compressive stresses
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V.N. Zakharov ◽  
V.A. Trofimov ◽  
A.V. Shlyapin

Formation of the stress-and-strain state of the rock mass in the roof of mined coal seam depends on the development of the mined-out space. It is believed that the coal seam is located deep enough and it can be assumed that the effect of the daylight surface on its condition can be neglected. In this case, the solution is based on the analytical approach using methods of the complex variable theory and it is reduced to the construction of a single permission analytical function. The paper reviews the evolution of the deformation processes in development of the mined-out space in presence of a hard-to-collapse elastic roof, which is capable of sinking smoothly over time, without sudden caving on the landings on the floor. A particular attention is paid to the phase when the roof and the floor touch each other, i.e. the roof caving, starting from the first touching and up to its complete caving. In this case, two sections of the hanging roof are formed, that are gradually reducing in length as the dimensions of the mined-out space increase. The area of roof caving is progressively increasing, and the vertical compressive stresses at the boundary are gradually rising, tending to reach the initial vertical pressure at the depth of the formation before the start of its mining. Tension zones relative to the horizontal and vertical stresses are identified, that are attributed to the areas of roof hang-up, which may determine the location of zones with higher methane and formation water permeability, both in the rocks between the seams and in the coal seam.

B. C. Benefiel ◽  
E. D. Larsen ◽  
M. B. Prime ◽  
A. M. Phillips ◽  
K. B. Davies ◽  

Abstract Background In nuclear fuel plates of low-enriched U-10Mo (LEU) clad with aluminum by hot isostatic pressing (HIP), post-irradiation stresses arising during reactor shutdown are a major concern for safe reactor operations. Measurement of those residual stresses has not previously been possible because the high radioactivity of the plates requires handling only by remote manipulation in a hot cell. Objective The incremental slitting method for measuring through-thickness stress profiles was modified, and a system for automated, remote operation was built and tested. Methods Experimental modifications consisted of replacing electric-discharge machining (EDM) with a small end mill and strain-gauge measurements with cantilever displacement measurements. The inverse method used to calculate stresses was the pulse-regularization method modified to allow discontinuities across material interfaces. The new system was validated by comparing with conventional slitting on a depleted U-10Mo (DU) fuel plate. Results The new system was applied to two measurements each on six as-fabricated (pre-irradiation) LEU miniature fuel plates. Variations between the measurements at two locations in the same plate were strongly correlated with measured geometrical heterogeneity in the plate—a tilt in the fuel foil. Compressive stresses in the U-10Mo were shown to increase from 20 to 250 MPa as the ratio of aluminum thickness to U-10Mo thickness increased causing increased constraint during cooling. Faster cooling rates during processing also increased stress magnitudes. Conclusions The measurements trends agreed with data in the literature from similar plates made with DU, which further validates the method. Because other methods are impractical in a hot cell, the modified slitting method is now poised for the first measurements of post-irradiation stresses.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ayumu Miyakawa ◽  
Atsushi Noda ◽  
Hiroaki Koge

AbstractWe propose a conceptual geological model for the collision of multiple basement topographic highs (BTHs; e.g., seamounts, ridges, and horsts) with a forearc accretionary wedge. Even though there are many BTHs on an oceanic plate, there are few examples of modeling the collision of multiple BTHs. We conducted numerical simulations using the discrete element method to examine the effects of three BTH collisions with forearcs. The typical geological structure associated with a BTH collision was reproduced during the collision of the first BTH, and multiple BTH collisions create a cycle of formation of BTH collisional structures. Each BTH forces the basal décollement to move up to the roof décollement, and the roof décollement becomes inactive after the passage of the BTH, and then the décollement moves down to the base. As the active décollement position changes, the sequences of underthrust sediments and uplifted imbricate thrusts are sandwiched between the décollements and incorporated into the wedge. At a low horizontal compressive stress, a “shadow zone” is formed behind (i.e., seaward of) the BTH. When the next BTH collides, the horizontal compressive stress increases and tectonic compaction progresses, which reduce the porosity in the underthrust sediments. Heterogeneous evolution of the geological and porosity structure can generate a distinctive pore pressure pattern. The underthrust sediments retain fluid in the “shadow” of the BTH. Under the strong horizontal compressive stresses associated with the next BTH collision, pore pressure increases along with a rapid reduction of porosity in the underthrust sediments. The distinctive structural features observed in our model are comparable to the large faults in the Kumano transect of the Nankai Trough, Japan, where a splay fault branches from the plate boundary and there are old and active décollements. A low-velocity and high-pore-pressure zone is located at the bottom of the accretionary wedge and in front (i.e., landward) of the subducting ridge in the Kumano transect. This suggests that strong horizontal compressive stresses associated with the current BTH collision has increased the pore pressure within the underthrust sediments associated with previous BTHs.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 196
Paweł J. Romanowicz ◽  
Dariusz Smolarski ◽  
Marek S. Kozień

A new approach based on the direct spectral method for fatigue analysis of elements subjected to bimodal stress histories, including high compression effects, is proposed. A correction factor, taking into account the influence of the mean compressive stresses, is used in the proposed method. Equivalent amplitude is estimated, based on criteria proposed by Smith, Watson, and Tooper, and by Bergmann and Seeger. The method is presented with example of a thrust roller bearing. Two cases in which the rollers were subjected to constant force 206 N (where constant amplitude stresses occurred in the rollers) and cyclic force (where bimodal stresses with variable amplitudes occurred in the rollers) are studied. It is observed that multiaxial fatigue criteria (Crossland, Papadopoulos) do not include the influence of bimodal stresses and should not be used for such loading conditions. The proposed method includes both kinds of stress waveforms in the fatigue analysis and can be applied for the accurate identification of stress components and the determination of fatigue life. The damage rate calculated by the proposed approach for rollers subjected to a cyclic force (equivalent load equal to 151 N) was 0.86, which is in good agreement with the recommendations provided in the literature. The obtained accuracy of the proposed method is above 95%.

Eng ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Fawaz Alharbi ◽  
Ahmed Almoshaigeh ◽  
Meshal Almoshaogeh ◽  
Ahmed Elragi ◽  
Sherif Elkholy

Pavement structures cover vast areas of urban cities and non-urban roads and play a key role in daily commuting functionality and economic development; therefore, they must be conserved against any distress. The rutting problem, being a major distress to the pavement structure, must be solved and dealt with in order to preserve its value. One way of solving this dilemma is by using geo-grids within the pavement structure. A geo-grid is a synthetic material usually made from polymers with different thicknesses and stiffnesses. This paper investigates the effects of geo-grids on reducing the rutting occurrence through adding a layer of geo-grid with certain properties at different levels of the pavement structure. We also investigate, the result of the added geo-grid material to the developed vertical stresses within the pavement cross-section. This investigation is conducted by constructing a 3-D finite elements-based (FE) model of a pavement cross-section using ANSYS software; student version R1 2021. The FE-based model is validated by comparing its numerical predictions with the experimental results acquired from an accelerated large-scale paved model. The results show that the deeper the geo-grid is positioned, the more significant the rutting resistance is observed due to the stiffness of the geo-grid bearing the tensile force until a certain depth. Moreover, noticeable stress reduction is seen in the developed vertical compressive stresses below the loading area resisted by the geo-grid.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-43
V. I Bukhalov ◽  
M. N Perelmuter ◽  
A. L Popov

Numerical simulation of defect healing process in the field of previously created compressive stresses is performed. Isotropic cylinders with small axisymmetrically located defects are used as samples. The pressure created the initial field of compressive stresses inside the cylinder. The defects were modeled as a small blind closed annular cavity or as a through annular cut located around the cylinder axis. In the first case, a numerical three-dimensional solution is considered. For the second defect, the plane stress state model was used. The problems were solved in both elastic and elastoplastic formulations with an ideally elastoplastic behavior of the material. The external pressure was varied from values significantly lower than the yield strength to the yield strength and (for the first problem) for values slightly exceeding it. Based on the results of the numerical solution, the radial displacements of the cavity sides parallel to the cylinder axis are obtained depending on the external pressure. We found the values of pressure at which the cylindrical surfaces of the void defect were in contact. For the blind cavity, at any external pressure, there were unhealed areas. Healing was assessed by the volume of the material filling the initial cavity at the initial residual stresses. The value of the newly formed contact pressure at a certain value of the compressive stresses was determined by the ratio of the height of the healed area to the cavity height. The evaluation of the healing effect for a through cut in the cylinder was performed by varying the size of the gap formed by the cut between the inner cylinder and the outer ring depending on the applied external pressure. When the gap is completely healed, the values of the maximal contact pressure in the notch zone are determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 154 (A3) ◽  
J R MacKay ◽  
M J Smith ◽  
F Van Keulen ◽  
T N Bosman

The effect of corrosion damage on overall collapse strength of submarine pressure hulls was studied experimentally. Ring-stiffened cylinders were machined from aluminium tubing and loaded to collapse under external pressure. In selected specimens, some of the outer shell material was machined away in large single patches, representing general corrosion. Other specimens had many smaller patches, representing corrosion pitting from the outside of the hull, followed by grinding. Large-amplitude out-of-circularity (OOC) was introduced by mechanically deforming selected cylinders. Clusters of artificial corrosion pits were found to have approximately the same effect on collapse pressure as equal-depth general corrosion covering the same region of plating. General corrosion was found to be most severe when it was “in-phase” with OOC, since, during pressure loading, high compressive stresses resulting from corrosion were compounded by compressive bending stresses associated with OOC, and furthermore, the corrosion tended to increase the geometric imperfection itself. On the other hand, out-of-phase corrosion reduced the effect of OOC, while at the same time the thinning-associated compressive stresses were counteracted by local tensile bending stresses associated with OOC, so that strength reductions were correspondingly smaller. Overall collapse pressures for corroded specimens were reduced by, on average, 0.85% for each 1% of shell thinning. That result is based on a linear approximation of the nonlinear relationship between thinning and collapse pressure. The linear trend-line, which was used to account for the experimental scatter, is based on specimens with 13 to 27% shell thinning, and with a variety of corrosion areas and OOC amplitudes.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 7678
Galina Eremina ◽  
Alexey Smolin

Arthritis is a degenerative disease that primarily affects the cartilage and meniscus of the knee joint. External acoustic stimulation is used to treat this disease. This article presents a numerical model of the knee joint aimed at the computer-aided study of the regenerative effects of shockwave treatment. The presented model was verified and validated. A numerical analysis of the conditions for the regeneration of the tissues of the knee joint under shockwave action was conducted. The results allow us to conclude that to obtain the conditions required for the regeneration of cartilage tissues and meniscus (compressive stresses above the threshold value of 0.15 MPa to start the process of chondrogenesis; distortional strains above the threshold value of 0.05% characterized by the beginning of the differentiation of the tissues in large volumes; fluid pressure corresponding to the optimal level of 68 kPa to transfer tissue cells in large volumes), the energy flux density of therapeutic shockwave loading should exceed 0.3 mJ/mm2.

В.А. Манухин ◽  
В.В. Попов

Для восприятия значительной части реакции килевой дорожки при доковании корабля в конструкцию поперечных переборок вводится центральная (доковая) стойка, размеры поперечного сечения которой выбираются из условия ее прочности и устойчивости. В традиционных методиках необходимая площадь поперечного сечения доковой стойки определяется без учета работы обшивки переборки и ближайших к диаметральной плоскости вертикальных стоек, что приводит к значительным размерам и весу доковой стойки. Кроме того, сжимающее усилие в стойке в методиках полагается линейно убывающим от максимального значения у днища до нулевого у палубы. В данной работе численно исследуется взаимодействие конструктивных элементов плоской поперечной переборки корабля при его доковании. Целью исследования является выяснение степени участия обшивки переборки и ближайших к доковой стойке вертикальных стоек в восприятии реакции килевой дорожки и уточнение характера распределения этой реакции по высоте доковой и вертикальных стоек. На первом этапе исследования авторами была разработана более простая плоская конечно-элементная модель собственно переборки. На втором этапе использовалась также разработанная авторами пространственная конечно-элементная модель части корпуса корабля, включающая, кроме самой поперечной переборки, прилегающие к ней палубы, борта и днище. Результаты, полученные по обеим моделям, показывают, что сжимающие напряжения в переборке локализуются в нижней центральной ее части, а реактивное усилие от килевой дорожки распределяется между доковой стойкой, ближайшими к ней вертикальными стойками и обшивкой переборки. Причем по высоте доковой стойки реактивное усилие уменьшается от днища к палубе не линейно, а быстрее, что приводит к увеличению критической нагрузки стойки при прочих равных условиях. Установлено, что при обеспечении устойчивости соседних с доковой вертикальных стоек эффективная площадь обшивки переборки и вертикальных стоек, воспринимающая реакцию килевой дорожки вместе с доковой стойкой, может составить более 50% от площади профиля доковой стойки. To perceive a significant part of the reaction of the keel track when docking a ship, a central (dock) rack is introduced into the structure of transverse bulkheads, the cross-sectional dimensions of which are chosen on the basis of its strength and stability. In classic methods, the required cross-sectional area of the dock rack is determined without taking into account the work of the bulkhead skin and the vertical racks closest to the diametrical plane, which leads to significant size and weight of the dock rack. In addition, the compression force in the rack in the methods is assumed to decrease linearly from the maximum value at the bottom to zero at the deck. In this paper, the interaction of structural elements of a ship's flat transverse bulkhead during its docking is numerically investigated. The purpose of the study is to clarify the degree of participation of the bulkhead skin and the vertical racks closest to the dock stand in the perception of the keel track reaction and to clarify the nature of the distribution of this reaction along the height of the dock and vertical racks. At the first stage of the study, the authors developed a simpler flat finite-element model of the bulkhead itself. At the second stage, the space finite-element model of the ship's hull part developed by the authors was also used, including, in addition to the most transverse bulkhead, the decks, sides and bottom adjacent to it. The results obtained from both models show that the compressive stresses in the bulkhead are localized in its lower central part, and the reactive force from the keel track is distributed between the dock rack, the nearest vertical racks and the bulkhead skin. Moreover, by the height of the dock rack closest to it, the reactive force decreases from the bottom to the deck not linearly, but faster, which leads to an increase in the critical load of the rack, all other things being equal. It has been established that with ensuring the stability of the vertical racks adjacent to the dock, the effective area of the bulkhead skin and vertical racks, which perceives the reaction of the keel track together with the dock rack, can contain more than 50% of the required area of the dock rack’s profile.

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