IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies
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Published By STAIN Ponorogo

2745-861x, 2745-7397

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ravika Alvin Puspitasari ◽  
Budi Harianto

In Javanese Islamic discourse in general, Javanese scholars look more at the broad horizon of Sufistic teachings and practices as an important variable in the Islamization of Java. The author feels that the micro area that discusses daily spirituality, especially women's spirituality, is an area of study that is worthy of research. In the practice of spirituality, of course, it cannot be separated from magical power, it is believed to have supernatural powers. The power is obtained in practice or penijazahan. Then there are various theories about mysticism, kebatinan to sects, in fact women are also actively involved in cosmology or social facts in Java. Therefore, the author poses a research question, namely, why the position of women in the narrative of daily spirituality is considered secondary and how is the practice of kasekten in Pondok Pesulukan Tharekat Agung. This paper specifically discusses the practice of spirituality or female students at the Thoriqot Agung Islamic boarding school in Tulungagung district. Practice or education is generally known as the path that can lead a person to gain enlightenment (sakti). This study uses an ethnographic-based qualitative approach. The findings of this study explain that sociological aspects and patriarchal religious interpretations condition women's spirituality to always be at a secondary level. Women who engage in spiritual practice cannot get the same degree as men, such as becoming Murshid, even though they are already spiritually established. Thus, women are only counted as students in the Tarekat and are not as charismatic as men who hold the title of Kyai Tarekat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Amelia Safitri Istiningtyas

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan beberapa kasus Pelecehan Seksual  di lingkungan Kampus dengan perspetif Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan (libraby research) dan analisis deskriptif dalam menjelaskan rumusan masalah. Adapun data penelitian dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber, yaitu buku, jurnal, serta artikel penelitian ilmiah lainnya yang relevan dengan isu permasalahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelecehan seksual di lingkungan kampus termasuk dalam kategori pelecehan seksual yang telah melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Asit Defi Indriyani

The restorative justice approach basically exists to reduce the number of prisoners in prisons. Therefore, as much as possible it is resolved peacefully (mediation) with the aim of restoring the situation to its original state and restoring the pattern of good relations in society. In the case of sexual violence, the loss suffered by the victim is not only physical and material but also psychologically and socially affected. Whether then this Restorative Justice can protect victims and guarantee the rights of victims, of course this is still a big question mark. Physical and material losses may be able to recover in a short time, but psychologically it takes so long even a lifetime. In addition, there is no security guarantee that the perpetrator will not threaten the victim or even repeat his actions when the Restorative Justice process is completed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rosyid Ridho ◽  
Uswatul Khasanah ◽  
Martha Eri Safira

Women's participation in sports matches has increased every year, not least in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. In the worldof sports, it does not escape some of the controversies that surroundit. Kontroversion is meant here is in terms of the uniforms that athletes wear in competing. One of them was a gymnastics athlete from Germany as well as a Norwegian handball team who were subject to penalties. The case shows that there is discrimination against women through regulations in the use of uniforms.. Looking at this, the authors were interested in researching and analyzing how women's sportswear is viewed from Islamic law and sexism theory, how it impacts and the solution of both theories. The results of this study can be concluded that if it is reviewed from the point of view of hifz al-'ird, the awarding of fines to the athlete is considered unable to meet the protection of honor, especially in the care of dignity and dignity of women As for the actions of female athletes who refuse to wear sports uniforms have been in harmony with the concept of hifz al-'ird. In the view of hifz al-'ird, the uniform worn by athletes must be a uniform that can protect the honor of the athletes while when viewed from the glasses of sexism, it is very clear that there are uniform rules that make women more objects of sexuality in sports.. Supposedly, auniform of a female athlete should be based on the comfort of the athlete who will wear it at sporting events. Keyword: Uniform, hifz al-'ird, sexism

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Nur Kasanah

Recent acts of terrorism have experienced a shift in perpetrators. If all this time women were only behind the scenes, now they have started to show themselves as main actors such as weapons providers, bomb builders and even suicide bombers. The women involved as perpetrators are actually victims of the snares of terrorism. This paper aims to analyze what are the motivations behind women who are entangled in the vortex of terrorism so that they are willing to become suicide bombers. The results of the study found at least six factors that caused women to be willing to become combatants, namely the occurrence of jihad indoctrination deviations, the lure of going to heaven, married by terrorist, discriminated feeling, frustrated feeling so that suicide bombing is a shortcut to repentance and revenge for being victims of sexual harassment.Key word: women, terrorism, suicide bombing

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nurliana Nurliana ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat

Abstract: Gender distinction have resulted in differences in the roles of men and women in society. In such a way, this gender distinction is inherent in the perspective of society, so that this distinction is considered permanent. This study aims to determine whether there is an element of gender bias in Islamic high school education textbooks. This study used a qualitative approach and was analyzed using descriptive methods. As for what will be analyzed in this study is the thoughts of Muslims about gender differences, especially those contained in Islamic religious education textbooks at high schools. The technique used to analyze documents is Ethnographic Content Analysis or a study of qualitative media content, which is an integrative and more conceptual analysis method to find, identify, process and analyze documents to understand their meaning, significance and relevance. The results show which is in Islamic religious education text books for Senior High School found that there are two central problems that contain elements of gender bias, namely the first issue of fiqh which includes an explanation of; requirements for Hajj and Umrah travel for women, limits on male and female genitalia, grave pilgrimages, munakahat (marriage guardians, marriage witnesses, husband and wife obligations, and about leaders in the family). The second is a matter of morals that governs the manners of dress and decoration for men and women.Keywords: Gender, Islamic Religious TextbooksAbstrak: Adanya perbedaaan antara laki-lai dan perempuan secara fisik telah membuat sudut pandang yang berbeda di tengah masyarakat, sehingga perbedaan ini dianggap sesuatu yang permanen. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan gender yang ada pada Buku Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Melalui pendekatan teori equilibrium yang tidak mempertentangkan perbedaan kaum laki-laki dan perempuan karena kaum laki-laki dan perempuan adalah mitra dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Adapun yang akan dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah pemikiran umat Islam tentang perbedaan gender, terutama yang tertuang dalam buku pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Atas. Untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif dengan Ethnographyc Content Analysis, yang berarti menganalisis metode integrative yang lebih konseptual untuk menemukan, mengidentifikasi, mengolah dan menganalisis dokumen untuk memahami makna, signifikansi dan relevansinya. Hasil penelitian terhadap buku-buku teks pendidikan agama Islam untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas ditemukan ada dua persoalan sentral yang mengandung unsur bias gender, yaitu pertama persoalan fiqih yang mencakup penjelasan tentang; syarat perjalanan haji dan umrah bagi perempuan, batas aurat laki-laki dan perempuan, ziarah kubur, munakahat (wali nikah, saksi nikah, kewajiban suami istri, dan tentang pemimpin dalam keluarga). Kedua adalah persoalan akhlak yang mengatur tentang tata krama berpakaian dan berhias perempuan dan laki-lakiKata Kunci: Bias Gender, Buku Pelajaran Agama Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Ali

Abstract:Self-image is the result of the process of forming the environment. Women who wear the veil (cadar) are considered to be oppressed, terrorists, or others stigma. Something important to do is to deeply understand what is inside these veiled women about themselves and what other people respond to about them. To find the answer, the study uses a qualitative approach with the phenomenological method. They obtain data using in-depth interview techniques, which are then analyzed using a four-step system Jonathan A. Smith. From the data collection, it was found that the respondents decided to use the veil based on their beliefs, family, and peers. However, the mixed views expressed by family and society were respondents expressed pride and happiness by wearing the veilKeyword: self image, woman, cadar, phenomenologyAbstrak: Citra diri merupakan hasil dari proses pembentukan lingkungan. Wanita yang menggunakan cadar oleh lingkungan disituasikan sebagai orang yang tertindas, teroris atau stigma lain. Sesuatu yang penting untuk dilakukan adalah memahami secara mendalam tentang apa yang ada dalam diri wanita bercadar ini tentang diri dan tentang apa yang direspon oleh orang lain tentang diri mereka. Untuk menemukan jawaban dari hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Untuk mendapatkan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan empat langkah dari Jonathan A. Smith. Dari pengumpulan data ditemukan bahwa responden memutuskan menggunaan cadar berdasarkan atas panggilan keyakinan, keluarga, dan teman sebaya. Pandangan beragam yang diekspresikan oleh keluarga dan masyarakat, meskipun demikian, responden mengungkapkan kebanggaan dan kebahagiaan dengan mengenakan cadar.Kata kunci: Citra diri, perempuan, cadar, fenomenologi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Widiyarti Widiyarti ◽  
Rohmah Maulidia

Abstract: The behavior of human life can not be separated from its perspective on a concept or thought that it believes in. This study aims to explore thougts and arguments of Sheikh Nawawi and then analyze them in the framework of gender equality and Mubadalah relations in the life of husband and wife. Textually, behalf on Uqudullujain, explains that the position of woman is not equal to the man. The husband is allowed to beat his wife if the wife does not carry out the husband’s order, especially to make up and preen, refuse to be invited to sleep together, and the wife is also not allowed to ask for a divorce.Keyword: Gender, equality, womanAbstrak: Perilaku kehidupan manusia tidak dapat terlepas dari cara pandangnya terhadap sebuah konsep atau pemikiran yang diyakininya. Tulisan ini mengekplorasi pemikiran dan argumentasi Syekh Nawawi kemudian menganalisisnya dalam bingkai kesetaraan gender dan relasi mubadalah dalam kehidupan suami istri. Secara tekstual, kitab Uqudullijain menjelaskan kedudukan perempuan tidak setara dengan laki-laki. Suami diperkenankan memukul istri, jika istri tidak mengindahkan perintahnya untuk berhias dan bersolek, menolak diajak tidur bersama, serta istri juga tidak diperkenankan meminta cerai. KataKunci: Gender, kesetaraan, perempuan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Bambang Hadi Cahyono

Abstract: This article aims to discuss the existence of families in fulfilling children’s education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has quite large implications in all aspects of life, both from economic, health, social, political and educational aspects. The government issued a policy regarding provisions in regulating education from school to home, in fact it caused various problems that were felt by both parents, especially for children. The existence of families, namely parents, both fathers and mothers, who initially paid less attention and education to their children because children have studied at school, now must provide more optimal care and education to maintain and increase children’s learning motivation. Not only that, parents as teachers must also provide maximum education in order to create motivation in children to be able to carry out learning activities so that existing goals can be achieved even during the Covid-19 pandemic.Keywords: Family existence, children’s education, Covid-19 PandemicAbstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan tentang eksistensi keluarga dalam pemenuhan pendidikan anak dimasa pandemi covid-19. Adanya pandemi covid-19 cukup menimbulkan implikasi yang besar dalam segala aspek kehidupan, baik dari aspek ekonomi, kesehatan, sosial, politik serta pada aspek pendidikan. Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan mengenai ketentuan dalam mengatur pendidikan dari sekolah ke rumah ternyata menimbulkan berbagai masalah yang dirasakan baik orang tua terlebih bagi anak. Eksistensi keluarga yakni orang tua baik ayah maupun ibu yang semula kurang memberikan perhatian dan edukasi terhadap anak karena anak telah belajar disekolah, kini harus lebih memberikan pengasuhan sekaligus edukasi yang optimal untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak. Tidak hanya itu, orang tua sebagai guru juga harus memberikan edukasi yang maksimal agar terwujud motivasi dalam diri anak untuk dapat melakukan aktivitas belajar agar tujuan yang ada dapat tercapai meskipun pada masa pandemi covid-19.Kata kunci: Eksistensi keluarga, pendidikan anak, Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nafisatul Mu'awwanah

Abstract:In addition to experiencing a heavy reproductive burden, women often receive discriminatory treatment from society because of the reproductive cycle they experience. Discriminatory behavior like this was reflected in preIslamic Arab society, wherein the Alquran came down to carry out a cultural transformation of the patriarchal system at that time. This paper is a critical study of the verses of the Alqur’an about women’s reproduction from a gender perspective. In the study of gender, at least this paper tries to reveal two things: first, how to understand the reproductive verses of women in the Alqur’an; second, what is the form of cultural transformation of the Alquran towards gender discrimination related to the women’s reproductive system. From the results of the study it can be concluded that; first, the Alquran has discussed various women’s issues, including issues related to their reproductive system. There are at least five women reproductive cycles discussed in the Alqur’an, namely regarding menstruation, conception or sex, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Second, when referring to pre-Islamic Arabic culture, the Alqur’an has actually carried out a cultural transformation of a patriarchal system that is very discriminatory against women. The Qur’an emphasizes that men and the environment are involved regarding the responsibilities and risks of the reproductive system experienced by women.Kata Kunci: The verses of the Al qur’an on Women’s Reproduction, Gender Justice, the Reproductive Cycle of Women.Abstrak:Di samping mengalami beban reproduksi yang berat, perempuan kerap mendapatkan perlakuan yang diskriminatif dari masyarakat karena siklus reproduksi yang dialaminya. Prilaku diskriminatif seperti ini tercermin dalam masyarakat Arab pra-Islam, yang selanjutnya Alqur’an turun untuk melakukan transformasi kultural terhadap sistem patriarki ketika itu. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian kritis atas ayat-ayat Alqur’an tentang reproduksi perempuan dalam perspektif gender. Dalam kajian gender, paling tidak tulisan ini berusaha mengungkap tentang dua hal: pertama, bagaimana pemahaman ayat-ayat reproduksi perempuan dalam Alqur’an; kedua, bagaimana bentuk transformasi kultural Alqur’an terhadap diskriminasi gender yang berkaitan dengan sistem reproduksi perempuan. Dari hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa; pertama, Alqur’an telah membicarakan berbagai persoalan perempuan, termasuk di dalamnya persoalan-persoalan yang berkaitan dengan sistem reproduksi mereka. Setidaknya terdapat lima siklus reproduksi perempuan yang dibicarakan oleh Alqur’an, yaitu berkenaan dengan menstruasi, pembuahan atau seks, kehamilan, melahirkan, dan menyusui. Kedua, ketika merujuk kepada kebudayaan Arab pra-Islam maka sesungguhnya Alqur’an telah melakukan transformasi kultural terhadap sistem patriarki yang sangat diskriminatif terhadap perempuan. Alqur’an menegaskan agar laki-laki dan lingkungan turut terlibat terkait tanggung jawab dan resiko sistem reproduksi yang dialami perempuan.Keywords: Ayat-ayat Reproduksi Perempuan, Keadilan Gender, Siklus Reproduksi Perempuan.

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