thin layers
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-85
Abdalhussain A. Khadayeir ◽  
Ahmed H. Wannas ◽  
Falah H. Yousif

Objective: In this study, α-Fe2O3 thin film was formed on a glass substrate to study the impact of adding cold plasma on the self-cleaning and antibacterial properties of the samples. Method: The samples were synthesized using the chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) method at 450°C. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (FESEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and atomic force microscope were used to investigate the morphological and structural characteristics of α-Fe2O3 thin layers prior to and following plasma injection. Finding: The degree of wettability and antibacterial characteristics of iron oxide (hematite) thin film were evaluated in the presence of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria prior to and following plasma injection, given the great potential of plasma injection in the surface modification of thin films. Novelty: The findings indicate that exposing plasma to α-Fe2O3thin film produces substantial changes in morphology, self-cleaning, and antibacterial characteristics. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-01-06 Full Text: PDF

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Michelle L. Barnett ◽  
Alan E. S. Kemp ◽  
W. Alex M. Nimmo-Smith ◽  
Duncan A. Purdie

Marine phytoplankton form the base of marine food webs and are the driving force of the marine carbon cycle, so understanding the dynamics of their blooms is critical. While near-surface marine productivity (<10 m water depths) is extensively documented, that of the subsurface is less well characterised. Increasing evidence of the importance of subsurface chlorophyll maxima (SCM) and climatically driven increases in stratification of surface waters that promote SCM development call for improved sampling of the subsurface. To address this, we targeted the summer stratified waters of the Western English Channel, part of the NW European shelf seas, where SCM are commonly developed. In situ holography was applied to undertake the highest ever resolution, total water column, quantitative analysis of microplankton distribution, and demonstrated the importance of a SCM, co-located with the thermocline, dominated by a single species, the dinoflagellate Ceratium fusus. This species was dominant in the SCM over a wide area of the NW European shelf in the June/July 2015 study period and comprised up to 85% of the SCM biomass. Analysis of similarity and multivariate non-metric multidimensional scaling showed the phytoplankton community of the SCM to be statistically distinct from those of the surface and deep waters. Holography also revealed a fine scale layering of taxa at different levels within the SCM, likely reflecting ecological differences. Some taxa followed the peak abundance of C. fusus, while others reached maximum abundances immediately below or above the C. fusus maximum, suggesting the possible operation of exclusion mechanisms. Additionally, the detection of abundant aggregates located only within and beneath the SCM demonstrates the potential importance of this deep production for the export of carbon to the sea floor. Some predictions of phytoplankton productivity propose a shift to smaller cells in the more stratified oceans of the future resulting in declining production and export. Results presented here, however, contribute to a growing body of evidence that suggests, on the contrary, that key species among the larger celled/colonial, SCM-adapted diatoms and dinoflagellates may instead be selected in stratified conditions, driving increased production and export.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Hongjun Fan ◽  
Xiaoqing Zhao ◽  
Xu Liang ◽  
Quansheng Miao ◽  
Yongnian Jin ◽  

The identification of the “sweet spot” of low-permeability sandstone reservoirs is a basic research topic in the exploration and development of oil and gas fields. Lithology identification, reservoir classification based on the pore structure and physical properties, and petrophysical facies classification are common methods for low-permeability reservoir classification, but their classification effect needs to be improved. The low-permeability reservoir is characterized by low rock physical properties, small porosity and permeability distribution range, and strong heterogeneity between layers. The seepage capacity and productivity of the reservoir vary considerably. Moreover, the logging response characteristics and resistivity value are similar for low-permeability reservoirs. In addition to physical properties and oil bearing, they are also affected by factors such as complex lithology, pore structure, and other factors, making it difficult for division of reservoir petrophysical facies and “sweet spot” identification. In this study, the logging values between low-porosity and -permeability reservoirs in the Paleozoic Es3 reservoir in the M field of the Bohai Sea, and between natural gamma rays and triple porosity reservoirs are similar. Resistivity is strongly influenced by physical properties, oil content, pore structure, and clay content, and the productivity difference is obvious. In order to improve the identification accuracy of “sweet spot,” a semi-supervised learning model for petrophysical facies division is proposed. The influence of lithology and physical properties on resistivity was removed by using an artificial neural network to predict resistivity R0 saturated with pure water. Based on the logging data, the automatic clustering MRGC algorithm was used to optimize the sensitive parameters and divide the logging facies to establish the unsupervised clustering model. Then using the divided results of mercury injection data, core cast thin layers, and logging faces, the characteristics of diagenetic types, pore structure, and logging response were integrated to identify rock petrophysical facies and establish a supervised identification model. A semi-supervised learning model based on the combination of “unsupervised supervised” was extended to the whole region training prediction for “sweet spot” identification, and the prediction results of the model were in good agreement with the actual results.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Claudia Triolo ◽  
Maria Luisa De Giorgi ◽  
Antonella Lorusso ◽  
Arianna Cretì ◽  
Saveria Santangelo ◽  

Over the past decade, interest about metal halide perovskites has rapidly increased, as they can find wide application in optoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, although thermal evaporation is crucial for the development and engineering of such devices based on multilayer structures, the optical properties of thermally deposited perovskite layers (spontaneous and amplified spontaneous emission) have been poorly investigated. This paper is a study from a nano- to micro- and macro-scale about the role of light-emitting species (namely free carriers and excitons) and trap states in the spontaneous emission of thermally evaporated thin layers of CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite after wet air UV light trap passivation. The map of light emission from grains, carried out by SNOM at the nanoscale and by micro-PL techniques, clearly indicates that free and localized excitons (EXs) are the dominant light-emitting species, the localized excitons being the dominant ones in the presence of crystallites. These species also have a key role in the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) process: for higher excitation densities, the relative contribution of localized EXs basically remains constant, while a clear competition between ASE and free EXs spontaneous emission is present, which suggests that ASE is due to stimulated emission from the free EXs.

2022 ◽  
Giulia Serrano ◽  
Lorenzo Poggini ◽  
Giuseppe Cucinotta ◽  
Andrea Sorrentino ◽  
Niccolò Giaconi ◽  

Abstract Superconductors and magnetic materials, including molecules, are key ingredients for quantum and advanced spintronic applications. However, only a little is known about how these materials are mutually influenced at their interface in hybrid architectures. Here, we show that a single layer of magnetic molecules, the Terbium(III) bis-phthalocyaninato (TbPc2) complexes, deposited on a superconducting Pb(111) surface is sensitive to the topology of the intermediate state of the superconductor, namely to the presence and evolution of superconducting and normal domains due to the magnetic field screening and penetration. The evidence of this sensitivity is found in the magnetisation dynamics of the TbPc2 sub-monolayer in its paramagnetic regime showing the fingerprint of the topological hysteresis of the superconducting substrate. This study reveals the great potentialities hold by thin layers of magnetic molecules for sensing local magnetic field variation in hybrid molecular/superconductor architectures, including spin resonators or spin injection devices for spintronics applications.

2022 ◽  
Diana Petronela Burduhos-Nergis

The corrosion protection of metallic materials is of great importance in many fields, especially also when it comes to environmental issues. The book focuses on organic and inorganic coatings, metallic coatings and new methods for the deposition of protective thin layers. Coating techniques and methods for testing and assessing corrosion behavior are presented.

2022 ◽  
Toshiki Tanaka ◽  
Makoto Uchida ◽  
Kenji Miyatake

Sulfonated polyphenylene ionomer (SPP-QP) was used as a catalyst layer binder in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. SPP-QP functioned well in the proton-conducting thin layers to show high electrochemically active surface...


Triptycene Barrelene Anthracene (TBA) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of three benzene rings. The name TBA is a composite of phenyl and TBA. In its pure form, it is found in cigarette smoke and is a known irritant, photosensitizing skin and industrial carcinogenic wastewater. Cadmium Oxide (CdO) is an inorganic compound with the formula CdO. It is one of the main precursors to other cadmium compounds. It crystallizes in a cubic rocksalt lattice-like sodium chloride, with octahedral cation and anion centers. It occurs naturally as the rare mineral monteponite. CdO can be found as a colorless amorphous powder or as brown or red crystals. CdO is an n-type semiconductor with a bandgap of 2.18 eV (2.31 eV) at room temperature (298 K). DNA/RNA, CdO and DNA/RNA–CdO sandwiched complex was characterized by Attenuated Total Reflection–Fourier Transform–Infrared (ATR–FTIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X–Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique and Energy–Dispersive X–Ray (EDAX) spectroscopy. The modified anti–cancer-protective membrane was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), EDAX analysis, 3D–Atomic–Force Microscopy (3D–AFM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and contact angle analyses and methods. The current study is aimed to use Polysorbate 80 as a surfactant for investigating the effectiveness of permeate TBA on the Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) anti–cancer-protective membrane and the effect of loading DNA/RNA–CdO sandwiched complex on hydrophilicity and anti-cancer properties. The results showed decreasing surface pore size from 227 to 176 and increasing porosity from 101 to 111 with loading DNA/RNA–CdO sandwiched complex, and the permeate of anti–cancer-protective membrane increased from 80 to 220 (L/m2. hr. bar) with loading DNA/RNA–CdO sandwiched complex.

Coatings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Tomasz Kozior ◽  
Al Mamun ◽  
Marah Trabelsi ◽  
Lilia Sabantina

Three-dimensional printing technologies are mainly used to build objects with complex shapes and geometry, largely prototypes, and thanks to the possibility of building very thin layers of material with small pores, electrospinning technology allows for the creation of structures with filtration properties, in particular very small particles. The combination of these technologies creates new possibilities for building complex-shape composites that have not been comprehensively tested so far. The article describes the results of research on composites manufactured by combining samples prepared with two 3D printing technologies, Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) and Photo-Curing of Liquid Polymer Resins (PJM) in combination with electrospinning (ES) technology. The surface morphology of composites manufactured from biocompatible materials was investigated using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and contact angle measurements, and chemical composition analysis was studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). This approach to creating composites appears to be an alternative to developing research for filtration applications. The article presents basic research illustrating the quality of composites produced by combining two unconventional technologies: 3D printing and electrospinning (ES). The analysis of the research results showed clear differences in the structure of composites produced with the use of various 3D printing technologies. The CLSM analysis showed a much better orientation of the fibers in the MED610 + PAN/gelatin composite, and the measurement of the contact angle and its indirect interpretation also for this composite allows for the conclusion that it will be characterized by a higher value of adhesion force. Moreover, such composites could be used in the future for the construction of filtering devices and in medical applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 933 ◽  
Vincent Bertin ◽  
Yacine Amarouchene ◽  
Elie Raphaël ◽  
Thomas Salez

The motion of an object within a viscous fluid and in the vicinity of a soft surface induces a hydrodynamic stress field that deforms the latter, thus modifying the boundary conditions of the flow. This results in elastohydrodynamic interactions experienced by the particle. Here, we derive a soft-lubrication model, in order to compute all the forces and torque applied on a rigid sphere that is free to translate and rotate near an elastic wall. We focus on the limit of small deformations of the surface with respect to the fluid-gap thickness, and perform a perturbation analysis in dimensionless compliance. The response is computed in the framework of linear elasticity, for planar elastic substrates in the limiting cases of thick and thin layers. The EHD forces are also obtained analytically using the Lorentz reciprocal theorem.

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