verbal data
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2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (5 Zeszyt specjalny) ◽  
pp. 117-139
Marzena Marczewska

In this article, I present selected aspects of the linguistic image of the plague (I am especially interested in names and their etymology, the causes of the disease, images of the plague, and remedies). I mainly rely on materials related to Polish folk culture, but I also mention some contemporary contexts to show a certain durability of beliefs related to the plague. I use the notion of a linguistic and cultural image of the world understood as a colloquial interpretation of reality that can be explicated not only using verbal data, but also with non-verbal data preserved in petrified texts of culture. In my considerations, I refer to the so-called cognitive definition. The material basis of the analysis presented (in line with Jerzy Bartmiński’s assumptions) consists of lexical and textual data: names (confirming the “perspective of reality”), information transmitted on an onomasiological basis, revealed in the etymological and word-formation analysis, meanings given in the definitions in Polish and dialectal dictionaries, word-formation derivatives, metaphorical extensions, phraseologisms, collocations (phrases), metaphors, proverbs, healing formulas, etc. In Polish folk culture, the plague was imagined as a living creature (woman) who could roam the land (come and go), come to the village, talk to people, put them to death, or save the ones she chose to live. These images of the plague made peasants try to secure their space and to create a safe zone for themselves and their community by means of various magical procedures.

2021 ◽  
Mamsi Ethel Khuzwayo

This chapter presents views, opinions, and perceptions about the curriculum theories that propagate educational perspectives of social injustice, cultural exclusion, supremacy, socio-economic inequality, and inequity. The data collection method was question and answer and deductive reasoning conducted in small groups in education studies classes. Pieces of information recorded in video clips during the COVID-19 lockdown were analysed through qualitative procedures, transcribing verbal data, and sorting coded categories of data. First, the frequencies of statements indicating trends in thoughts form themes classified as convergent and divergent perspectives. The interpretation of themes identified during data analysis seeks to address the problem statement in this chapter, which is the paradigm shift for a conceptualised decolonised curriculum in South Africa. Thus, the research question asked in the study is “what principles should underpin pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of pre-service teacher education and training?” The source of data was interviews and document analysis. The synthesis of the results drawn from the raw data was based on the theoretical and conceptual framework established from the works of scholarship researchers on decolonised education. The interpretation of the findings addressing the problem statement and the research question was presented through convergent and divergent perspectives that characterise the beliefs and thoughts of students about curriculums for decolonised education in South Africa. The study highlights uncertainties about the concepts, divergent conceptual stances on decolonised education, and the lack of uniformity in the perceptions of philosophical principles or foundations of perspectives on decolonised education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 92-115
Olli Maatta ◽  
Nora McIntyre ◽  
Jussi Palomäki ◽  
Markku S. Hannula ◽  
Patrik Scheinin ◽  

Abstract Mobile eye-tracking research has provided evidence both on teachers' visual attention in relation to their intentions and on teachers’ student-centred gaze patterns. However, the importance of a teacher’s eye-movements when giving instructions is unexplored. In this study we used mobile eye-tracking to investigate six teachers’ gaze patterns when they are giving task instructions for a geometry problem in four different phases of a mathematical problem-solving lesson. We analysed the teachers’ eye-tracking data, their verbal data, and classroom video recordings. Our paper brings forth a novel interpretative lens for teacher’s pedagogical intentions communicated by gaze during teacher-led moments such as when introducing new tasks, reorganizing the social structures of students for collaboration, and lesson wrap-ups. A change in the students’ task changes teachers’ gaze patterns, which may indicate a change in teacher’s pedagogical intention. We found that teachers gazed at students throughout the lesson, whereas teachers’ focus was at task-related targets during collaborative instruction-giving more than during the introductory and reflective task instructions. Hence, we suggest two previously not detected gaze types: contextualizing gaze for task readiness and collaborative gaze for task focus to contribute to the present discussion on teacher gaze

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Vernanda Em Afdhal ◽  
Hadrila Putri Aswara

This study, entitled Designing a Pop Up Book about the Struggle of the Women's Warrior Siti Manggopoh, discusses the history of a woman's heroism in leading the struggle against Dutch colonialism, which at that time implemented a money tax policy (belasting). The uprising occurred on June 15, 1908. The Manggopoh People's Struggle Movement led by Siti Manggopoh was able to influence other people so that they joined forces against the Dutch and the Manggopoh War broke out which the Dutch East Indies government could not forget. The history of the nation will be lost if it is not preserved. It takes various forms of effort and media design to introduce the history of the female warrior Siti Manggopoh to the people of West Sumatra in particular and Indonesia in general. The author wants to design an effective media in the form of a Pop Up Book, so that the younger generation is now interested in history which at this time is only focused on text books. The data used in this design are verbal data, visual data and data obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation which were analyzed by SWOT analysis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 030573562110349
Ulla Pohjannoro

This exploratory case study investigated the grounds of the material and physical aspects of compositional thinking, viewing musical composing as organizing the world of sounds. The data tracks one compositional process, including the full body of the manuscripts and verbal data accounting those manuscripts. The results present a composer, who wishes to create music that has performative power, that is, expressivities that have the capacity to move the mind of the listener. The composer is inspired by the materiality of sound and musical instruments, but on the other hand constrained and challenged by the corporal affordances of performers and their instruments as well as by the (im)practicalities and intelligibility of notational practices. Five different aspects of materiality were identified: (1) visual images and representations, (2) the score as the material object of composition, (3) the material and physical affordances of musical instruments, performers that play them, and sounds that are produced by them, (4) physical reactions entailing embodied intuitive knowledge of the composer, and (5) metaphoric processes, where the composer, when shaping timbres and musical structures, “pushes,” even “forces” sounds to “move” and sound in a way that is meaningful and transpires to the listener as music that moves the mind.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Clare Mutzenich ◽  
Szonya Durant ◽  
Shaun Helman ◽  
Polly Dalton

Even entirely driverless vehicles will sometimes require remote human intervention. Existing SA frameworks do not acknowledge the significant human factors challenges unique to a driver in charge of a vehicle that they are not physically occupying. Remote operators will have to build up a mental model of the remote environment facilitated by monitor view and video feed. We took a novel approach to “freeze and probe” techniques to measure SA, employing a qualitative verbal elicitation task to uncover what people “see” in a remote scene when they are not constrained by rigid questioning. Participants (n = 10) watched eight videos of driving scenes randomized and counterbalanced across four road types (motorway, rural, residential and A road). Participants recorded spoken descriptions when each video stopped, detailing what was happening (SA Comprehension) and what could happen next (SA Prediction). Participant transcripts provided a rich catalog of verbal data reflecting clear interactions between different SA levels. This suggests that acquiring SA in remote scenes is a flexible and fluctuating process of combining comprehension and prediction globally rather than serially, in contrast to what has sometimes been implied by previous SA methodologies (Jones and Endsley, 1996; Endsley, 2000, 2017b). Inductive thematic analysis was used to categorize participants’ responses into a taxonomy aimed at capturing the key elements of people’s reported SA for videos of driving situations. We suggest that existing theories of SA need to be more sensitively applied to remote driving contexts such as remote operators of autonomous vehicles.

2021 ◽  

This research is a qualitative descriptive approach and the object of research is involved elements such as the school Principal, Vice Principal Curriculum and teachers at SMPN 7 Pematangsiantar. The focus of this research is to identify and analyze the implementation of Curriculum Policy, 2013 in SMPN 7 Pematangsianar using a model that was initiated by George C. Edward III in the form of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structures that play a role in policy implementation. The data used is the verbal data from respondents information about the implementation of curriculum policy in 2013 in SMPN 7 Pematangsiantar. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Analysis of the data in this study include stage data reduction, data presentation and data verification or conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of curriculum policy in 2013 in SMPN 7 Pematangsiantar generally running well but not optimal. Until runs in the third year, the evaluations are made every year to make more optimal implementation of this policy. In the communication factor, sub factor and consistency of information transmission has not gone well, from the sub factor clarity there is little problem. The vagueness of this information related to the curriculum changes that took effect too quickly

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Eva Minarikova ◽  
Zuzana Smidekova ◽  
Miroslav Janik ◽  
Kenneth Holmqvist

To date most of our knowledge on professional vision has relied on verbal data or questionnaires that used classroom videos as prompts. This has been used to tell us about a teacher’s professional vision. Recently, however, new studies explore professional vision during the act of teaching through the use of mobile eye-tracking. This novel approach poses the question: how do these two “professional visions” differ? Visual attention represented by gaze was used as a proxy to studying professional vision (specifically its noticing component). To achieve this, eye-tracking as a data collection method was used. We worked with three teachers and employed eye-tracking glasses to record teacher eye movements during teaching (4 lessons per teacher; labelled as IN mode). After each lesson, we selected short clips from the lesson recorded by a static camera aimed at pupils and showed them to the same teacher (i.e., providing a similar setting as traditional studies on professional vision) while recording eye movements and gaze behavior data through a screen-based eye-tracker (labelled as ON mode). The two modes differ and due to these differences, comparison is difficult. However, by overlaying them and describing them in detail we want to highlight the exact variance observed. A comparison between IN vs ON condition in terms of dwell time on the same students in either condition was made using both quantitative (correlation) and qualitative (timeline comparison) methods. The findings suggest that the greatest differences in attention given to individual pupils occur when a pupil who was interacted with during the situation is missing from the view in the video recording. Even though individual differences are present in the patterns of gaze in IN and ON modes, the teachers in our sample consistently monitored more pupils more often in the ON mode than in the IN mode. On the other hand, the IN mode was mostly characterized by focused gaze on the pupil that the teacher interacted with in the moment with few side glances. The results aim to open a discussion about our understanding of professional vision in different contexts and about how current research may need to expand its outlook.

Mahendra Kumar Budhathoki

This paper exposes the issues of urban middle class society of Nepal during the late Rana period in Gopal Prasad Rimal’s play Masan (Cremation Ground). The use of social realism in literature like in this play provides the actual social events and issues to expose within the same society and to other society. The research approach adopted includes social realism as a theoretical approach, textual analysis as a research method and note-taking as a research tool for verbal-data collection from the text. The findings provide evidence that the author portrays the real setting (Krishna’s ordinary room) of educated middle class actual family and social values of patriarchal society (Helen wishes bearing a child to run Krishna’s family line and open the heaven’s gate), real native tongue by the characters Krishna, Helen, Bhotu, Bride, maid of the play. This study explored tensions and struggles of man Krishna and woman Helen in real society; the exploitation of Helen’s body as a sex toy by preventing her bearing a child and the practice of polygamy are considered as social realistic issues in Nepali society. Helen determines to revolt against the sexist domination by separating her way from Krishna’s. The paper concludes that the author realistically portrays the reality of social life of Nepal before 2007B.S. in the play. This paper has shown the application of social realism in a Nepali play, and it presents how social realism theory can be applied in realistic literature, and understood the particular society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 875-892
Muhammad Maulana Iqbal ◽  

Abstract: The focus of this study is to analyze and to explain about arguments in interactive dialogue in television programs. The use of arguments is critically important. It is because without knowing and understanding them, it can trigger misunderstanding and chaos in the dialogue. The specific focus of this study consists of reasoning in interactive dialogue arguments, evidence in interactive dialogue arguments, along with inference and implication in interactive dialogue arguments. Qualitative approach was used in this study. The data of this study were in the form of verbal data from the dialogue of Editorial Media Indonesia Metro TV video. The verbal data were in the form of phrases, words, prepositions, and sentences. The data sources were taken from YouTube. The data gathering techniques that was used in this study was documentation, by collecting videos. The results of the study showed reasoning, evidence, inference, and implication were found in interactive dialogue. In the inductive reasoning, generalization in casual and analogical relationship was found. In inductive reasoning, categorical and hypothetical syllogism were found. Evidence in arguments tested with data, information, and facts. The data and information testing used observation and expert opinions. The facts testing used consistency. In inference and implication, causal and assumption factors were found. Keywords: arguments, interactive dialogue, televisions programs Abstrak: Fokus penelitian ini menganalisis dan menjelaskan argumentasi dalam dialog interaktif di kanal YouTube Metro TV News. Penggunaan argumentasi sangat penting karena jika tidak mengetahui dan memahaminya dengan jelas dapat memicu kesalahpahaman dan kegaduhan dalam berdialog. Fokus khusus penelitian meliputi penalaran dalam argumentasi dialog interaktif, evidensi dalam argumentasi dialog interaktif, serta inferensi dan implikasi dalam argumentasi dialog interaktif. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian ini berupa data verbal dari tuturan dialog interaktif yang ada di dalam video Editorial Media Indonesia Metro TV. Data verbal tersebut berupa frasa, kata, proposisi, atau kalimat. Sumber data penelitian diambil melalui platform YouTube. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi dokumen, dengan cara mengumpulkan video-video. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan argumentasi dalam dialog interaktif, ditemukan penalaran, evidensi, inferensi dan implikasi. Penalaran dalam argumentasi terdapat penalaran induktif dan deduktif. Penalaran induktif ditemukan proses generalisasi, hubungan kausal, dan analogi. Penalaran deduktif ditemukan silogisme kategorial dan silogisme hipotetis. Evidensi dalam argumentasi menguji dengan data, informasi, dan fakta. Menguji data dan informasi menggunakan observasi dan meminta pendapat autoritas. Menguji fakta menggunakan segi konsistensi. Inferensi dan implikasi dalam argumentasi ditemukan faktor dugaan, faktor akibat, dan asumsi-asumsi. Kata kunci: argumentasi, dialog interaktif, kanal YouTube Metro TV News

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