Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology
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Published By Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University

2518-7627, 2307-4604

N.M. Mikava

The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the verbalization of the concept HAIR in the English language. The purpose of the work is to examine the structure of the English concept HAIR as a fragment of the English-language picture of the world of the English-speaking society. The main attention is focused on the analysis of the language embodiment of the given concept in the naïve and professional varients of the picture of the world. The English concept HAIR is a fragment of the conceptual picture of the world, which is reflected in the language picture of the world, namely in its three fragments, verbalized by the constituents of the lexical-semantic groups, distinguished according to the somatic feature. They are head hair, facial hair, body hair. The analysis of the language and speech material showed that the structure of the English concept HAIR in the naive picture of the world is a three-component formation, which consists of a core, a nuclear zone and a periphery. The core includes such conceptual features as somatic and gender. The nuclear zone includes objective and various associative conceptual features, namely: age, thinness, protection, beauty, strength / success, value. The periphery of the concept consists of socially-identifying functions - professional, religious and social-group. The core of the concept HAIR in the professional picture of the world includes such conceptual features as somatic, gender, structure and development. The nuclear zone includes objective conceptual features, namely: health, age, protection. The periphery of the concept consists of professional, religious, and social-group social-identifying functions. Thus the periphery of the given concept in the two variants of the picture of the world is identical. The prospects for further research are seen in the consideration of the mentioned aspects of verbalization on the material of English artistic speech as well as professional discourse.

O.K. Pelivan

The given article presents an experimental phonetic investigation, which deals with a comprehensive analysis of English-language formal and informal conflict dialogues. It focuses on the study of various types of the investigated conflict dialogues intonational structure.The basic criteria of the practical material classification are: 1) the degree of relations formality between the collocutors and 2) politeness/impoliteness. According to these criteria the investigated conflict dialogues were classified as formal polite, formal impolite, informal polite and informal impolite. The recorded speech was investigated with the help of computer and statistical analyses which allowed to reveal those elements of prosody which actualize politeness/impoliteness in various types of the investigated conflict dialogues. The prosodic means that most clearly differentiate the investigated dialogical units are the pitch and intensity  range, the pitch peaks, the average syllable duration, the average duration of the emphatic centre, the pause volume, types of pauses between the key remarks. The pitch and intensity peaks that coinside with the emphatic centre of a dialogical unity are greatly important for actualizing emphasis. The speech of collocutors who try to remain polite in a formal conflict situation is characterised by a normal tempo with the tendency to slowing down, a mid  loudness, a mid pitch range that is due to the formal and official speech situation that forces the interlocutors to follow status subordination. An impolite formal conflict is characterized by a greater degree of emotionality than a polite formal one, as collocutors do not always follow the rules and standards of a formal situation behaviour being rude and harsh with their speech partners. At the prosodic level it  is expressed by a faster tempo, a greater loudness and a wider pitch range  than in the polite formal communication. The polite informal conflict communication is more emotional and natural than the polite formal one, but less emotional and natural than the impolite informal one. On the one hand  the informal situation gives complete freedom to choose emotions and ways of  their realization but on the other hand the desire to be polite in order  not to offend the speech partner forces the collocutors to restrain their negative feelings in the polite formal conflict communication. The impolite informal conflict is the most emotional and uncontrolled. Expressiveness and uncontrollability in the impolite informal conflict are caused by the the speech situation informality, unwillingness and no need to restrain, complete freedom of choice of verbal and nonverbal means. At the prosodic level this type of conflict interaction is characterised by a high loudness, an accelerated tempo and a wide pitch range of the voice. The conducted  research enabled us to state that conflict dialogical discourse represents a peculiar type of speech with a specific prosodic structure.

А. Lepetiukha

In this article the syntactic synonyms as one the characteristics of the author’s idiostyle are defined as the co(n)textually preferential options formed in the continuum language → discourse as a result of the phased phenomenological cognitive polyoperations at the levels of primary and secondary consciousness: destruction and reconstruction of being and its structures and categories → sublinguistic schemes → primary (pivotal) structures → secondary reduced, extended and quantitatively equacomponential one-basis and two-basis synonymic transforms. Transformational processes and the primary structure are revealed by means of the procedure of inverse reconstruction (discourse → language). The author’s idiostyle is considered as the correlation of different degree of individual and collective cognitive spaces that conditions the choice and actualization of some synonymic structures. Three types of author’s idiostyle are distinguished: 1) diffuse (dominance of the collective cognitive space over the individual one which is revealed through the realization of synonymic structures characteristic to a certain epoch; 2) personal (prevalence of the individual cognitive space over the collective one, that is the actualization of grammaticalized synonymic utterances appropriate for another epoch, of typical agrammaticalized synonymic structures characteristic to another epoch or non-characteristic to the described epoch, of non-typical agrammaticalized synonymic structures. The french writer’s idiostyle of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIst centuries is analyzed using the examples of different semantic-structural types of synonymic preferential options (reduced mono- and polypredicative constructions with the participial and gerundial head lexemes, asyndetic conditional structures and extended with the predicates and presentatives synonymic structures) and it is proved the coexistence of two phenomena: reduction and extension in the modern French fiction despite of the general tendency of the economy of means of expression of author’s thought

T. A. Pasternak

The article is devoted to the analysis of speech acts of epideictic rhetoric in terms of pragmalinguistics. The research material encompasses official Covid-based speeches made by the top officials of the country: Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and Donald Trump, the former President of the United States of America. The subject of the study comprises performative utterances of the speakers from the perspective of their illocutionary force. The theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis was the Theory of Speech Acts by J. Austin, as well as the classification of illocutionary acts by J. Searle. The analysis of Covid-based speech acts revealed their representative directive character. We have found out that the use of representatives in these epideictic speeches is due to the global goal of the speakers, that is to quiet the hearers (carrying out perlocutionary effect). It is supposed that stating the inevitability of certain events and their patterns, positive predictions and personal beliefs of people in power make ordinary citizens (hearers) put up with certain restrictions and inconveniences. In the pragmatic aspect, the use of directives (the second frequently used by speakers) is justified by the situational goal – to encourage the hearers to comply with the rules in connection with the introduction of quarantine. We have also concluded that commissives are used twice less frequently compared with the representatives and directives as their usage is primarily connected with the risk for the speaker to make promises and guarantees in quite unpredictable and uncontrolled time. For top officials this also involves reputational losses in case the promises are broken. It should be noted, though, that the use of declaratives in such speeches is very common and relevant as the speakers have appropriate social status and authority for official statements, decrees or decisions of state importance. Thus, the felicity conditions of declarations can be met. According to the research results the lowest frequency of the use of expressives proves the seriousness of the situation where emotionality and uninformativeness are inappropriate.

N. S. Bytko

The given paper features the second part of the extended research focused on the investigation of the linguistic situation as a development factor of the English language lexicography in India. Thus, in this article the main parameters of the linguistic situation during the British Raj period, with English being the case study, are scanned. The diachronic approach used towards the analysis of the linguistic situation constituencies elicits certain stability of quantitative, qualitative and evaluative parameters as regards local languages in India and the pivotal changes as regards English. The English language quantitative parameter mirrors the fluctuation in demographic rate, national identity and professional occupancy of English speaking population in India during the Raj period. The qualitative parameter of linguistic situation being enriched by another Indo-European language, maintains its multilingual, heterogeneous and unbalanced features. The English language evaluative parameter reveals the main stages of the colonial language incorporation into the linguistic situation in the country. English in India goes through the perception as the language of traders and missionaries into its adoption as а means of education obtainment, social stability access and interaction mechanisms both with foreigners and citizenry of other multilingual country regions. Such position of English in colonial India prompts the alteration of its functional characteristics with political, pedagogical and lingua franca functions being the most essential. Their actualization is only feasible due to the flourish of lexicographic practice in colonial India. Thus, the English language serves the base for a number of glossaries, bilingual and explanatory dictionaries describing various lexical layers of English in India.

Olena Marina

In this article, the notions of discourse and discourse categories are considered within the framework of a cognitive-communicative paradigm. In particular, three groups of discourse categories: cognitive, communicative and metadiscursive are considered in this paper. Within the group of cognitive discourse categories, I consider Restoration ideology and argue, that the institution of theatre and the dramatic discourse of the period became powerful means royal propaganda. I argue, that the dramatic discourse of the English Restoration performed two main functions: entertainment and dissemination of a new ideology. In this paper, I substantiate that the religious discourse of English Puritanism was replaced by the secular Restoration one. Within the group of cognitive categories, I also single out basic discourse-generative concepts of the dramatic discourse of the English Restoration. As to the group of communicative discourse categories, I focus on the values, chronotope, and the participants of the dramatic discourse of the English Restoration. I argue, that Restoration discourse disseminated libertine values such as licentiousness and debauchery. As to the chronotope of the dramatic discourse of the English Restoration, in this article, I state that the events in Restoration drama take place mostly in popular and familiar to both readers and viewers places of the London of the seventeenth century and discourse participants are mostly representatives of a wealthy upper middle class and the nobility. Within the group of metadiscursive discourse categories, I focus on the existing variety of genres inherent in the dramatic discourse of the English Restoration.

Viktoriia Pryma

The research has been done within the framework of modern communicatively oriented linguistic paradigm. The article is devoted to the brief review of the texts of English-language tourist guides to Ukraine in terms of discursive research. The material of the analysis was electronic English-language tourist guides to Ukraine. The subject of the research is a discursive analysis of texts published on the pages of electronic guidebooks and the selection of separate examples. The study of the general principles of discourse, in particular tourism discourse, found out that some of its characteristics coincide with advertising discourse, and are targeted at attracting attention, encouraging interest, the emergence of unbridled desire and, finally, encourage action (in this case – tourist travel). The use of certain linguistic structures awakens in the readers’ imagination specific images - "schemata" - meaning "scheme", "template", "schematics". While conducting the study, we noticed that the information in the tourist guides appears as an additional for travelers, transmitted by modal verbs, in particular. Since tourism involves travelling in space and time, many online travel guides present cultural heritage as the primary means of attracting tourists to a particular country or region. Modern researchers believe that among the motives, which are necessarily recorded in tourist texts, there are the following ones: authenticity; search for new, unfamiliar and contrasting worlds. Verbal and non-verbal units of the English-language tourist texts are aimed at forming a complex attractive image of the country-place of rest. The results of the study will be useful in the further study of tourism discourse during lectures and practical classes.

V.M. Smaglii

The article is dedicated to the study of the complex concept WORD / LANGUAGE / SPEECH in the naïve picture of the world within a framework of a new scientific direction – dual linguistics: scientific and naive interpretation of language in the English lexicography. The complex concept WORD / LANGUAGE / SPEECH, which is verbalized by nominative units extracted from English general lexicographic sources, is considered. The nuclear zone of the naïve picture of the world counts three lexemes (which together contain 42 sememes), among which 161 semes have been filtered by means of seme analysis method. The most common semanteme, present in all nuclear lexemes, is the idea of the bilateral nature of any communicative unit. All of the nuclear zone lexemes in the primary dictionary position contain the seme, which emphasizes the unity of content and form of the phenomena under consideration. The medial zone of the nominative field of the verbalized WORD / LANGUAGE / SPEECH complex concept is many times bigger and more variable in comparison with the nuclear zone. It includes more than 700 lexical units with semantic components language, speech, communication. According to the thematic principle, the collected material was divided into 6 sectors: communication; units of language, speech; discourse, text; phonetical, grammatical and stylistic phenomena; language / dialect / slang, speaker; linguistics. Our analysis showed, that the peripheral zone of the nominative field of the complex WORD / LANGUAGE / SPEECH concept in the naive picture of the world is verbalized by phraseological units of the English language: idioms, paremias and proverbs (a total of more than 800 dictionary articles). They highlight different ethical and linguocultural stereotypes of the English-speaking ethnic group.

V.I. Silantyeva ◽  
O.A. Andreichykova

The article examines the signs of devaluation of humanism in modern society in the context of multicultural thinking (English - Japanese).  The objects of research are the novels of the Nobel (2017) and Booker (1989) Prize writer Kazuo Ishiguro - The Rest of the Day and Don't Let Me Go. In The Rest of the Day, an English writer of Japanese descent inherits and develops the tradition of the English novel, but at the same time synthesizes the peculiarities of the English mentality with the principles of honor and service in the Bushido samurai code.  The subtle irony associated with the parallel "code of honor of the English butler and the Japanese samurai," according to the authors of the article, largely explains the logic of the plot of the work.  The article also notes that Kazuo Ishiguro managed to reflect the deep commonality of postcolonial Englishness with the refined Japanese perception of being and duty.  Although the author himself in his interviews and comments often insists that he remembers almost nothing about Japan and that he is interested in writing on universal topics, this practically always has a shocking effect in his novels.  The novel Don't Let Me Go helps to understand that the peculiarity of this work is the proclamation of humanism as one of the main values of mankind at any time and under any conditions.  It is noted that this idea is manifested in a conflict with the modern interpretation of the concept.  Humanistic values in the novel are also revealed in the inner thoughts of the heroine, the relationship of the heroes, the actions of the heroes, and the author, even in a non-standard anti-utopian situation of ideals, ready to reflect on the moral foundations without which human life is unthinkable.  In addition, the motive of man's detachment from his roots, which is very characteristic of Japanese culture, is projected on the modern European vision of the problem.

Iryna Dumchak ◽  
Iryna Zvarun

The article deals with the research of lexical transformations in the translation of Tony Morrison's novel "Song of Solomon". The main types of lexical transformations used in the translation from English to Ukrainian were highlighted. Also, it was proposed to define the term "translation transformations" based on the analysis of the views of various scholars on this issue. Three concepts are mentioned, according to which the term transformation is fixed. The multifaceted nature of the covered issue made it possible to give reasons for the use of lexical and semantic transformations and why transformations are useful for translators. The analysis was performed on the basis of a classification developed by J. Retsker. According to the famous researcher, there are seven types of transformations: concretization, differentiation, generalization, semantic development, antonymous translation, integral transformation and compensation of losses in the process of translation. Each of the types is analysed and examples of transformations in the process of translation of the work of art are presented. Despite the large number of works covering this issue, the problem of translating prose texts is relevant. There is a need to systematize and study the types of lexical and grammatical transformations, used in translating literary texts, in practice. The various scientists’ approaches to establishing the transformation types are analysed. It is revealed that due to differences in the syntactic, grammatical and morphological structures of the English and Ukrainian languages, lexical and grammatical transformations are widely used in translation. Lexical transformations are the deviations from direct vocabulary equivalents. The lexical transformations are mainly caused by the fact that the volume of the lexical units of the original language and the language of translation do not coincide. The concept of lexical transformations and their classification is defined. It is revealed that due to differences in the syntactic and morphological structures of the English and Ukrainian languages, lexical transformations are widely used in the translation. Among lexical transformations in the translation, the most common are generalization, concretization, compensation, antonymic translation.

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