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Published By Togliatti State University


A. V. Kudryashova ◽  

The paper analyzes CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) as a teaching method contributing to training competitive specialists in demand both in the Russian and international labor markets. CLIL has become popular in the Russian system of higher education while insufficient understanding of the conditions for its effective implementation in our country often leads to unsuccessful foreign experience adoption. The paper aims to study the specifics of the Russian educational system and its potential as a platform for CLIL implementation. The foreign practices and CLIL-methodology are analyzed with the objective to identify a number of didactic principles and key factors affecting the choice of a model and form of CLIL for a particular educational paradigm. The specificity of the Russian educational system is analyzed from the standpoint of the obstacles to CLIL implementation. Based on the results of the study, it is determined that CLIL implementation in Russia is possible. However, this methodology should be adapted to the Russian reality. The author suggests an adaptation mechanism that implies the following measures: approving CLIL at the university level, establishing interaction between the university and businesses to jointly develop a training plan, creating a team of CLIL-methodology developers at the university level, providing conditions for professional retraining of subject teachers in CLIL methodology, establishing interaction between subject teachers and linguists for the development of CLIL-courses.

I. S. Morozova ◽  
E. A. Pronin ◽  
M. E. Pronina ◽  

The search for ways to increase the efficiency of educational and professional activities of students during the period of study at a military university remains relevant at present. The provision of optimal methods for the students’ professional competencies formation considering their personality dimensions at the shortage of study time has particular importance. The subject of the research is the special aspects of self-adjustment of cadets with different performance levels. The study aims at identifying the features of voluntary self-adjustment and personal characteristics of cadets with different academic performance levels in technical disciplines at a military university. The authors determined the theoretical approaches to the study of self-adjustment as personal property, mental state, and conditions for the successful activity. The paper includes the systematization of the ideas of the self-adjustment role in the process of educational and professional activity. The authors theoretically substantiate the necessity of considering the peculiarities of self-adjustment of cadets of a military higher education institution manifested in the subjective focus on particular phenomena. The paper presents data on the respondents, which includes ninety-one first-year cadets of Novosibirsk Military Institute. The authors substantiate the division of respondents into groups with high and low levels of academic performance. The study identified special aspects of self-control of military university cadets with different levels of academic performance manifested in the orientation of voluntary self-adjustment. The authors determined the features of voluntary self-adjustment of cadets with a high level of academic performance manifested in the presence of the pronounced perseverance in educational activities, friendliness towards fellow students, and the pronounced cognitive need; identified features of voluntary self-adjustment of cadets with a low level of academic performance manifested in the lack of self-control and critical assessment of actions, ignoring their mistakes, and the desire to dominate in interpersonal relations.

I. A. Shapoval ◽  

The paper presents the interdisciplinary analysis of the determinants of the system of self-communication discourse and internal dialogue as the forms of objectivation of human mental content focused on some actions for meeting some objectives. The author describes discourse as integration of communication and language processes in self-understanding and personal identity. Contextually determined and dynamic self-communication discourse, as a way of acquirement of new senses and confirmation of old ones, verbalizes current personal values. The study results reveal the characteristics and relations of the internal dialogue discourse determinants within the human objectivity–subjectivity continuum. Discourse determinants prescribe its context and rules and include the prototype place and agents with their motives and objectives. Self-positions manifested in Self and Non-Self (Other Self) binary self-predications form the core pair of agents. The modality of a person’s attitude to own Self-positions makes their communications a dialogue or a monologue on the boundary of their sub-territories as a discourse prototype place. The degree of discourse agency, its closeness within the prototype place, or transgression openness depends on the complexity and differentiation of Self-concept and ego boundaries functionality. The frustration of meta-necessity to keep self-confidence and self-acceptance by reassessment and reformation of interrelations of Self-positions determines the motives and objectives of self-communication. The common goal of self-organization is implemented through the internal dialogue in the form of institutionalization, verification, and integration of their Self-predications. Status-role characteristics of agents and functionality of discourse prototype place determine the specificity of its motives and objectives according to the systemic effects of Self-organization.

E. P. Ulyanova ◽  
M. N. Ulyanov ◽  

Nowadays the number of foreign students entering various educational programs at Russian universities is actively growing. Multimedia technologies are actively used for their training along with traditional forms of work. This paper discusses the features of working with video material in physics lessons in a foreign language classroom. Such classes help to increase the motivation of students to acquire knowledge and successfully master the main course material. The authors focus their attention on a visual demonstration of the basic provisions of the general theory of relativity, for which the Oscar-winning film “Interstellar” by Christopher Nolan is chosen. The paper describes the main stages of the lesson such as preparatory, viewing and final, as well as their main aims. The authors offer different types of tasks and exercises that prepare students for watching a scientific and feature film on the topic under study, control their understanding and learning of theoretical information. The paper provides examples of the implementation of all types of speech activity while working on the selected topic. The authors demonstrate that this form of the lesson allows one to form not only communicative competence, such as the ability to answer questions and present the studied material, but also professional competence, such as the ability to solve tasks, formulate hypotheses, and scientifically argue one’s point of view. The proposed system of organizing the lesson proves the importance and efficiency of including video material in the process of studying physics. It is necessary to emphasize the practicality of the work that offers a well-planned lesson, which can be adapted to the level of a student (either a student of the pre-academic programs, bachelor’s or master’s). In addition, the presented types of tasks can form the basis for creating a similar lesson on any other topic.

E. A. Bragina ◽  
L. A. Belozerova ◽  
M. V. Prokofyeva ◽  

The paper presents the results of a comparative study of the attitude towards a child and the family role of mothers of autistic children and children with speech disorders, obtained by the parental attitude (ORO) and parental attitudes (PARI) diagnostics. The study identified that mothers of children with disabilities had common features distinguishing them from mothers of neurotypical children: a more negative attitude towards the family role, the desire to limit extrafamilial influences, excessive emotional concentration on a child, emotional distance, and predominance of desire to accelerate child development over the desire to develop the activity of a child. Correlation analysis showed the reliable correlation between the indicators of ORO and PARI methods: between child acceptance and the optimal emotional contact, between the symbiosis and the attitude to the family role. Within the group of autistic children's mothers, the symbiosis indicator reliably correlated with signs of protecting a child and accelerating the development of a child. The study revealed a reliable correlation between the cooperation indicator and the optimal emotional contact only for groups of mothers of children with speech disorders and children with neurotypical development. In the group of autistic children mothers, the authors identified a negative correlation between the cooperation indicator and the indicators of emotional distance, emotional concentration, and attitude to the family role. In the same group, the tendency towards hypersocialization turned out to be the most profound correlation with the sign of mother’s dependency, the tendency to infantilize a child reliably positively correlated with the signs of will suppression, dependence on the family and reliably negatively correlated with the sign of equalizing relations. The study results became an important argument in favor of the need for specific correctional, and in many cases, psychotherapeutic help to mothers of autistic children and mothers of children with speech disorders. They confirm the facts available in the scientific literature and the new ones that revealed the specifics of their attitude towards the family role and a child.

T. S. Pilipenko ◽  

In experimental psychology, the problem of non-acceptance of oneself, one’s environment, and the world around is one of the relevant issues. The author notes that the accepted in contemporary society popular opinions associated with self-acceptance often have manipulative or prescriptive nature and are the negative attitudes blocking the person activity and leading to its stagnation. The resolution of the stereotyped image of this phenomenon is possible from the perspective of historical-theoretical analysis of the study of self-acceptance. The paper presents various approaches to the understanding of self-acceptance by foreign and Russian psychologists within such psychology areas as neofreidism, gestalt-psychology, existential, and humanistic psychology. The author considers the changes in the study of self-acceptance, notes that despite different views of classical psychologists on the understanding of this phenomenon, they define self-acceptance as an active process promoting self-improvement and self-actualization of a person. This fact conflicts with the latent meaning of widespread life theses on self-acceptance. The paper emphasizes the possibility to study self-acceptance from the perspective of the subject approach as a phenomenon initiating the activity of a person in organization and regulation of own life activities, promoting further development of a person, its self-actualization. The author considers the controversial characteristics of self-acceptance as a subject characteristic: self-acceptance allows changing from self-understanding to self-improvement, at the same time, the high level of self-acceptance requires a particular level of development of the personal agency. The author notes the paradoxical understanding of the self-acceptance phenomenon largely within the frames of positive self-attitude, which can promote the “Self” image idealism and lead to intrapersonal regress.

E. A. Kleymenov ◽  
E. V. Chepikov ◽  

A significant proportion of students of educational institutions of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs (the RF Interior Ministry) are students of the correspondence courses. Moreover, there is practically no relevant sociological understanding in the literature of the conditions to implement the educational process with their participation. In this regard, the authors set a goal - based on studying the public opinion of students and teaching staff, to conduct a sociological analysis of the conditions of the educational process implemented in the educational organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in correspondence form. The students and teachers of the Far-Eastern Law Institute of the RF Interior Ministry were the subjects of the research. A combination of quantitative and qualitative (focus group interviews) sociological surveys used in the paper ensured the results’ reliability. The authors conclude that the main cause for entering an educational organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an opportunity to obtain a legal education. The interviewed students consider the practical, law enforcement orientation of the education received and the discipline and strictness of the educational process implementation as the main substantive advantages of education at the Institute. The respondents see the difficulties of the educational process, first of all, in the insufficient amount of time for the examination period, i.e., face-to-face interaction with lecturers. In a separate block, the authors describe the state and the prospects of extramural education using distance learning technologies: the paper shows the dualism of perception of such technologies by the teaching staff and students, determines the relations between the training level of the respondents and the assessments of these prospects and reveals the altruistic moods of lecturers regarding the possible full transfer of distance education on the remote form.

Yu. V. Velikanova ◽  
E. A. Kosareva ◽  

When studying disciplines, not all students can objectively assess the quality of their knowledge and the level of their preparation for intermediate certification (test or exam). As a backup tool, the authors developed and introduced into the educational process one of the simple and effective ways to test oneself – tests for self-control in all sections of the course, which are integrated into the physics training course under the control of LMS MOODLE. In the example of the Mechanics section, the paper shows the technique for calculating the main characteristics and parameters of test cases. The authors analyzed the results of the test cases using the data of the built-in statistical processing module. Course approval showed that the developed test tasks are efficient in terms of improving the quality of students’ knowledge. Using the indicators defined in the LMS MOODLE Statistics module, the authors evaluated the quality of both the test cases as a whole and individual tasks. It allowed correcting the task cases, identifying and excluding unsuitable questions from the database, and identifying the sections that caused the most difficulties. The analysis showed that the created base of test tasks for self-control is suitable for further use, taking into account a slight adjustment. The calculation of the achievement rate allows predicting the assessment and specifying the topics that cause difficulties. Repeated testing makes it possible to achieve the desired result. Self-control allows creating self-educational competencies and improving the quality of education.

A. S. Opanasets ◽  

The paper analyzes the project-based method as a means of developing the intercultural competence of university students in the course of learning a foreign language. The application of this method is caused by the high requirements of the university academic programs and the necessity to search for pedagogical technologies, methods, and approaches that contribute to the imitation of real communication situations in the course of studying a foreign language by students of non-linguistic specialties. The author describes the project-based method as an approach in teaching undergraduates of the academic program “Advertising and public relations” to make a creative project. The paper presents the results of a survey regarding the students’ preferences in the forms of educational activities used in class; describes the students’ experience in creating a board game as a creative project for the Foreign Language course. The stages of the project activity – preparatory, technological, and final – are described in detail, the meaning of each stage is explained, a detailed description of the exercises used at all stages is given. The author paid particular attention to the criteria for evaluating the project activities. The paper presents the results of monitoring that identifies the level of students' proficiency in lexical, cultural, and historical material on the given topic before and after the implementation of the project-based method. The author underlines the potential of the project-based technique in enhancing the existing intercultural awareness and cognitive interest of the students, improving their skills of learning new information as well as lexical, cultural, and historical material.

A. V. Batalaev ◽  

Geometry is one of the complex disciplines where many facts are interconnected. It is possible to develop the idea of facts interrelations through correlation using the duality principle. The duality principle is known in projective geometry, mathematical logic. This principle is clearly pronounced in one of the theorems of new triangle geometry. The traditional analytical geometry course does not study the facts of new triangle geometry. To reinforce many topics of the analytical geometry course, for example, “The distance between two points”, “The symmetrical form of the equation of a line”, “The angle between two lines”, it is reasonable to consider some facts from the new triangle geometry in the Cartesian coordinate system. Thus, an element of novelty is introduced to the reviewed material. The guidebooks on triangle geometry solve tasks through classical approaches or applying barycentric coordinates not using analytical geometry formulas. The paper proposes the constructing technique for the couples of exercises using the duality principle in the plane geometry teaching methods. Tasks are constructed for the Cartesian coordinate system as this allows demonstrating the duality of points in the drawings. In the composed exercises, two drawings are constructed in parallel columns. In different cases, the points can be the triangle-apexes, an orthocenter, or a height base. The initial triangle sides are located on the axes of coordinates, and their side lengths set up Pythagorean triple for better understanding the task-solving algorithm by the students. The symmetrical form of the equation of a line shows the necessity of analytical study since it is difficult to check the distance from the orthocenter to the orthotriangle sides in the drawings due to the small value. For many such information units, the aggregation relationships (whole-part) are set up, reflecting the geometric embedding of components.

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