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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 166-179
Peter J. Dukes ◽  
Xavier Martínez-Rivera

Abstract The enhanced principal rank characteristic sequence (epr-sequence) of a symmetric matrix B ∈ 𝔽 n×n is defined as ℓ1ℓ2· · · ℓ n , where ℓ j ∈ {A, S, N} according to whether all, some but not all, or none of the principal minors of order j of B are nonzero. Building upon the second author’s recent classification of the epr-sequences of symmetric matrices over the field 𝔽 = 𝔽2, we initiate a study of the case 𝔽= 𝔽3. Moreover, epr-sequences over finite fields are shown to have connections to Ramsey theory and coding theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 891-915
Susan Fawcett ◽  
Alan R. Smith ◽  
Michael Sundue ◽  
J. Gordon Burleigh ◽  
Emily B. Sessa ◽  

Abstract— The generic classification of the Thelypteridaceae has been the subject of much controversy. Proposed taxonomic systems have varied from recognizing the approximately 1200 species in the family within the single genus Thelypteris, to systems favoring upwards of 30 genera. Insights on intrafamilial relationships, especially for neotropical taxa, have been gained from recent phylogenetic studies; however, in the most recent classification, 10 of 30 recognized genera are either non-monophyletic or untested. We sequenced 407 nuclear loci for 621 samples, representing all recognized genera and approximately half the known species diversity. These were analyzed using both maximum likelihood analysis of a concatenated matrix and multi-species coalescent methods. Our phylogenomic results, informed by recently published morphological evidence, provide the foundation for a generic classification which recircumscribed 14 genera and recognized seven new genera. The 37 monophyletic genera sampled demonstrate greater geographic coherence than previous taxonomic concepts suggested. Additionally, our results demonstrate that certain morphological characters, such as frond division, are evolutionarily labile and are thus inadequate for defining genera.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Mónica Amador-Jiménez ◽  
Naomi Millner

Drawing on qualitative analysis and anthropological histories, we argue that deforestation rates in the Inter-Andean Valleys and in the Amazon Belt of Colombia reflect the specific role of the military in different articulations of the political forest along with new connections between conservation and the war on drugs. This paper examines the increase in deforestation in Colombia in 2020 that partially coincided with the “lockdown” imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19. Early media analysis linked this with the redeployment of military forces away from forest protection to impose lockdown restrictions. However, closer investigation reveals significant regional variation in both the reorganisation of military groups, and in the rate at which deforestation has materialised; military presence has increased in some regions, while in others deforestation has increased. To explain this, we unpack the “biopolitical” dimensions of international conservation to show how the specific deployment of military groups in Colombia reflects an interplay between notions of the protection of (species) life, longer colonial histories, and more recent classification of geographies in terms of riskiness and value.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2321
Alireza Rahemi ◽  
Ramesh Dhakal ◽  
Vitalis Wilbald Temu ◽  
Laban Rutto ◽  
Maru Kipleting Kering

Due to recent classification as a commodity crop in North America, producer interest in industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) has increased. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is a need to evaluate foreign-developed industrial hemp for its adaptability and to develop new cultivars suited to local climatic conditions. Eight cultivars (‘Bialobrzeskie’, ‘Canda’, ‘Fedora 17’, ‘Felina 32’, ‘Joey’, ‘Tygra’, ‘USO 31’, and ‘Wojko’) were evaluated for grain and five (‘Bialobrzeskie’, ‘Carmagnola’, ‘Fedora 17’, ‘Futura 75’, and ‘Wojko’) for vegetative biomass. An experiment carried out at the Virginia State Research and Demonstration (Randolph) farm was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results show that cultivars differed in the cumulative growing degree days (CGDD) needed for growth phase transitions, with ‘USO 31’ having an early transition to the reproductive phase. In addition, ‘Fedora 17’ produced greater grain yield and may have the potential for greater performance with better management to improve its adaptability to local conditions. Across cultivars and years, the grain protein content averaged 241 g kg−1 and the mineral elements were at sufficient levels for animal and human nutrition. ‘Carmagnola’ produced greater biomass yield and has the potential for adoption as local fiber cultivar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 274-282
Ana Pereira ◽  
Joaquim Costa Pereira ◽  
Sandra Martins

Appendicectomy is one of the most performed surgical procedures. Neoplasms of the appendix are identified in approximately 1% of appendiceal specimens, and the incidence seems to be rising. The aim of this review was to summarize the current data on these neoplasms, focusing on the recent classification, clinical manifestations, management, and follow-up of such patients, which remain under debate. A literature search was performed using the database PubMed. The keywords used were related to appendiceal neoplasms, mucocele, pseudomyxoma peritonei and treatment. Records without abstracts, case reports, opinion articles and experimental studies were excluded. The appendix tumors can be classified between epithelial or nonepithelial. The epithelial variant is composed by mucinous neoplasms, nonmucinous adenocarcinoma, and signet ring cell tumors; instead, neuroendocrine tumors, lymphoma, and sarcoma are included in nonepithelial neoplasia. Goblet cell carcinoids share characteristics of both epithelial and nonepithelial tumors. The clinical presentation can be variable and the algorithm for evaluation and treatment is complex. Treatment is based on stage and histology. Our intention is to clarify some questions and help the surgeon in operative decisions, treatment strategies, and patient counseling. Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0303-9 Full Text: PDF

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anthony C. Woo ◽  
Morgan Gaia ◽  
Julien Guglielmini ◽  
Violette Da Cunha ◽  
Patrick Forterre

Double-stranded DNA viruses of the realm Varidnaviria (formerly PRD1-adenovirus lineage) are characterized by homologous major capsid proteins (MCPs) containing one (kingdom: Helvetiavirae) or two β-barrel domains (kingdom: Bamfordvirae) known as the jelly roll folds. Most of them also share homologous packaging ATPases (pATPases). Remarkably, Varidnaviria infect hosts from the three domains of life, suggesting that these viruses could be very ancient and share a common ancestor. Here, we analyzed the evolutionary history of Varidnaviria based on single and concatenated phylogenies of their MCPs and pATPases. We excluded Adenoviridae from our analysis as their MCPs and pATPases are too divergent. Sphaerolipoviridae, the only family in the kingdom Helvetiavirae, exhibit a complex history: their MCPs are very divergent from those of other Varidnaviria, as expected, but their pATPases groups them with Bamfordvirae. In single and concatenated trees, Bamfordvirae infecting archaea were grouped with those infecting bacteria, in contradiction with the cellular tree of life, whereas those infecting eukaryotes were organized into three monophyletic groups: the Nucleocytoviricota phylum, formerly known as the Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses (NCLDVs), Lavidaviridae (virophages) and Polintoviruses. Although our analysis mostly supports the recent classification proposed by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), it also raises questions, such as the validity of the Adenoviridae and Helvetiavirae ranking. Based on our phylogeny, we discuss current hypotheses on the origin and evolution of Varidnaviria and suggest new ones to reconcile the viral and cellular trees.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (13) ◽  
pp. 1524
Metod Saniga

Given the symplectic polar space of type W(5,2), let us call a set of five Fano planes sharing pairwise a single point a Fano pentad. Once 63 points of W(5,2) are appropriately labeled by 63 non-trivial three-qubit observables, any such Fano pentad gives rise to a quantum contextual set known as a Mermin pentagram. Here, it is shown that a Fano pentad also hosts another, closely related, contextual set, which features 25 observables and 30 three-element contexts. Out of 25 observables, ten are such that each of them is on six contexts, while each of the remaining 15 observables belongs to two contexts only. Making use of the recent classification of Mermin pentagrams (Saniga et al., Symmetry 12 (2020) 534), it was found that 12,096 such contextual sets comprise 47 distinct types, falling into eight families according to the number (3,5,7,…,17) of negative contexts.

V. A. Koriachkin ◽  
A. P. Spasova ◽  
V. V. Khinovker

Background Chronic neuropathic pain is a common occurrence, its prevalence ranges from 7 to 10% of the total population. Currently, the only official document that includes neuropathic pain is the International Classification of Headaches Disorders (ICHD-3), in which this type of pain is associated with traumatic brain injury and neuralgia. Until now, there has been no generally accepted terminology and classification of chronic neuropathic pain.Objective To provide the current terminology, classification and additional characteristics of neuropathic chronic pain.Results The review of modern terminology and classification of neuropathic chronic pain describes the terms included in the concept of chronic peripheral and central neuropathic pain, identifies pain subtypes, as well as its additional characteristics such as the intensity of neuropathic pain, the severity of suffering and disability.Conclusions Thus, the presented recent classification of chronic neuropathic pain is an exhaustive list of the most common neuropathic pain syndromes. The inclusion of classification into clinical practice will help to draw attention to the problem of treatment of chronic neuropathic pain by WHO members, carrying out epidemiological studies and making a correct diagnosis, and therefore the appointment of adequate treatment methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (25) ◽  
pp. 970-977 ◽  
Nóra Balázs ◽  
Tibor Kovács

Összefoglaló. A neurodegeneratív betegségek között az Alzheimer-kór a leggyakoribb kórforma. Morbiditása és mortalitása világszerte egyre gyorsabb ütemben növekszik, ezáltal szociális és gazdasági hatása is folyamatosan fokozódó terhet jelent a társadalomra. Az elmúlt néhány évtizedben jelentős előrelépés történt az Alzheimer-kór megismerésében, számos biomarker támogatja a diagnózis felállítását, tüneti terápiát szolgáló gyógyszerek kerültek bevezetésre. Az Alzheimer-kór klinikai megjelenése, lefolyása, viselkedése rendkívül változatos képet mutat, felismerése a rendelkezésre álló eszközök ellenére is kihívást jelenthet a nagy tapasztalattal bíró klinikusok számára is. Munkánk céljául tűztük ki, hogy összefoglaljuk az Alzheimer-kór genetikai, patológiai és klinikai jellemzőit, segítve ezzel a betegség jobb meg- és felismerését. Bemutatjuk a jelenleg érvényben lévő patológiai és klinikai irányelvek kritériumrendszereit, az újabb klasszifikációs szemléleteket. Részletesen ismertetjük az Alzheimer-kór heterogenitását genotípus és fenotípus szintjén egyaránt. Elemezzük a típusos és atípusos megjelenési formák jellemzőit, a társuló kórállapotoknak a megjelenésre és a progresszióra gyakorolt hatását. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(25): 970–977. Summary. Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder. Morbidity and mortality of Alzheimer’s disease are increasing worldwide causing important social and economic burden on the society. Over the past few decades, significant progress has been made in the understanding of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, several biomarkers support the diagnosis and drugs for symptomatic therapy had been introduced. The clinical manifestations and the course of Alzheimer’s disease have a variable picture, so – despite the diagnostic opportunities – its diagnosis could be a challenge for highly experienced clinicians as well. The aim of our work was to summarize the genetic, pathological and clinical characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease, thus helping to better understand and recognize the disease. We present the criteria systems of the currently valid pathological and clinical guidelines with the most recent classification approaches. The heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s disease at both genotype and phenotype levels is described in detail. The characteristics of typical and atypical manifestations and the effect of co-pathologies on the appearance and progression of Alzheimer’s disease are also discussed. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(25): 970–977.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ana Lilia Hernández-Damián ◽  
Sandra Luz Gómez-Acevedo ◽  
Sergio Rafael Silvestre Cevallos-Ferriz

Background: Celastraceae is a morphologically heterogeneous family. For this reason, the inclusion of some taxa within this group is controversial. Recently this problem has become significant since its fossil record is recognized as an important source of information for evolutionary studies, especially those using molecular clocks which require a robust, reliable fossil record. Questions: What are the most reliable fossil records of Celastraceae? What morphological characters are used to assign fossils in the family? Study site and dates: Compilation of records contained in paleontological databases, and paleobotanical literature, covering publications from 1869 to 2018. Methods: Published information on the Celastraceae fossil record was compiled and analyzed using the most recent classification system and specialized literature on the family. Results: A total of 168 fossil records were examined, of which nine are proposed for use as molecular clock calibration points. Each specimen has a description based on a character set used for its identification, a photograph and/or illustration, their geological age is well supported, their geographic origin is known, and the specimens are in accredited home institutions with publicly accessible collections. Conclusions: The identification and establishment of relationships between fossil and extant taxa have important limitations that depend on the critical interpretation of morphology in a phylogenetic context. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate only those morphological studies in Celastraceae that help clarify its fossil record.

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