scholarly journals Astronomy: Social representations of students of integrated high school

2019 ◽  
Vol 200 ◽  
pp. 02006
Marcos Rincon Voelzke ◽  
José Isnaldo De Lima Barbosa

The contents related to Astronomy studied in basic education in Brazil are not always adequately worked, as their exposure in the media is often full of sensationalism, however, it is in this environment that students form their opinions about this science. Therefore, in this work we present the possible Social Representations that students of the Integrated High School of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL) have with the term inductor Astronomy. Additionally, we identify how these Social Representations were elaborated. There is a basic and descriptive research, and the procedures for obtaining the data occurred in the form of a survey, the subjects involved were 653 students from the Integrated High School. The results indicate that the surveyed students have social representations of the object Astronomy, which are based on elements from the formal education space, and also disclosed in the media, in addition, demonstrate that the students have information about Astronomy, and a value position in relation to this science.

Luana Teixeira Porto ◽  
Ana Paula Teixeira Porto

Resumo: No contexto educacional brasileiro, nota-se a necessidade de as aulas, tanto na Educação Básica quanto no ensino superior, incorporarem as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC’s) bem como as mídias em geral na promoção da aprendizagem discente e na qualificação do processo de ensino, visando à melhoria dos resultados. Nesse contexto, este artigo aborda o uso de tecnologias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de literatura no Ensino Médio com o objetivo de apontar que recursos tecnológicos como os blogs podem ser adotados no Ensino Médio para não apenas motivar os alunos a aprender e a analisar textos literários como também para ampliar o interesse discente pela aprendizagem da literatura, estreitando as relações que se estabelecem entre as aulas e as tecnologias disponíveis no espaço cibernético. Nessa reflexão, devido à sua potencialidade para interação e difusão de conhecimentos, o blog é apontado como uma ferramenta significativa para professores e alunos na abordagem da literatura enquanto instrumento propício para formação de bons leitores. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem. Literatura. Tecnologia.  Blog. USING BLOGS IN THE LITERATURE LEARNING PROCESS IN HIGH SCHOOL Abstract: In the Brazilian educational context, there is a need for classes, both in basic education and higher education, incorporate the information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the media in general in promoting student learning and qualification process education, aiming at the qualification of the process and the improvement of results. Therefore, this article discusses the use of technology in teaching and learning of literature in high school in order to point out that technological resources such as blogs can be adopted in high school to not only motivate students to learn and analyze literary texts but also to expand student interest in learning literature, strengthening relationships established between classes and technologies available in cyberspace. In this reflection, due to their potential for interaction and dissemination of knowledge, the blog appears to be a significant tool for teachers and students approach literature as an instrument suitable for the formation of good readers. Keywords: Learning. Literature. Technology. Blog.

Lorena da Graça P. Macena ◽  
Nathália Regina P. Vieira ◽  
Roberta Pires Corrêa ◽  
Izabel Paixão ◽  
Helena Carla Castro

Biotechnology is known as the set of processes and techniques that involves the manipulation of living beings, resulting in the production of a series of products useful to humanity. Virology is a science that studies viruses, sub-viral particles and prions and has enjoyed the benefits of biotechnology. However, although there is an increase and improvement in the productivity of goods and services including this area, the harmful potential of the virus is still highlighted, which favors the construction of negative conceptions that may make it difficult to learn subjects related to these beings or about Content in science, such as biotechnology. The theme Biotechnology and virology in high school is addressed, throughout the different series / years, in disciplinary contents that have a direct influence with the students' daily life and that, if well understood, can contribute to the improvement of their quality of life. Considering that students have knowledge prior to formal education and that such conceptions may become obstacles to the acquisition of new knowledge, this work sought to elucidate, through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire, the knowledge that high school students of a school State of São Gonçalo (RJ) have on topics related to biotechnology and virology. The results showed that students use a lot of information acquired in formal education, in the media and in social relations on the subject evaluated. It was evidenced a predominance of previous conceptions and little knowledge about the viruses and the biotechnological context present in our daily life through the use of products and services

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Galuh Dwi Purwasih

Improving the quality of human resources (HR) is a need that can not be bargained again, especially in the face of changes and developments in the field of science and technology so rapidly. This need will be felt even more when entering the era of globalization which is highly oriented to the quality of human resources according to Busro. As it is known, the globalization of information and communication has the potential to improve human resources. The need for learning to a minimum need to be improved in isolated communities through original values ​​that have been established and are rooted in people’s lives. Local knowledge or local wisdom must be included in the education curriculum as a source of innovation and skills that can be empowered for the welfare of society. Every educational process essentially is an effort to direct and mobilize two forces; on the one hand the power to preserve and on the other hand the power to advance. Fulfilling the rights of citizens to obtain educational services, especially 9-year of basic education, the Indonesian Ministry of National Education develops two channels of education, namely education through schools and non-formal education. Non-formal education consists of package A (equivalent to elementary school), package B (equivalent to junior high school), package C (equivalent to senior high school) and various life skills. A non-formal education is more flexible than formal education in terms of curriculum, time, place, students and educators. A non-formal education is one of the alternatives because it does not undermine the activities of students to learn and to pursue real life in their environments.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-211
Samsul Arifin ◽  
Dina Riyanti

The objectives are to describe the implementation, the advantages, and the disadvantages of teaching writing of recount text by using Comic Strips for the tenth grade students of senior high school. The researcher uses qualitative research as an approach and descriptive research as type of research. The result shows that the stages of implementing Comic Strips media in the classroom are introducing the media, explaining and analyzing the recount text, redistributing the media with other topic, asking the students to read and pay attention to, writing a recount text based on the Comic Strips given, monitoring the students’ difficulties, correcting their mistakes on writing the text, writing the final draft based on the teacher’s suggestion and comment, submitting the final writing, reviewing and giving feedback to the lesson, and closing. The advantages of the implementation of the media are that, firstly, it can stimulate the students’ imagination and creativity so that they can obtain greater ideas in order to make a good composition. Second, it gives students the clue of chronological events which then it helps students to memorize and visualize better. Third, it facilitates the students to develop their own ideas and arrange words into good sentences of recount text by understanding both the story of pictures and the conversations in English illustrated in dialogue balloons. The last the students can easily find new vocabularies from the texts of conversations being conveyed by the characters in the media. Meanwhile, the disadvantages are first, there are some students who still make mistakes especially on their grammar and vocabulary. Second, the students often forget about using right capitalization and punctuation. Based on the result of the study, it is suggested to use Comic Strips to improve the students’ writing on other text types. Keywords: recount text, comic strips,

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Gustavo de Oliveira Andrade ◽  
Dulce Márcia Cruz

As mídias estão cada vez mais presentes no cotidiano dos estudantes, principalmente porque a maioria deles já nasceu nesse mundo tecnológico. No entanto, ainda pouco se conhece sobre o letramento digital dos alunos adultos dos cursos técnicos. Por essa razão, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi investigar a relevância das mídias e da cultura digital na visão dos alunos a distância do curso Técnico em Informática do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES). Os dados coletados na pesquisa qualitativa mostraram que, apesar de serem ativos e autônomos, tendo seus próprios equipamentos para estudar e acessar rotineiramente as mídias na vida pessoal, não usufruem de todos os recursos da EAD e não utilizam na educação formal todos os recursos disponíveis na cultura digital, especialmente as tecnologias móveis e os jogos eletrônicos. Concluímos que eles poderiam ser mais desafiados pela escola para expandir as habilidades de aprendizagem adquiridas no contato com a cultura digital e pela experiência de estudar a distância, qualificando assim positivamente o letramento digital dos estudantes.Palavras-chave: Mídia; Educação a distância; Letramento digital. Adults Learning and Digital Literacy: The Case of Distance Informatics Technical Course From IFESAbstract The media are increasingly present in the daily lives of students, mainly because most of them was born in this technological world. However, little is known about the digital literacy of adult students of technical courses. For this reason, the main objective of this research was to investigate the relevance of media and digital culture according to the point view of the distance education students of Technical Course in Computer Science from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES). The data collected in qualitative research showed that students, despite being active and independent, using their own equipment to study and routinely access the media on personal life, they are not enjoying all the features of distance learning  and they are not using in formal education all available resources in digital culture, particularly mobile technologies and electronic games. We concluded that they could be challenged by the school to expand the learning skills acquired in contact with the digital culture and with the experience of studying at distance, qualifying the digital literacy of students positively.Keywords: Media; Distance education; Digital literacy. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Laura Aliyah Agnezi ◽  
Nyswatul Khair ◽  
Sinta Yolanda

An important problem in the 21st century is the integration of information and communication technology in learning. Because teachers and students must be prepared to keep abreast of increasingly sophisticated times. STEM is a learning that integrates science (science), technology (technology), engineering (engineering), and mathematics (mathematics). STEM provides learning through the process of solving problems in everyday life in order to enhance students' creative abilities. STEM learning aims to improve the ability of students to compete with the surrounding environment and globally, both in science and able to innovate technological products. Currently there are many textbooks in circulation with various publishers. For this reason, it is necessary to find out whether the outstanding textbooks have been able to facilitate the implementation of the STEM approach in learning. The solution to this problem is to analyze the extent to which the textbook meets the STEM component. This type of research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The population of data in this research were all physics textbooks for class X semester 1 high school. The samples in this research were five books used in learning physics in class X semester 1 high school. The data in this research were taken using a research instrument which had 4 components which were elaborated into 19 assessment items and data collection techniques used are through observation. The results of this research indicate that the average suitability obtained for each book that is in textbook 1 has a value of 88 with a category in accordance with the STEM component. In textbook 2 has a value of 85 with a category in accordance with the STEM component. In textbook 3 with a value of 72 with categories according to the STEM component. Textbook 4 with a value of 77 with categories according to the STEM component. Finally in textbook 5 with a value of 85 with a category very much in accordance with the STEM component

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (51) ◽  
pp. 103
Peri Mesquida ◽  
Virginea Aparecida De Lorena

RESUMOEste artigo aborda as legislações que asseguram o desenvolvimento de políticas educacionais para o funcionamento da EJA - Educação de Jovens e Adultos - no Brasil e contempla uma experiência em processo do PROEJA – Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, no que se refere ao reconhecimento de saberes como prática promovedora do diálogo entre o saber apreendido por meio das vivências informais e o saber escolar. Neste sentido, o artigo orienta-se pela seguinte questão problematizadora: Os saberes dos estudantes, adquiridos por meio de vivências pessoais e profissionais, podem estar vinculados aos saberes adquiridos na escola? De que forma é possível reconhecê-los e vinculá-los às áreas de conhecimento apresentadas nas propostas curriculares de um curso? O presente estudo baseia-se na legislação da EJA no Brasil e o embasamento para análise e discussão das questões propostas se ancora nos argumentos teóricos de Gaudêncio Frigotto (2004, 2005 e 2008); Maria Ciavatta (2004 e 2005); Acácia Eneida Kuenzer (2008); Jane Paiva (2004); Inês Barbosa Oliveira (2007 e 2010); Paulo Freire (2005, 2007, 2009). Assim, este trabalho está organizado nas seguintes partes: 1. A legislação para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos no Brasil; 2. O Reconhecimento de Saberes: uma experiência em processo no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina, campus Jaraguá do Sul; 3. Algumas considerações finais sobre a experiência em processo e a práxis humana.Palavras-chave: Educação de Jovens e Adultos; Reconhecimento de Saberes The present paper aims to discuss the laws that ensure the development of educational policies for the operation of EJA - Youth and Adult Education - in Brazil and it reports the development of the experience of PROEJA – the National Program for Integration between Professional and Basic Education for the Youth and the Adult. We will focus on recognition of knowledge as a strategy to promoting the dialogue between knowledge acquired through informal experiences and school knowledge. The paper is oriented by the following problem question: The knowledge students acquired through personal and professional experiences, can it be connected to the knowledge they acquired at school? How to recognize this previous knowledge and how to relate it to the areas of knowledge presented in the official curriculum of a course? This study is based on the law of EJA in Brazil and the foundation for analysis and discussion were built upon the arguments developed by  Gaudêncio Frigotto (2004, 2005 and 2008); Maria Ciavatta (2004 and 2005); Acacia Kuenzer Aeneid (2008); Paiva Jane (2004); Inês Oliveira Barbosa (2007 and 2010); Paulo Freire (2005, 2007, 2009). The work is organized into the following parts: 1. Brazilian Laws for Youth and Adult Education; 2. Recognition of Knowledge: a process-experience at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina, Jaraguá do Sul; 3. Some final remarks on the on-going experience and on human praxis.Key-words. Youth and adult education, knowledge recognition

polemica ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 091-110
Carlos Mendes Rosa ◽  
José Fernando Patiño Torres ◽  
Emilly Kelem Sousa Silva ◽  
Sara Santos Dias Costa

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo primordial propor uma discussão acerca da espetacularização da vida cotidiana, a partir de alguns registros como: o corpo, adornado para ser exibido; a saúde, posta como obrigação moral; e a visibilidade performática, com ênfase nos atletas de alto rendimento e praticantes de esporte. Este estudo teve por base a pesquisa qualitativa, na qual se consideram os aspectos singulares e particulares das narrativas dos sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Participaram 27 estudantes secundaristas de duas turmas do terceiro ano regular do Ensino Médio, do turno matutino, de um Colégio Estadual localizado na cidade de Miracema do Tocantins – TO. Utilizou-se o Grupo Focal como técnica de coleta e análise de dados. Esse método possibilitou maior interação entre participantes e pesquisador. O conteúdo reunido foi analisado, posteriormente, sob a ótica da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Os resultados evidenciaram que o esporte, mostrado pela mídia, está diretamente ligado à uma lógica do espetáculo, como também à ideia ilusória de que ser saudável está atrelado ao corpo denominado perfeito – fitness. Tais estereótipos são expressos por marcadores sociais de gênero e somente possíveis de serem mostrados e exibidos, quando submetidos ao padrão de beleza hegemônico. Além disso, ficou evidente no imaginário social partilhado que somente há um investimento em relação ao esporte, quando esportistas já apresentam resultados significativos para serem exibidos pelos veículos de comunicação, relevando um modelo derrota/vitória capitaneado pela visibilidade performática.Palavras-chaves: Espetacularização. Corpo. Saúde. Esporte.Abstract: This article aims to propose a discussion about the spectacularization of everyday life from some records such as the body, adorned to be exposed; health, posed as a moral obligation; and performance visibility, with an emphasis on high performance athletes and sports practitioners. This study was based on qualitative research, which considers the singular and particular aspects of the narratives of the research participants. Participated in this research 27 high school students from two classes of the third regular year of high school, in the morning journey, from a State College located in the city of Miracema do Tocantins - TO. For data collection, the Focal Group was performed as the data collection and analysis technique. This allowed greater interaction between participants and researchers, and its content was later seen from the perspective of the Theory of Social Representations. The results showed that the sport, shown by the media, is directly linked to the logic of the spectacle, as well as the illusory idea that being healthy is linked to the body called perfect – fitness. Such stereotypes are expressed by social gender markers, and can only be shown and exposed when subjected to the hegemonic beauty standard. Moreover, it was evident in the shared social imagination that there is only an investment in relation to sport when sportsmen already present significant results to be exposed by the media, revealing a defeat /victory model and dominated by performance visibility.Keywords: Spectacularization. Body. Health. Sport.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 331
Muhammad Gazali Rahman

This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively with the approach of Islamic law. This analysis is then developed in two issues, namely: 1) how the phenomenon of rallies and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law against rallies and blaspheming. While it can not be generalized, the reality of the operations of rallies, obscenities seems to have become anthem should be sung with gusto as the media to berate, inflammatory, blasphemous even less so provoking that leads to anarchy. In fact, the protest phenomenon occurs not only at the level of universities, but also have occurred in institutions of formal education providers’ secondary level (high school or vocational school). Schools are supposed to be the center of the development of a positive culture turned into the arena articulation of words that are very far from polite category.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Florencio R. Caballero ◽  
Ruth G. Cabahug

The K to 12 program in the Philippines was enacted into law on May 15,2013, through Republic Act 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. The effort is an act of legislation, putting in place the K to 12 Curriculum, so that the Philippine Basic Education becomes competitive at par with other countries. The Senior High School program is believed to be one of the answers to the country’s issue on the educational system. The study determined the optimal readiness of the three groups of stakeholders, namely: Division of Zamboanga del Sur, Industries, and Community in the implementation of Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track for Senior High School in 2016. The study employed descriptive research design; and used validated survey questionnaires.  Results revealed that: 1) in terms of facilities/ equipment, the school administrators admitted that they are “not at all ready” in the SHS Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track; and 2) the LGUs and industries are “partially ready” to support the SHS implementation. The study concludes that optimal readiness to implement the SHS is not evident. It is recommended that a thorough assessment on the functionalities of facilities and equipment needed for each sub-strand of the TVL Home Economics strand be provided by concerned stakeholders prior to implementation to ensure readiness of the school to offer such strand by academic year 2016. This is also to ensure that development of the required skills among the SHS students will not be sacrificed.

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