Developing lifelong guidance and counselling prospective by addressing individual and collective experience of humanness, humanity and the world

Emilie Carosin ◽  
Damien Canzittu ◽  
Catherine Loisy ◽  
Jacques Pouyaud ◽  
Jérôme Rossier
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 146-155
E. V. Maremukova

The article reveals the peculiarities of transmission of stereotypical images of various cultures in the language of a native speaker. Through a comparative study of the material of languages with different structures (English, Russian and Kabardino-Circassian), the specificity of linguistic explication of ethnocultural stereotypes is analyzed. The analysis of language tools demonstrates that stereotype as an integral part of human thought processes and a conceptual picture of the world is inextricably linked with ethnic culture, acting as an accumulator of collective experience and a regulator of individual’s behavior, and language not only transmits stereotypes of national thinking and projects the human worldview, but also creates reality, forming corresponding images in the minds of communicants. The study of linguistic material of compared languages made it possible 1) to conclude that language reflects the specific perception of surrounding reality by representatives of different linguistic cultures, due to the national mentality; 2) to identify the peculiarities of national thinking in the process of stereotyping; and 3) to determine the function of stereotypes reflected in language in building a constructive intercultural dialogue. The target audience of the study may include university students following linguistic, ethnocultural programs, employees of educational and research institutions, as well as all interested in a comparative study of languages with different structures.


The article summarizes the main theoretical principles of interpreting the terms lingual picture of the world and concept by analyzing primary academic studies in cognitive linguistics and by processing dialectal studies as phenomena of dialect speakers' lingual consciousness in the light of cognitive semantics. The author has made an attempt of interpreting – or rather reinterpreting – these terms due to the increased attention of today's researchers to these terms. The notions of scientific and naive, lingual and conceptual, lingual and dialectal pictures of the world are grounded and verified. The main approaches to understanding the term concept, its history, and basic definitions, typologies, and features have been under study. Special attention is paid to the form and content of the concept. The structure of the concept (verbal expression) constructs nominative space, which includes a system of nominations (lexical, phraseological, and syntactic units), while the content of the concept (semantic space) shapes the "assembled" semantics of concept nominations, covering semantic fields, subfields, micro fields, etc. The author also explores the systematic organization of concepts as well as the formation of the sphere of concepts (equal to the conceptual picture of the world), which is verbalized and transformed into a lingual picture of the world. She has elaborated an original algorithm for concept analysis as based on the nominative space of the binary concepts top / bottom in Ukrainian dialects (base words верх / низ; synonyms гора / діл, під; cognate words (derivatives and compounds); combinations of words, idioms with these keywords). The sources of the research are historical and regional dictionaries as well as texts and linguistic atlases. It is possible to identify the specific features of the perception of the world and differences in the worldview of dialect speakers, their knowledge and collective experience. It is also possible to represent the specific features of dialect nomination, derivation, and semantics. The topicality of the study is motivated by the controversial character of understanding the terms lingual picture of the world and concept in the linguistic paradigm as well as by determining relations between these notions and methods for their analysis. Keywords: Dialectal picture of the world, concept, nominative space of concept, semantic space of concept, sphere of concepts, binary opposition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-230

У статті порушено проблему кореляції формальної і семантичної структур дериватів. Дослідження здійснено на прикладі прикметників, дериватів із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-), які входять до складу словотвірного гнізда з вершиною гора ‘гора’, ‘верхня частина’ і репрезентують семантичну опозицію ‘верx’ ↔ ‘низ’.Корпус прикметників із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) формує понад 60 одиниць, які описують орієнтацію об’єктів у просторі, окреслюють просторову кваліфікацію об’єкта та моделюють си-стему координат мовної (а радше діалектної) картини світу. Детально проаналізовано семантику прикметників першого та другого ступенів деривації (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський тощо); префіксально-суфіксальних форм (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий та ін.) та композитів (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний тощо). Семан-тичну структуру прикметників проаналізовано в межах двох семантичних субкомплексів, а саме: ‘верхня / нижня частина об’єкта’ та ‘верхня / нижня межа’. Значення прикметників структурова-но єрархічно. Усі значення (компоненти семантичної структури) ілюструють приклади, засвідчені в говірках української мови. Зафіксовані значення представляють різні аспекти життя українців.Проаналізовані мовні одиниці відтворюють діалектні особливості, зокрема семантичні, харак-терні для говорів південно-західного наріччя української мови. Джерелами дослідження слугували історичні та регіональні словники (Є. Желехівський, С. Недільський, П. Білецький-Носенко, Д. Яворницький, Б. Грінченко та ін.), а також діалектні тексти та лінгвістичні атласи. Семантичні зміни, виявлені на підставі аналізу історичних джерел і пам’яток української мови від ХІ ст., зафік-совано на різних історичних етапах. Це дало змогу не тільки окреслити особливості діалектної кар-тини світу діалектоносіїв, відмінності у їхньому світогляді, знаннях та колективному досвіді, а й репрезентувати особливості діалектної номінації, деривації та семантики.Діалектні відомості подано в семи порівняльних таблицях, які фіксують деривацію та семантику аналізованих лексем, а також семантичні зміни прикметників гíрськúй / гóрський, горíшний. Задоку-ментовано найдавніші фіксації дериватів від ХІ ст. та семантичну еволюцію слів. Аналіз формальних і семантичних структур дериватів підтвердив, що семантика базового слова є основою для форму-вання семантики дериватів.This paper deals with the problem of correlation between the formal and semantic structure of derivatives. The paper suggests examples of derivative of the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) and represents the semantic opposition ‘top’ ↔ ‘bottom’ – fragments of the derivative clusters of the base words of the opposition гора ‘mountain’, ‘top’.The corpus of adjectives with the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) amounts to more than 60 units. It describes the orientation of objects in the space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives: unprefixed derivatives of the 1st and 2nd degrees of derivation (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський, etc.); prefixal-suffixal formations (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий, etc.), and compounds (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний, etc.). The semantic structure of adjectives is analyzed within two semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top of the object’ and ‘high / low limit’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives, which are structured hierarchically. All meanings (components of the semantic structure) are illustrated by examples of dialectal speech. These meanings represent different aspects of the Ukrainians’ life.The analysed units represent semantic and typical features for the south-western dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries (by Ye. Zhelekhivskyi, S. Nedilskyi, P. Biletskyi-Nosenko, D. Yavornytskyi, B. Hrinchenko, etc.) and texts as well as linguistic atlases. Semantic changes, as based on the analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century, were recorded at different historical stages. It is possible to identify the specific features of the perception of the world and differences in the worldview of dialect speakers, their knowledge, and collective experience, and represent the specific features of dialect nomination, derivation, and semantics.The dialectal data provided in the 7 comparative tables of the lexeme’s derivation and semantics, and what is more, semantic changes of the adjectives гíрськúй / гóрський and горíшний. The oldest fixations of derivatives from the 11th century and the semantic evolution of the words are documented. The analysis of the formal and semantic structures of derivatives proved that the semantics of the base word is the basis for the formation of the semantics of derivatives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 45
Kaustav Chakrabarti

The Jewish women of Calcutta contributed extensively towards building and consolidating the rich socio-cultural heritage through the creation of social and cultural infrastructures like schools, hospitals, baby clinics, women and youth organizations. Breaking social taboos, they were stimulated by the attractions of western education and took up modern professions. Their contributions were keenly appreciated both in pre-and post-independent India, which this paper tries to explore. Moreover, when India is delving into the rich diversity of its different voices, with women and environmental issues coming to the fore, the contribution(s) of the Jewish women, as the “other voice of history” could hardly be ignored. Thus besides highlighting the different aspects of the world of the Jewish women of Calcutta and their contribution in the literary-educational field, the paper also tries to fit their collective experience in a multi-cultural rubric, in the Indian context.

1986 ◽  
Vol 95 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Mansfield F. W. Smith ◽  
Martin L. Hopp

A state-of-the-art symposium on otosclerosis convened in Santa Barbara, California on Jan 6, 1984. The panel included some of the most distinguished and experienced otosclerosis surgeons in the world, with a collective experience of over 100,000 stapes operations. The purpose of the symposium was to develop guidelines for safe management of otosclerosis and to identify the at-risk patient for surgery. Topics included techniques developed by these surgeons through avoidance, recognition, and correction of technical problems; complications; and errors that lead to poor results. Discussed in order were patient evaluation, performance of surgery, and postoperative care.

Viktoriya Durkalevych ◽  

The article deals with the language image of the world in «The Grain Store» by N. Vorozhbyt. The author uses the method of cognitive definition which gives the possibility to reconstruct collective and individual ways of language conceptualization of reality with an appropriate set of categorical, evaluative and typological characteristics. The research has been carried out according to the program of minimal analysis of the language image of the world which includes six aspects of profiling in accordance with the basic communication model, taking into account language profiling of concepts in artistic texts. The program of minimal analysis of the language image of the world includes several items: way of determining collective identity; way of perception and linguistic recognition of others; ways of conceptualizing of space and «own» place in the world; ways of conceptualizing of community space; values functioning in «our world»; types of expression varied according to style and genre criteria. «The Grain Store» is classified by the researcher as the artistic work connected with «new writing» or «new drama» literary movement. The texts created in the convention of «new drama» are characterized by deep social, cultural and mental engagement, cope with complex individual and collective experience, use the strategy of deconstruction in order to redraft the established ideological schemes and update the appropriate system of values. The text by N. Vorozhbyt copes with the complex theme of the Holodomor. The issue of creating human and society identity is in the focus of playwright's attention burdened with traumatic memory and traumatic generation's experience. «The Grain Store» has demonstrated that for the art, which deals with the problems of multidimensional and multifaceted intertwining between narrative, memory and identity, the theme of the Holodomor ceases to be just a historical and factual phenomenon. Trying to understand the causes and circumstances that led to the tragedy of the Great Famine, encourage the playwright to seek deeper meaning, which are behind the factuality and topography, through the consistent updating of the anthropological, axiological and ontological perspectives. The reconstruction of the language image of the world in «The Grain Store» has demonstrated the ways of conceptualization of inevitable destructive processes related to the destruction of the unique identity of the traditional Ukrainian village as well as the consequences of these processes for the functioning of a modern post-traumatic society.

Карина Викторовна Ануфриева

Рассматривается интерпретация А.Д. Тойнби взаимосвязи исторического опыта и современности. Показано, что видение исторического опыта этим автором обосновывается на базе антропологии, позволяющей обосновать его эпистемологические характеристики. Рассмотрены истоки концепции исторического опыта Тойнби в воззрениях А. Бергсона, П. Тейяра де Шардена и других авторов. Взгляды Тойнби на живой индивидуальный и коллективный опыт, их соотношение с историописанием сопоставлены с идеями Ф. Анкерсмита и других философов. В свете подхода Тойнби к историческому опыту рассмотрена его деятельность как историка и аналитика современного состояния мирового сообщества. The article is focused on A.J. Toynbee's interpretation of the relationship between historical experience and contemporaneity. It reveals that the vision of historical experience by this author is justified on the basis of anthropology, which allows to substantiate its epistemological characteristics. The sources of Toynbee's views on historical experience in the heritage of A. Bergson, P. Teilhard de Chardin, and other authors are considered. Toynbee's views on live individual and collective experience, as well as their correlation with historical writing are compared to the ideas of F. Ankersmit, and other philosophers. In the light of Toynbee's approach to historical experience, his activity as a historian and analyst of the current state of the world community is considered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 521-523
David Alchin ◽  
Loyola McLean ◽  
Anthony Korner

Objective: As the world struggles to come to terms with “corona,” we find our collective experience to be entirely alien, struggling to find meaning in the forms of feeling being evoked. When words cannot provide meaning to experience, metaphor is often utilized. Conclusions: Words like “love” are informed autobiographically as “growing words,” with no rules defining their use. The significance of “love” to an individual is created through personal history, such that sophisticated understanding is only constructed following a lifetime of experience. “Corona” is perhaps a growing word; we cannot yet grasp its meaning in the face of cólera (passion) and pati (suffering) informing our collective traumatic script. Psychiatrists should aim to focus on the positive forms of feeling emerging during the pandemic, in order to be better equipped to meet the impending “second wave” of mental health complications.

Jasmine Johnson

Black dance is both an aesthetic and historical category. When the term first appeared in the late 1960s, it referred to dance forms grounded in African Americans’ collective experience, but over time the term "black dance" has come to encompass both vernacular (social) and theatrical (stage) dance created by African-descended peoples in the United States and around the world. From the Cakewalk to the Charleston to the Lindy Hop to rock and roll dancing, twentieth-century social dances emerged first within black subcultures and then circulated broadly within dominant cultures. Over the same period, black artists commanded the international dance stage, from Bert Williams and George Walker to Josephine Baker to Katherine Dunham to Alvin Ailey. In everyday life and on the concert stage, black dance is a constitutive dimension of modernism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Beata Kuryłowicz ◽  
Konrad Kazimierz Szamryk

Linguistic and Cultural Perceptions of Selected Occupations in Eighteenth-Century Proverbs (on the Basis of Nowy dykcjonarz by Michał Abraham Troc)This paper is an attempt to show the possibilities offered by an analysis of a historical dictionary in researching the old ways of perceiving, categorizing and evaluating the world. The observations in question are based on proverbs extracted from Nowy dykcjonarz by Michał Abraham Troc, which is one of the most significant achievements of Polish lexicography of the eighteenth century.Using the methodology of linguistic worldview reconstruction, the authors present the ways of perceiving certain occupations (shoemakers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, cooks, doctors, executioners) by people in the eighteenth century and provide the cultural context of these perceptions. The analysis demonstrates that language is not only a communication tool, but also a carrier of the collective experience and outlook on life. Językowa i kulturowa percepcja zawodów w XVIII-wiecznych przysłowiach (na materiale Nowego dykcjonarza Michała Abrahama Troca)Celem niniejszego tekstu jest wskazanie możliwości, jakie daje analiza słownika historycznego w badaniu dawnych sposobów postrzegania, kategoryzowania i wartościowania świata. Rozważania te opierają się na przysłowiach zaczerpniętych z Nowego dykcjonarza Michała Abrahama Troca. Słownik ten jest jednym z najważniejszych osiągnięć polskiej leksykografii XVIII wieku.Posługując się metodologią językowego obrazu świata, autorzy rekonstruują językowo-kulturowy sposób postrzegania zawodów (szewców, kowali, kołodziejów, kucharzy, lekarzy, katów) utrwalony w osiemnastowiecznych przysłowiach. Przedstawiona analiza dowodzi, że język jest nie tylko narzędziem komunikacji, ale także nośnikiem zbiorowego doświadczenia i poglądu na świat.

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