scholarly journals Integrated automation for configuration management and operations in the ATLAS online computing farm

2019 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 08022
Artem Amirkhanov ◽  
Sergio Ballestrero ◽  
Franco Brasolin ◽  
Haydn du Plessis ◽  
Christopher Jon Lee ◽  

The online farm of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, consisting of nearly 4000 PCs with various characteristics, provides configuration and control of the detector and performs the collection, processing, selection, and conveyance of event data from the front-end electronics to mass storage. Different aspects of the farm management are already accessible via several tools. The status and health of each node are monitored by a system based on Icinga 2 and Ganglia. PuppetDB gathers centrally all the status information from Puppet, the configuration management tool used to ensure configuration consistency of every node. The in-house Configuration Database (ConfDB) controls DHCP and PXE, while also integrating external information sources. In these proceedings we present our roadmap for integrating these and other data sources and systems, and building a higher level of abstraction on top of this foundation. An automation and orchestration tool will be able to use these systems and replace lengthy manual procedures, some of which also require interactions with other systems and teams, e.g. for the repair of a faulty node. Finally, an inventory and tracking system will complement the available data sources, keep track of node history, and improve the evaluation of long-term lifecycle management and purchase strategies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 118 (9) ◽  
pp. 2074-2085 ◽  
Sertac Dokuzlu

Purpose Geographical indications (GIs) have been implemented across the EU for agricultural and food products for many years and consumers know them well. However, developing countries and/or transitioning economies do not have sufficient experience to apply GIs. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate ways to implement GI in domestic markets in countries in which there are no common logo and control/tracking systems to help GI holders manage the process. Design/methodology/approach This study uses a qualitative case study to describe a process to implement GI registered food products in domestic markets. The system was developed by the author and applied by the Gemlik Commodity Exchange (GTB). Findings A registration system that allows inspection of producers in GI limits should be established. For good practice and to ensure correct registration, an efficient, established control system, promotion, and conservancy of GI-holding organizations are essential. Practical implications GTB implemented two projects, for which a GI logo and labels with quick-response (QR) codes were created. A regional, GI promotion project was conducted, and after one year, there was no increase in consumer demand, but entering markets became easier, and traders of PDO products began to experience increases in orders and/or shortening of intervals. Long-term implications of the system could not be measured since one year had passed. Originality/value This study develops and demonstrates a QR tracking system for implementation of GIs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
Lena Sohl ◽  
Magnus Wennerhag

I det här numret av Sociologisk Forskning presenterar vi sex stycken forskningsartiklar. I artikeln ”Commitment and control. Teamwork as management tool in a welfare state bureaucracy” visar Kerstin Jacobsson och Katarina Hollertz hur teamwork fungerar som en subtil styrmekanism inom offentlig sektor. Artikeln utgår från en omfattande etnografisk studie av verksamheten vid Försäkringskassans lokalkontor och belyser hur normativ kontroll sprider sig i organisationen genom teamwork. I individuella intervjuer uttryckte däremot vissa handläggare en oro för att betraktas som för strikta. Författarna uppmärksammar det faktum att ingen kritik framfördes i de kollektiva arbetsprocesserna, vilket visar på en stark normativ kontroll inom verksamheten. I artikeln ”#Metoo. En kamp för socialt erkännande och rättvisa” gör Emma Engdahl, Maria Nyman och Hans Ekbrand en innehållsanalys av vittnesmål från 65 svenska #metoo-upprop. I vittnesmålen framkommer, menar författarna, fyra typer av social missaktning: fysiska och psykiska övergrepp, förnedring eller kränkning, rättsberövande och epistemisk orättvisa. I artikeln diskuteras sexuella trakasserier som ”manlig samhandling”, det vill säga att en man agerar inför en publik som ger bifall till förövaren. Författarna konstaterar att ”#Metoo-rörelsen lyckades skapa ett retoriskt rum där vittnesmål om denna typ av förnedringar eller kränkningar trots detta kunde uttryckas och bli förstådda”. Torbjörn Bildtgård, Marianne Winqvist och Peter Öberg utgår i artikeln ”The dyad is not enough. Third-party mediation as a precondition for cohesion in long-term step relationships” från retrospektiva livsloppsintervjer med äldre föräldrar som uppfostrat både biologiska barn och styvbarn. En av deras slutsatser är att forskningen om mellangenerationella relationer i åldrande styvfamiljer bör ta hänsyn till den särskilda roll som en ”tredje part” ofta spelar för hur dessa relationer utvecklas över tid.   Simon Härnbro, Marcus Herz och Magnus Dahlstedt analyserar i artikeln ”Social tjänst till salu. Om socialt arbete i upphandlingens tid” hur socialarbetare som utför upphandlade tjänster beskriver sitt arbete. Författarna visar att socialarbetarna ”beskriver både sig själva och klienterna som passiva i relation till upphandlingens logik”. En slutsats i artikeln är att upphandlingarna skapar ”en hierarki av olika former av socialt arbete”, där det kortsiktiga, specialiserade och avgränsade sociala arbetet är det som görs möjligt genom upphandlingarna, medan annat socialt arbete tenderar att ges lägre prioritet. Artikeln ”Dokumentationens roll för klientskapande processer i äldreinriktat socialt arbete. Spelar utlandsfödd bakgrund, kön och ålder någon roll?” av Anna Olaison, Maricel Knechtel, Sandra Torres och Emilia Forssell utgår från en analys av socialtjänstens akter. I texten diskuteras den betydelse bakgrund (inrikes eller utrikes född), kön och ålder har för både hur biståndshandläggare motiverar sina beslut och hur insatstyper fördelas till äldre personer. Författarna konstaterar: ”Det reser oundvikligen frågan om utrikesfödda och män i större utsträckning än inrikes födda och kvinnor får förlita sig på anhörigas informella insatser för att få sina omsorgsbehov tillgodosedda”. I artikeln ”Transnationalism, integration och etnisk organisering. En studie av svenska etniska organisationer i ljuset av civilsamhällets omvandling” uppmärksammar Olle Frödin och Axel Fredholm frågan om vilken roll transnationella aktiviteter spelar för dagens civilsamhälle. Analysen utgår från en totalundersökning av 52 riksförbund som fått bidrag från Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF). Författarna menar att det går att det bland de etniska organisationerna i Sverige går att se en rad olika uttryck för en politisk transnationalisering som många gånger varierar beroende på migrantgruppernas förhållande till staten i ursprungslandet.   I numret finns även tre recensioner av fyra aktuella böcker. Håkan Thörn tar upp två nyutkomna böcker i sin recension: Sven-Axel Månssons och Svante Lundbergs Den politiska generationen. Kontinuitet och förändring 1968–2018 (2021) samt Kjell Östbergs Folk i rörelse. Vår demokratis historia (2021). Thörn lyfter fram att Kjell Östbergs bok ger en ”imponerande överblick” av den tidigare forskning som bedrivits ”om sociala rörelsers betydelse för det moderna svenska samhällsbygget”. Han menar att boken är starkast i skildrandet av ”mobiliseringen före rösträttsreformen”, medan den del som berör tiden efter 1945 är svagare. Sven-Axel Månssons och Svante Lundbergs bok beskriver Thörn som ”relativt unik” inom forskningen om sociala rörelser, eftersom den bygger på återkommande intervjuer med aktivister under en lång tidsperiod. Thörn menar att det blir tydligt att ”68-revolten faktiskt var paradigmatisk för den aktivism som följde under de följande fem decennierna” men ställer sig samtidigt frågande till varför författarna inte ägnar ”det dynamiska mötet mellan den politiska och kulturella revolten” större utrymme. Tomas Berglund beskriver antologin Klass i Sverige. Ojämlikheten, makten och politiken i det 21:a århundradet (2021) – med Daniel Suhonen, Göran Therborn och Jesper Weithz som redaktörer – som en ”imponerande kraftsamling” som kastar ljus på olika aspekter av klass och ojämlikhet. Berglund saknar emellertid begreppet exploatering i boken, det vill säga en diskussion om ”det överutnyttjande av kroppar, själar och livsmiljöer som präglar dagens kapitalistiska produktion”, något som redan Marx menade gav utrymme för såväl kamp som politik. Charlotta Holmström skriver i sin recension av Lena Gunnarssons Samtyckesdynamiker. Sex, våldtäkt och gråzonen däremellan (2020) att ”frågan om samtycke kan framstå som enkel och tydlig i den politiska debatten och i diskussionerna om lagstiftning” men att forskningen om samtycke och samtyckeskultur är mer komplex än så. Hon beskriver Lena Gunnarssons ansats som ”ambitiös” och menar att studiens styrka är ”rikedomen i det empiriska materialet” som studiens styrka men menar samtidigt att analyserna ibland inte är stringenta nog.   Vi vill även uppmana er att sända oss era artikelmanus, forskningsnotiser, förslag på recensioner och gärna idéer för framtida temanummer. Sociologisk Forskning publicerar bidrag på svenska och övriga skandinaviska språk samt på engelska. Sociologisk Forskning tillämpar anonymiserad kollegial granskning (double blind peer review) och alla artiklar publiceras med omedelbar öppen tillgång (open access) på tidskriftens hemsida.   Lena Sohl och Magnus Wennerhag Redaktörer för Sociologisk Forskning

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-35 ◽  
Susan Booysen

The contemporary condition of the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa, viewed through the lens of hegemony and by means of four sets of correlates of decline and potential renewal, reveals an organisation that has turned away from lethal decline, yet by 2018 was battling to reconstitute a powerful, united historical bloc to underpin a new hegemony. The assessment is executed across the outward fronts of the ANC in relation to the people, the state, and elections, and on the inward side, the ANC organisationally. The ANC, up to late 2017, had undergone a process of hegemonic decline that appeared irreversible. Manifold morbid symptoms of hegemonic decline were evident. In late 2017 the ANC secured a leadership change that held the potential to reverse the decline and reinvigorate the ANC's prospects for hegemonic hold, even if at best it would be a long-term, incremental process. Yet, at the centre, the organisation remained riven with factionalism that pivoted around power and control over public resources; those entrenched in the status quo ante were fighting back, and the new order was struggling to emerge. By drawing together these symptoms (correlates) of decline and possible reversals, the article synthesises the state of ANC hegemony as the movement approaches 25 years in political power.

M. Luchko ◽  
I. Drozd ◽  
K. Plutytska ◽  
R. Ruska ◽  
I. Vovk

<p class="TtuloAbstract">The aim of the article is to study the issues of analysis, modeling with the purpose of forecasting the payment of value added tax (VAT) on goods, works and services imported as imports into the customs territory of Ukraine. The reliability and validity of the planned VAT rate depend on the assessment of the status, forecast, seasonality and trends of economic and social development. The purpose of the work is to analyze and systematize the methodology for modeling VAT revenues from imports, justify the use of the econometric method and develop an adequate ARIMA model. It application is possible in the long term as well as smaller periods of time, which is relevant for monitoring and control of tax revenues. The study revealed the main factors influencing the application of the ARIMA model when modeling VAT revenues from imports. The resulting regression model in STATISTICA linked the variables with an accurate approximation.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 69 ◽  
David W. Bradley ◽  
Calum E. Ninnes ◽  
Sandra V. Valderrama ◽  
Joseph R. Waas

Context Animal translocations are an important conservation tool; however, post-release dispersal can hinder successful population establishment. Playback of conspecific song attracts dispersing individuals in some species, although its application following animal translocation has yet to be rigorously investigated. Aims To determine whether conspecific song can be used as an ‘acoustic anchor’, we adopted an experimental approach during the translocation of 60 North Island robins (Petroica longipes). Methods At one of two release locations, we broadcast song at natural rates from four speakers (4 h per morning), for 9 days following release; we set the second release location as a control where identical conditions were established but no playback occurred. To assess the impact of playback, we monitored speaker and control locations, surveyed tracks around the release areas, and radio-tracked robins over nine playback days and an additional 9 days. Key results Most robins left both immediate release areas; however, our results showed that (1) more robins (6 birds on 14 of the 18 days), in particular females (3 birds), approached the playback location than the ‘flagged’ control location (3 male birds on 5 of the 18 days), (2) individual robins returned to the playback location repeatedly, unlike those at the control site, and (3) robins also visited the playback location longer after playback than they did silent control locations. In contrast, radio-telemetry data from five robins suggested that general dispersal was not influenced by playback. Two radio-tracked females moved over long distances (some to >3 km from their release location), whereas two radio-tracked males remained relatively close to the release sites. Conclusions We demonstrated a short-term attraction effect of playback over a period of several weeks for some birds, particularly females. In contrast, we detected fewer birds over a shorter period at the silent control release site, where no females were detected. However, long-term monitoring at both sites suggested that the effect of playback on reducing post-release dispersal was transitory. Implications The lack of a clear and lasting effect of acoustic anchoring on dispersal in the present study has provided information on the limited utility of song playback as a conservation management tool for this species. Consideration of the species’ ecology and suitability for ‘acoustic anchoring’ must be made before playback is employed as a conservation measure to reduce excess post-translocation dispersal.

2011 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-11 ◽  
Beat Meier ◽  
Anja König ◽  
Samuel Parak ◽  
Katharina Henke

This study investigates the impact of thought suppression over a 1-week interval. In two experiments with 80 university students each, we used the think/no-think paradigm in which participants initially learn a list of word pairs (cue-target associations). Then they were presented with some of the cue words again and should either respond with the target word or avoid thinking about it. In the final test phase, their memory for the initially learned cue-target pairs was tested. In Experiment 1, type of memory test was manipulated (i.e., direct vs. indirect). In Experiment 2, type of no-think instructions was manipulated (i.e., suppress vs. substitute). Overall, our results showed poorer memory for no-think and control items compared to think items across all experiments and conditions. Critically, however, more no-think than control items were remembered after the 1-week interval in the direct, but not in the indirect test (Experiment 1) and with thought suppression, but not thought substitution instructions (Experiment 2). We suggest that during thought suppression a brief reactivation of the learned association may lead to reconsolidation of the memory trace and hence to better retrieval of suppressed than control items in the long term.

Diana Hart

All countries are faced with the problem of the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCD): implement prevention strategies eff ectively, keep up the momentum with long term benefi ts at the individual and the population level, at the same time tackling hea lth inequalities. Th e aff ordability of therapy and care including innovative therapies is going to be one of the key public health priorities in the years to come. Germany has taken in the prevention and control of NCDs. Germany’s health system has a long history of guaranteeing access to high-quality treatment through universal health care coverage. Th r ough their membership people are entitled to prevention and care services maintaining and restoring their health as well as long term follow-up. Like in many other countries general life expectancy has been increasing steadily in Germany. Currently, the average life expectancy is 83 and 79 years in women and men, respectively. Th e other side of the coin is that population aging is strongly associated with a growing burden of disease from NCDs. Already over 70 percent of all deaths in Germany are caused by four disease entities: cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes. Th ese diseases all share four common risk factors: smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of physical activity and overweight. At the same time, more and more people become long term survivors of disease due to improved therapy and care. Th e German Government and public health decision makers are aware of the need for action and have responded by initiating and implementing a wide spectrum of activities. One instrument by strengthening primary prevention is the Prevention Health Care Act. Its overarching aim is to prevent NCDs before they can manifest themselves by strengthening primary prevention and health promotion in diff erent sett ings. One of the main emphasis of the Prevention Health Care Act is the occupational health promotion at the workplace.

J. P. Lakher ◽  
M. K. Awasthi ◽  
J. R. Khan ◽  
M. R. Poyam

The present study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of Ovsynch and Ovsynch plus protocol in postpartum (day 60) Sahiwal cows (n=18). Animals were randomly divided into three equal groups, viz., Ovsynch group Ovsynch plus group and Control group. Animals of group I (n = 6) were treated with traditional Ovsynch protocol. The animals (n = 6) of group II were treated with Ovsynch plus protocol which consisted of an initial intramuscular injection of eCG (Folligon) @ 250 IU on day 60 postpartum followed 3 days later by GPG (Ovsynch) protocol. In group-III Control, no treatment was given to animals (n = 6). Treated animals were inseminated at a fixed time between 14 and 20 hrs after second GnRH injection, irrespective of estrus detection. Blood samples were collected from each animal on days 50 and 60 postpartum to determine the status of cyclicity in animals based on serum concentrations of progesterone (P4). A third blood sample was collected on the day of prostaglandin treatment to determine the response of first GnRH injection. Four animals each were cyclic, and two were acyclic in both treatment groups. Four animals each responded to first GnRH treatment in both treatment groups. Similarly, two animals each got conceived giving conception rate of 50% (2/4) in each treatment. In the control group, one out of 6 animals got conceived yielding 16.66 % conception rate (1/6) during the study period. It may be thus concluded that Ovsynch and Ovsynch plus protocol may be used during the early postpartum period to improve the reproductive efficiency in postpartum Sahiwal cows.

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