scholarly journals The community adaptation strategy in dealing with landslide disaster in Banaran Village Ponorogo Regency

2021 ◽  
Vol 884 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
H H Setyawan ◽  

Abstract A landslide disaster occurred in Tangkil, Banaran Village, Ponorogo Regency on April 1st, 2017 which caused many casualties. The objectives of this research were to determine the factors that caused the landslide and to determine the community adaptation strategy in dealing with landslide. This research applied descriptive qualitative method with its data collection included observation, interview, and documentation. The research results showed, 1) the factors causing landslide were steep slopes, fertile rocks and soils, land conversion, high rainfall, and human activities, 2) the community adaptation strategy involved adaptation and adjustment in dealing with landslide. The impacts of landslide have been felt by the community thus, they could change their behavior towards their environment and make adjustments to the new environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 399
Nopria Martin ◽  
Sri Wiratma

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan, serta mengetahui hasil akhir dari proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Melakukan penelitian didalam kelas yang sudah tersedia sebagaimana adanya tanpa melakukan perubahan situasi kelas dan jadwal pembelajaran. Perlakuan yang dilaksanakan adalah proses pembuatan batik kreatif dengan teknik cap dan melihat hasil dari karya tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan di SMP Swasta Salsa Percut Sei Tuan. Teknik pembuatan batik teknik cap dengan media rongsokan atau barang bekas sangat berbeda dengan batik tulis dan batik teknik colet melainkan mencap langsung pada kain tersebut. Dimana prosenya ialah mencap, mewarna, memblok, melorod, dan (finishing) dan kain batik telah selesai.Kata Kunci: batik cap, rongsokan, proses pembuatan.AbstractThis study aims to knowing the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques with junk media, and knowing the final result of the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques using scrap media". The research method used by researchers in data collection using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Doing research in the classroom that is already available as is without changing the classroom situation and learning schedule. The treatment carried out is the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques and seeing the results of the work. From the research results, it can be seen that the process of making creative batik with stamp techniques using junk media at Salsa Percut Private Middle School in Sei Tuan. The technique of making stamped batik using junk media or used goods is very different from the hand-written batik and the dabbing technique of batik, but it is directly stamped on the cloth. Where the process is stamping, coloring, blocking, melting, and (finishing) and the batik cloth has been finished.Keywords: batik stamp, wreckage, manufacturing proces. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 272
Heru Sri Naryanto ◽  
Hasmana Soewandita ◽  
Deliyanti Ganesha ◽  
Firman Prawiradisastra ◽  
Agus Kristijono

ABSTRAKBencana tanah longsor di Indonesia semakin sering terjadi dari tahun ke tahun. Bencana tanah longsor telah terjadi di Dusun Tangkil, Desa Banaran, Kecamatan Pulung, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Provinsi Jawa Timur pada tanggal 1 April 2017. Lokasi tanah longsor di Desa Banaran, Kecamatan Pulung, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, terletak pada zona kerentanan tinggi. Tipologi tanah longsor berupa longsoran bahan rombakan, yang kemudian ke arah bawah (Kali Tangkil) berkembang menjadi tipe aliran bahan rombakan. Faktor-Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya tanah longsor lokasi penelitian adalah: kelerengan, batuan dan tanah, rekahan/retakan batuan, konversi lahan, drainase dan keairan, curah hujan tinggi, dan aktivitas manusia. Dari kesemuanya faktor-faktor tersebut,  yang paling dominan dan berpengaruh terhadap tanah longsor adalah: lereng yang curam, soil hasil pelapukan sangat gembur dan tebal, alih fungsi lahan dan curah hujan yang tinggi. Material longsoran tidak terkonsolidasi dengan baik sehingga masih mudah bergerak, dan kemungkinan pembendungan pada Kali Tangkil oleh material longsoran tersebut bisa berpotensi terjadinya banjir bandang. Beberapa permukiman yang berada di saekitar lokasi longsor mempunyai risiko tinggi dan sedang terhadap longsor, sehingga perlu dibangun kesiapsiagaan masyarakat, pembangunan sistem peringatan dini longsor serta untuk jangka panjang adalah relokasi jika memang kondisi semakin parah. Pertanian lahan kering pada lereng-lereng sebaiknya menggunakan pola agroforestry. Kawasan sub DAS berisiko longsor, sebaiknya dikembalikan fungsi lahan sebagai hutan konservasi atau hutan lindung seperti sebelumnya.Kata kunci: longsor, Ponorogo, curam, soil tebal, degradasi lahan, curah hujan tinggi, risikoABSTRACTLandslides in Indonesia are becoming increasingly frequent from year to year. A landslide disaster has occurred in Tangkil, Banaran Village, Pulung Sub-District, Ponorogo District, East Java Province on April 1, 2017. The location of landslides in Banaran Village, Pulung Sub-District, Ponorogo District, East Java, lies in the high vulnerability zone. The landslide typology is a debris slide, which then in the downstream direction (Tangkil River) develop into a type of debris flow. Factors that influence the occurrence of landslides in the study area are: slope, rock and soil, fracture, land conversion, drainage and irrigation, high rainfall, and human activities. Of all the influential factors, the most dominant factors for landslides are: steep slopes, weathered soil is very loose and thick,   land conversion, and high rainfall. Landslide material is not well consolidated so that it is still easy to move, and the possibility of damming the Tangkil River by landslide material can potentially cause flash floods. Some settlements located near landslide locations have high and moderate risks of landslides, so community preparedness needs to be built,     the establishment of landslide early warning systems and long-term relocation if the condition is getting worse. Dryland farming on slopes should use agroforestry patterns. Sub-watershed areas are at risk of landslides, the land should be restored as conservation forest or protected forest as before.Keywords: landslide, Ponorogo, steep slopes, thick soil, land degradation, high rainfall, risk

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-177
Mussadun Mussadun ◽  
Parfi Khadiyanto ◽  
Djoko Suwandono ◽  
Endah Kartika Syahri

Abstract: Plasansari village is one of the settlements in landslide-prone locations. This is because the geographical conditions in the plasansari village have very steep slopes, types of soil that are easily crossed by water, and high rainfall. The existence of an elite residential area at the top of the village adds to the threat of landslides. This dedication activity aims as education on preventing the threat of landslides by applying a vegetative approach to the plasansari village area. This method is in line with the central government's call to use a vegetative approach in efforts to prevent landslides in a comprehensive manner while empowering the community. The activity was carried out by providing material on the vegetative approach and the geographical condition of the plasansari village. The material provided was the result of the analysis of the community service team in the form of vegetation guidelines for landslide-prone areas in plasansari village. The output of this dedication, the development of the plasansari community's insights on the threat of landslides in the area of residence, and conservation efforts independently by the community using a vegetative approachKeywords: Community Service, Landslide Disaster, Vegetative Approach Abstrak: Kampung Plasansari merupakan salah satu permukiman yang berada di lokasi rawan longsor. Hal ini karena kondisi geografi di Kampung Plasansari memiliki kemiringan lahan sangat curam, jenis tanah yang mudah dilewati air, serta curah hujan yang tinggi. Keberadaan kawasan perumahan elit pada bagian atas kampung semakin menambah ancaman terjadinya bencana longsor. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan sebagai edukasi mengenai pencegahan ancaman bencana longsor dengan menerapkan metode pendekatan vegetatif pada kawasan Kampung Plasansari. Metode ini sejalan dengan imbauan pemerintah pusat untuk menggunakan pendekatan vegetatif dalam upaya pencegahan tanah longsor secara komprehensif sekaligus pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberikan materi mengenai pendekatan vegetatif dan kondisi geografis Kampung Plasansari. Materi yang diberikan merupakan hasil analisis tim pengabdian berupa panduan vegetasi untuk kawasan rawan longsor di Kampung Plasansari. Output pengabdian ini, pengembangan wawasan masyarakat Kampung Plasansari mengenai ancaman tanah longsor pada wilayah tempat tinggal, dan upaya konservasi secara mandiri oleh masyarakat dengan menggunakan pendekatan vegetatif.Kata Kunci: Pengabdian Masyarakat, Bencana Longsor, Pendekatan Vegetatif

Teknik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Rian Amukti ◽  
Cahya Damayanti ◽  
Abdul Kadir Yamko ◽  
Johanis Dominggus Lekalette

Landslide disaster is one type of disaster that often occurs in Indonesia which causes many casualties and loss of property. Ambon City is an area with high potential for landslides. This is because Ambon City is an area with steep slopes and high rainfall, so a study is needed to overcome this as a disaster mitigation effort. This study aims to determine the area of landslide slip and direction of landslides as a basis for identifying landslide-prone areas using the dipole-dipole configuration geoelectric method. This research was conducted in Poka Village, Ambon City, Maluku Province. Geoelectric measurements using the AGI Ministing tool with data retrieval as much as 5 tracks. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the soil layer was dominated by clay and limestone. The reconstruction results show that the topography of the area is a slope with a slope of 45o-80o, and the slip plane has each path with a resistivity contrast of ± 25-60 Ωm at a depth of 5-15 meters, while the direction of the landslide is directed to the southeast.

Raden Biroum Bernardianto ◽  
Hairullah Hairullah

This study aims to find out how the management of parking fees is managed by the transportation agency, starting from payments made by users of parking services to parking attendants, depositing to collection officers, receipt of treasurers then depositing to the city government so that it can be called city PAD (Regional Revenue) palangkaraya and contributions especially parking. The method used is a qualitative method, the research carried out is a descriptive study where the Department of Transportation and Office of Regional Original Revenue were chosen as the location of the study. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results and discussion can be concluded that the implementation of the policy has not been maximized. This is because there are still some obstacles that hamper parking retribution faced by Palangka Raya Parking Area Revenues, especially in terms of collecting parking fees.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-114
Wardah Anggraini ◽  
Anggi Darma Putri

This study aims to find out how the application of the role playing method in developing cognitive skills of children aged 5-6 years. The problem in this study is the low cognitive development of children aged 5-6 years and the hope that the role playing method still uses limited media in RA Az-Zahra Natar, South Lampung. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method that describes how the role playing method is used at RA Az-Zahra Natar, South Lampung. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis of the data used is the analysis of miles and huberman model data, namely data reduction, data collection and conclusion drawing. Based on data collection and analysis conducted there are several findings of research results about playing a role in developing cognitive children aged 5-6 years. The results of this research are the application of the steps used in role playing, i.eWarming up (warming up), participants (choosing players), setting the stage, observers (preparing observers), holding (ensuring roles), discussion and evaluation, reusing (playing back roles), second discussion and evaluation, various conclusions and experiences

Siddhayatra ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Refico Apriansyah ◽  
Ahmad Zamhari Zamhari

East Ilir District I Palembang contains a wealth of historical and cultural data such as historical sites from the time of Sriwijaya to Colonial especially on toponymous studies. The purpose of this research is to know the value of toponym history during the reign of Sultanate of Palembang Darusallam in subdistrict of ilir east I Palembang. This study uses descriptive qualitative method is a method that talked about the results of observation interviewsor penelaan documents. This research is also systematically there are main activities ysng done: Technique of data collection through activity of direct observation to research location. From the research results can be concluded that the history of toponyms in East Ilir District I Palembang has a relationship with the history of the government of the Islamic empire in Palembang Palembang Sultanate Darusallam. The toponymous study in East Ilir I Palembang Sub-district is a lot of historical relics such as Kepandean Street (Iron Craft), Sayangan Street (Copper Craftsmen), Street Segaran (Swimming Baths), Tengkuruk River Road (Son of Musi River), Angsoko Temple Road (Temple Complex and Tomb of Prince Madi Angsoko of the kingdom of Palembang) as well as toponyms in the form of Nationalism and Geographical form (Natural Results).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Maryono Maryono ◽  
Akbar Nasir

This study aims to determine the causes and impacts of the conversion of fish ponds into oil palm plantations in Kasano Village, North Mamuju. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive research approach. Data collection used observation techniques and direct interviews with fishermen who converted their ponds into oil palm plantations in Kasanao Village, Baras District, North Mamuju Regency. The results of this study indicate that the number of fishermen who convert their ponds to oil palm plantations is around 80%. Land conversion occurs gradually, there is no change in social status due to land conversion. Instead, the conversion of the ponds is due to the problem of the value of oil palm being higher than milkfish or shrimp.

2021 ◽  
Ute Lies Siti Khadijah ◽  
Lutfi khoerunnisa ◽  
Rully Khaerul Anwar ◽  

ndramayu Regency has many ancient manuscripts that contain valuable information. Paper-based manuscripts are very easily damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve ancient manuscripts. Switching to a digital flipbook is considered appropriate because it provides an interface that is similar to the original script. This study aims to describe the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of ancient manuscripts owned by the Bandar Cimanuk Indramayu Museum. Digitization can be an effort to preserve ancient manuscripts. The research used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation study. It is hoped that the research results in the form of flipbook development can be used as an effort to preserve ancient manuscripts that represent, protect, and exceed the physicality of ancient manuscripts. The conclusion of this study is that the ancient Legok Kolot manuscript is the identity and wealth of the Indramayu people, so it needs to be digitized so that the preservation of the script is maintained. The media transfer process at the Bandar Cimanuk Museum goes through three main stages, namely the pre-digitization process, the digitization process, and the post-digitization process. In its process, there are three important things that must be considered, such as source characteristics, product usability, and technological characteristics. The use of digital flipbooks as an effort to preserve ancient manuscripts is considered to protect, represent, and exceed the original ancient manuscripts

Cicik Rohmaniyah Salim

The leadership of the Kyai is special because it is not yet known in depth by the society. A Kyai has a very important role in providing religious education to the society. The leadership of the Kyai has another feature, which is to make the society more easily influenced and obedient to the matters conveyed by the Kyai. Likewise with the leadership of KH. Ahmad Muchtar Ghozali. He has an important role in providing Islamic religious education to the society.                The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the type of leadership KH. Ahmad Muchtar Ghozali, his efforts in empowering religion in society, as well as describing the implications of the leadership results of KH. Ahmad Muchtar Ghozali in empowering the society. The method used in this study is a qualitative method and the research approach used is descriptive qualitative with the type of life-history research. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation study. The research instrument was the researcher. Checking the validity of the data using triangulation techniques, peer checking, and member checking.                This research results indicates that: (1) the type of leadership KH. Ahmad Muchtar Ghozali is charismatic and democratic. (2) KH. Ahmad Muchtar Ghozali in empowering religion is by becoming a mosque stakeholder, mubaligh (preaching), teaching, being active in ORMAS activities (society organizations) to establishing a Islamic boarding school and formal education, (3) the implication of KH leadership. Ahmad Muchtar Ghozali in empowering religion in society is the creation of a society that upholds Islamic values and is able to produce the younger generation to become an ulama’ (scholar).

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