scholarly journals Game-Technical Management Of The Educational Environment

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 ◽  
pp. 01015
Marina Aleksandrovna Romanova ◽  
Yulia A. Serebrennikova ◽  
Tatiana Fedorenko ◽  
Alexander Kaitov ◽  
Anna Gavriliuc

The article presents the results of theoretical research and practical use of game-technical training technologies to enrich the educational environment in a pedagogical university. The need to organize and conduct present research is due to the objective demand for teachers who can master and implement interactive technologies in the educational process, as well as manage them. The authors’ goal was to develop a theoretical model for enriching the content of education in a contemporary pedagogical university based on game-technical management. The process of achieving the goal is presented in the article in the form of a description of this model, analysis, and interpretation of the results obtained during testing the model proposed for using to enrich the content of education in the educational environment of the university. A system-forming factor in the concept of educational game-technical management is a methodological procedure specially developed by the authors, which aims at determining the potential of search and research games to solve the problems of enriching the educational environment of a particular educational institution. The necessary conditions for the functioning of this process, presented in the article, will help future executives of educational organizations to assess the potential of game-technical management and the possible risks of its practical implementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 155-162

Education like others spheres of life of modern society is in the state of dynamic changes. New formats of universities as well as their missions and roles in the social and economic development are actively discussed by professional environment. A number of external and internal factors that determine the depth and scale of transformation have effects on the development of the system of higher education. The system of higher education is under the influence of the system and institutional dynamics, which dictate the need for changes. The activity of universities as centers of education, science and culture is one of the most important bases of social progress. This role becomes especially important in XXI century, which is based on new knowledge and principles of technological development. First of all a university takes new features in the current conditions of globalization. The fundamental task that needs to be solved in order to achieve the goals of a modern University is the change of meanings, goals and content of education by active participation in the internationalization processes of the system of higher education and by introducing reforms in educational process. Of course new economic conditions (global market and information technologies) require modifications. It was stated that the commercialization of University innovations in Azerbaijan is a relatively new direction, since the country is just adopts the path of an innovative economy. In this regard the transformation of a scientific idea to a product or a service faces a number of difficulties. It was investigated the problem of commercialization of the results of scientific activities of higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. For the first time Azerbaijan State University of Economics has implemented its rebranding in the educational system of the country in order to strengthen the market position of the educational institution and realization of innovative marketing strategies. The University’s strategic goals were defined under the UNEC brand, and the brand development was successfully continued with the support of the scientific and expert community. An integrative educational environment is created in Azerbaijan State University of Economics and such environment ensures the unity of the “education – science – innovation – commercialization – production system”. It is important to note that UNEC strategy also provides for clustering of economical education and so that it provides for increasing the integration pace of the University into the world scientific and educational space. The article presents the innovative infrastructure of Azerbaijan State University of Economics connected with its integration into the global scientific and educational environment. The paper studies the matters of the international cooperation issues of the University with universities of such countries as USA, EU, Russia, Turkey, which expands the academic potential of the University and increases its competitiveness. The article substantiates the conclusion that the globalization of higher education increases the importance of commercialization of higher education institutions in the field of education and science. The article reveals the successful experience of UNEC University in the creation and implementation of joint educational programs, expanding academic mobility, attracting foreign applicants, conducting joint researches and international scientific events in partnership with universities in the EU, Russia and Turkey.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3D) ◽  
pp. 623-628
Roma Sybirna ◽  
Tetiana Fursykova ◽  
Ganna Polishchuk ◽  
Oleksandr Balanutsa ◽  
Alla Marchuk

One of the important problems of training competitive specialists in creative professions is the theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the idea of integrating science and technology, education and production, searching on this basis for innovative approaches to creative education. Taking this into account, the problem of integrating knowledge in higher education acquires significance and has a number of advantages. The university is faced with the task of providing students with a holistic, scientific, flexible system of knowledge, which is modified depending on the profile and purpose of each type of educational institution. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is to integrate the content, forms and methods of teaching into the educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1323
Denis POLENOV ◽  
Sanat SATAEV ◽  

Improving the quality of education in Kazakhstan causes a number of factors, and first of all, it is the reform of the existing system of personnel management of higher education, where the main element is the development of the university staff. Improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's universities at the international level takes place primarily due to the project-oriented approach to the creation of innovative universities. The purpose of the work is to investigate the importance and necessity of the project-oriented approach as a set of knowledge, techniques, and skills of the university staff in the course of the management actions and decisions that determine the development and effectiveness of the educational institution. The authors revealed the lack of consistency, fragmentation, and fragility in the research of the issue of the project-oriented approach in the management of the university personnel. The methods of theoretical research and system analysis determined that the project-oriented approach to the personnel management in higher education institution from the perspective of personal activity approach to the work of teachers is optimal, effective and even necessary to obtain the quality result of the university. The paper clearly presents the organization of the management of the university staff, where a starting point is a project-oriented approach to the process of training students, staff development, reveals the algorithms and features of embedding technology project-oriented approach in the educational process, and reveals its content. The paper also discusses the motivation of the teacher, the reasons preventing to foresee innovations in the work, as well as compares the models of personnel management of the universities in Europe and Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 295 ◽  
pp. 05018
Evgeny Grigoriev ◽  
Azat Valeev ◽  
Shagit Musin

The article describes the features of organizing a competently oriented educational process of the university, showing its strengths and weaknesses. The features of nonlinear management of educational organizations and nonlinear construction of the educational process are described. Higher education development in Russia is proposed. The importance of the personality of students, the importance of the formation of professionally significant personality traits is indicated. The data of the survey (attitude of students to the existing educational process) of graduate students and their analysis are presented. New directions and conditions for the organization of a nonlinear educational process at the university are considered - blended learning using the traditional form of work (face to face), electronic and distance technologies, electronic information educational environment, modular structuring of educational material, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 24-33
V. N. Yasenev ◽  
A. V. Dorozhkin ◽  
A. L. Sochkov

The article examines the theoretical and practical basis of auditing the information security of educational institutions. The article gives proposals on the main components of its concept, taking into account the specifics of educational organizations, the article also searches for the ways of ensuring the effective functioning of universities on a considered basis. Proposals have been made to develop a comprehensive concept for the auditing of the information security of the university. The project includes seven components: the objects of auditing; its goals and objectives; the subtype of auditing that takes into account the specifics of the school; how to conduct audits and how to analyze data from the auditing process; the auditing phasing; its organizational and technical foundations; the composition and content of the resulting documents. A combination of risk analysis and information security standards is recommended as a practical approach to auditing. It is recommended that an experimental examination of the object security system should beused for real verification. Among the reasons for theoretical approaches that could create the basis for auditing the information security of a higher educational institution, the most preferable are the models of evaluation and the “grey” box. Practical implementation of the proposed information security auditing concept will improve the effectiveness of monitoring the implementation of Federal Laws and Programs in the educational institutions, and it will eventually strengthen the level of information security of the organization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
V. G. Bondarev ◽  
N. I. Bashmakova

The article is devoted to the problem of a conflict in the multicultural social and educational environment of a university of the Russian Federation. Based on existing foreign and domestic concepts for the study of a social conflict as a concept and the results of numerous studies, the authors proposed a definition of the concept of “a social conflict in a multicultural social and educational environment of the university”, based on its genesis. The study made it possible to look at a social conflict as a phenomenon that upsets the social equilibrium in a higher education institution and interpret it as a kind of a social interaction, acting as a value-oriented contradiction between the subjects of the educational process, where the multicultural socio-educational environment serves as a “fabric” woven from countless interactions subjects. Relying on the principles of G. Simmel's theory, which allows analyzing a social conflict in a higher educational institution from the standpoint of a social interaction of subjects, the article highlighted the dyadic relationship of conflict manifestations in terms of: “rector's office — university team”, “teacher — student”, “teacher — teacher”, “student — student”, “student — educational support staff”. The essence, characteristics and the structure of social conflicts inherent in higher educational institutions are revealed. The causes of the emergence, patterns of the behavior of subjects in conflict situations and strategies of the behavior in conflict-subject-subject relations are highlighted. The proposed mechanisms for the regulation of social conflicts in the university, implying empathy, identification, reflection, mediation. Based on the available scientific and methodological research in the field of multiculturalism, the authors clarified the concept of “multicultural social and educational environment of the university” in relation to the study and defined organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a conflict prevention in high school.

E. V. Shevchuk ◽  
A. V. Shpak

The article describes experience of creating and implementing information-managing educational environment at university. The model of creating information-managing educational environment of university with elements of artificial intelligence and indicative management is described. This environment contributes to improve quality of training and management of educational processes and resources. The stages of creating and implementing information-managing educational environment are considered systemically, as continuous process focused on a consumer. The inhibitory and facilitating conditions for introduction of the model at university are described. To provide subject-oriented approach to the use of information resources of environment, recommended clusters of information subsystems for each category of users are described.Practically implemented scientific and methodological recommendations for subjects of educational process to overcome resistance to innovations introduced in educational organizations are proposed.Features of adaptation of the developed information-managing educational environment for schools are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Zh. KolumbayevaSh. ◽  

Globalization, informatization, digitalization, led to large-scale changes that have problematized the modern process of upbringing. The modern practice of upbringing in Kazakhstan is aimed at solving the problem of forming an intellectual nation. The key figure in the upbringing process is the teacher. The modernization of public consciousness taking place in Kazakhstan, the renewal of both the content of education and the system of upbringing require understanding not only the content, but also the methodology of the professional training of teachers for the upbringing of children, for the organization of the upbringing system in educational organizations. We believe that the analysis of traditional and clarification of modern methodological foundations of professional training of future teachers of Kazakhstan for upbringing work will give us the opportunity to develop a strategy for training future teachers in the conditions of spiritual renewal of Kazakhstan's society. The article reveals the experience of Abai KazNPU. As a result of the conducted research, we came to the conclusion that the process of training a teacher in Kazakhstan, who has a high degree of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity, requires strengthening the upbringing and socializing components of the educational process of the university. The strategy of professional training of a modern teacher should be a polyparadigmatic concept with the leading role of ideas of personality-oriented, competence paradigm.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-239
Светлана Александровна Корягина

Основные проблемы современного образования нельзя решать без его развития. Ученые и практики обращают внимание на устаревшие формы и технологии управления работой со студентами. В современных условиях решать проблемы образования традиционными системами управления и методами становится все сложнее, поэтому возникает необходимость в адекватном построении методической оснащенности образовательного процесса в учебном заведении, что актуализирует необходимость обеспечения системы образования методическими  разработками, дидактическими материалами, которые отвечают современным требованиям педагогической практики. Организационными формами методической работы вуза являются: научно-методическая и педагогический совет; аттестация преподавателей; предметные кафедры, творческие лаборатории преподавателей; школа молодого преподавателя; психолого-педагогические и методические семинары; методические школы преподавателей-новаторов; подготовка методических пособий, публикаций в периодических и профессиональных изданиях. Большинство вышеупомянутых видов методического обеспечения являются традиционными, но все они дают возможность внедрять инновации. Однако обращается внимание только на формы и методы организации образовательного процесса, а не на психолого-педагогическое сопровождение познавательной деятельности преподавателей и методическое обеспечение управленческой деятельности как источника качества и результативности их профессиональной деятельности. Реалии выдвигают новые требования к методическому обеспечению образовательного процесса в вузt, требуя менять цели, функции и содержание, превращая уровень его качества в научно-методический. Суть и назначение научно методического обеспечения заключается в создании условий для формирования и личностно-профессионального становления преподавателей, развития их педагогических способностей, творческого потенциала. The main problems of modern education cannot be solved without its development. Scientists and practitioners pay attention to outdated forms and technologies of managing work with students. In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult to solve the problems of education with traditional management systems and methods, therefore, there is a need for an adequate construction of methodological equipment of the educational process in an educational institution, which actualizes the need to provide the education system with methodological developments, didactic materials that meet modern requirements of pedagogical practice. Organizational forms of methodological work of the university are: scientific and methodological and pedagogical council; certification of teachers; subject departments, creative laboratories of teachers; school of a young teacher; psychological, pedagogical and methodological seminars; methodological schools of innovative teachers; preparation of methodological manuals, publications in periodicals and professional publications. Most of the above-mentioned types of methodological support are traditional, but all of them make it possible to introduce innovations. However, attention is drawn only to the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and not to the psychological and pedagogical support of the cognitive activity of teachers and methodological support of managerial activities as a source of quality and effectiveness of their professional activities. The realities put forward new requirements for the methodological support of the educational process at the university, requiring changing the goals, functions and content, turning its quality level into a scientific and methodological one. The essence and purpose of scientific and methodological support is to create conditions for the formation and personal and professional development of teachers, the development of their pedagogical abilities, creative potential.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-56
Bakhytzhan Akhmetov ◽  
Valery Lakhno ◽  
Asselkhan Adranova ◽  
Baurzhan Kassymbergebayev ◽  

This article discusses the problems of ever-increasing demands on the organization and quality of the educational process on the part of society. Today there are new opportunities for the comprehensive development of students of the XXI century, new, more effective information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular cloud- oriented learning environments (COLE), are developing rapidly. The problems of the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for designing a cloud-oriented educational environment of the university and the justification of the structural scheme of its interaction with the methodological center of the ministry based on the use of cloud technologies are analyzed. It is necessary to introduce such models of the learning environment, which will allow to fully satisfy the demands of teaching staff on the organization and conduct of classes of a new type, the activation of educational activities of students, the formation of digital competence and the comprehensive development of personality. Such opportunities are provided by the use of a cloud-based educational environment of the university.

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