poor concentration
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Nathiqiyyah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Zidan Zulfikar

Abstrak Fenomena pacaran adalah hal yang wajar bagi mahasiswa, di mana ada dua lawan jenis menghabiskan waktu bersama. Dalam prefektif psikologi pacaran sendiri dapat menimbulkan konsentrasi yang baik dan juga dapat menimbulkan konsentrasi yang buruk, bukan hanya konsentrasi yang akan terpengaruh, Kesehatan fisik, gangguan mental, dll juga akan terpengaruh. Tergantung hubungan pasangan yang di jalani. Namun pacaran ini termasuk hal yang diharamkan dalam Islam. Pada jurnal ini hal yang akan dibahas yaitu mengenai pengaruh pacaran terhadap konsentrasi mahasiswa di PENS. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini yaitu berupa metode kualitatif. Data didapatkan dengan menanyakan pendapat kepada partisipan tentang pengaruh pacaran terhadap prestasi belajar mereka. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa pacaran memang memiliki pengaruh terhadap konsentrasi belajar mahasiswa. Mengganggu konsentrasi belajar, menurunkan prestasi kuliah, dapat memengaruhi hubungan seseorang baik dengan teman maupun keluarga, juga menyebabkan lupa hal-hal karena memikirkan pacar. Berbagai metode ada di dalam islam maupun di luar untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar. Bisa dengan melakukan olahraga dan meditasi secara rutin, berdoa ketika ingin belajar, dan juga berwudhu sebelum melakukan sebuah kegiatan.   Abstract The phenomenon of dating is a natural thing for students, where there are two opposite sexes spending time together. In prefective psychology, dating itself can cause good concentration and can also cause poor concentration, not only concentration will be affected, physical health, mental disorders, etc. will also be affected. It depends on the couple's relationship. However, this courtship is forbidden in Islam. In this journal, what will be discussed is the influence of courtship on the concentration of students in EEPIS. The research method used in this journal is a qualitative method. The data was obtained by asking participants' opinions about the effect of courtship on their learning achievement. The results of the research that have been carried out show that dating does have an influence on the concentration of student learning. Disrupts learning concentration, lowers college achievement, can affect one's relationships with friends and family, also causes forgetting things because of thinking about a boyfriend. Various methods exist within Islam as well as outside to increase the concentration of learning. You can do sports and meditation regularly, pray when you want to study, and also perform ablution before doing an activity.

Jihan Muhaidat ◽  
Aiman Albatayneh ◽  
Mohammed N. Assaf ◽  
Adel Juaidi ◽  
Ramez Abdallah ◽  

Global endeavors to respond to the problems caused by climate change and are leading to higher temperatures inside homes, which can cause skin conditions (such as eczema), lethargy, and poor concentration; disturbed sleep and fatigue are also rising. The energy performance of buildings is influenced by interactions and associations of numerous different variables, such as the envelope specifications as well as the design, technologies, apparatuses, and occupant behaviours. This paper introduces simple and sustainable strategies that are not dependent on expensive or sophisticated technologies, as they rely only on the actions practiced by the building’s occupants (movable window shading, and nighttime natural ventilation) instead of completely relying on high-cost mechanical cooling systems in buildings located in the main Eastern Mediterranean climates represented in the country of Jordan. These low-energy solutions could be applied to low-income houses in hot areas to avoid health problems, such as dermatological diseases, and save a significant amount of energy. The final results indicate that window shading has significant potential in reducing the cooling load in different climate zones. Natural ventilation exhibits high energy-saving abilities in climates that have cool nights, whereas its abilities in hot climates where nights are moderate is limited.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-18
Mark Selikowitz

This chapter discusses what ADHD is, including an overview of the features of ADHD, features of the inattentive type of ADHD (poor concentration, task impersistence, disorganization, forgetfulness), features of the combined type of ADHD (impulsivity, overactivity, noisiness), and features that may be present in either type of ADHD (performance inconsistency, low self-esteem, poor working memory, poor incentival motivation, social clumsiness, learning difficulties, inflexibility, insatiability, defiant behaviour, sleep problems), as well as associated conditions, prevalence, and a historical background.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-26
Mark Selikowitz

Children with ADHD often have difficulty giving close attention to details. However, it is wrong to believe that children with ADHD cannot concentrate at all. Their mechanisms for concentrating are inefficient and unreliable, not absent. Difficulties with concentration result in children with ADHD often being confused and unable to understand instructions, and attentional difficulties may give children with ADHD an unfocused appearance. Often, children with ADHD have difficulty in adjusting their level of attention to suit the situation. This chapter discusses poor concentration in children with ADHD. It includes the attentional processes (internal and external) in the brain, and difficult tasks for attentional mechanisms.

Mark Selikowitz

ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is now recognized as one of the most common causes of learning and behavioural difficulties in school-aged children. Symptoms include poor concentration, forgetfulness, poor organization, impulsivity, restlessness, poor social skills, learning difficulties, low self-esteem, and defiant behaviour. Despite growing awareness of ADHD among parents and health professionals, it is still widely misunderstood. This third edition of ADHD: The Facts provides information on how ADHD is diagnosed, on conventional medical and alternative therapies, and on ways of helping children to improve their own behaviour, self-esteem, and academic results. Written by an experienced paediatrician, the book provides practical advice to help parents understand their child’s difficulties and how to overcome them. With detailed explanations of the cause of ADHD, its nature, and treatments of the condition that have proved effective over time, this new edition includes developments in the understanding of conditions that often coexist with it, as well as problems experienced by adults with ADHD. ADHD: The Facts will be of invaluable assistance to parents of children with ADHD and to teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and doctors wanting an authoritative, up-to-date, and practical review of the condition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-46
Mark Selikowitz

Specific deficits in information processing in the brain are the commonest causes of academic difficulties in children with ADHD. For many children with ADHD, academic difficulty is not confined to a particular subject but occurs across several areas of study. This chapter explores learning difficulties in ADHD, including common areas of difficulty, including written expression, oral expression, and others. The chapter also discusses when problems become apparent, the causes of learning difficulty in ADHD (poor concentration, impulsivity, working memory impairment, defiance, low self-esteem, social difficulties, poor incentival motivation, auditory processing impairment, difficulties in spelling, handwriting, and organizing), as well as dyslexia and ADHD, and the gifted child with ADHD.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-74
Rama. V ◽  
A. Jyothi

OBJECTIVES: Ÿ To identify the severity of hypothyroidism among young adults in Hyderabad. Ÿ To determine the association between selected variables and hypothyroidism. Ÿ To select the subjects for the main study MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study was descriptive in nature.Data was conducted in selected paramedical and engineering colleges of Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The sample consists of 500 young adults. The sample was selected by simple random sampling technique.Data was collected by using self-administering structured questionnaire. FINDINGS: 0.6% of subjects were suffering from hyperthyroidism, 2% of subjects are suffering from hypothyroidism, and 14.6% are suffering from Subclinical hypothyroidism.75% of subjects where females .95% subjects belong to Hindu religion. 95% parents of subjects were educated.90% of the subject aged 21 years, 50% subjects are showing average performance.25% parents of the subjects were suffering from thyroid disorders 90% of them are mothers. 20% of the subjects are suffering of any one kind of health problems,70% of the females are suffering from menstrual disturbance. 80% of subjects are having overview about the thyroid disorders.2% of the subjects are suffering from palpitations.20% of subjects having poor concentration. 5% are suffering from memory loss.25% are suffering from excessive need for excess sleep.10% are suffering from depression.60% complained unusual hair loss.20% are having unusual weight gain. These are the major findings of the study. CONCLUSION: Majority of the subjects were unable to identify their symptoms of hypothyroidism.25% of the subjects are with symptoms of hypothyroidism.Awareness about periodical screening for thyroid disorders need to be improved among public through health education

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-108
Chris Alberto Amin ◽  
Afiahana Andatia ◽  
Fathia Daffa Putri ◽  
Siti Nurhayati Utami ◽  
M. Yusuf Wijahaska

Depression is a feeling of loss of interest or pleasure, sadness, feelings of guilt or inferiority, disturbances in sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness, and poor concentration and the desire to end life. In Indonesia, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018, the prevalence of depressive disorders in Indonesia is 6.1%. Based on the 2013 Riskesdas report, the prevalence of suicide in Indonesia is mostly carried out by women, which is around 0.8% compared to men, which has a prevalence of 0.6%. Until now, the first line of depression therapy is the Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitor (SSRI) group. Although this drug is effective in improving symptoms of depression, this drug can cause several side effects such as insomnia or drowsiness, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction. Therefore, we need an alternative medicine that can replace conventional medicine which has less side effects. Cinnamon is one of the many plants found in Indonesia which is believed to have the potential to overcome various diseases. Based on previous research, there are many active components contained in cinnamon that have anti-depressant effects. Active components such as Phenol, Cinnamaldehyde, Turmerone, Proanthocyanidin and Linalool as well as Eugenol can provide anti-depressant effects through anti-inflammatory prevention.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194187442110053
Chen Fei Ng ◽  
Chia Yin Chong

A 37-year-old man with underlying systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis presented with an episode of generalized tonic seizure. He complained of poor concentration and forgetfulness for 1 week. He suffered a relapse of lupus nephritis 4 months ago and received a course of intravenous methylprednisolone followed by oral prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil. Clinically, there was no focal neurological deficit. Retroviral screening was negative. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed eccentric and concentric signs which confirmed the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis.

Kwo-Tsao Chiang ◽  
Min-Yu Tu ◽  
Chao-Chien Cheng ◽  
Hsin-Hui Chen ◽  
Wun-Wei Huang ◽  

Hypoxia remains a flight-safety issue in terms of aviation medicine. Hypoxia-awareness training has been used to help aircrew members recognize personal hypoxia symptoms. There is still no study, as yet, to establish the association of within-subject data between inflight hypoxia events and the altitude chamber. The main purpose of our study was to use paired subjects’ data on inflight hypoxia symptoms compared with those experienced during training. A questionnaire was developed to obtain information on military aircrew members in 2018. Among 341 subjects, 46 (13.49%) suffered from inflight hypoxia. The majority of the subjects detected ongoing inflight hypoxia on the basis of their previous experience with personal hypoxia symptoms or sensations in previous chamber flights. Of the top five hypoxia symptoms, the data revealed that hot flashes, poor concentration, and impaired cognitive function appeared both during the inflight events and during the hypoxia-awareness training. The occurrence rate of hypoxia symptoms was found to not be significantly different between the in-flight events and the past chamber flights through an analysis of within-subject data. Because the individual memory had faded away over time, fresher hypoxia awareness training is still mandatory and valuable to recall personal hypoxia experience for military aircrew members.

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