Hasta Wiyata
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Published By Brawijaya University


Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-130
Widya Ayu ◽  
Anisa Nur Aziza ◽  
Amalia Kusuma ◽  
Ika Nurul

Social media becomes a space to express feelings and opinions freely. However, freedom of speech is now abused by internet citizens to freely express words that mean rude, blasphemous, insulting, or in language science called disfemism. This research aims to describe the form and function of disfemism in the comment column of kekeyi public figure's Instagram @rahmawatikekeyiputricantikka23. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative method. The research data are words, phrases, and sentences containing disfemism in the comments column of the Instagram @rahmawatikekeyiputricantikka23 in July 2020. The data collection method uses the simak method with a recording technique—data collection techniques with documentation techniques. Data analysis uses the agih method with basic natural elements, substitution or substitution techniques, and removal techniques. Based on the results of this study found 279 data on disfemism. The found forms of disfemism are words, phrases, and phrases. The word disfemism form amounts to 90 data, the form of phrase disfemism amounts to 100 data, and the expression disfemism form amounts to 89 data. There are seven functions of disfemism found in this study, among them: (a) as an intermediary to express taboo or indecent things, (b) as a sign of dislike, hate, and disrespect, (c) as an intermediary to express anger or aggravation, (d) as a negative depiction of something, (e) as a means of insulting and mocking, (f) as a means of criticizing, and (g) as a means to exaggerate something and scold.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-197
Emy Rizta Kusuma ◽  

The learning model of the Festival Puisi Rakyat Nusantara is one of the active and creative literature learning model. This model is also supported by constructivism learning theory which teaches student to construct their own experiences and understandings independently. In addition, Festival Puisi Rakyat Nusantara is a development of the Joyful Learning model. This aims to create a relax and fun learning atmosphere in studying poetry texts. This model is designed to overcome problems in learning literature, especially in poetry. By this model, students are more creative in understanding the learning of poetry texts. In addition, students are also trained to be confident in expressing their opinions when interpreting the contents of the poetry text that have been learned.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-189
Atria Rihanah ◽  
Deni Permadi ◽  
Mulasih Mulasih

Expressive speech act is a type of speech act that functions to express a speaker's psychological attitude towards a situation. The novel My Lecturer My Husband is a novel containing education, love, sadness, and loyalty, so it is very interesting to study and serve as an example of novel learning in schools. This study aims to identify and describe expressive speech acts through the characters. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data of this research are in the form of the utterances of the characters in the novel. The techniques used are reading and note-taking techniques. The results of this study indicate that the expressive speech acts in the novel My Lecturer My Husband consist of expressive speech acts in the form of: a) apologizing in the context of making mistakes; b) expressing gratitude in the context of gratitude for the speaker's good deeds; c) praising in the context of praising the beauty and good looks of the speaker; d) blaming in the context of blaming a friend for following wrong advice; e) protest in the context of refusing an arranged marriage; f) mocking in the context of taunting Lecturers as dry chamois; f) complaining in the context of being given multiple assignments by the lecturer.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 148-171
Fitri Tiara Merdika ◽  

In the creation of literary works, either consciously or unconsciously the author will always insert his ideology. The insertion of the ideology can be seen from the criticisms delivered by the author. Literary works are a medium for the author to convey a critique of the reality that occurs, be it religious, social, cultural, political and other criticisms. But that becomes interesting when the author tries to open up an unconscious reality, opening up the decay of a system of power that will eventually become cynicism and submit to an ideological order. In this study, Arafat Nur's novel Burung Terbang di Kelam Malam was chosen to prove this ideological fantasy. The problem contained in this study is (1) What is the symbolic order of acehnese people in the novel Burung Terbang di Kelam Malam? (2) What is Arafat Nur's criticism of the subject (Acehnese) in the novel Burung Terbang di Kelam Malam? To answer that question, the theory used was an authentic subject and ideological fantasy introduced by Slavoj Zizek and analyzed with descriptive analytical methodology. The results of this study prove that, firstly, the symbolic order (Islamic Sharia as the identity of Aceh) failed to form a radical subject. Although the subject has relinquished the symbolic order that shackled him all along, he remains returning to the new symbolic order. The subjects who are still in power of the Big Other will never escape from the order that subjected them. The subject will not be able to reach the Real, because they cannot discuss it so the subject desires to fulfill Che Vuoi's call?, unconsciously the subject commits ideological fantasies. Second, the subject of fantasizing the ideology of Islamism (Islamic sharia) that desires the achievement of spirituality instead leads it to capitalism. Not just the subject (the character in the novel). Arafat Nur as an author was also caught up in capitalism so his attempts to go radical ended in failure.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-105
Annisa Umiyati ◽  
Bagus Surya Pratama ◽  
Nur Aini ◽  
Widya Ayu Kesumastuti

News is part of the mass media that is easily accessible to all people. News has the characteristics of language is short, concise and objective. The use of language in writing news must pay attention to the writing of word structures, word formation in accordance with PUEBI. One of the word formation that occurs is the result of affixation process. One of the productive affixes in Indonesian is the prefix ber-. This study discusses the derivational affixes contained in mass media coverage in Indonesia. Data sources came from national, regional, and local online mass media during the period of September 2020. Data were obtained using observation methods and note-taking techniques. Data were analyzed using the split method with direct element sharing techniques. The use of the affix on the Indonesian mass media in the form of Ber+N= V has the meaning (1) in the state; (2) obtain, produce; (3) have; and (4) reflexive. Whereas Ber+A= V means 'in a state'. Ber+Adv.= V means 'in a state'. Ber+N= Num. has the meaning of 'collection / collective', and Ber+bound morpheme= V has the meaning (1) 'in a state'; (2) 'have'. Variations in the use of affixes are mostly carried out in the national media and the affixes of ber- which are not yet available in the Kridalaksana book are Ber+Adv.= V, Ber+N= Num. , and Ber+bound morpheme= V.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-180
Novia Nurkamilai ◽  
Yola Dwi Aprilliah ◽  
Dian Hartat

This comparative analysis descriptive study aims to (1) describe the transformation of the novel Serendipity into the film Serendipity, and (2) describe the social conflicts contained in the novel Serendipity by Erisca Febriani. The data sources for this research are the film and novel Serendipity by Erisca Febriani. The data of this research are in the form of sentences contained in the Serendipity Novel and Serendipity Film by Erisca Febriani with a sociological approach to literature. This research data collection by watching the film Serendipity and literature study. This study uses a sociology of literature approach with the following steps: (1) determining the subject and object of research, (2) research work (data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions). The results of this study indicate that (1) the transformation of the novel into the film Serendipity shows several changes when it is adapted into a film, and (2) the social conflict in the novel Serendipity by Erisca Febriani is built by one conflict, namely socio-economic conflict.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-147
Kingkin Puput Kinanti ◽  
Yuliana Riskawati

This study aims to describe (1) types of language game and (2) functions of language games on Yajugaya shirts. This type of research is a qualittative descriptive study. The subjects of this research are in lingual units consisting of words, pharases and sentences contained in the Yajugaya shirt. The object of research is the from of language games, types of language games and the funcitions of language games found on the Yajugaya shirt. Data obtained by observation and dokumentation techniques, the technique is applied by collecting sources in the form of language game material especially material that refers to theYajugaya shirt to strengthen the research. Data were analyzed using interactive methods, in the interactive analysis process, there were data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. On the validity of the data obtained through the validity test of increasing persistence, triangulation and peer discussion. The results of the study consisted of three thing, namely as follows: first, the basic froms of language games contained in the Yajugaya shirt were 3. Namely (1) basic form of language game words (2) basic forms of language games phrase (3) basic from of language game sentences. The two funcition of language games on the shirt are also 4, namely (1)type of word play on the shirt, (2) types of word games between languages on the Yajugaya shirt, (3) types of malapropism, (4) types of tongue glitch on the Yajugaya shirt. Third, there are 4 funcitions of the language game on the shirt namely (1) humor funcitions (2) criticism funcition (3) creative funcitions and (4) aesthetic funcitions.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-209
Farah Fauziyah Haqiqi ◽  
Siska Ayu Maharani ◽  
Salafia Khoiriyah

One of the reasons for graduating students to become a bachelor of education must go through the scientific paper article stage. Thesis is one of the final assignments of academics, especially students as a form of accountability and implementation in a field which is held independently. This article was created to analyze spelling errors in the thesis proposals of BIPA students where there are still many errors in sentences, especially the spelling that is not in accordance with PUEBI. This research is interesting to study because it can see changes in the forms of language errors made by BIPA IAIN Surakarta students. Considering that in written or spoken language there is still a discrepancy with the rules of their second language, namely Indonesian. This is motivated by their first language which is still inherent in BIPA IAIN Surakarta learners. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to the process of solving problems and resolving them based on existing information objectively. Through detailed information sources, by looking for spelling errors and describing the error data found in several samples of BIPA IAIN Surakarta students. Analysis of the research data, the authors provide an overview under study in the form of a description. After researching the student's proposal, the results of the study showed that there were 68 language errors. 24% use of letters, 22% use of words, 32% use of punctuation, and 22% use typography. One thing that often happens is the use of punctuation marks.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Maulidia Tifani Alfin Nur Hardiana ◽  

This study aims to 1) analyze the value of culture; and 2) analyze linguistic elements in praise of "Sembahyang". The method used in this research is the literature and literature hermeneutic method. The object of this study is a compliment entitled "Sembahyang" which is analyzed based on cultural values and linguistic elements. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the cultural values to be conveyed in this praise that all people have the same position in the eyes of God. God will not look at the economic conditions, classes, social strata, and physical conditions of his people. Therefore, as a people of creation God basically has the same obligation towards God. The linguistic element in the praise lyrics uses a lot of inversion sentences, namely the existence of a predicate precedes the subject.

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Indah Wahyuningsih ◽  
Peni Nur Damai ◽  
Khotijatul Kubro

This research is motivated by the importance of the use of good and correct Indonesian in any context including in electronic media. The purpose of this study is to analyze some of the errors and language errors spoken by participants of Master Chef Indonesia 2020. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods by describing the data obtained in the form of sentences used by Indonesian Master Chef participants. The data source in this study was the participants of the Indonesian Master Chef 2020. The data collection technique was carried out with literature study techniques, namely by (1) watching the Indonesian Master Chef 2020 show again, (2) writing errors in the Master Chef Indonesia 2020 show, (3 ) classifying language errors in Master Chef participants in phonology, morphology, and syntax. The content analysis technique is used to describe the language errors of the participants of the Indonesian Master Chef. Based on the data found, there are several language errors that have been classified, namely language errors (interference) and language errors in the field of linguistics (phonology, morphology, and syntax).

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