scholarly journals The adjuvant effects of rosin and coconut oil on nicosulfuron and mesotrione to control weeds

2021 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 112766
Shujie Ma ◽  
Ran Jia ◽  
Luwei Liu ◽  
Ziping Zhu ◽  
Xin Qiao ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Aulia Alfi

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) adalah bahan alami yang memiliki sifat antimikroba (antivirus, antibakteri, dan antijamur). Sehingga VCO dapat memberikan efek pengawet pada bahan makanan, salah satunya adalah roti manis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh VCO terhadap karakteristik (fisik dan kimia) dan umur simpan roti manis. Roti manis dianalisis secara fisik (tekstur dan porositas) dan kimia (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, dan kandungan karbohidrat), dan analisis umur simpan dengan FFA, uji organoleptik dan jamur setiap dua hari selama delapan hari penyimpanan di suhu ruang. Variasi perlakuan roti manis adalah dari rasio konsentrasi VCO: margarin: mentega, K (0%: 8%: 8%); A (4%: 6%: 6%); B (8%: 4%: 4%), C (12%: 2%: 2%); D (16%: 0%: 0%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa VCO tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap karakteristik fisik dan karakteristik kimia roti manis. Namun, VCO berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar air roti manis yang dihasilkan, roti manis K memiliki kadar air tertinggi (22,36%) dan berbeda dengan sampel roti manis lainnya. VCO secara efektif menghambat pertumbuhan jamur di roti manis pada konsentrasi 8%, 12%, dan 16%. Roti manis K dan A memiliki masa simpan 4 hari, sedangkan roti manis B, C, dan D memiliki masa simpan 6 hari.Kata kunci: VCO, roti manis, karakteristik, umur simpanABSTRACTVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a natural ingredient that has antimicrobial (antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal) properties. So that VCO can provide a preservative effect on food ingredients, one of which is sweet bread. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of VCO on characteristics (physical and chemical) and shelf life of sweet bread. Sweet bread was analyzed physically (texture and porosity) and chemistry (moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content, and carbohydrate content), and shelf life analysis with FFA, organoleptic and mold tests every two days for eight days of storage at ambient temperature. Treatment variations of sweet breads is from the ratio of the concentration of VCO: margarine: butter, K (0%: 8%: 8%); A (4%: 6%: 6%); B (8%: 4%: 4%), C (12%: 2%: 2%); D (16%: 0%: 0%). The results showed that VCO did not have a significant effect on the physical characteristics and chemical characteristics of sweet bread. However, the VCO has a significant effect on the water content of the sweet bread produced, sweet bread K has the highest moisture content (22,36%) and it is different from other sweet bread samples. VCO effectively inhibits the growth of sweet bread mold at concentrations of 8%, 12%, and 16%. K and A sweet bread has a shelf life of 4 days, while sweet breads B, C, and D have a shelf life of 6 days.Keywords: VCO, sweet bread, characteristics, shelf life

A. Pandey ◽  
R. Kumar ◽  
A. K. Sahoo ◽  
A. Paul ◽  
A. Panda

The current research presents an overall performance-based analysis of Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium Chloride [[CH3(CH2)5]P(Cl)(CH2)13CH3] ionic fluid mixed with organic coconut oil (OCO) during turning of hardened D2 steel. The application of cutting fluid on the cutting interface was performed through Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) approach keeping an eye on the detrimental consequences of conventional flood cooling. PVD coated (TiN/TiCN/TiN) cermet tool was employed in the current experimental work. Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array and TOPSIS are executed to analysis the influences, significance and optimum parameter settings for predefined process parameters. The prime objective of the current work is to analyze the influence of OCO based Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium Chloride ionic fluid on flank wear, surface roughness, material removal rate, and chip morphology. Better quality of finish (Ra = 0.2 to 1.82 µm) was found with 1% weight fraction but it is not sufficient to control the wear growth. Abrasion, chipping, groove wear, and catastrophic tool tip breakage are recognized as foremost tool failure mechanisms. The significance of responses have been studied with the help of probability plots, main effect plots, contour plots, and surface plots and the correlation between the input and output parameters have been analyzed using regression model. Feed rate and depth of cut are equally influenced (48.98%) the surface finish while cutting speed attributed the strongest influence (90.1%). The material removal rate is strongly prejudiced by cutting speed (69.39 %) followed by feed rate (28.94%) whereas chip reduction coefficient is strongly influenced through the depth of cut (63.4%) succeeded by feed (28.8%). TOPSIS significantly optimized the responses with 67.1 % gain in closeness coefficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-40
A. Levitsky ◽  
A. Lapinska ◽  
I. Selivanskaya

The article analyzes the role of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially omega-3 series in humans and animals. The biosynthesis of essential PUFA in humans and animals is very limited, so they must be consumed with food (feed). Тhe ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 PUFA is very important. Biomembranes of animal cells contain about 30% PUFA with a ratio of ω-6/ ω-3 1-2. As this ratio increases, the physicochemical properties of biomembranes and the functional activity of their receptors change. The regulatory function of essential PUFA is that in the body under the action of oxygenase enzymes (cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase) are formed extremely active hormone-like substances (eicosanoids and docosanoids), which affect a number of physiological processes: inflammation, immunity, metabolism. Moreover, ω-6 PUFA form eicosanoids, which have pro-inflammatory, immunosuppressive properties, and ω-3 PUFAs form eicosanoids and docosanoids, which have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory properties. Deficiency of essential PUFA, and especially ω-3 PUFA, leads to impaired development of the body and its state of health, which are manifestations of avitaminosis F. Prevention and treatment of avitaminosis F is carried out with drugs that contain PUFA. To create new, more effective vitamin F preparations, it is necessary to reproduce the model of vitamin F deficiency. An experimental model of vitamin F deficiency in white rats kept on a fat –free diet with the addition of coconut oil, which is almost completely free of unsaturated fatty acids, and saturated fatty acids make up almost 99 % of all fatty acids was developed. The total content of ω-6 PUFA (sum of linoleic and arachidonic acids), the content of ω-3 PUFA (α-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) in neutral lipids (triglycerides and cholesterol esters) defined. Тhe content of ω-6 PUFA under the influence of coconut oil decreased by 3.3 times, and the content of ω-3 PUFA - by 7.5 times. Тhe influence of coconut oil, the content of ω-6 PUFA decreased by 2.1 times, and the content of ω-3 PUFA - by 2.8 times. The most strongly reduces the content of ω-3 PUFA, namely eicosapentaenoic, coconut oil, starting from 5 %. Consumption of FFD with a content of 15 % coconut oil reduces the content of eicosapentaenoic acid to zero, ie we have an absolute deficiency of one of the most important essential PUFAs, which determined the presence of vitamin F deficiency.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Nazli Zainuddin ◽  
Nurul Azira Mohd Shah ◽  
Rosdan Salim

Introduction: The role of virgin coconut oil in the treatment of allergic rhinitis is controversial. Thus, the aim of the present study is to determine the effects of virgin coconut oil ingestion, in addition to standard medications, on allergic rhinitis. We also studied the side effects of consumption of virgin coconut oil. Methods: Fifty two subjects were equally divided into test and control groups. All subjects received a daily dose of 10mg of loratadine for 28 days. The test group was given 10ml of virgin coconut oil three times a day in addition to loratadine. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis were scored at the beginning and end of the study. Results:, the symptom score were divided into nasal and non-nasal symptom scores. Sneezing score showed a significant difference, however the score was more in control group than test group, indicating that improvement in symptom was more in control group. The rest of the nasal symptom and non-nasal symptom score showed no significant difference between test and control groups. Approximately 58% of the test subjects developed side effects from consumption of virgin coconut oil, mainly gastrointestinal side effects. Conclusion: In the present study, ingestion of virgin coconut oil does not improve the overall and individual symptoms of allergic rhinitis, furthermore it has side effects.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Jantri Sirait ◽  
Sulharman Sulharman

Has done design tool is a tool of refined coconut oil coconut grater, squeezer coconut milk and coconut oil heating, with the aim to streamline the time of making coconut oil and coconut oil increase production capacity. The research method consists of several stages, among others; image creation tool, procurement of materials research, cutting the material - the material framework of tools and performance test tools. The parameters observed during the performance test tools is time grated coconut, coconut milk bleeder capacity, the capacity of the boiler and the heating time of coconut oil. The design tool consists of three parts, namely a tool shaved coconut, coconut milk wringer and coconut milk heating devices. Materials used for the framework of such tools include iron UNP 6 meters long, 7.5 cm wide, 4 mm thick, while the motor uses an electric motor 0.25 HP 1430 rpm and to dampen the rotation electric motor rotation used gearbox with a ratio of round 1 : 60. the results of the design ie the time required for coconut menyerut average of 297 seconds, coconut milk wringer capacity of 5 kg of processes and using gauze pads to filter coconut pulp, as well as the heating process takes ± 2 hours with a capacity of 80 kg , The benefits of coconut oil refined tools are stripping time or split brief coconut average - average 7 seconds and coconut shell can be used as craft materials, processes extortion coconut milk quickly so the production capacity increased and the stirring process coconut oil mechanically.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan rancang bangun alat olahan minyak kelapa yaitu alat pemarut kelapa, pemeras santan kelapa dan pemanas minyak kelapa, dengan tujuan untuk mengefisiensikan waktu pembuatan minyak kelapa serta meningkatkan kapasitas produksi minyak kelapa. Metode penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahapan antara lain; pembuatan gambar alat, pengadaan bahan-bahan penelitian, pemotongan bahan - bahan rangka alat dan uji unjuk kerja alat. Parameter yang diamati pada saat uji unjuk kerja alat adalah waktu parut kelapa, kapasitas pemeras santan kelapa, kapasitas tungku pemanas serta waktu pemanasan minyak kelapa. Rancangan alat terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu alat penyerut kelapa, alat pemeras santan kelapa dan alat pemanas santan kelapa. Bahan yang dipergunakan untuk rangka alat tersebut  yaitu besi UNP panjang 6 meter, lebar 7,5 cm, tebal 4 mm, sedangkan untuk motor penggerak menggunakan motor listrik 0,25 HP 1430 rpm dan untuk meredam putaran putaran motor listrik dipergunakan gearbox  dengan perbandingan putaran 1 : 60. Hasil dari rancangan tersebut yaitu waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyerut kelapa rata-rata 297 detik, kapasitas alat pemeras santan kelapa 5 kg sekali proses dan menggunakan kain kassa untuk menyaring ampas kelapa, serta Proses pemanasan membutuhkan waktu ± 2 jam dengan kapasitas 80 kg. Adapun keunggulan alat olahan minyak kelapa ini adalah waktu pengupasan atau belah kelapa singkat rata – rata 7 detik dan tempurung kelapa dapat digunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan, proses pemerasan santan kelapa cepat sehingga kapasitas produksi meningkat dan proses pengadukan minyak kelapa secara mekanis. Kata kunci : penyerut, pemeras, pemanas,minyak kelapa,olahan minyak kelapa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-28
Gargi Chaphekar ◽  
Suhas Kulkarni ◽  
Nivedita Patil ◽  
Anil Kurane ◽  

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