scholarly journals How to record learning activity with a smartphone on lesson study program

2019 ◽  
Vol 1157 ◽  
pp. 042131
I Kuntadi ◽  
I Widiaty ◽  
A Ana ◽  
L Widaningsih ◽  
S R Mubaroq
Muhfahroyin Muhfahroyin ◽  
Anak Agung Oka

Improving learning quality in 21<sup>st</sup> can not be separated from contextual learning and student-centered learning paradigm. Through the contextual lesson study program conducted in learning-forest prototype to build learning community. The objectives of this research were to improve learning activities of postgraduate students in Biology Education department and to build a learning community. The implementation of lesson study was conducted in the Biology Learning Innovation subject for postgraduate students while practicing to observe open lesson was conducted in the undergraduate students which used learning forest-prototype. The postgraduate students took roles as planner, observer, and reflector in the plan, do (open lesson), and see (reflection) activities. The lesson study implementation was conducted for three cycles in even semester of academic year 2015/2016. Students learned collaboratively and contextually. The postgraduate students’ learning activities were observed by six observers from lecturer colleagues. The research results showed that the students were able to implement planning, open lesson, and reflection properly. The average of student’s learning activity grade was 91.11% from all of students, with the grade averages for planning, open lesson, and reflection activities were 88.89%, 93.33%, and 91.11% respectively. The implementation of this lesson study in the learning forest-prototype can be done in other relevant subjects to strengthen learning activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-35

Tujuan dari penulisan best practices ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah ketidakefektifan manajemen sekolah dengan  melaksanakan model manajemen sekolah yang menekankan pada pelayanan yang Peduli dan Telaten serta memberikan Sugesti dan memelihara Tradisi, yang kemudian penulis menyebutnya dengan Manajemen Layanan Pelet Sutera (selanjutnya disingkat ML-Pelet Sutra). Pelet akronim dari Peduli dan telaten, Peduli berarti peduli atas dasar energi kesadaran dan kasih sayang. Sutra akronim dari sugesti, tradisi. Sugesti berarti saran, anjuran, pengaruh yang dapat menggerakkan orang dan sebagainya. Dalam kaitan ini sugesti diterapkan untuk memberikan pengertian, pemahaman dan pencerahan kepada guru dan karyawan, peserta didik, dan masyarakat warga sekolah di SMPN 2 Talegong untuk bersama-sama berusaha meningkatkan prestasi sekolah. Tradisi adalah adat kebiasaan turun-menurun (dari nenek-moyang) yang masih dijalankan di masyarakat; Tradisi juga berarti penilaian atau anggapan bahwa cara-cara yang telah ada merupakan cara yang paling baik dan benar. Metode penulisannya dengan cara mendeskripsikan apa yang telah dilakukan selama menjalankan ML-Pelet Sutera, mulai dari dilaksanakan program semangat pagi, program embun pagi, program “DUTA Mengaji”, program lesson study, program “SABER PUNGLI”(Sabtu Bersih Pungut Limbah), program salat berjamaah dan salat duha bersama, kegiatan IHT (In House Training) atau Workshoop, program supervisi pembelajaran,  pengembangan kewirausahaan melalui penanaman pohon lada hasil susup batang dengan pohon melada, sampai dengan program pembelajaran budaya pemanfaatan bahan baku bambu yang biasanya hanya menjadi kayu bakar  menjadi sesuatu yang bernilai artistik. Hasil yang dicapai setelah dilaksanakan ML-Pelet Sutera di SMPN 2 Talegong, di antaranya adalah bertambahnya Sarpras dan fasilitas, Terbangunnya ketertiban dan kedisiplinan dilandasi semangat kebersamaan, Kekeluargaan dan semangat berprestasi di kalangan guru dan siswa, Meningkatnya kepercayaan, Kepedulian dan partisipasi masyarakat, Meningkatnya profesionalitas guru/karyawan dan hal ini berdampak positif bagi peningkatan prestasi belajar peserta didik di sekolah, yang pada ujungnya meningkatnya pretasi sekolah.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Nur Rokhimah Hanik

This study aims to improve the activity and results of student learning in the subject of Anatomy Plant through a comparative study  model based lesson study. The method used is classroom action research with 4 cycles. Samples used  in this study is the third semester students of regular education courses Biology FKIP Veteran Bangun Nusantara University Sukoharjo force 2012/2013 as many as 24 people. The study began in November 2013 and April 2014. The learning activities were observed in the form of discussion and presentation activities, while learning outcomes measured were the post-test results after completion of the learning process of each cycle. Data analysis techniques with comparative descriptive, comparing the results of learning and learning activity cycle with the cycle I to IV. From the  results of this study concluded that the average post-test or study results from Cycle I to IV increased starting 3.47, 3.72, 3.73 and 3.85, though in terms of learning activities is still not satisfactory because it only categorized quite active for the first cycle to the active cycle III and cycle IV. Keywords: Model Comparison learning, learning activities, learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Mahrus Mahrus ◽  
Lalu Zulkifli ◽  
Syachruddin AR

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to improve the results and learning process of Genetic subjects in the Biology Education Study Program through lesson study (LS). The research type is descriptive, the sampling technique used purposive. The study sample used 40 students in the sixth semester of class a Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, University of Mataram in academic year 2017/2018. The research data collection technique used observation, documentation, and tests. Data on student learning outcomes and LS-based learning processes were analyzed descriptively. LS implementation in this study consisted of four cycles and each cycle consisted of three stages, namely: planning, implementation, and reflection. Classically the average value of students' cognitive achievement is 82.1% in cycle I and II while in cycle III and IV it increases to 82.67%. Data from LS implementation observation results obtained an average value of 91.63%. The conclusion of this study is the application of LS learning can improve student achievement and learning processes on Genetic subjects in the Biology Education Study Program. It is recommended to other researchers to conduct similar follow-up research in broader research areas, more samples, use more complex research designs, and use more subjects so that more optimal results can be found. Keywords: Lessons Study; learning; genetics; learning achievements; collaborative

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Nur'im Septi Lestari

In PGMI Program STAIN Al-Fatah Jayapura quality of learning still little bit unsatisfied, because by following the acreditatuon score is C. Based on the fact, implementation management of strategy program PGMI still don't applied yet optimally. This matter affected by number of human resources still limited at homebase of PGMI and theres is not certain duty yet, even head of program education, so all the decision is centered on course department. The aim of this research is to find out the implementation ofmanagement strategy and instructional’s quality of PGMI study program. Based on the result of the data this research has management of strategy in the PGMI Program there were: a.) planning of the learning activity through making learning activity schedule that consist of kind of subjects and list of supported lecturer b.) conducting learning activity in PGMI Program when it conducted as learning schedule and RPS. c.)  controlling/supervising based on : lecturer journal, lecturer teaching daily journal, lecturer absent and lecturer questionaire. d.) evaluation learning activity was applied clearly from lecturer or students. For lecturer through first meeting and the last semester. Meanwhile, evaluation for students through ; active and present score, individual task nor group that given by lecturer, mid-term test, last-term test, and comprehensive test in the end of study. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Sri Irawati ◽  
Agus Subaidi

The aim to be achieved in this study was to determine the increase in activity and student learning outcomes in the application of lesson study based multi-representational learning in linear program subjects. The type of research is class action research which consists of the steps of preparation, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects were Madura University mathematics education study program students in semester 6. The instruments used included validator assessment sheets for learning devices, observation sheets of student activities during the learning process, observation sheets of lecturers' ability to manage learning, questionnaires sheets of student responses to the implementation of learning and test results learn. Based on the results of the study, there was an increase in student activity from 3.16 in cycle 1, 3.31 in cycle 2, to 3.67 in cycle 3. The learning outcome test also increased from 63.2% in cycle 1, 78.94% at cycle 2 becomes 89.47% in cycle 3. So it can be concluded that lesson study based multi-presentation learning can improve student learning outcomes in linear program subjects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Heri Triluqman Budisantoso ◽  
NFn Mulyoto ◽  
Leo Agung Sutimin

The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process developed into a fight trought various designs and strategies which can be grouped into (1) E-learning as a learning form system that utilizes electronic devices and digital media,  and (2) Mobile learning (M-learning)  as a particular learning form to utilize mobile communication devices and information technology. The rapid development of mobile devices, relatively easy operation,  and more affordable prices,  is supporting factors in the widespread use of mobile learning into a new alternative of learning media. Those conditions encourage the learning paradigm that can be done anytime and anywhere.  The purpose of research to be achieved is to develop the design of the android camera based simulator software model as a learning media in cinematography lesson study program of educational technology FIP Unnes.  This research method refers to the research and development strategy proposed by Borg and Gall (in Sukmadinata,  2016) with some modifications that have been developed by Sukmadinata.  The research procedure used in the study focusing on the development stages of application design model.  The steps includes the following steps (1) model development (product design), (2) design validation, (3) design revisions. The results of research on the development of video camera simulator model can be concluded that the application of android based video camera in the process of validation by media experts obtained the results of software engineering aspects obtained 92 scores with very good category, while the visual communication design aspect scored 84, also with very good category. As for the material experts, validation on aspects of learning design got score 85 with very good category as well. Based on the validation results of media experts and materials experts, the application of this androdi-based video camera simulator is improved according to the records of media experts and material experts. Before used in the next research process should this application really well prepared, so the results obtained in accordance with the expected AbstrakPengintegrasian teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam proses pembelajaran terus berkembang dengan berbagai pola dan strategi, yang dapat dikelompokkan menjadi (1) sistem e-Learning sebagai bentuk pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan perangkat elektronik dan media digital, dan (2) mobile learning (m-learning) sebagai bentuk pembelajaran yang khusus memanfaatkan perangkat dan teknologi komunikasi bergerak. Perkembangan perangkat mobile yang begitu pesat, operasional yang relatif mudah, dan harga yang semakin terjangkau, merupakan faktor pendorong semakin meluasnya penggunaan mobile learning menjadi alternatif baru media pembelajaran. Kondisi tersebut mendorong terbentuknya paradigma pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan kapanpun dan dimanapun. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah mengembangkan desain model Aplikasi Simulator Kamera Video Berbasis Android sebagai media pembelajaran mata kuliah sinematografi pembelajaran prodi Teknologi Pendidikan FIP Unnes. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada strategi penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh Borg dan Gall (dalam Sukmadinata, 2016) dengan beberapa modifikasi yang telah dikembangkan oleh Sukmadinata. Adapun dalam artikel ini, prosedur penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian, fokus pada tahap pengembangan desain model aplikasi. Dalam tahap ini mencakup langkah-langkah sebagai berikut (1) Model pengembangan (desain produk), (2) Validasi desain, (3) Revisi desain, Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengembangan desain model aplikasi simulator kamera video berbasis android dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah sesuai prosedur penelitian di atas, diawali dengan analisis kebutuhan, kemudian menyusun peta kompetensi, peta materi, Garis Besar Isi Media (GBIM), jabaran materi, flowchart dan naskah, kemudian dilakukan validasi desain dan revisi produk. Desain model aplikasi simulator kamera video ini juga siap digunakan untuk tahap penelitian dan pengembangan selanjutnya. Penggunaan aplikasi simulator kamera video berbasis android sangat diperlukan dalam proses pembelajaran mata kuliah sinematografi pembelajaran, khususnya materi teknik dan prosedur pengambilan gambar karena dapat membantu mahasiswa belajar secara mandiri

Patang Hafira

Lesson study has commonly three stages in the implementation. They are plan, do, and see. In the process, a relationship occurs between people who are involved in it. They are the teachers, students, and observers. This research focuses about the positive relation happened between teachers and observers. Positive relation between people who are involved in learning process could improve classroom quality. The positive relation is named mutualism. In biological term, mutualism is when two organisms of different species "work together", each benefiting from the relationship. Meaning contained in the term is used by the researcher to indicate a relationship that occurs in the lesson study process. This research aims at finding out the mutualism in lesson study, especially the mutualism between teachers and students. The method used in this research was qualitative method. The research took place at English Education Study Program, Cokroaminoto Palopo University, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Teachers and students in this institution were taken as the participants of the research. Data gained through classroom observation and focus group interview. The result of the research shows that mutualism happens between teachers and observers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Марія Августюк

Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню цілеспрямованого педагогічного супроводу в оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяльності студентів. Визначено пріоритетні за­в­дан­ня педагога, що спрямовані на сприяння оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяль­ності і можливі через визначення, oрiєнтування та кooрдинування пiзнавальнoї дiяльнoстi студентiв. Так, ви­кладач пoвинен звертати увагу на рiвень рoзвитку oсoбистiсних, кoгнiтивних та метакoгнiтивних харак­теристик студентiв; зважати на викoристoвуванi для перевiрки пoтoчнoгo та пiдсумкoвoгo кoнт­рoлю знань студентiв характеристики iнфoрмацiї та завдань (з метoю запoбiгання виникненню iлюзiї знання); враховувати особливості прояву ілюзії знання в метакогнітивних судженнях; враховувати ефекти склад­ності/легкості запам’ятовування, впливу емоційного забарвлення та цікавості інформації, впливу поперед­ніх навчальних успіхів; враховувати специфіку психологічних механізмів, що лежать в основі різних видів метакогнтивного моніторингу; сприяти метакогнітивному моніторингу студентів через зворотний зв’язок, самозвіт щодо розвитку відчуття істинності власного знання тощо. Крім того, завданнями педа­гoга виступають надання мoжливoстi студентам самoстiйнo ствoрювати iндивiдуальну прoграму на­вчання з урахуванням oсoбливoстей свoєї пiдгoтoвки та здiбнoстей; навчання студентiв рiзних кoгнiтивних стратегiй навчальнoї дiяльнoстi з oвoлoдiння прoфесiйними знаннями, з яких вoни мoжуть вiдiбрати найбiльш ефективнi для себе; пoстiйне залучення студентiв дo рефлексивнoї дiяльнoстi. Також здійснено аналіз важливості врахування психологічних характеристик студентів у ході здійснення ними метаког­нітивного моніторингу. Зокрема, підкреслено важливість стимулювання навчальної мотивації студентів, формування у них адекватної самооцінки, розвитку високих показників рефлексивності, метакогнітивних обізнаності, знань та активності, здатності до самостійного оцінювання своєї діяльності та її резуль­татів. Окреслені перспективи подальших розвідок з цієї проблеми The article is dedicated to the theoretical description of the goal-oriented pedagogical assistance in optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students. In particular, we highlighted priority tasks of university teachers that are oriented to provide assistance with optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity and are possible through definition, orientation, and coordination of the cognitive activity of university students. Thus, the pedagogical tasks are to provide students with the opportunity to create a self-study program taking into account their own learning backgrounds and interests; training students for different cognitive strategies of the learning activity in the sphere of professional knowledge, from which they are able to choose the most effective ones for themselves; constant involvement of students in reflexive activities. Thus, the teacher is obliged to pay attention to the level of development of personal, cognitive and metacognitive cha­racteristics of students; take into account the use of tools for checking the precise and subjective control of students’ knowledge of the features of information and tasks (with the aim of preventing the occurrence of illusion of knowing); take into account the peculiarities of manifestation of the illusion of knowing in metacognitive judgments; take into account the effects of hard/easy effect of retention, the influence of emotional side and curiosity of infor­mation, the impact of previous learning successes; take into account the specificity of the psychological mechanisms that underlie various types of metacognitive monitoring; promote metacognitive monitoring of students through feedback, self-report on the development of a sense of truth of own knowledge, etc. In addition, an analysis of the importance of psychological characteristics in students’ judgments of metacognitive monitoring was carried out. Among the most important characteristics, student motivation, academic achievements, feedback, and self-regu­lation are the characteristics aimed to provide better understanding of the nature of metacognitive monitoring effectiveness and can help in the annihilation of the negative impact of the illusion of knowing. In particular, the importance of stimulating students’ learning motivation, forming of their adequate self-esteem, development of high indicators of reflectivity, metacognitive awareness, knowledge and activity, ability to independently evaluate their activity and its results is emphasized. The prospects for further researches on this problem are outlined

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
I Wayan Gunada ◽  
Syahrial Ayub ◽  
Kesipudin Kesipudin

The aim of this research is to improve the quality process, to develop creative thinking, and to create a good result of lesson study by implementing a problem solving method. This research is a class action research which involved 19 physcics students who enroll in matrik and vector space subject at even semester of 2017-2018. The data was collected by employing test and interview. It is analyzed by descriptive method. The result of this problem solving reseach are (1) giving the positive impact towards the ability of creative thinking (2) increasing the result of learning process (3) improving the ability of students to better understand the learning process and the ability to apply this problem solving  method in any types of problems, and (4) increasing students' learning activity. Based on the result of this research, it is recommended to implementing the problem solving method in any types of learning. The problem solving method is expected to be the answer of any problems in physics.

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