeastern Brazil. The bioclimatic index more accurately indicated the pigs' thermal comfort than the temperature-humidity index. The length of the transportation journey critically affected the pigs' thermal comfort, as shown by the rise in pigs' skin temperature (1.56 °C and 1.64 °C on pigs from Farm 2 and Farm 1, respectively). The pigs reached the critical upper limit of the thermoneutral zone under hot weather conditions. Adequate microclimate control during the pre-slaughter management procedures might improve pig welfare. To increase the animals' thermal comfort, both farms should reschedule their transportation to a cooler time of the day. Both farms should also improve their pre-slaughter management processes by training workers to comply with animal welfare requirements and reduce loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-104
S. Boychenko ◽  
О. Zabarna ◽  
T. Kuchma

The ecological state of the environment, climatic conditions with pronounced seasonality, variability, anomaly summer heat and regional manifestations of climate change, have a certain negative impact onwell-being, health and comfort of life of the population. To assess climatic comfort of a person, a bioclimatic index (equivalent-effective temperature) was used, which allows to evaluate thermal sensation of a person under a certain combination of meteorological parameters. In this study we used daily observation data (surface temperature, air humidity and wind velocity) at 34 meteorological stations in Ukraine for the period 1990—2020. Analysis and ranging of data, which characterize the thermal bioclimatic conditions, were done. It was found that the weather conditions with apparent temperature of very cold—cold—cool—slightly cool compose about 268 ± 9 (73 %) days per year. Thus, the population of Ukraine experience conditions of physiologically cold stress during the prevalent time of the year. Weather conditions that fall into gradations very cold –(30 ... 23) and cold –(23 ... 12) represent 6 ± 5 (~2 %) and 42 ± 17 (~12 %) days per year respectively. They can consequently cause extreme cold and strong cold stress and have a tendency towards decreasing repeatability. The largest number of days on average across the country have such gradations as slightly cool 0 ... 12 and cool –(12 ... 0), 113 ± 10 (31 %) and 107 ± 8 (29 %) days per year respectively. Slightly cool weather conditions are typical for the warm period of the year, mainly autumn and spring, and partially winter, while cool –(12 ... 0) is more prevalent in winter, autumn and spring seasons. Comfortable and subcomfortable thermal conditions for human with apparent temperature of slightly warm and warm compose on average 96 ± 8 (~26 %) days per year. Comfortable thermal conditions for human on the territory of Ukraine represent about 47 ± 13 (13 %) days per year and are typical for the warm period from April to October, with maximal values in summer: June 10 ± 3, July 17 ± 4 and August 15 ± 4 days per month. A number of days with subcomfortable thermal conditions for human on the territory of Ukraine compose also 48 ± 3 (13 %) days per year. Moreover, for May—September it has almost an equal number of days per month from 7 to 12 with minimal values in April, October and November, about 1—2 days. There is a tendency to increase in the number of days with comfortable thermal conditions for human in summer by 0.2—0.3 days per month for the period 1991—2020. The trend is 0.83 days per year (on average 25—30 days were added each year) for the period 1991—2020. Thus, comfortable climatic conditions for the local population in Ukraine increase during the warm season. However, the frequency of hot apparent temperatures (23 ... 30) has increased, especially during summer period, which can subsequently cause strong and extreme heat stress for humans. In particular years, it was recorded up to 5—19 days per year. For that reason, the climatic conditions of Ukraine have a certain potentially comfortable climatic resource(in June—August): Western region has a minimal climatic resource (23—40 %); Northern region has a sufficient climatic resource (36—53 %); Central region has an optimal climatic resource (40—60 %); Southern region has an optimal climatic resource (40—67 %).

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 963
Réka Ágnes Dávid ◽  
Zoltán Barcza ◽  
Anikó Kern ◽  
Erzsébet Kristóf ◽  
Roland Hollós ◽  

Accurate estimation of the timing of intensive spring leaf growth initiation at mid and high latitudes is crucial for improving the predictive capacity of biogeochemical and Earth system models. In this study, we focus on the modeling of climatological onset of spring leaf growth in Central Europe and use three spring phenology models driven by three meteorological datasets. The MODIS-adjusted NDVI3g dataset was used as a reference for the period between 1982 and 2010, enabling us to study the long-term mean leaf onset timing and its interannual variability (IAV). The performance of all phenology model–meteorology database combinations was evaluated with one another, and against the reference dataset. We found that none of the constructed model–database combinations could reproduce the observed start of season (SOS) climatology within the study region. The models typically overestimated IAV of the leaf onset, where spatial median SOS dates were best simulated by the models based on heat accumulation. When aggregated for the whole study area, the complex, bioclimatic index-based model driven by the CarpatClim database could capture the observed overall SOS trend. Our results indicate that the simulated timing of leaf onset primarily depends on the choice of model structure, with a secondary contribution from the choice of the driving meteorological dataset.

Nina A. Kargapolova ◽  
Vasily A. Ogorodnikov

Abstract The paper presents the results of comparison of various methods of spatial interpolation of the wind chill index in two regions located in the South of Western Siberia (Russia). It is shown that stochastic interpolation provides the least interpolation error in the considered regions. The results of modelling the spatial and spatio-temporal fields of the considered bioclimatic index on a regular grid are presented.

Elena Grigore ◽  
Dana Maria Constantin (Oprea) ◽  
Elena Bogan ◽  
Marius-Alin Cristea ◽  
Florina Tatu

The appearance of the analysis models, as a physical or mathematic form, has allowed simplifying the graphic representation of the processes specific to bioclimatology. Thus, the bioclimatic index becomes a useful and practical work tool in the scientific research, avoiding a multiple ranges of possible evaluations of the positive or negative potential that the climate of a region has on the human health. The proposed study analyzes the calculated values of the thermo-hygrometric index, for the period between the years 1981-2010. The database was improved with the meteorological data obtained from the five weather stations located in the Southern part of the Dobrogea Plateau. The mathematic formula launched by Kyle W.J. is based on the measured values of the air temperature (ºC) and relative air humidity (%). The obtained results allow us to highlight both the specific bioclimatic areas and the way in which the tourism in the area can be affected. The bioclimatic extension and intensity is rendered by a suggestive and synthetic graphic expression. The maps showing the spatial distribution of the index were obtained by combining the isotherm method with the kriging interpolation specific to the ArcMap.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (7) ◽  
pp. 2021-2036
Milica M. Pecelj ◽  
Milica Z. Lukić ◽  
Dejan J. Filipović ◽  
Branko M. Protić ◽  
Uroš M. Bogdanović

Abstract. The objective of this paper is to assess the bioclimatic conditions in Serbia during summer in order to identify biothermal heat hazard. Special emphasis is placed on the bioclimatic index UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), whose purpose is to evaluate the degree of thermal stress that the human body is exposed to. For this research, mean daily and hourly (07:00 and 14:00 CET) meteorological data from three weather stations (Zlatibor, Novi Sad and Niš) have been collected for the period from 1998 to 2017. In order to identify patterns of biothermal heat stress conditions, the thresholds of the daily UTCI (UTCI ≥38 ∘C, referred to as very strong heat stress, VSHS) at 14:00 CET are compared with the thresholds of daily maximum air temperature (tmax⁡≥35 ∘C, referred to as hot days, HDs), which are further termed as heat wave events (HWEs). The findings show that the UTCI heat stress category “very strong heat stress“ at 14:00 CET indicates heat waves. The most extreme heat wave events occurred in 2007, 2012, 2015 and 2017. Moreover, three HWEs at Niš that occurred in July 2007 lasted 3, 10 and 4 d. HWEs and very strong heat stress events (VSHSEs) recorded in July 2007 (lasted 10 d each), 2012 (lasted 9 and 12 d) and 2015 (lasted 7 and 10 d) were of the longest duration and are considered to be the indicators of biothermal heat hazard. The daily UTCI14 h heat stress becomes more extreme in terms of severity and heat wave duration up to very strong heat stress.

Евгений Александрович Рыбалко

В статье рассмотрен вопрос важности анализа климатических условий местности при закладке виноградников. Дан обзор различных подходов к количественной оценке параметров климата. Освещена необходимость расчётов не только отдельных показателей температуры, влажности, освещённости, но и применения комплексных индексов, отражающих совместное влияние климатических факторов на процессы роста и развития виноградного растения. Приведены как традиционные, широко известные (сумма активных и эффективных температур воздуха, гидротермический коэффициент Селянинова), так и редко применяемые индексы (гелиотермический индекс Branas G., биоклиматический индекс Constantinescu Gh.). Рассмотрена методика оценки климатических ресурсов применительно к винограду, предложенная Международной организацией винограда и вина, согласно которой рекомендовано использовать такие показатели как средняя температура вегетационного периода, индекс Уинклера (Winkler Index), биологически эффективная сумма температур, индекс Хьюглина (Huglin Heliothermal Index), индекс холодных ночей (Cool Night Index), индекс Фрегони (Fregoni Index), индекс сухости (Drought index). Приведены формулы для расчёта величины рассматриваемых индексов. Выделены наиболее часто применяемые индексы из перечня, рекомендованного Международной организацией винограда и вина. The article deals with the importance of the analysis of climatic conditions of the area for planting of the vineyards. Various approaches to the quantitative assessment of climate parameters are reviewed. The necessity of calculations of not only separate indicators of temperature, humidity, light intensity, but also of the application of complex indices reflecting joint influence of climatic factors on the processes of growth and development of grapes is highlighted. Both traditional, well-known (sum of active and effective air temperatures, hydrothermal coefficient of Selyaninov) and rarely used indices (solar thermal index of Branas G., bioclimatic index of Constantinescu Gh.) are given. The method of assessment of climatic resources in relation to grapes, proposed by the International Organization of Vine and Wine, according to which it is recommended to use such indicators as the average temperature of the growing period, the Winkler Index, biologically effective amount of temperature, the Huglin Heliothermal Index, the Cool Night Index, the Fregoni Index, the Drought index. The formulas for calculating the value of the considered indices are given. The most frequently used indices from the list recommended by the International Organization of Vine and Wine are highlighted.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 212
Mehinto-Dovonou Flore ◽  
Boko Nouvêwa Patrice Maximilien ◽  
Houssou Christophe S.

This study aims to determine the future bioclimatic atmospheres by 2050 according to the scenarios A1B and B1, in order to determine if the human health of the populations in the department Ouémé in Benin would be subjected to more or less harsh environments. To do this, this study was conducted using descriptive statistics methods, and bioclimatic index calculation (UTCI). The data used are the meteorological data (temperature, relative humidity, insolation and wind) on a monthly scale over the period 1971-2014 and the data from 2020 to 2025 from the ReMO database. The results of this study make it possible to remember that the A1B scenario presents a distinct singularity, because it describes more bioclimatic atmospheres than the B1 scenario. Whatever the variations, the December- March period will be dominated by a hot atmosphere, while April-October by a more comfortable atmosphere. Differences between bioclimatic atmospheres by 2050 and the current one will reach +9.2 in February for the A1B scenario and +8.4 for the B1 scenario. This variation of future bioclimatic atmospheres simulated by means of the REMO data and UTCI will not be without effects on the health of children from 0 to 5 years old in the Department of Ouémé and therefore in the face of this future configuration. adaptations are proposed to the different actors in the study area.

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