online book
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2021 ◽  
Theresa Mieslinger ◽  
Jule Radtke ◽  
Tobias Kölling

<p>Large field campaigns dedicated to study the earth system are run by large groups of people from many research institutions that are scattered around the globe. That way, it is possible to create a great wealth of original datasets, thoroughly quantifying the state of a specific region in space and time on our planet. All collected data is potentially very useful for model validation, process studies, teaching and more. But while researchers way beyond those participating at the field campaign might be interested in the data, even those participating are often faced by difficulties to discover, access and use the data.</p> <p>To tackle these challenges in the context of the EUREC4A field campaign, we started the „How to EUREC4A“ executable book project. It is an openly accessible online book, written collaboratively by participants from the field campaign and the broader community around. The book contains explanations about the available instruments, data and typical usage patterns. The book is also an executable book, which means that each of the chapters contain explanatory text, code and figures that can be modified by readers, either on their own computer or without any prior setup using an online service called „binder“. Thus, the book also forms a collection of data quicklooks and is an interactive plotting software at the same time.</p> <p>On first sight, the book might seem to be just yet another shiny user interface, similar to other data catalogs. But due to the way it is made, it really becomes the hub of a larger ecosystem. In order to make the book executable by everyone, data must be openly accessible and understandable to everyone, thus the book fosters the creation and maintenance of a comprehensive data catalog and the publication of datasets in an analysis friendly way. Every time the book is executed, we can test if the data is still accessible and still compatible. Furthermore, making beautiful and understandable usage examples for your dataset makes your data visible to a broader community, feels rewarding and motivates others to do the same. As the book lives due to motivated contributors, this creates a positive feedback loop to enlarge the collection of accessible and understandable data.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Pavan Holur ◽  
Shadi Shahsavari ◽  
Ehsan Ebrahimzadeh ◽  
Timothy R. Tangherlini ◽  
Vwani Roychowdhury

Social reading sites offer an opportunity to capture a segment of readers’ responses to literature, while data-driven analysis of these responses can provide new critical insight into how people ‘read’. Posts discussing an individual book on the social reading site, Goodreads , are referred to as ‘reviews’, and consist of summaries, opinions, quotes or some mixture of these. Computationally modelling these reviews allows one to discover the non-professional discussion space about a work, including an aggregated summary of the work’s plot, an implicit sequencing of various subplots and readers’ impressions of main characters. We develop a pipeline of interlocking computational tools to extract a representation of this reader-generated shared narrative model. Using a corpus of reviews of five popular novels, we discover readers’ distillation of the novels’ main storylines and their sequencing, as well as the readers’ varying impressions of characters in the novel. In so doing, we make three important contributions to the study of infinite-vocabulary networks: (i) an automatically derived narrative network that includes meta-actants; (ii) a sequencing algorithm, REV2SEQ, that generates a consensus sequence of events based on partial trajectories aggregated from reviews, and (iii) an ‘impressions’ algorithm, SENT2IMP, that provides multi-modal insight into readers’ opinions of characters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 5545-5563
Heike Konow ◽  
Florian Ewald ◽  
Geet George ◽  
Marek Jacob ◽  
Marcus Klingebiel ◽  

Abstract. As part of the EUREC4A (Elucidating the role of cloud–circulation coupling in climate) field campaign, the German research aircraft HALO (High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft), configured as a cloud observatory, conducted 15 research flights in the trade-wind region east of Barbados in January and February 2020. Narrative text, aircraft state data, and metadata describing HALO's operation during the campaign are provided. Each HALO research flight is segmented by timestamp intervals into standard elements to aid the consistent analysis of the flight data. Photographs from HALO's cabin and animated satellite images synchronized with flight tracks are provided to visually document flight conditions. As a comprehensive product from the remote sensing observations, a multi-sensor cloud mask product is derived and quantifies the incidence of clouds observed during the flights. In addition, to lower the threshold for new users of HALO's data, a collection of use cases is compiled into an online book, How to EUREC4A, included as an asset with this paper. This online book provides easy access to most of EUREC4A's HALO data through an intake catalogue. Code and data are freely available at the locations specified in Table 6.

ASJ. ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (55) ◽  
pp. 33-36
M. Belda-Torrijos ◽  
M. García-Blay ◽  
R. Galstyan Sargsyan

Learning in a pandemic is a challenge in which education needs to rethink and offer various alternatives that adapt to the situation in which we live. At CEU Cardenal Herrera University, we understand this new teaching role and prepare our students to create synchronous and asynchronous communicative actions and strategies that respond to the isolation of their future students. Literacy is one of the most serious problems and one of the most serious problems for pre-school teachers. It is even more difficult if the student is not physically present in the classroom. From this social reality follows the importance of creating interactive materials for future teachers that enable pre-school students to work with different phonemes, and are necessary prerequisites for acquiring reading and writing skills.

Salma Fatya Azzahra ◽  
Sukaesih - ◽  
Evi Nursanti Rukmana ◽  
Samson CMS -

Physical services in several libraries had to be stopped and closed in order to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. This is done as the responsibility of the library in protecting library staff and library users. Due to the closure of library services, it becomes difficult for people to access information. This condition requires libraries to look for innovations or other alternatives to help people who need information. The purpose of this article is to determine the implementation of innovations in the service sector carried out by the Banten Provincial library during the pandemic to help people who need information. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods, namely methods that utilize qualitative data and described descriptively. This article examines the innovations made by the Banten Provincial Library in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. No direct observations were made because the library was closed and following government advice to avoid crowds. As a substitute for the direct observation method, then taking another alternative, namely conducting an interview with the Head of the Banten Provincial Library Division via the WhatsApp application. Data analysis was obtained through the results of these interviews and by reviewing journals related to library services during this pandemic. Based on the research results, it can be obtained information that the policy of the Banten Province library during this pandemic is not to provide crowd services and there is no contact between librarians and users so that services in the library have to be closed. As an alternative to discontinuing physical services, the Banten Province library is looking for new innovations, namely by optimizing digital library services implemented through the Banten Province digital library application, namely iBanten, online registration through the Online Registration System (SIPANON) application, opening website services, online book review, and webinar program.Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic; Library Services; InnovationABSTRAKLayanan fisik di beberapa perpustakaan terpaksa dihentikan dan ditutup dalam rangka mencegah penularan virus Covid-19. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai tanggungjawab perpustakaan dalam melindungi staff perpustakaan dan pengguna perpustakaan. Akibat ditutupnya layanan perpustakaan, masyarakat menjadi kesulitan untuk mengakses informasi Kondisi ini mengharuskan perpustakaan untuk mencari inovasi atau alternatif lain untuk membantu masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi. Tujuan dibuatnya artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan inovasi dalam bidang layanan yang dilakukan perpustakaan Provinsi Banten selama pandemi untuk membantu masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu metode yang memanfaatkan data kualitatif dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Artikel ini meneliti tentang inovasi yang dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan Provinsi Banten dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Observasi secara langsung tidak dilakukan karena perpustakaan tersebut ditutup dan mengikuti anjuran pemerintah untuk menghindari kerumunan. Sebagai pengganti metode observasi secara langsung, maka mengambil alternatif lain, yaitu melakukan wawancara dengan Kepala Bidang Perpustakaan Provinsi Banten melalui aplikasi WhatsApp. Analisis data diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara tersebut dan dengan mengkaji jurnal yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan perpustakaan selama pandemi ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diperoleh informasi bahwa kebijakan perpustakaan Provinsi Banten selama pandemi ini adalah tidak menyediakan layanan yang bersifat kerumunan dan tidak ada kontak antara pustakawan dengan pengguna sehingga layanan di perpustakaan terpaksa ditutup. Sebagai alternatif dari dihentikannya layanan fisik, perpustakaan Provinsi Banten mencari inovasi baru yaitu dengan mengoptimalkan layanan perpustakaan digital yang dilaksanakan melalui aplikasi perpustakaan digital Provinsi Banten yaitu iBanten, pendaftaran online melalui aplikasi Sistem Pendaftaran Online (SIPANON), membuka layanan website, bedah buku daring, dan program webinar. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 1135
Khalisha Adela Morris ◽  
Cindy Juliana ◽  
Emanuel Bryan ◽  
Rahaditya Rahaditya

The book industry in Indonesia is experiencing a slump. Based on IKAPI's research, book sales declined sharply more than 50%. However, according to CNN research, during this pandemic, around 1.5 billion people have accessed digital web book to fill their time at home. On the other hand, the intensity of online book shopping has risen  sharply by 90% to four times according to sources. Likewise, the report that book sales through e-commerce surged 2.5 times during the pandemic. The publisher's sluggishness is justified because they (70%) publishers found their books pirated. Reports have been made, but have not produced results. It was recorded that in 2019 the case of piracy law was reported by 12 Publisher Consortiums with Minutes No. LP/0634/VIII/2019/DIY/SPKT to the DIY Jogja Regional Police. With the rise of open piracy in online book marketing, the writer’s  attention is to find out the legal protection for consumers of pirated books marketed online. And what factors are the obstacles in law enforcement of the pirated book business. The method used is normative legal research by examining secondary data consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. All data and information obtained were processed and analyzed qualitatively using deductive methods. Based on a brief research, the writer examines consumer rights and harmony with the obligations of business actors in ensuring legal certainty when transacting online. In providing legal protection to consumers of pirated books that are marketed online, the perpetrators of piracy can be charged with multiple articles, namely; Article 62 paragraph (1) of Law No 8/1999, Article 45A paragraph (1) of Law No 19/2016 and Article 113 paragraph (4) of Law No 28/2014. Factors constraining law enforcement, such as: Unregistered copyrights make it difficult to investigate and reporting based on complaint offenses incriminating against Copyright perpetrators causes law enforcement in stuck. Suggestions to Government to maximize coordination, synergy and supervision on violations of Copyright and/or Related Rights in the electronic system through a Joint Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Communication and Information and other relevant Ministers. Industri Perbukuan di Indonesia sedang mengalami kelesuan. Berdasarkan riset IKAPI penjualan  buku mengalami kemerosotan tajam lebih dari 50%. Menurut litbang CNN, selama masa pandemi ini sekitar 1,5 milyar orang mengakses situs membaca buku digital untuk mengisi waktu selama di rumah saja. Disisi lain, intensitas belanja buku secara online naik tajam 90% sampai dengan empat kali lipat menurut sumber Demikian juga laporan penjualan buku melalui e-commerce melonjak 2,5 kali lipat selama pandemi. Kelesuan penerbit beralasan karena mereka (70%) penerbit mendapati bukunya dibajak. Pelaporan sudah dilakukan, tetapi belum membuahkan hasil. Tercatat di tahun 2019 kasus hukum pembajakan dilaporkan 12 Konsorsium Penerbit dengan Berita Acara no LP/0634/VIII/2019/DIY/SPKT ke Polda DIY Jogja. Dengan maraknya pembajakan yang dilakukan secara terbuka dalam pemasaran buku online menjadi perhatian penulis untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen buku bajakan yang dipasarkan secara online. Serta Faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi kendala dalam penegakan hukum bisnis buku bajakan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan pendekatan hukum normatif dengan mengkaji data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan-bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Seluruh data dan informasi yang diperoleh diolah dan dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deduktif. Berdasarkan penelitian singkat penulis mengkaji hak-hak konsumen dan kehormonisan dengan kewajiban pelaku usaha dalam menjamin kepastian hukum ketika bertransaksi secara online. Dalam memberikan Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen buku bajakan yang dipasarkan secara online maka pelaku pembajakan dapat dijerat dengan pasal berlapis yaitu: Pasal 62 ayat (1)UU No 8/1999, Pasal 45A ayat (1) UU No 19/2016 dan Pasal 113 ayat (4) UU No 28/2014. Faktor-faktor kendala penegakan hukum seperti: Hak Cipta yang belum terdaftar menyulitkan penyidikan; dan pelaporan yang didasarkan delik aduan memberatkan para pelaku Hak Cipta, menyebabkan penegakan hukum seperti berjalan ditempat. Saran kepada Pemangku Kebijakan untuk lebih memaksimalkan  koordinasi, sinergi dan pengawasan terhadap pelanggaran Hak Cipta dan/atau Hak Terkait dalam sistem elektronik melalui Peraturan Bersama Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika serta Menteri terkait lainnya.

Bibliosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 63-71
O. N. Alshevskaya

The article analyzes the activities of regional Internet companies offering books in Siberia and the Far East. The research methodology is based on the combination of comparative-typological analysis and landscape-reconstructing approach. Use is made of monitoring results of bookselling enterprises in the region within the framework of the federal project “Cultural Map of Russia”. It is shown that online sales are a dynamically developing channel of the traditional (printed) retail book market in Russia. Based on the identification and analysis of the main characteristics of enterprises offering books on the Internet (location, subject of the Russian federation, assortment, degree of integration, structure of the enterprise, etc.), the most common groups of enterprises in the regional book market are identified: internet divisions of publishing houses; multi-profile online stores; online book stores without retail divisions; online stores of bookselling enterprises. As the most common type in the regional market, the Internet divisions of wholesale and retail independent and online bookselling enterprises are identified. The features of the presentation of a specialized book on the Internet are revealed. The main areas of specialization of federal, regional and local companies offering book products on the Internet along with other products are identified: educational and office supplies, educational games and toys, business and technical literature, etc. The trends and promising directions of development of the regional online book trade are revealed. Diversification of activities and multichannel are defined as the key trend in the development of the regional book market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2010 (1) ◽  
pp. 012080
Can Zhang ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Qi Mu ◽  
Deshan Zhang ◽  
Fancheng Meng

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Seta Samsian ◽  
Setyo Supratno ◽  
Andi Hasad ◽  
Sri Marini ◽  
Rika Sylviana ◽  

The progress of the library automation system (Library Management System) in the library has now been carried out, especially during a pandemic that requires maintaining distance and face-to-face contact. Starting from that thought, the UNISMA community service team is interested in holding library NGO (Library Management System) training activities Web-based BJ School. This BJ Scholl library website serves to present various information on books, journals and magazines, history and school vision and mission, member data, online book lending and book return data. Apart from the web, it also displays a link feature with several online libraries from several agencies. The training was carried out offline for 1 day and continued with online discussions. The training begins with the introduction of several topics about the website, followed by downloading and installation. Prior to the training, 100% of the participants had never created a website, either with wordpress or with other applications. And after the training, 60% of the participants have been able to apply website creation for their library. Some of the participants were constrained by a slow network and computer damage, so they were late in following the material given. All participants stated that this training was very useful.

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