landslide disaster
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
IGA Ari Rasdini ◽  
Ni Made Wedri ◽  
VM Endang SP Rahayu ◽  
Amelia Putri

Tanah longsor merupakan bencana tahunan yang senantiasa melanda disebagian wilayah Indonesia. Terjadinya bencana tanah longsor dapat menimbulkan dampak yang sangat besar baik terhadap kehidupan maupun lingkungan. Berdasarkan data Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi terdapat 918 lokasi rawan tanah longsor yang tersebar diberbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Provinsi Bali merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan terhadap tanah longsor. Peningkatkan kesiapsiagaan terhadap bahaya tanah longsor, dapat mengurangi dampak yang ditimbulkan dari bencana tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media komik terhadap kesiapsiagaan siswa dalam menghadapi bencana tanah longsor. Jenis penelitian adalah pre-experimental design dengan rancangan one-roup pretest-posttest menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 57 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner kesiapsiagaan bencana tanah longsor dan dianalisa dengan uji paired t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata kesiapsiagaan siswa sebelum perlakuan 69,68 dan setelah perlakuan sebesar 76,63 dengan selisih rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan sebesar 6,94 dengan p value 0,001 sehingga disimpulkan ada pengaruh penggunaan media komik terhadap kesiapsiagaan siswa dalam menghadapi bencana tanah longsor di SDN 1 Sukawana.Kata kunci: bencana tanah longsor; kesiapsiagaan; media komik The Use Of Comics On Student Preparedness In Facing Landslide DisasterABSTRACT  Landslides are an annual disaster that always hits parts of Indonesia. The occurrence of landslides can have a huge impact on both life and the environment. Based on data from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, there were 918 landslide-prone locations spread across various regions in Indonesia. Bali Province is one of the areas prone to landslides. Increasing preparedness against landslides can reduce the impact of the disaster. This study was aimed to determine the effect of using comic’s media on student preparedness in dealing with landslides. This type of research was a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest design using a total sampling technique with a total sample of 57 people. Data was collected using a landslide disaster preparedness questionnaire, and it was tested by using a paired t-test. The results show the average score of students' preparedness before treatment is 69.68 and after treatment is 76.63 with an average difference before and after treatment of 6.94 with p-value = 0.001.  It was concluded that there was an effect of using comic’s media on students' preparedness in dealing with landslides at SDN 1 Sukawana. Keywords:  landslide disaster; preparedness; comics’ media

Syahrial Ayub ◽  
Kosim Kosim ◽  
I Wayan Gunada

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tanggapan dan pendapat guru tentang pelaksanaan model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana dan upaya meningkatkannya di sekolah dasar. Penelitian dilaksanakan terhadap 12 guru SD negeri 1 Sembalun Lombok Timur, NTB. Penelitian deskriptif ini dimulai dengan menampilkan sebuah model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana tanah longsor oleh tim peneliti yang dilanjutkan dengan diskusi struktur pembelajaran mitigasi bencana yang diaplikasikan dari modeling sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 5 pokok pikiran tentang pelaksanaan model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana tanah longsor, yaitu 1) mengkondisikan peserta didik menghadapi bencana alam dalam proses pembelajaran, 2) guru harus memiliki langkah yang tepat dalam memberikan pemahaman tentang bencana alam dan melakukan demontrasi langsung sehingga peserta didik memahami dengan seksama, 3) guru harus memiliki pengetahuan kebencanaan gempabumi, tsunami, tanah longsor, banjir, angin topan dan gunungapi, 4) guru memberikan contoh pembelajaran mitigasi bencana kepada peserta didik menggunakan alat bantu seperti video, alat mitigasi bencana dan lainnya, 5) pemahaman resiko/bahaya, kerentanan (kelemahan), ancaman dan kemampuan/kekuatan bencana tanah longsor. Kata kunci: teknik moderasi; implementasi model pembelajaran mitigasi bencana; sekolah dasar. ABSTRACTThis study aims to reveal the responses and opinions of teachers about the implementation of the disaster mitigation learning model and efforts to improve it in primary schools. The study was conducted on 12 teachers of SD Negeri 1 Sembalun, East Lombok, NTB. This descriptive study begins by presenting a learning model for landslide disaster mitigation by the research team, followed by a discussion of the disaster mitigation learning structure applied from the previous modeling. The results of the study obtained 5 main ideas about the implementation of the landslide disaster mitigation learning model, namely 1) conditioning students to face natural disasters in the learning process, 2) teachers must have the right steps in providing an understanding of natural disasters and conducting direct demonstrations so that students understand carefully, 3) teachers must have knowledge of earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods, hurricanes and volcanoes, 4) teachers provide examples of disaster mitigation learning to students using tools such as videos, disaster mitigation tools and others, 5) understanding risk/hazard, vulnerability (weakness), threat and capability/strength of landslide disaster. Keywords: moderation techniques; implementation of disaster mitigation learning model; primary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Siti Rohimah ◽  
Irwan Malik Ibrahim ◽  
Anna Samiatulmilaah

Longsor merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi di desa Panawangan. Kondisi geografi desa yang terjal, kondisi geologi tidak stabil, curah hujan yang tinggi memicu resiko terjadinya bencana, salah satunya bencana tanah longsor. Tingkat resiko bencana selain ditentukan oleh potensi bencana juga ditentukan oleh kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi bencana. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk Mengetahui Gambaran Pengetahuan Masyarakat Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Tanah Longsor di Desa Panawangan Kecamatan Panawangan Kabupaten Ciamis Tahun 2019. Desain Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan menggunakan alat koesioner untuk mendapatkan data dari responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik Proposive Sampling dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 96 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 74 orang (77,1%) responden memiliki pengetahuan yang baik, 15 orang (15,6%) responden memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup, dan tujuh orang (7,3%) responden memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang. Saran dalam penelitian ini perlu adanya pelatihan kesiapsiagaan bencana tanah longsor untuk masyarakat Desa Panawangan Kecamatan Panawangan Kabupaten Ciamis.Landslides are a common problem in Panawangan village. The geographical condition of the village is steep, geological conditions are unstable, high rainfall triggers the risk of disasters, one of which is landslides. The level of disaster risk is not only determined by the potential for disasters but also by preparedness in dealing with disasters. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of community knowledge on landslide disaster preparedness in Panawangan Village, Panawangan District, Ciamis Regency in 2019. The design of this study used a descriptiveapproach cross-sectional using a questionnaire tool to obtain data from respondents. The data collection technique used thetechnique Proposive Sampling with a total sample of 96 respondents. empirically ResultsN showed 74 (77.1%) of respondents have good knowledge, 15 people (15.6%) of respondents have sufficient knowledge, and seven (7.3%) of respondents have less knowledge. Suggestions in this research the need for landslide disaster preparedness training for the people of Panawangan Village, Panawangan District, Ciamis Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 884 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
H H Setyawan ◽  

Abstract A landslide disaster occurred in Tangkil, Banaran Village, Ponorogo Regency on April 1st, 2017 which caused many casualties. The objectives of this research were to determine the factors that caused the landslide and to determine the community adaptation strategy in dealing with landslide. This research applied descriptive qualitative method with its data collection included observation, interview, and documentation. The research results showed, 1) the factors causing landslide were steep slopes, fertile rocks and soils, land conversion, high rainfall, and human activities, 2) the community adaptation strategy involved adaptation and adjustment in dealing with landslide. The impacts of landslide have been felt by the community thus, they could change their behavior towards their environment and make adjustments to the new environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 854-862
Aziz Masyhuri ◽  
Hartuti Purnaweni ◽  
Augustin Rina Herawati ◽  
Budi Puspo Priyadi

This study aims to analyze the collaboration process between stakeholders in landslide disaster management in Gajahmungkur District, Semarang City. Collaboration between stakeholders aims to build commitment, understanding, and responsibility in increasing the effectiveness of disaster management which is analyzed through the concept of collaborative governance by Ansell & Gash (2007). Based on a descriptive qualitative research approach, this research was conducted in the city of Semarang, precisely in the district of Gajahmungkur Kecamatan. Data collection was carried out by interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis is based on four indicators of collaborative governance including: initial conditions, institutional design, facilitative leadership, to the collaborative process. The results of this study indicate that there are three stakeholders involved in the collaboration, namely local government, community groups, and also the private sector, however, in the process the coordination carried out by the three stakeholders is not effective enough, thus hindering disaster management activities. As a result of this lack of coordination, the landslide disaster in Semarang City has not been handled properly. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the collaborative process carried out in landslide disaster management in Semarang City has not run optimally due to lack of coordination and lack of participation from other stakeholders outside the government sector, causing landslides to still occur frequently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 3573
Chunfang Kong ◽  
Yiping Tian ◽  
Xiaogang Ma ◽  
Zhengping Weng ◽  
Zhiting Zhang ◽  

Regarding the ever increasing and frequent occurrence of serious landslide disaster in eastern Guangxi, the current study was implemented to adopt support vector machines (SVM), particle swarm optimization support vector machines (PSO-SVM), random forest (RF), and particle swarm optimization random forest (PSO-RF) methods to assess landslide susceptibility in Zhaoping County. To this end, 10 landslide disaster-related variables including digital elevation model (DEM)-derived, meteorology-derived, Landsat8-derived, geology-derived, and human activities factors were provided. Of 345 landslide disaster locations found, 70% were used to train the models, and the rest of them were performed for model verification. The aforementioned four models were run, and landslide susceptibility evaluation maps were produced. Then, receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves, statistical analysis, and field investigation were performed to test and verify the efficiency of these models. Analysis and comparison of the results denoted that all four landslide models performed well for the landslide susceptibility evaluation as indicated by the area under curve (AUC) values of ROC curves from 0.863 to 0.934. Among them, it has been shown that the PSO-RF model has the highest accuracy in comparison to other landslide models, followed by the PSO-SVM model, the RF model, and the SVM model. Moreover, the results also showed that the PSO algorithm has a good effect on SVM and RF models. Furthermore, the landslide models devolved in the present study are promising methods that could be transferred to other regions for landslide susceptibility evaluation. In addition, the evaluation results can provide suggestions for disaster reduction and prevention in Zhaoping County of eastern Guangxi.

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