Gorontalo Journal of Public Administration Studies
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Published By Universitas Gorontalo

2614-2090, 2614-2112

Nirmala Sahi

Lahirnya peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 113 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan keuangan tersebut menjadi aturan bagi pemerintah desa dalam mengelola keuangan dan kekayaan yang dimiliki desa. Berbagai aturan tersebut selama kurun waktu 10 tahun hampir tidak berdampak yang siknifikan bagi pembangunan dan kemajuan desa.Berbagai permasalahan di dalam pembangunan desa misalnya masih rendahnya aset yang dikuasai masyarakat desa, ditambah lagi dengan rendahnya akses masyarakat desa terhadap sumber daya ekonomi seperti lahan/tanah, modal, alat produksi, rendahnya keterampilan dan penguasaan teknologi, akses informasi serta jaringan kerja sama yang tidak ada. Selain itu masih rendahnya tingkat pelayanan dan sarana prasarana yang dimiliki desa serta sumber daya manusia yang sebagaian besar berketerampilan rendah (low skilled), lemahnya kelembagaan dan organisasi berbasis masyarakat, rendahnya akses lintas bidang dalam pengembangan kawasan pedesaan.Dalam konteks tersebut di Desa Butu menarik untuk dianalisis sebab desa ini masih terdapat 93 rumah tangga miskin tahun 2016 yang harus dipecahkan oleh pemerintah Desa Butu. Kemudian banyaknya rumah tangga sasaran penerima program pengentasan kemiskinan seperti bantuan Raskin sebanyak 94 KK, BLSM 72 KK, PKH 56 KK, Jamkesmas 429 Jiwa, dan Jamkesda 163 jiwa. Mengingat dari segi pendapatan, Desa Butu ini mendapatkan alokasi anggaran yang besar yang dikelola olem Pemerintah Desa dalam bentuk APBDes. Namun disisi yang lain pengelolaan keuangan dan kekayaan yang dimiliki desa harus berkorelasi dengan pengentasan kemiskinan didesa Butu, namun belum sepenuhnya diwujudkan.Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian Kualitatif, dimana penelitian ini akan menjelaskan  secara mendalam perihal mekanisme pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa Butu.Pemerintah Kabupaten Bone Bolango harus meningkatkan  aspek pengawasan terdapat tiga potensi persoalan yang dihadapi, yakni Masih rendahnya efektivitas inspektorat daerah Bone Bolango dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan keuangan di desa, Tidak terkelolanya dengan baik saluran pengaduan masyarakat desa oleh Pemerintah Daerah; dan Belum jelasnya ruang lingkup evaluasi dari pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh camat.

Annisa Rizqa Alamri

Human in their environment always give response to all things they recently accept. That response is also occurred in the community whose environment is developed to be a tourism attraction. The response is appear because of their need to utilize and improve their quality of life. The response of the community will affect the development of the tourism attractions. The involvement of the private sector will cause response from the local community. The response appears from the community will show the community’s acceptance of the development of tourism area. Thus the response of the fishermen community of Ponelo Kepulauan to the development of Saronde Island is interesting to be examined. The responses of the fishermen community seen in this research are social response and economic response that appears since Saronde Island is developed by the private sector. Qualitative method is used with case study approach to reveal the form and factor of social and economic response of the fishermen community towards the development of Saronde Island. This research is done in Ponelo Islands, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The sources of the data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The determination of informants are selected by using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done through observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. Data analysis is done with data reduction, presentation, and with draw the conclusion. To test the validity of the data obtained, this research used triangulation. Based on the findings in the field, researchers found that the social response of fishermen community of Ponelo Kepulauan to the development of Saronde Island tourism area includes a positive response and negative response. Positive response is the establishment of cooperation and adaptation of the fishermen community. Negative response is the indifferent society and the rejection of the fishermen community. The economic response of the fishermen community is the improvement of earnings after the development of Saronde Island. The response is influenced by several factors such as the income, perceptions, social and individual motives, and needs interests. All factor is working to encourage the emergence of social and economic response of fishermen communities of Ponelo Kepulauan to the development of Saronde Island.   Key Words: Social Response, Economic Response, Fishermen Community

Dewi Walahe

ABSTRACT The long-term objective of this research is the birth of a process of describing women's involvement in the bureaucratic decision-making process, and the model of gender strengthening in bureaucratic decision-making in Gorontalo City. The research method used is qualitative research with data collection techniques through: interviews, documentation, and FGD. Then the collected data will be analyzed by triangulation data. The results show that: first, so far the existence of women in the Gorontalo City government in the bureaucratic decision-making process is still less than optimal, although the potential quantity of women is 3,023 (66.97%) compared to 1,491 men (33.03%). The progress of the role of women in the bureaucratic leadership only 6 people occupied the heads of regional apparatus organizations and 24 others were men. This symptom certainly has an impact on demands. women must play their role in realizing democracy that is not gender biased as well as proof of the maturity of a nation. Keuda, the Gender Strengthening Model in the decision making of the bureaucracy in Gorontalo City is the zero-sum and positive-sum models.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Muh. Fachri Arsjad

The main problem in the research is the role of village officials in the implementation of village administration Village Karyamukti District Mootilango Gorontalo District. The purpose of this study to determine the role of village officials in the implementation of administrative tasks of village government. The research method used is quantitative method, and research type is descriptive. Techniques of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. Informants in this study were the village head, three heads of affairs, and the village secretary. The results show that: First, the role of village officials in the implementation of administrative duties in the Village Karyamukti Mootilango Gorontalo Gorontalo district is still less than the maximum. The assessment is because of the three heads of affairs, both government, development, and general recognize that its role has not been maximal in carrying out its duties and functions effectively. Secondly, the factors that influence the effort of improving the village apparatus in the implementation of administrative duties in Karyamukti village are the discipline of work, education and training, facilities and infrastructure and the level of welfare of village government apparatus.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dewi Walahe

The purpose of this study is to know the political power of women in the organization of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Gorontalo District. The research method used is quantitative method, and research type is descriptive. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. The research informant is the leader of the PKS Party of Gorontalo district. The result of the research shows that 1) the representation of women in the governance of the PKS party in Gorontalo Regency has not been able to fulfill women's representation 30% in the management of political parties according to Law no. 2 Year 2008 Jo. Law no. 2 Year 2011 on Political Parties. 2) There are four factors that inhibit the fulfillment of 30% of women's representation until it is not fulfilled: First, from the normative point, the Law regulating it is Law no. 2 Year 2008 Jo. UU no. 2 Year 2011 on political parties is not effective in the implementation process. Second, the cultural factor, patriarchal culture, where is men have a higher position than women; third, the Political Party Factor itself. The party sometimes never gives women the opportunity to occupy strategic positions in party stewardship so women are sometimes overlooked; and fourth, the factor of the woman's personal. Indonesian women are still a lot of pessimists or feel afraid of themselves.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Sarfan Tabo

This study aims to determine or analyze the implementation of government policy in Bintauna District Office. Through research observation will be able to get a picture or explanation about the implementation of policy towards empowerment of government apparatus in District Office of Bintauna. This research is a descriptive research concerning two main things that is as the main insight, the first focuses on the actual problems that come from the apparatus that became the respondent. This objective and effort is to optimally capture the facts in the field so as to obtain data from this research proportionally and reveal various problems related to the government apparatus in implementing government policy concepts in Bintauna District Office of North Bolmong Regency as well as the extent of their implementation. From the research that has been done found the lack of attention, coaching as well as direction by the leadership on the discipline of the apparatus. But if judged from the overall results, it can be concluded that the policies implemented by the district government succeed. Because if calculated from the percentage of frequencies in the table recapitulation, the percentage of efforts to improve the quality of the apparatus is above average.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Nirmala Sahi

This study aims to determine the improvement of the quality of village apparatus in order to strengthen the implementation of development in Ilotidea Village, Tilango District, Gorontalo Regency. The research method used qualitative descriptive method. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The sample used in this study were 25 respondents from the total population of 50 respondents. The results of the research show several findings are: First, the quality of village apparatus is still not optimal or still very need to be improved. Secondly, the ability, willingness and potential of the village apparatus and the impacts and approaches of governance and the implementation of development have not been maximized because human resources are still limited.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Abdul Wahab Podungge

This study aims to determine the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance in Education Office of Bone Bolango District  (Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Bone Bolango). The method used is quantitative, reinforced with the processed statistical data with the dispersion questionnaire. The data obtained came from interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation. The result of the research shows that there are influence of transformational leadership on the performance of the employees in Education Office of Bone Bolango District as follows: a) There is a direct positive and significant influence simultaneously between transformational leadership variables on employee performance in Education Office of Bone Bolango District . b) There is a direct positive and significant influence between the idealized leadership variable (influence ideal) partially on the performance of employees at Education Office of Bone Bolango District. c) There is a direct positive and significant influence between leadership variables inspiration motivation partially on the performance of employees at the Education Office of Bone Bolango District. d) There is a direct positive and significant influence between leadership variables partial intellectual stimulation on employee performance in Education Office of Bone Bolango District. e) There is a positive and significant direct influence between individual leadership considerations partially on employee performance in Education Office of Bone Bolango District.

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