recreation area
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Katawut Waiyasusri ◽  
Srilert Chotpantarat

Spatial evolution can be traced by land-use change (LUC), which is a frontier issue in the field of geography. Using the limited areas of Koh Chang in Thailand as the research case, this study analyzed the simulation of its spatial evolution from a multi-scenario perspective on the basis of the 1900–2020 thematic mapper/operational land imager (TM/OLI) remote sensing data obtained through the transfer matrix model, and modified LUC and the dynamic land-use change model (Dyna-CLUE). Over the past 30 years, the expansion of recreation areas and urban and built-up land has been very high (2944.44% and 486.99%, respectively) along the western coast of Koh Chang, which replaced the original mangrove forests, orchards, and communities. Logistic regression analysis of important variables affecting LUC revealed that population density variables and coastal plain topography significantly affected LUC, which showed strong β coefficients prominently in the context of a coastal tourist city. The results of the LUC and logistic regression analyses were used to predict future LUCs in the Dyna-CLUE model to simulate 2050 land-use in three scenarios: (1) natural evolution scenario, where a large patch expansion of agricultural land extends along the edge of the entire forest boundary around the island, particularly the southwestern areas of the island that should be monitored; (2) reserved area protection scenario, where the boundary of the conservation area is incorporated into the model, enabling forest preservation in conjunction with tourism development; and (3) recreation area growth scenario, where the southern area is the most susceptible to change at the new road crossing between Khlong Kloi village to Salak Phet village, and where land-use of the recreation area type is expanding. The model-projected LUC maps provide insights into possible changes under multiple pathways, which could help local communities, government agencies, and stakeholders jointly allocate resource planning in a systematic way, so that the development of various infrastructures to realize the potential impact on the environment is a sustainable coastal tourist city development.

Sertaç Güngör ◽  
Elif Nur Doğan

During the pandemic process that has been going on for more than a year since the pandemic period was declared in 2020, the troubles and restrictions faced by people negatively affect the morale motivation of people. In this study, the definition of recreation areas, which are the leading places where people feel happy and peaceful, has been defined, what they contain is mentioned, and the adequacy of the recreational areas has been discussed in the survey and it has been determined that they are one of the most important needs in the cities. In the example of the recreation area of Çubuk-1 dam, it was investigated whether there is a change in the attitudes and behaviors of people before and after the pandemic, not face to face due to the pandemic, but through a voluntary survey based on social media. Although individuals thought that it was crowded after the pandemic, they preferred to use the recreation area of Çubuk-1 dam by paying attention to mask, distance and hygiene rules. The positive effects of physical activity, socialization, and outdoor travel on health are generally accepted by individuals. During the pandemic process, it has been observed that people have changed the way they spend their free time and the places they want to be, as they are overwhelmed by staying in their homes due to the prohibitions. The psychological and physical positive effects of recreation areas on human health and the changes caused by the pandemic in people's attitudes and behaviors paralleled the responses of the participants to the questionnaire.

2022 ◽  
Matthew DeSaix

Birds are prominent features of National Park Service lands and are effective indicators for monitoring ecosystem health. Assessing the temporal change of avian species abundance depends on long-term monitoring of bird communities and trends, however long-term monitoring programs are generally uncommon. In this report, we summarize 22 years (1997-2018) of point count data across five sites on West Virginia National Park Service lands (three in New River Gorge National River, one in Gauley River National Recreation Area, and one in Bluestone National Scenic River) and compare these results to our analysis of Breeding Bird Survey data for the same time period across all of West Virginia. The objectives of this analysis are two-fold: 1) describe the biotic integrity of the National Park Service lands in West Virginia and 2) Quantify trends in guilds and species abundance. During the 20-year period of this survey, 85 breeding resident species were detected. The West Virginia National Park Service lands are home to stable populations of Wood Thrush and Yellow-billed Cuckoo, both species of continental concern by Partners in Flight. Seven species have declined precipitously on NPS lands during this time period. Three of these species are also experiencing declines across the rest of West Virginia (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Carolina Chickadee, Kentucky Warbler), but the other 4 species are stable across West Virginia (Acadian Flycatcher, Black-throated Green Warbler, Northern Parula, Swainson’s Warbler). Four species that are declining across West Virginia (Great Crested Flycatcher, Indigo Bunting, Red-eyed Vireo, and Worm-eating Warbler) are stable on southern West Virginia NPS lands. Additionally, the upper-canopy foraging guild of species has decreased significantly on NPS lands in southern West Virginia. An analysis of community biotic integrity revealed that the southern West Virginia NPS lands have been stable at a rating of high biotic integrity every year for the duration of this survey. Future research should delve into the underlying factors that may be driving the trends in abundance at different scales.

Pondasi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Karina Aurora Nadea

ABSTRACTOne of the city parks designed as a recreation area is Teras Cikapundung. Teras Cikapundung has an area of 5,128 m2 and located in the Siliwangi area of Bandung City. Based on the results of preliminary observations have found several indications of problems with existing facilities in the Teras Cikapundung recreation area, namely non-operational children's rides, unavailability of parking spaces for bicycles, the stairs are not equipped with handrails, some of park chairs, picnic tables, and garden lights can’t be used because in the damage condition, and there is only two kind of signage: direction and information. The purpose of this case study research is to determine the performance of facility assets based Recreational Facility Audit Tool and provide solutions or recommendations for problems in recreational facilities in Teras Cikapundung. The theory for this research based on 'The Recreational Facility Audit Tool' from Macfarlane et al (2013) includes availability of sport facilities, accessibility, and availability of supportive amenities. The research method is descriptive method with qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The data collection techniques were observation, interview, and documentation study. The analysis techniques is using descriptive analysis techniques. Therefore, the recommended problem solving recommendation is the renovation of recreational facilities assets in Teras Cikapundung Bandung City.Keywords: Asset Performance Evaluation, City Park, Recreational FacilitiesABSTRAKSalah satu taman kota yang dirancang sebagai tempat rekreasi taman kota adalah Teras Cikapundung. Teras Cikapundung memiliki luas sebesar 5.128 m2 dan berlokasi di daerah Siliwangi Kota Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil observasi pendahuluan ditemukan beberapa indikasi masalah pada fasilitas yang ada pada kawasan rekreasi Teras Cikapundung yaitu permainan anak yang tidak beroperasi, tidak tersedianya tempat parkir untuk sepeda, tangga yang disediakan tidak dilengkapi oleh pegangan, selain itu beberapa fasilitas kursi taman, meja piknik, dan lampu taman tidak dapat digunakan karena dalam kondisi rusak, serta hanya tersedia 2 jenis rambu yaitu rambu petunjuk arah dan informasi. Tujuan penelitian studi kasus ini untuk mengetahui kinerja aset fasilitas berdasarkan Recreational Facility Audit Tool dan memberikan solusi atau rekomendasi atas permasalahan yang terdapat pada fasilitas rekreasi di Teras Cikapundung. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah ‘The Recreational Facility Audit Tool’ dari Macfarlane et al (2013) meliputi availability of sport facilities, accessibility, dan availability of supportive amenities. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif. Rekomendasi pemecahan masalah yang disarankan dalam penelitian ini adalah renovasi aset fasilitas rekreasi di Teras Cikapundung Kota Bandung.Kata kunci : Evaluasi Kinerja Aset, Fasilitas Rekreasi, Taman Kota

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4 supplement) ◽  
pp. 1501-1506
Pranita JUNGPANICH ◽  
Katawut WAIYASUSRI ◽  

Land-use change for examining the expansion of built-up and recreation, required effective techniques of spatial assessment, especially in areas with limited space such as Koh Chang island in Thailand which needed to be emphasized. The research objectives were to study land-use patterns in Koh Chang area in Trat province from 2000-2020, and study land-use change, especially the expansion of buildings and recreation area during that period, using geo-informatic technique. The study found that most of Koh Chang is forest land, up to 80% of the island, but the trend is declining. On the other hand, the area that has increased in number is built-up and recreation, which has increased from 7.22 km2 to 18.28 km2 and up to 253.19% in the past 20 years. The efficiency of geo-informatic technology can extract useful information, especially spatial data on land-use change. Therefore, it is known from which areas built-up and recreation areas are transformed in order to bring such information into a spatial database system for supporting decision-making in directing, monitoring and controlling areas for further expansion of tourism business in order not to create an impact on the environment.

K.K. Arynov ◽  
A.S. Nurgay ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the experience of designing domestic and foreign agricultural facilities, the prospective development of the architecture of a suburban multifunctional agricultural complex for the cultivation, storage, processing and sale of agricultural products in Kazakhstan. As a result of a comprehensive study, architectural proposals were developed and functional zones were determined: a recreation area, greenhouses, a residential area, a landscape area, a recreational-type settlement (tourism, recreation and hunting) and a trade and fair zone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 891
Titik Ismailia ◽  
Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati ◽  
Fitri Wijayanti ◽  
Septian Hadi Pratama Sasmita ◽  
Ulfa Denadia

ABSTRAKPengabdian kepada  masyarakat merupakan salah satu Tridharma perguruan tinggi yang wajib dilakukan oleh dosen. Kegiatan  Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilaksanakan di salah satu UMKM, Kedai Nyosoe Cak Nanang, yang terletak di Desa Kemuning Lor Jember. Kedai ini memiliki  produk andalan susu murni segar dan olahannya seperti susu rasa-rasa, milkshake, dan yogurt Letak kedai ini sangat strategis karena berada di wilayah rekreasi Rembangan. Namun, masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui produk kedai tersebut karena minimnya media promosi dan pengelola memiliki pengetahuan terbatas terkait promosi produk. Tujuan dari kegiatan PkM ini adalah untuk memberikan sosialisasi tentang media promosi dan mengembangkan booklet sebagai media promosi Kedai Nyosose Cak Nanang. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah adalah sosialisasi dan penyusunan media promosi untuk kedai tersebut.  Berdasarkan hasil yang dilakukan selama pelaksanaan pengabdian diperoleh hasil yaitu satu produk booklet bilingual dengan informasi lokasi kedai, produk susu beserta foto, dan nomor narahubung serta meningkatnya pemahaman pengelola tentang pentingnya promosi menggunakan booklet bilingual untuk meningkatkan omset penjualan. Kata kunci: media promosi; booklet; produk susu. ABSTRACTCommunity service is one of the Tridharma of higher education that must be carried out by lecturers. This Community Service (PkM) activity was carried out in Kedai Nyosoe Cak Nanang, which is located in Kemuning Lor Village, Jember. This shop has main products of fresh milk and its processed products such as flavored milk, milkshakes, and yogurt. Its location is very strategic because it is located in the Rembangan recreation area. However, there are still many people who do not know about its products because of the lack of promotional media and the owners have limited knowledge about product promotion. The purpose of this activity was to socialize about promotional media and develop a booklet as a medium of promotion for Kedai Nyosoe Cak Nanang. The method used to overcome the problem is socialization and making promotional media for the shop. Based on the results carried out during the implementation of the service, the results obtained were one bilingual booklet product completed with information about the location of the shop, dairy products along with photos, and contact numbers as well as the staffs’ understanding about the importance of promotion using bilingual booklets to increase sales. Keywords: promotional media; booklet; dairy products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-422
Anggi Arrahman ◽  
Achmad Hidir

This research was aimed to determine the public’s perceptions toward the attraction of Tajwid Lake. This research was also to describe the impact of Tajwid Lake attraction on local communities.The methodology used in this research was qualitative method. The data source in this research was consisted of primary and secondary data. Data collecting technique used in this research were participatory observation, in-depth interview, documentation and literature review. This research was conducted for two months. The results of the study indicated that the turning of Tajwid Lake into a tourist spot cannot be separated from various problems that cause the various public’s perceptions, both pros and cons. The impact of turning Tajwid Lake into a tourist spot is the presence of a recreation area for the community and providing space to increase income such as selling and providing services for tourists so that it can help the community's economy. However, it also has a negative impact on the community, especially those who make a living as fishermen, it because Tajwid Lake was place for fishermen to get their fish. Since Tajwid Lake became a tourist spot, it has been difficult to get the fish due to the dredging of the lake for tourism purposes, as well as restrictions for fishermen looking for fish in the lake to avoid the interfere with tourist activities. It caused the fishermen losing their place to get fish. Therefore at the time they looked for fish to go far up the river, and reduced the catches which have an impact on their economy.

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