Northern Archives and Expeditions
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Published By "Multifunctional Center Of Applied Studies, Krasnoyarsk"


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-87
E.N. Kasyanchuk ◽  

The paper presents the activities of the Scientific Library of the Siberian Federal University on the development and implementation of the project “Creation of a Scientific and Educational Geographical Library in SFU”. This project was launched jointly with the Russian Geographical Society. The goal of the project is to form and provide users with high-quality information and educational resource on the profile and topics of the main directions of development of geographical sciences, popularization of geographical knowledge. The activity of the library in the field of formation of unified information scientific and educational space, in the context of the main directions, reflecting the development strategy of the SibFU is analysed. The study of the Arctic is one of the priority tasks of the university. The Arctic vector plays an important role in creating a new library model, in the context of the formation of information resources: the works of SibFU scientists related to the study of Siberia and the Arctic, and providing public access to the accumulated knowledge. The basis of this collection is a unique collection of documents by S. B. Slevich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Ecological Academy. The paper discusses the activities for the implementation of the project. The library forms a collection of documents on topics - indigenous peoples, ecology of the Far North, industrial development of northern territories, construction on permafrost and digitizes rare publications. A geographic reading room has been opened to organize access to resources. Together with the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin annually held a scientific and practical seminar “Arctic Day at the Siberian Federal University”. Ways of further work to promote the project have been identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-149
A.V. Surzhko ◽  

The article examines the main aspects of Soviet-Chinese cooperation in the field of sports after the normalization of bilateral relations in the late 1980s — early 1990s. Sport was one of the factors that contributed to overcoming the consequences of the thirty-year split between the USSR and the PRC at the state, regional and informal levels. During this period, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China actively exchanged numerous sports delegations, adopting each other's successful experience in organizing and conducting competitions, as well as training athletes. In the USSR, Chinese national sports were popularized, primarily wushu and ping-pong. More traditional for the Soviet side was football, matches in which Soviet and Chinese athletes repeatedly played. Also, the article reveals some economic aspects of sports bilateral cooperation. A common thing for this period was the conclusion of various kinds of agreements and contracts at the interregional level, including those related to the sports component. The personal role of regional party functionaries, sports officials and athletes in the development of Soviet-Chinese relations is shown. There is a certain continuity between the perestroika period and the "golden age" of Soviet-Chinese cooperation in the 1950s. The experience of cooperation in sports gained at the end of perestroika had a beneficial effect on the development of Russian-Chinese relations in the 1990s. The study is carried out on the example of the Irkutsk region, which, due to objective reasons, has developed long-term and strong relations with a number of Chinese cities. The main source of the research was the Irkutsk regional periodicals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-79
E.A. Grak ◽  

The article considers the nature of ethnic identity transformation of Russian Germans and their descendants currently residing in Krasnoyarsk Region. Ethnic and demographic development of Russian Germans is characterized by depopulation, migration loss and irreversibility of ethnic assimilation. This actualizes the problem of finding effective mechanisms for preservation and ethnical and cultural reproduction of the German ethnic group. Analyze of the ethnic identification model of the deported Germans and their descendants allows to determine key ethnic-forming factors. It is concluded that traditional markers, such as language and religion, have lost their meaning in the process of ethnic self-identification. Their reproduction was destroyed by alien ethnic environment with the spread of nationally mixed marriages. The article notes the increased role of historical memory in the post-deportation period, which is formed through interfamilial and intergenerational communication. Images of the past are represented and transmitted, first of all, through family and other social institutions. The otherness of the Russian Germans is manifested through their opposition to Germans of Germany. The study is based on biographical interviews of deported Germans and their descendants taken by a group of Krasnoyarsk historians during a field expedition to the south of the region in 2017 in termd of the project «Ethnic groups in Siberia: conditions for cultural memory preservation» with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The article is dated to the 80th anniversary of the Russian Germans deportation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-112
N.V. Kostrykina ◽  

The article describes the work of Irina Borisovna Zaitseva, a world-famous Krasnoyarsk documentary film director, a member of the Board of the Union of Cinematographers and the Association of Documentary Films of the Russian Federation, whose film productions have not yet been the subject of film studies. Her films have won numerous prizes at prestigious All-Russian and international film festivals ("Russia", "Golden Knight", "Living Water", "Flahertiana", "Stalker", "Saratov Suffering", "Mediawave", "Documenta Madrid", "Docupolis", etc.). A number of documentary films reflect the history of not only the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also Russia. Some films have a parable discourse and carry a moral and philosophical context. The director repeatedly addresses the topic of "fathers and children". I. Zaitseva makes high demands on the profession of a film director, relying in her work on the director's code of honor, so as not to harm the heroes of her documentaries. As a result of the analysis of the film "Martyrs and Confessors" and a brief review of other films directed by I. Zaitseva, a wide range of artistic techniques was identified: subjective video camera, vertical and parallel editing, historical reconstruction, "story within a story", changing focalizations and temporality, allegory, and others. All the author's means of the film language work for a strong drama, which distinguishes the films of the documentarian. In her work, there is a hybrid-a combination of factuality and artistry, which does not mean devaluing the principle of documentality. The Krasnoyarsk documentary filmmaker was one of the first in Russia to make a film about the tragic fate of the clergy who died at the hands of representatives of the Soviet government in the period 1918–1938. I. Zaitseva's filmography is a phenomenon of regional and national culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-126
S.V. Lourié ◽  

The article examines the phenomenon of the imperial people, which has some special qualities that allow it to integrate peoples and territories. Many researchers of the empire recognize the importance of the imperial people factor, but it is quite difficult to indicate its specific characteristics. It is concluded that the Russians, having moved to the outskirts of the empire, to some extent changed their behavior patterns and became what is sometimes called “other Russians”. They differ from the Russians from the indigenous territories and have the qualities of a “cement people” that holds together parts of the empire. The Russians identity turned out to be duplex. They are predominantly occupied with themselves in their autochthonous territories as one of the peoples of the Earth and can perceive themselves as an ethnic whole. But they absorb the contradictions between peoples on the outskirts of the empire and create a kind of new — imperial — integrity. Then they have not have only a special Russian national identity, but rather a messianic one, coupled with an imperial function. Russians as an imperial people understand themselves (and others too) as bricks of a single empire. We aim to cover this topic in this article we rely on data from sources about the Russian peasant colonization of the late 19th — early 20th centuries. We also use the statistics of interethnic marriages in the USSR, which were an important factor in the homogenization of the peoples of the Soviet empire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-102
E.V. Komleva ◽  

The article presents the publication of the report of the local City Duma member Mikhail Mindarovsky, which was preserved in the fonds of the Yeniseisk City Archive. The report was read in June 1916 at a meeting of City Duma members in the presence of a representative of the Ministry of Railways, engineer A.M. Vikhman. The text presents the arguments of the supporters of the project of building a railway between the Yeniseisk and Achinsk, which was considered as an integral link necessary for the successful functioning of the Northern Sea Route and ensuring the successful development of the Yenisey Siberia. M.P. Mindarovsky expressed concern about the future fate of Yeniseisk and the adjacent territory, outlined possible prospects for the development of the city, associated with its transformation into a major northern port — a transshipment base for unloading goods from ships arriving through the Arctic Ocean and then transporting them to various regions of Siberia by railway. The author of the report paid special attention to the criticism of the position of some residents of the provincial center, who saw the railway to Yeniseisk as a potential threat to the welfare of Krasnoyarsk. The preserved source expands the existing ideas about the journalistic heritage and social activities of M.P. Mindarovsky, introduces the ideas about the prospects for the development of the northern Siberian regions that are widespread among his contemporaries, and reveals the details of the interaction between the government and society in the development of the Siberian North.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-180
M.Y. Khrebtov ◽  
A.I. Filko ◽  

The article presents the main results of the analysis, interpretation and discussion of the conducted field research, the data for which were obtained after an online survey of residents of the regions of the Siberian Federal District. The respondents of this sociological survey were residents of the regions of the Siberian Federal District in the amount of 504 people. The article is based on a survey, which is associated with the value issues of residents of Siberian regions. The survey touched upon the main tendencies and spheres of value formation in Russian society, which are typical for the population of this district as a whole. With the help of these data, the values of the population of the regions of the Siberian Federal District were analyzed according to the parameters of the place of residence, gender and age. The results of this questionnaire and an ap-peal to the research of values that scientists carried out in previous years, made it possible to model the processes of axiological dynamics of the population of the Siberian Federal District in the post-Soviet period. Also, the basis of this modeling is the effectiveness of numerous analog projects, both Russian and foreign. For this, the research works of scientists of the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s were considered. Based on the above, value changes are determined and the dynamics of values for the population of the Siberian Federal District is highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-55
L.A. Bodrova ◽  
D.I. Petin ◽  

This publication is an analytical review of the ambiguous and complex fate of Nikolai Gavriilovich Galkin, the son of a hereditary nobleman who became a career army officer who took an active part in the First World War and the Civil War, who consistently served in the Russian (imperial) army, and then anti-Bolshevik armed formations in the Russian Far East. The second half of the life of the captain N. G. Galkin was associated with living in China, where the hero of the publication emigrated for political and personal reasons. The aim of our research is to represent, in the context of military anthropology, the forms of adaptation of the «little man» to the conditions of social cataclysms. The methodological concept of the study, based on its genre characteristics, is based on the combined use of the anthropological approach, the theory of social mobility and the biographical method. The basis for the preparation of the article was a complex of previously unpublished sources from the funds of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Historical Archive, the Russian State Military Historical Archive, the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East, the State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Archive of the Khabarovsk Territory, the archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Novosibirsk Region. Some of these sources were previously in secret storage. Photos and oral history (family information about the hero of the article) have an auxiliary role in the study. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that a conservative upbringing and worldview would not have allowed N.G. Galkin, who had persistent anti-Bolshevik convictions, to find himself in the conditions of Soviet society, and therefore, being in exile was for him the only way out in the conditions of the end of the Civil War and defeat anti- Soviet forces. The work is addressed to a wide range of readers, including specialists in the history of the Russian (imperial) army, the First World War and the Civil War, the White movement, the Harbin emigration, mass political repressions in the USSR in the post-war period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-39
S.V. Berezyuk ◽  
A.I. Filko ◽  

This article presents the results of the analysis of the concept of "modern information environment", and also defines its place in the ethno-cultural space. The purpose of the analysis is to study the influence of modern information processes on the traditional musical folklore culture of the small peoples of Siberia. On the materials of field research and the study of online communities, created ethnic groups, the analysis of the influence of "modern information environment" for the life of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. Also, the characteristic features of musical folklore are determined by the example of the analysis of interviews taken from representatives of such ethnic groups as Dolgan, Ents, Nenets. A study of recordings of ethnic festivals and TV shows that promote the popularization of folk song art of the small peoples of Siberia was conducted. The analysis methods used made it possible to formulate the value and semantic meaning of musical folklore culture for the life of a modern person, to determine the place of musical culture in the "modern information environment", as well as to trace cross-cultural ethnic ties. As a result of the analysis of the information space, the following was revealed: first, thanks to information resources, traditional and modern musical culture goes beyond territorial borders and becomes accessible to an audience from different regions of the country and not only; secondly, the broadcast of musical art in online mode allows for the inclusion of the largest number of performers of national music in this process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-140
A.A. Suleymanov ◽  

Presents a historical analysis of the research activities of the members of the Expedition No. 1, which was organized by the Obruchev Permafrost Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow) in the Arctic regions of Yakutia in 1952– 1953. This expedition turned out to be the first large-scale geocryological initiative implemented in the named region. In this regard, mainly on the basis of the revealed archival materials, including those introduced by the author for the first time into scientific circulation, a characteristic of the personal composition of the research participants is presented. The geography of the work carried out has been established, covering the previously poorly geocryologically studied Yano- Indigirsky interfluve, the coast of the Laptev Sea and the Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island, the main routes made by scientists are shown. The key directions of scientific search for permafrost scientists have been identified. The significance of the research carried out for the replenishment of knowledge about the permafrost in the Arctic regions of Yakutia and, in general, the development of geocryological science has been determined. In this regard, plots are presented that characterize the specifics of the geocryological surveys, as well as the improvement of the methodological arsenal of permafrost research in the region. At the same time, it was noted that the work of the members of Expedition No. 1 made it possible to determine a number of the most important features of cryogenic processes and the extent of the spread of permafrost in the Arctic Yakutia, to establish the thickness of the permafrost and its temperature parameters at different depths. In addition, it was found that during the survey a number of important practical results were obtained, including the identification of the composition of permafrost and the depth of the seasonally thawed layer, necessary to optimize the process of transport and industrial development of the region.

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