scholarly journals Education in the Volga Federal District in the second half of the 19th-20th centuries

2021 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 01003
Marina Alekseevna Zakharischeva ◽  
Daria Yuryevna Scriabina ◽  
Nadezhda Mikhailovna Ichetovkina ◽  
Aleksey Alekseyevich Romanov ◽  
Irina Aleksandrovna Golubeva

The article attempts to present a holistic view of the theory, practice and history of the development of public education in the modern Volga Federal District in the chronological framework of the second half of 19-20th centuries. In order to achieve the presented goal of the research, we used theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling, abstraction, classification, systematization, periodization) and historical and pedagogical methods of research, namely, comparison and contrast (comparativist), historical and structural and historical and typological. Within the geographical framework of the Volga Federal District as a complex sociocultural region with the cohabitation and interaction of different nationalities and confessions, the history of education in a holistic form has not been considered before. The authors proposed modern scientific and pedagogical methodological approaches to the analysis of the history of education of the region represented: pedagogical axiology, pedagogical regionalism, pedagogical comparativism, pedagogical synergetic, systemic-activity approaches. For the first time, the theory and practice of public education in the modern Volga Federal District are considered in the context of a unified historical and pedagogical process (without the traditional division into pre-revolutionary and Soviet stages). In addition to theoretical results of the historical and pedagogical research and practical: the formation of a bank of archival materials on the history of education in the republics and regions of the Volga Federal District; publication of the textbook “History of Public Education in the Volga Federal District”; publications in peer-reviewed journals devoted to the study of educational development in the Volga Federal District; organization and conduct of the Pedagogical Festival of Student Science of the Volga Federal District republics; as well as the preparation and production of a series of television programs about the history of the development of public education in the republics and regions of the Volga Federal District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
А. Н. Сухов

This given article reveals the topicality not only of destructive, but also of constructive, as well as hybrid conflicts. Practically it has been done for the first time. It also describes the history of the formation of both foreign and domestic social conflictology. At the same time, the chronology of the development of the latter is restored and presented objectively, in full, taking into account the contribution of those researchers who actually stood at its origins. The article deals with the essence of the socio-psychological approach to understanding conflicts. The subject of social conflictology includes the regularities of their occurrence and manifestation at various levels, spheres and conditions, including normal, complicated and extreme ones. Social conflictology includes the theory and practice of diagnosing, resolving, and resolving social conflicts. It analyzes the difficulties that occur in defining the concept, structure, dynamics, and classification of social conflicts. Therefore, it is no accident that the most important task is to create a full-fledged theory of social conflicts. Without this, it is impossible to talk about effective settlement and resolution of social conflicts. Social conflictology is an integral part of conflictology. There is still a lot of work to be done, both in theory and in application, for its complete design. At present, there is an urgent need to develop conflict-related competence not only of professionals, but also for various groups of the population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 01001
Hanna Tsvietkova ◽  
Olena Beskorsa ◽  
Liudmyla Pryimenko

The article focuses on a holistic retrospective analysis of the history of media education in Canada, which has been done for the first time. Based on the theoretical findings of Canadian media educators, the authors substantiate the periodization, identify the trends, the periodization criteria and three main periods of establishment and development of Canadian media education in the context of sociopolitical and socio-pedagogical determinants. The historical preconditions of the development of media education in Canada are revealed. The essence of media education is regarded as a theory study and development of practical skills for mastering modern mass media, which is considered as part of a specific, autonomous field of knowledge in pedagogical theory and practice. The authors determine that media education is associated with all types of media, which include the set of information and communication tools that each person interacts with in everyday life: printed (newspapers, magazines), auditive (radio, audio) and screen or audiovisual media (cinema, TV, video, multimedia, Internet, etc.); they identify the essential characteristics of media education, determine that media education is the form of media literacy and media culture of an individual; as well as they find out, characterize and systematize the gaps in media education in Canada. The article presents the evolution of media education programs, techniques as well as media education associations. In the context of studying the experience of Canadian media theorists and practitioners, the necessity of applying positive Canadian experience to solve the problems of implementing media education in Ukraine in terms of reforming and humanizing its educational space has been substantiated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-190
Marija Czepil ◽  
Oresta Karpenko

The article describes the forms of orphans’ care, custody of children deprived of parental care, their emergence and development in European countries of the 18th century – the first half of the 19th century. Attention is focused on the theory and practice of custodial education, socio-pedagogical concepts, which are based on the principle of family and living together, where you care for the child and love him. The concept of upbringing in Children’s homes, which for the first time in the history of upbringing was implemented in Switzerland, was highlighted. A significant contribution to the theory and practice of upbringing was the adoption to Rescue houses kids of both sexes. At that time that was an innovative idea.

С.М. Марчукова

В методологии современного педагогического исследования принципы герменевтического круга и герменевтической спирали, с одной стороны, способствуют пониманию конкретного знания после предварительного ознакомления с тенденциями развития абстрактного научно-теоретического знания, с другой стороны, способны стать основными структурными элементами, связывающими педагогическую науку и практику (В. В. Краевский). В статье обоснована актуальность использования герменевтического метода для раскрытия эвристического потенциала философско-образовательного проекта Я. А. Коменского, его связи с философской традицией, основы которой заложены в философии и педагогике античности и средневековья. Использование метода герменевтический спирали, «витки» которой отражают связь наследия Коменского с педагогической мыслью этих эпох, позволяет понять, что методология комениологических исследований опирается не на педагогический опыт XVII века, а на фундаментальные основания педагогической науки. Современное осмысление места философско-образовательного проекта Коменского в контексте истории науки и образования способствует соединению двух линий в комениологических исследованиях — педагогической и психологической (Днепров, 1997), развитию эвристического и прогностического аспектов историко-педагогического знания (В. Г. Безрогов, Б. М. Бим-Бад, М. В. Богуславский, Э. Д. Днепров, И. А. Колесникова, Г. Б. Корнетов, А. С. Степанова и др.). В статье приведены примеры изучения трудов Я. А. Коменского разных лет с помощью принципов герменевтического круга и герменевтической спирали. Историко-научный контекст, позволяющий иллюстрировать ретроспективу тенденций дифференциации и интеграции в истории развития образования, определяет новизну исследования. Выявление «эвристичности герменевтического круга» (Ю. С. Сенько) для становления нового педагогического мышления и развития гуманитарного аспекта педагогических технологий составляет теоретическую и практическую значимость исследования для системы высшего педагогического образования и практики работы школы. Раскрытие эвристического потенциала философско-образовательного проекта Я. А. Коменского призвано способствовать развитию отечественной комениологии как одного из фундаментальных направлений историко-педагогической науки. The principles of the hermeneutic cycle and the hermeneutic spiral typical of modern pedagogical research ensure acquisition of practical knowledge through abstract, theoretical cognition and function as structural elements that secure connections between pedagogical theory and practice (V. V. Krayevsky). The article accounts for the relevance of employing the hermeneutic method to unveil the heuristic potential of J. A. Comenius’s philosophical and educational project, to highlight its rootedness in ancient and medieval philosophy and pedagogy. Employing the method of the hermeneutic spiral, whose turns highlight the connections between J. A. Comenius’ legacy and ancient and medieval pedagogy, one can realize that the methodology of comeniological research rests on the fundamental principles of pedagogy rather than on the principles of pedagogy of the 17th century. The modern interpretation of J. A. Comenius’ philosophical and educational project in the context of history of science and education contributes to the integration of pedagogical and psychological aspects of comeniological research (Dneprov, 1997), facilitates the development of the heuristic and prognostic aspects of history of pedagogy (V. G. Bezrogov, B. M. Bim-Bad, M. V. Boguslavsky, E. D. Dneprov, I. A. Kolesnikova, G. B. Kornetov, A. S. Stepanova and others). The article focuses on the application of the principles of the hermeneutic cycle and the hermeneutic spiral to the investigation of J. A. Comenius’s works. The novelty of the research is accounted for by the fact that the tendencies of differentiation and integration are viewed through the prism of historical context. The theoretical significance and the practical value of the research consist in the investigation of the heuristic potential of the hermeneutic cycle (Yu. S. Senko) for modern pedagogical thinking and further humanization of pedagogical technologies. The investigation of the heuristic potential of J. A. Comenius’ philosophical and educational project ensures the development of Russian comeniology as a branch of history of pedagogy

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Lada Kolomiyets

The article studies and discusses the programs of interrelated lecture courses on General and Special Methodology of Translation, developed for the Ukrainian Institute of Linguistic Education by its professors Mykhailo Kalynovych and Mykola Zerov in September 1932. This material is analyzed from the perspective of psycholinguistic text theory, according to which the text is the basic unit of discourse that, in turn, is a component of communicative action, along with the situation. The study focuses on the micro- and macrotext structure of the above programs and highlights the peculiarities of their communicative intentions in the political and social reality of early Stalinism. It features the unique, innovative elements in them, but also those that were typical of the early Soviet theory of translation. For the first time not only in Ukrainian but also in the All-Union thought on translation, Kalynovych and Zerov presented in their integrated courses the ramified structure of Translation Studies as a multifaceted discipline. They introduced into the discipline novel methodology and new research directions, particularly by creating such areas as the history of translation studies and translation management. The material of Zerov's syllabus on Special Methodology of Translation is first published and discussed in this article. The typewritten text of the syllabus remained unknown until the author of the article found and identified it in the Archives of the Literary Museum of Hryhoriy Kochur, who had been a student of Zerov at the Kyiv Institute of Public Education and further remained his faithful follower. During the Khrushchev thaw, Kochur made many efforts to rehabilitate the name of Zerov – a distinguished literary scholar, lecturer, and poet-translator. The syllabus on General Methodology of Translation outlined by professor Kalynovych was found earlier in the same Archives and published in 2015. However, this article pioneers its presentation and analysis in mutual complementarity with the syllabus by Zerov.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3-4) ◽  
Jaakko Louhivuori

In this article I ponder how the actor-network theory and the practice-based studies can be applied in information practices research. The history of the actor-network theory goes back to the 1970s and 1980s and is linked to sociology as well as science and technology studies. Actually it was not intended to be so much a theory, but more like a method of combining actors into a wider story without preconceived ideas or laws of thought. In recent years, information practice research has paid more attention to the practice-based studies than to the actor-network theory. The quest for the full recognition of nonhuman factors as a part of information generation and its utilisation can be observed as a common ground with these two approaches. I believe, that if we apply the components of the actor-network theory and practice-based studies, we will get a more holistic view of information practices. These views and results may be used to review information practices and to develop the information processes further.

T.Y. Fedotova ◽  

The article captures up to date issues of music education of the secondary professional educational organizations. The complexity and at the same time uniqueness of the music teacher/music director professions are noted, the problem of decrease of applicants' educational background is described. Interviews with teachers of subject-cycle commissions and content analysis of educational and methodological documentation on the disciplines included in the music-theoretical training and interdisciplinary courses from the professional module PM.03 Pedagogical musical and performing activities among educational institutions of the Volga Federal District, confirming the need for transforming the educational process by creating an integrative model of musical and theoretical training were conducted. Scientific research in the field of pedagogical integration is analyzed, it is determined that integration in pedagogy is not only a process and result, but also the principle of development of its theory and practice. As a result of pedagogical integration the integrative thinking is defined. Based on the obtained knowledge the methodological basis for the design of an integrative model was formed. The leading approach to modeling of professional musical-theoretical training of students is the integrative one, which ensures the integrity of professional formation of specialists and is manifested in the extent of integrative thinking, the growth of systematic knowledge, complexity of skills, willingness for self-actualization and self-development. The design of the model of musical-theoretical training is carried out taking into account the implementation of integrative processes at four levels: inter-subject, intra-subject, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The leading principle of modeling the content of musical and theoretical training of students is the principle of integration, which ensures the effective achievement of the goals of the educational process by forming a holistic view of the musical art. To implement this principle, the following tasks are solved: the object of integration is defined, factors that contribute and do not contribute to the integration of the designated objects are identified, and the expected result is defined. According to the results of the functioning of the model, students have developed skills of integrative thinking, performing and pedagogical skills, increased interest and activity in the learning process and the emergence of emotional and value orientations. The article proves the need to use an integrative model of musical-theoretical training of students of a pedagogical college.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 257
Rogério Cunha de Castro ◽  
Lia Ciomar Macedo de Faria

O fechamento arbitrário de escolas pela Rede Estadual de Educação de São Paulo, exatamente no momento em que celebramos o sesquicentenário do Congresso de Genebra (1866), momento em que os internacionalistas congregados em torno da Associação Internacional dos Trabalhadores elegeram a educação como uma das suas principais bandeiras, reconduz as questões educacionais ao centro das discussões, consagrando-as como uma das nossas mais pungentes demandas. Nesse sentido, observamos que, no campo da história da educação, revisar experiências pedagógicas do passado nos auxilia a encontrar pistas e indícios de permanências que podem ancorar nossas lutas pela educação pública deste século XXI.To whom do our schools belong? The arbitrary closure of public schools in São Paulo, at exactly the time when we celebrate the 160th Geneva Congress (1866), a time when the internationalists gathered around the Workers' International Association elected education as one of its main flags, reappoints educational issues to the center of discussions, consecrating them as one of our urgent demands. In this sense, the field of History of Education, is important to review educational experiences of our past because they helps us to find evidences and clues of continuities that can anchoring our struggles for public education in this XXI century. Keywords: International Workers Association; Modern Schools; Ocupated Schools; São Paulo.

Anatolii Pavko ◽  
Lyudmyla Kurylo ◽  

The article emphasizes that J. A. Komensky as one of the creators of the modern pedagogical system showed himself in his numerous works as a passionate and consistent supporter of education general democratization. For the first time in the history of world pedagogical thought he created a system of rational and progressive didactics, substantiated the significant influence of native language on training and education. From the standpoint of democracy and humanism, he made a profound and substantiated critical analysis of the entire medieval and scholastic system of education. He thoroughly studied, and according to his social, pedagogical and philosophical outlook critically reworked those valuables that his predecessors and contemporaries accumulated in the theory and practice of education. J. Komensky developed a progressive pedagogical doctrine permeated with the idea of nationality. On the basis of Komensky’s fundamental philosophical and pedagogical work “Great Didacticsˮ the paper analyses the authorʼs contribution to the development of the education theory and practice. It proclaims the exceptional importance of the work, which substantiates a new system of human education based on the carefully learned laws of nature, and addressed to the eternal values. The focus is laid on the scientist’s basic innovative approaches, namely to the development of methods, didactic principles, rules of teaching, the provisions of the education system and school studies, etc. The authors of the article conclude that in modern conditions of modernizing, renewing the various segments of the Ukrainian education system according to the European requirements and criteria the idea of the creative, constructive and critical comprehension and reception of the unique and diverse pedagogical heritage of Jan Amos Komensky by specialists, theorists and practitioners remains relevant. Keywords: Jan Amos Komensky, “Great Didacticsˮ, scientific and pedagogical heritage, European cultural heritage.

Dmitry Sergeevich Ermakov

Recent transformations in pedagogical theory and practice arouse interest in innovative methods. The developed in the late XX century methodology of conducting an informal focused discourse “World Café” can be applied for solution of complex issues, integration of opinions of the experts in different fields, arrangement of group work, recapitulation, exchange of experience, etc. Currently, this technique enjoys popularity worldwide. The subject of this research is the history of creation, functional capabilities and peculiarities of application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research. The article presents a brief overview of on the history of its emergence. The fundamental principles and rules of its implementation are outlined. The article reveals the peculiarities of application of “World Café” in scientific-pedagogical purposes as a qualitative method of research of socio-constructivist direction, which facilitates the dialogue, opens access to knowledge and opinions of broad range of participants, advances mutual learning, as well as serves as the source of valuable information. The author analyzed Russian and foreign examples of application of “World Café” methodology for resolving the indicated issues. The article describes the characteristics of this method in comparison with such methods of obtaining quality information as individual interviews and focus groups. Comparative merits and flaws are identified.

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