ECORFAN Journal Republic of Guatemala
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Arcelia González-García ◽  
Claudia Hernández-Salas ◽  
Rosa Maria Martínez-Ortiz ◽  
Lilia González-Martínez

Introduction: Nowadays in our state, intestinal parasitic diseases are still endemic, with a greater frequency in rural and mountainous urban areas. After the years have elapsed since the last national survey, it was necessary to carry out a new survey to know the prevalence rates of intestinal parasitosis and to compare the results obtained between both studies. Such knowledge would be of great value in developing health strategies and designing intestinal parasitic infection control programs. Objective: to determine the current prevalence rates of intestinal parasites, to compare the results with those of the survey obtained. Methods: a random cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out during the months of December 2018 to March 2019 in a random sample of both sexes from the population of urban communities and the province of Zacatecas, Zac. Each one had a stool sample collected that was analyzed by the direct examination method, the Willis concentration technique, and the Kato-Katz examination; A questionnaire was also applied to them. Results: when comparing the results of the national and state surveys of intestinal parasitic infections carried out in 2009 and 2018, it was found that, in general, infections by parasites decreased, both helminths and pathogenic protozoa, although those infected with commensals increased their frequency in that of 2019. There was also a decrease in the frequency of infections by all species of soil-transmitted helminths, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, ancylostomideos, and Strongyloides stercoralis, as well as by the pathogenic protozoa Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolitica. Conclusions: when comparing the results of national and state surveys of intestinal parasite infections carried out in 2018 and 2019, it was found that in general the frequencies of infections with intestinal parasites decreased. The finding in both studies of a higher frequency of infection with parasites or commensals in the group aged 5 to 14 years (school age), supports the recommendation to place emphasis on control programs for intestinal parasites in this age group.

Ángel D. Caamal-Ley ◽  
Miguel A. Puc-Franco ◽  
Guadalupe Reyes-Solís ◽  
Carlos Machaín-Williams ◽  
David Lindo-Pérez ◽  

The common fly (Musca domestica L.) is a mechanical vector and can be a biological vector through ingestion and regurgitation. In rural communities is common to observe numerous populations of this, consequence of multiple unsanitary sites. The present study was carried out in order to identify the species of bacteria and parasites with medical importance present in the common fly, captured in homes and microhabitats (chicken coops, pigsty and backyards) in homes of the community of Cholul, Cantamayec. 20 species of bacteria were identified: E. coli (41.78%) was the most frequent species in all processed flies. In turn, households (45.20%) were the place where the greatest amount of bacterial species was isolated, being E. coli (42.42%), the frequent species, in the same way in pigsty (45.65%), chicken coops (38.09%) and backyards (30.76%). Regarding the enteroparasites identified from the digestive cavity of flies, Endolimax nana (38.46%) was the frequent cyst and Ascaris lumbricoides (15.38%), the only nematode found. In turn, the pigsty (n = 5) was the site with the highest number of isolated enteroparasites. The results obtained show that flies carry pathogens that could be involved in human infections ofcommunity origin.

Elsa Rodríguez-Angulo ◽  
Laura Aguilar-Franco ◽  
Ricardo Ojeda-Rodríguez ◽  
Guadalupe Andueza-Pech

Community perceptions and practices towards the disease are mainly influenced by traditional medicine. The intercultural perspective in health allows building symmetrical relationships between medical and traditional knowledge. One of the most vulnerable group is under five years age. Exploring the perceptions and practices of mothers and caregivers on the disease and care of children can guide towards better health practices. Objective. Describe the perceptions and practices of mothers about the main health problems of their children during an emergency. Methodology. Quantitative-qualitative study, participatory action-research type with an intercultural perspective. Question guide was prepared for the exchange of knowledge with the focus group technique. Through inductive analysis of the transcripts, themes emerged. Results. Thirty-one mothers and caregivers attended the workshops. There were 48.6% emergencies due to diarrhea, fever and accidents. Home remedies, lack of hygiene in homes and lack of doctors on weekends were noted. Conclusions. Emergencies in children occured in almost half of the morbidity cases in the community studied. A new regionalization is necessary to reduce health gaps for children under five years of age.

Evelyn Guadalupe Torres-Capetillo ◽  
Guadalupe Rosalía Capetillo-Hernández ◽  
Laura Roesch-Ramos ◽  
Flora Moreno-Marín

The use of orthodontic treatments in patients with temporary prostheses has been increasing, the purpose of this in vitro research is to measure the adhesive bond strength between orthodontic resin and acrylic surfaces by applying different procedures. Objective. To compare the adhesive bonding strength between orthodontic resin and acrylic surfaces under different application protocols. Methodology. Transversal, experimental, prospective study. In vitro with acrylic provisions, was carried out in the laboratory of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Veracruzana region of Veracruz. In the period of February-June of the year 2019. The sample was conformed by two control groups of specimens and four experimental ones, each group conformed by 20 specimens, in total 120 provisional ones were made in acrylic Nic Tone of quick self-cure. The tests performed by the ULTRATESTER machine were expressed in MPa. Later, the data obtained were processed in Excel tables (version) for statistical processing in SPSS version 24. Contribution. When comparing the pre-cutting protocol of acrylic surfaces with fine diamond bur and the protocol without pre-cutting, no statistically significant differences were found, therefore, this step could be omitted in clinical practice.

Gabriela Baltierra-Costeira ◽  
Jesús Roberto De La Garza-De Luna ◽  
Veronica Martínez-Vela ◽  
Sandra María San-Miguel Iza

At present, the toxic effect of synthetic insecticides influences great importance in the development of organic alternatives derived from natural oils. Fig oil (castor) is one of the most important products worldwide, due to the many applications that include uses in medicine, cosmetics, inks, soaps, disinfectants, lubricants, varnishes and enamels. The fig tree is historically native to Africa, however it is common in Latin American countries because it is said that I arrive to this continent from the conquest, it is currently in abundance in the state of Coahuila. It has been shown that fig oil contains compounds with insecticidal activity. Therefore, the toxicity of fig oil (Ricinus communis) was evaluated based on the NOM-098-SEMARNAT-2002 standard, Environmental protection-waste incineration, operation specifications and pollutant emission limits.

Victor Barragan-Cano ◽  
Juanita Acero-Ortega ◽  
Jacinto Bañuelos-Pineda ◽  
María Eugenia Loeza-Corichi

The objective know the cause of death of the pet. Pulmonary neoplasms can arise from all parts of the lung, with a histological pattern. Tumors derived from the epithelium of the large airways are located near the lyle of the lung. The majority of canine tumors are adenocarcinomas and progressions from a bronchiole-alveolar pattern to one of mucus-secreting glands or papillary growth. This case was presented, at the University of Guadalajara Animal Pathology Research Center, Canberman cadaver, female, 10 years old and weighing 19 kg, the clinical history indicates that the animal had 12 days of bronchopneumonia; At necropsy he presented Lungs: Severe diffuse emphysema, moderate congestion, discrete diffuse thickening of the pleura and moderate edema, characteristic of the tumor, is classified as anaplasic small cell carcinoma fusiform type. Some lymph nodes have invasion of tumor cells of the lung. Small cell lung tumors are currently classified as neuroendocrine or carcinoid tumors. Their contribution sensitize animal owners so that they attend them on time, and have a better quality of life.

Wendy A. García-Suastegui ◽  
Katty M. Sanchez-Sanchez ◽  
José L. Morán-Perales ◽  
Anabella Handal-Silva

UGT1A6 catalyzes the glucuronidation of several xenobiotics and drugs widely used. Changes in the glucuronidation rate are attributed to inter-personal and inter-ethnic variations, that can impact the expression or enzyme function. Frequencies of genetic polymorphisms of UGT1A6 have been reported in another countries; however, there are no date of frequencies in the Mexican population. The aim of this work was to determine the genotypic and allelic frequencies of UGT1A6 19T˃G in a Mexican mestizo population of the state of Puebla and compare them with the frequencies observed in other populations. Peripheral blood DNA was obtained from 60 healthy adults and 19 T˃G alleles were identified by the PCR-RFLP technique. Our results were compared with those observed in other ethnic groups, and we observed that our frequencies were lower than those reported in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hindu, and Greek populations. These results must be considered to make decisions when choosing the drugs administered to different ethnic groups.

Laura Peña-García ◽  
Roberto Maciel-Flores ◽  
José Rosas-Elguera ◽  
Celia Robles-Murguía

Goals: General: The collection of dust samples deposited on Ficus benjamina leaves in the Guadalajara metropolitan area (GMA) will allow the identification of heavy metals and their spatial distribution. Specific: Identify the most polluted areas of the city and the elements present by means of particle dispersion schemes (maps) made with the data obtained by the atomic absorption technique. Metodología: For the extraction of heavy metals an acid digestion was performed. The samples were previously homogenized. The determination was made on an atomic absorption spectrophotometer model Varian AA 240 FS, with a monochromator of CZERNY-TURNER design, panel of 4 lamps and inert and adjustable nebulization chamber. The technique used was flame (flame) and calibration curves were used. Contribución: The concentrations of the seven metals analyzed Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb and Cr were identified, the most abundant being Cu and Pb. The maps allowed to identify that there are some patterns of distribution of the contamination, such was the case of the Cd, Pb and Zn that are distributed very homogeneously on the Lázaro Cárdenas avenue until reaching the supply market area.

Lenin Sánchez-Calderón ◽  
Mauricio Nahuam Chávez-Avilés ◽  
Alma Laura Díaz-Pérez ◽  
Blanca Estela Gómez-Luna ◽  
Juan Carlos Ramírez-Granados ◽  

Objectives: Sodium/proton (Na+/H+) antiporters NuoL/MrpA-like proteins are important in monovalent cations homeostasis, ATP synthesis, are involved in growth using low concentrations of acetate, and in management of protons during methane production. To learn more about the evolutive origin and biological relevance of this protein, in this work a phylogenetic analysis of the NuoL/MrpA superfamily of proteins was done. Methodology: Phylogeny reconstruction was done with 596 NuoL/MrpA proteins and 39 MrpD-NuoM/N proteins. The algorithms used were minimum evolution and maximum likelihood, using MEGA program. Additionally, a conserved domain analysis was done. Contribution: NuoL/MrpA superfamily and their homologous proteins, MrpD-NuoM/N, form two paralogous groups. The NuoL/MrpA superfamily consists of two families. Family NuoL consist of arqueal, bacterial and eukaryotic proteins of around 600 aa in size. Family MrpA are formed by proteins from bacteria and archaea, with a 600 to 850 aa in size. Using the phylogenetic analysis and conserved domain analysis, a superfamily NuoL/MrpA evolution model was proposed.

Sanjuana Sánchez-Ramos ◽  
Laura Valdes-Santiago ◽  
José Pedro Castruita-Domínguez ◽  
Julio César Villagómez-Castro

Objetive: Analyze the antiparasitic activity of marine invertebrate Ophiocomina nigra in Entamoeba invadens. Methodology. In O. nigra, an analysis of the quantitative proximal chemical composition (moisture, ash, protein, lipids and nitrogen-free extract) was performed. In addition, the determination of the total protein pattern (SDS-PAGE 10%). On the other hand, the antiparasitic activity of E. invadens trophozoites was determined, which were grown in TYI medium at 28 ° C and exposed to the aqueous extract of O. nigra for 24 hours. Subsequently, metabolic activity (XTT assay) was determined and morphology was analyzed. Cytotoxicity tests were performed on human liver cells (Hep G2) exposed for 24 hours to O. nigra (XTT test) and the biomass was determined (violet crystal staining). Contribution. The antiparasitic activity of O. nigra in E. invadens and the cytotoxic effect in human liver cells was determined. There are few scientific studies of this marine invertebrate on its use in traditional medicine, so it is important to analyze its effects and therapeutic value.

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