Public Services and Regional Development in Canada

1966 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 498-513 ◽  
T. K. Shoyama

Throughout the first hundred years of Canadian Confederation, an underlying problem in the struggle to “unite and integrate the separate regions” in a viable national economy has been the continuing interaction between disparate rates of regional economic growth and unequal levels of regional public services. This paper is an attempt to set out in a general way the extent and significance of differences in regional expenditures by government in Canada and to inquire into their possible relationships with variations in rates of growth and levels of regional per capita incomes. It also indicates a spatial distribution of public expenditures at all three levels of government and notes some implications for national and regional development policy currently in the forefront of public debate in Canada.

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-145 ◽  
E. J. Michael

This paper presents an approach to regional development policy that may serve to stimulate the growth of tourism-based industries. The context for this discussion lies in the experiences of Australia's rural towns, but the applications seem broadly international. The paper explains the concepts of clustering in a model for micro-markets that is consistent with the global demands for competition. The focus is on the creation of economic and social opportunity in small communities through the development of clusters of complementary firms that can collectively deliver a bundle of attributes to make up a specialized regional product. Micro-market clustering theory offers one alternative for enhancing regional economic growth, but it seems suited to tourism development when the regional product requires a combination of many services to deliver the single experience the tourist seeks.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-47
Khairur dan Telisa Aulia Falian Raziqiin ◽  
Telisa Aulia Falian

Local government-owned banks (BPD), was established in order to help accelerate the development of the area where the BPD located. The expected goals of this study are: To measure the effect of the placement of funds by BPD on regional economic growth, to measure investment lending by BPD to regional economic growth. Population was all the existing Regional Development Bank in Indonesia. Based on data from Bank Indonesia, the number of regional development banks perDesember 2013 as many as 26 banks. The type of data that will be used in this research is time series data (time series) from January 2009 until December 2013 The model that will be used in this research is the use of panel data. Results of research on Analysis of Impact of Ownership of Securities by BPD Against Regional Development, government capital spending, credit productive, ownership of securities by BPD positive effect on GDP, and significantly affect GDP, labor force have a positive influence on the GDP, but the effect was not significant workforce to GDP.Badan Pusat Statistik. Berbagai tahun. Data Realisasi APBD. Badan PusatStatistik, Jakarta. Bank Indonesia. Berbagai tahun. Laporan Publikasi Bank Umum. Bank Indonesia,Jakarta. Budiono. (2001). Ekonomi Moneter Edisi 3. Yogyakarta : BPFE Djojosubroto, Dono Iskandar. (2004). Koordinasi Kebijakan Fiskal dan Moneter di Indonesia Pasca Undang – undang Bank Indonesia 1999. Jakarta : Kompas Dornbusch, Rudiger, Stanley Fischer, Richard Startz. (2004). Makroekonomi. (Yusuf Wibisono, Roy Indra Mirazudin, terjemahan). Jakarta :MediaGlobal Edukasi. Gujarati, Damodar. (1997). Ekonometrika Dasar. (Sumarno Zein, terjemahan).Jakarta : Erlangga. Gultom, Lukdir. (2013). Tantangan Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Efektifitas BPD sebagai Regional Champion Dalam Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah di Indonesia, Makalah SESPIBI Angkatan XXXI (Tidak Dipublikasikan). Bank Indonesia. Husnan, Suad. (2003). Dasar – dasar Teori Portofolio dan Analisis Sekuritas.Yogyakarta : UPP AMP YKPN. Kasmir. (2002). Dasar – Dasar Perbankan. Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Kuncoro, Mudrajad. (2001) Metode Kuantitatif : Teori dan Aplikasi untuk Bisnis dan Ekonomi. Yogyakarta : AMP YKPN. Latumaerissa dan Julius R. (1999). Mengenal Aspek-aspek Operasi Bank Umum. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. Lipsey, Richard G, et al. (1997). Pengantar Makro Ekonomi. ( Jaka Wasana danKibrandoko, terjemahan). Jakarta :Binarupa Aksara. Mankiw, Gregory. (2000). Macroeconomics Theory. New York : Worth PublisherInc. Nachrowi, Nachrowi D., Hardius Usman. (2006). Pendekatan Populer dan Praktis EKONOMETRIKA untuk Analisis Ekonomi dan Keuangan.Jakarta : Lembaga Penerbit FEUI. Rahmany, A. Fuad. (2004). Era Baru Kebijakan Fiskal : Pemikiran, Konsep dan Implementasi. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kompas, hal. 445 – 462. Rivai, Veithzal, Andria Permata Veithzal, Ferry N. Idroes. (2007). Bank and Financial Institution Management : Conventional & Sharia System, Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada. Sunarsip. (2008). Relasi Bank Pembangunan Daerah dan Perekonomian Daerah, dimuat dalam Republika, Rabu, 9 Januari 2008. Rubrik Pareto hal.16 Sunarsip. (2011). Transformasi BPD. Dimuat Infobank Edisi Januari 2011. Republik Indonesia, Kementrian Keuangan (2010), Potensi Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sebagai Pendiri Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan,Tim Studi Potensi Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sebagai Pendiri Dana Pensiun. Jakarta.Waluyanto, Rahmat. (2004). Era Baru Kebijakan Fiskal : Pemikiran, Konsep dan Implementasi. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kompas, hal. 463 – 508. Wuryandari, Gantiah. (2013). Mengusung Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Sebagai Bank Fokus Sektor Strategis Dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Nasional, Makalah SESPIBI Angkatan XXXI (Tidak Dipublikasikan). Bank Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1304
Kai Zhao ◽  
Yuesheng Zhang ◽  
Jinkai Zhao ◽  
Xiaojing Li

By investigating the direct effect of the ‘3T’s (the creative class; tolerance; technology) and their interactive effects on GDP per capita, based on the data collected from 279 cities over the period of 2002–2014, the aim of this study is to explore the practical value of the creative class theory to the sustainable economic development in China. Using econometric estimations; the results suggest that agglomeration of the creative class; improving tolerant milieu and increasing technology investment have positive explanatory powers in understanding the disparities in GDP per capita between different cities in China. However, the complementary effects on GDP per capita are only observed between the creative class and technology or technology and tolerance, while there is an interference effect between the creative class and tolerance. These findings suggest that Florida’s advocacy for generating creative competitiveness across cities and regions by building up selected amenities may be arguable, but that the creative class is substantially contributing to regional economic growth. However, the creative class may have a unique mix with other innovative elements in different contexts. Therefore, instead of extensively focusing on a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution that praises ‘cultural consumption’, the present study suggests a ‘three-phrase theory’; which has quite generic and flexible policy focuses on different development stages.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-83
Aspiansyah Aspiansyah ◽  
Arie Damayanti

This study aims to examine the role of spatial dependence on Indonesia’s regional economic growth based on panel data of all provinces in Indonesia during 1990–2015. By using spatial durbin model, the authors found that spatial dependence plays an important role in achieving regional economic growth in Indonesia. Indonesia’s regional economic growth model that controls spatial dependence, yields better estimates than growth model that does not control spatial dependence. The researchers also found positive spatial spillover to Indonesia’s regional economic growth sourced from other region’s economic growth and initial per capita incomes, as well as population growth in other regions. ============================ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peranan ketergantungan spasial terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi regional Indonesia berdasarkan data panel seluruh provinsi di Indonesia selama tahun 1990–2015. Dengan menggunakan model durbin spasial, penulis menemukan bahwa ketergantungan spasial berperan penting dalam pencapaian pertumbuhan ekonomi regional di Indonesia. Model pertumbuhan ekonomi regional Indonesia yang mengontrol ketergantungan spasial menghasilkan estimasi yang lebih baik daripada model pertumbuhan ekonomi regional Indonesia yang tidak mengontrol ketergantungan spasial. Peneliti jugamenemukan terjadinya spatial spillover yang positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi regional Indonesia yang bersumber dari pertumbuhan ekonomi wilayah lain, pendapatan per kapita awal dari wilayah lain dan pertumbuhan penduduk wilayah lain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-80
Boris Alekhin

This study examines the contribution of human capital accumulation to regional economic growth using panel data for 82 subjects of the Russian Federation over 2002–2019. This paper aims to test the hypothesis that in the long-run equilibrium there exists a connection between economic growth and human capital accumulation in the regions of Russia. From the point of view of econometrics, it would mean that we should refute the hypothesis that there is no cointegration of time series describing the aforementioned variables. General theoretical framework was drawn from the neoclassical growth theory, and panel data econometrics suggested the appropriate empirical methodology. Pooled mean group and fully modified least squares estimators were applied to an autoregressive distributed lags model based on the Solow model. The results indicate that accumulation of human capital has a positive and statistically significant long-term impact on the rate of growth of per capita income and that these variables are cointegrated. Such calculations allow us to make the following conclusions: per capita GRP is cointegrated with physical and human capital on the regional level. The cointegrating equation ‘explained’ more than 90% of per capita GRP variance. Human capital accumulation had a significant positive impact on per capita GRP growth in the long run; such impact exceeded the impact of physical capital accumulation. The positive impact of human capital accumulation on per capita GRP growth surpassed the negative elasticity of growth GRP by the amount of resource excluded from the real sector to provide support to students and maintain the regional education system. The paces at which regional economies were heading towards the steady state differed which is an evidence that there exist an incredible manifold of ways and means for regions to adjust to disbalancies

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Taslim Arifin ◽  
Syahrial Nur Amri ◽  
Siti Hajar Suryawati

Pengembangan wilayah dengan pendekatan minapolitan sebagai konsep pembangunan perikanan tidak bisa dilakukan secara parsial. Perikanan harus dibangun secara holisitik yaitu dengan membangun semua yang tersedia di perkotaan ke perdesaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan pola pertumbuhan ekonomi wilayah dan mengetahui potensi dan daya saing lokasi sebagai prioritas pusat pertumbuhan perikanan di Provinsi Gorontalo. Studi ini menggunakan analisis tipologi Klassen dan Shift-Share (S-S). Wilayah yang memiliki struktur ekonomi relatif baik adalah Kabupaten Pohuwato. Daerah ini memiliki PDRB perkapita di atas nilai provinsi namun pertumbuhan ekonomi masih dibawah provinsi (high income but low growth), atau termasuk kategori daerah maju tapi tertekan. Kabupaten Gorontalo, Boalemo dan Bone Bolango termasuk dalam kategori relatif tertinggal (low growth and low income). Kabupaten Boalemo, Pohuwato dan Bone Bolango memiliki pertumbuhan subsektor perikanan yang hampir sama yaitu 18,6%, 16,2% dan 12,7%. Kabupaten Gorontalo hanya bertumbuh sebesar 7,4%. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari produksi subsektor perikanan Kabupaten Gorontalo yang hanya memiliki share 8% terhadap produksi perikanan. Untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada sektor perikanan, perlu memperhatikan hal-hal berikut: (a) menyediakan fasilitas publik, (b) pengembangan sektor perikanan secara terintegrasi, (c) pengembangan industri pengolahan hasil perikanan, (d) Pemda Kabupaten Boalemo dan Pohuwato, perlu melakukan tindakan pro aktif dan konstruktif untuk merangsang tumbuhnya minat penanaman modal disertai dengan peningkatan dan pembenahan kualitas SDM. Title: Regional Typhology Analysis for Developing of Minapolitan in the Gorontalo ProvinceRegional  development  by  using  Minapolitan  approach  is  as  a  fisheries  development  concept cannot be applied partially. Fisheries sector should be holistically developed by developing all of potency of rurals and urban areas. This study aims to: (1) understand the structure and pattern of regional economic growth, (2) find out the potency and competitiveness of the area as a priority for fisheries development center in Gorontalo Province. This study uses Klassen and Shift-Share (S-S) typology analysis. Finding of this study showed that has the better economic structure was Pohuwato Regency. This region has Gross Regional Domestic Bruto (GRDB) per capita above the provincial value. However, economic development is still below the provincial level (high income but low growth). It is categorized as developed region but they still under preasure of economy. Boalemo Regency, Pohuwato Regency and Bone Bolango Regency have almost equal fishery development value, which are 18.6%, 16.2% and 12.7% respectively. Gorontalo Regency is grow only 7.4 %. This is due to fisheries production in Gorontalo Regency is only share 8% of total fisheries production. In order to improve economic growth, is  fisheries  sector  need  to  pay  attention  to  several  important  points:  (a)  provide  public  facilities,  (b) development of an integrated fisheries sector, (c) development of processing industry, (d) Boalemo and Pohuwato regencies, need to tae action of pro-active and constructive to stimulate investor in improving quality of human resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 144 ◽  
pp. 78-85
Elena Yu. Sokolova ◽  

For several years, there has been a considerable interest in the development of regions and their contribution to the national economy, both in Russia and in foreign countries. The regions are characterized by uneven economic development and the amount of taxes and fees going to the Federal budget. Moreover, in Russia, this unevenness in regional development is particularly strong, which is facilitated by tax policy that affects the reduction of regional tax independence and does not encourage the regions to develop their income base. The task of achieving a balance between donor and recipient regions, reducing the number of subsidized regions, and creating incentives to increase their incomes and economic growth is one of the most actual problems of Russian economic policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
pp. 81-99
Liliya BENOVSKA ◽  

The important problem of regional development is the strengthening of interregional disparities due to the concentration of financial capital in some of the most economically developed and investment-attractive regions and its outflow from economically weaker regions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the spatial distribution of the processes of credit activity and capital investment in conditions of financial and economic turbulence, to assess their impact on the economic growth of the regions of Ukraine. The following methods were used for the study: abstract-logical, comparative analysis, graphical visualization, statistical. The article identifies trends and problems of spatial distribution of credit activity, capital investment and highlights the features of credit and investment development of regions in crisis conditions; the influence of credit and investment factors on the economic growth of the regions is estimated. It has been found that in Ukraine a high concentration of capital investment in highly developed regions does not always guarantee them high investment productivity. Regional development under the COVID-19 quarantine restrictions was often influenced by behavioral factors and a number of irrational decisions by economic entities. During 2020, the share of public capital investments increased, but these investments were often financed by international funds. However, unlike most developed countries, the main objects of investment were not the health care system (including its increased capacity to fight the pandemic) or the digitalisation of public services, but the objects of hard infrastructure. The article identifies the risks of economic growth of regions, in particular: the risk of delayed effect of economic growth in the short term, the risk of deepening imbalances in economic development of Ukraine, the risk of low productivity of public investment, the risk of increasing irrationality of consumer behavior in the short term.

1996 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-251
Virginia Walker ◽  
Martin Griffin ◽  
Peter Totterdill

Biotechnology is recognized throughout many European regions as a technology which could bring much needed economic growth and prosperity, and the small firm sector has been identified as one of the key mechanisms for supporting the future growth and development of European biotechnology. Yet, despite the plethora of initiatives introduced during the last decade to promote links between the research base and industry and to support the small firm sector, the biotechnology small firm sector has not grown at the rate forecast at the beginning of the decade. This article reports on the findings from a survey of the European biotechnology small firm sector and Regional Technology Advisory Centres and shows that current policies are not meeting the needs of this high-tech industry. A number of fundamental criteria have been identified which need to be considered in the development of any regional development policy which includes a biotechnology component.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Hanifatus Sahro ◽  
S Chen ◽  
S Sujarwo

Regional development is an important aspect in improving the regional economy, and its relationship with the national economy. East Java Province is one of the regions with the most potential agricultural sector and is the highest national granary area in Indonesia. Maximizing the potential of the resources owned by East Java will accelerate the development process and increase the regional and national economy. For the economic growth,this study aims to examine the crops performance to estimate the pattern of regional economic growth in East Java. The time series data of East Java Central Bureau of Statistics from2008 to 2017 are adopted. The location quotient analysis and shift-share analysis with three indicators, namely regional economic growth, proportional shift growth, and differential shift, are used.The results showed that crops such as corn, green beans, peanuts, soybeans, rice, sweet potatoes, and cassava in 29 districts and 9 cities of East Java have crucial performance and economic growth patterns. As the results, to consider and identify priority policy plans to accelerate regional economic development and growth are suggested.

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