scholarly journals Optimal composition of poultry balls based on natural brown flax bran

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012080
T N Suhareva ◽  
V A Babushkin ◽  
A S Ratushny ◽  
K I Toporkova ◽  
N Yu Tolstova

Abstract The paper established that depending on the number of natural brown flax bran and squash the prefabricated poultry meat does not significantly change its indicators, but the most optimal is sample No. 2 – with the replacement of the wheat bread norm with 50% natural brown flax bran; with the replacement of the water norm with 50% squash – Kurazh. The content of amino acids in Kurazh balls was higher than in the control sample, which indicates their biological value and quality. The study of the content of such acute deficient amino acids as lysine, methionine and tryptophan showed that the Kurage balls exceed the control sample in amino acids: lysine – by 77.6%, methionine – by 125.5%, tryptophane – by 78.1, respectively. A new kind of balls with functional ingredients has a number of useful properties for the human body and may be recommended for gerodietetic nutrition.


Исследовано влияние муки киноа торговых марок (ТМ) «Ярмарка» (Россия), «Мистраль» (Россия) и «Bohlsener & Muehle» (Германия), представленных на российском рынке, на химический состав, показатели качества и биологическую ценность формового хлеба из пшеничной муки. Муку киноа указанных ТМ вносили при замесе теста в количестве 10 и 20% взамен пшеничной муки. При внесении муки киноа происходило незначительное уменьшение объемного выхода хлеба: с 485 см3 в контрольном образце до 420 см3 в опытных. Образцы хлеба с внесением 20% муки киноа разных ТМ имели приятный легкий ореховый аромат. Установлено, что внесение 10–20% муки киноа не оказало отрицательного влияния на качество хлебобулочных изделий. Однако в образце хлеба с добавкой муки киноа содержалось белков на 2,1, пищевых волокон на 1,4 и жира на 0,3 г/100 г больше по сравнению с контрольным образцом – хлебом из пшеничной муки без добавок. Образец хлеба с добавкой 20% муки киноа ТМ «Ярмарка» превосходил образец хлеба из пшеничной муки без добавок по общему количеству аминокислот на 55%, в том числе по содержанию заменимых аминокислот – на 71,5%, незаменимых – почти на 20%, а содержание жира в хлебе повысилось с 0,9 до 3,2%. Доказано, что хлеб с добавкой муки киноа в количестве 20% взамен хлебопекарной пшеничной муки по своим органолептическим показателям качества не уступает хлебу, приготовленному по традиционной рецептуре, а по пищевой и биологической ценности превосходит его. The influence of flour quinoa brands «Yarmarka» (Russia), «Mistral» (Russia) and «Bohlsener & Muehle» (Germany), presented on the Russian market, on chemical composition, the quality indicators and biological value of bread from wheat flour studied. The quinoa flour of these brands was introduced when mixing the dough at 10 and 20% instead of wheat flour. With the introduction of quinoa flour, a slight decrease in the volume of bread occurred: from 485 cm3in the control sample to 420 cm3in the experimental. Samples of bread with the introduction of 20% flour quinoa different brands had a pleasant light nutty flavor. It is established that the introduction of 10–20% quinoa flour did not have a negative impact on the quality of bakery products. However, the sample of bread with the addition of quinoa flour contained of proteins on 2,1, of dietary fiber on 1,4 and fat on 0,3 g/100 g more than the control sample – bread from wheat flour without additives. The sample of bread with the addition of 20% of quinoa flour of the brand «Yarmarka» was superior to the sample of bread from wheat flour with no additives in the total number of amino acids on 55%, including the content of essential amino acids – on 71,5%, essential – almost by 20% and the fat content of bread increased from 0,9 to 3,2%. It is proved that bread with the addition of quinoa flour in the amount of 20% instead of baking wheat flour in its organoleptic quality indicators is not inferior to bread prepared according to the traditional recipe, and in food and biological value exceeds it.


Представлен комплексный подход к оптимизации состава мучной поликомпонентной смеси для ржано-пшеничных хлебобулочных изделий, учитывающий химический состав и технологические свойства пищевых ингредиентов смеси, а также их влияние на основной технологически формирующий компонент – ржано-пшеничную муку. Проектирование состава поликомпонентных смесей осуществляли с помощью разработанной ранее программы. Было сгенерировано более 20 образцов модельных мучных смесей, из которых отобрано 4 образца с показателями биологической ценности не менее 70% для приготовления хлебобулочных изделий. Приготовление осуществляли ускоренным способом с использованием подкислителя «Лезизауэр», прессованных дрожжей и соли в количестве, % от массы смеси, 2,0; 2,2 и 1,5 соответственно. Воду вносили по расчету с учетом массовой доли влаги ингредиентов. Продолжительность брожения составляла 60–70 мин, расстойки – 35–40 мин. Изделия выпекали при (200 ± 10)ºС до температуры внутри мякиша 97–98ºС. В качестве контроля был приобретенный в торговой сети хлеб ржано-пшеничный «Спасский», выпеченный АО «Орловский хлебокомбинат». Установлено, что выпеченные образцы ржано-пшеничного хлеба из разработанных мучных поликомпонентых смесей имеют сбалансированный состав белков, жиров и углеводов – 1,0 : 0,8 : 3,9–4,8 соответственно и кальция, фосфора и магния – 1,0 : 0,5–0,6 : 1,2–1,5 соответственно. По сравнению с хлебом ржано-пшеничным «Спасский» в хлебобулочных изделиях из мучных поликомпонентных смесей повысилось содержание белка и липидов соответственно на 0,8–2,3 и 2,7–3,5%, количество углеводов снизилось на 5,5–7,2%, увеличилось количество клетчатки в 4,5–5,5 раза, кальция в 5,5–7,5 раза, фосфора в 1,5–1,6 раза, магния в 1,1–1,2 раза. Биологическая ценность разработанных хлебобулочных изделий повысилась на 7,9–18,4% в сравнении с контрольным образцом. A comprehensive approach to optimizing the composition of a multi-component flour mixture for rye-wheat bakery products, taking into account the chemical composition and technological properties of the food ingredients of the mixture, as well as their influence on the main technologically forming component – rye-wheat flour, is presented. The design of the composition of multicomponent mixtures was carried out using a previously developed program. More than 20 samples of model flour mixtures were generated, of which 4 samples with indicators of biological value of at least 70% were selected for the preparation of bakery products. Preparation was carried out by an accelerated method using the acidifier «Lezisauer», compressed yeast and salt in an amount, % of the mass of the mixture, 2,0; 2,2 and 1,5 respectively. Water is added according to the calculation taking into account the mass fraction of moisture of the ingredients. The duration of fermentation was 60–70 minutes, proofing – 35–40 minutes. The products were baked at (200 ± 10)°C to the temperature inside the crumb 97–98°C. The rye-wheat bread «Spassky» purchased in the retail chain was used as a control. It was found that the baked samples of rye-wheat bread from the developed multi-component flour mixtures have a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – 1,0 : 0,8 : 3,9–4,8 respectively and calcium, phosphorus and magnesium – 1,0 : 0,5–0,6 : 1,2–1,5 accordingly. Compared with rye-wheat bread «Spassky» in bakery products made from flour multicomponent mixtures, the content of protein and lipids increased respectively by 0,8–2,3 and 2,7–3,5%, the amount of carbohydrates decreased by 5,5–7,2%, the amount of fiber increased by 4,5–5,5 times, calcium by 5,5–7,5 times, phosphorus by 1,5–1,6 times, magnesium by 1,1–1,2 times. The biological value of the developed bakery products increased by 7,9–18,4% in comparison with the control sample.

2021 ◽  
pp. 20-25
Елена Владимировна Буракова ◽  
Татьяна Ноевна Слуцкая ◽  
Екатерина Васильевна Шадрина

Обоснована возможность получения мясных кулинарных продуктов с добавлением компонентов морского происхождения (макруруса малоглазого, тепловых экстрактов из голотурий - трепанга и кукумарии). В качестве основного сырья использованы мясо индейки и курицы, баранина и говядина. Критериями для оценки данного направления в технологии служили результаты органолептического исследования образцов и показателей биологической ценности. Установлено, что рациональным количеством при производстве котлет из мяса птицы мышечной ткани макруруса малоглазого является 25 % от основного ингредиента рецептуры; биологическая ценность готового изделия при этом увеличивается почти на 20 %. Тепловые экстракты из голотурий (трепанга и кукумарии), применяемые практически вместо воды в составе рецептур котлет из говядины или баранины, способствуют повышению органолептической оценки, а также положительно влияют на биологическую ценность, которая выше, чем у контроля, почти на 18 %. Использование тепловых экстрактов из морского сырья (голотурий) приводит к обогащению продукции растворимыми коллагеновыми фрагментами (установлено по увеличению количества свободного оксипролина), биологически активными аминокислотами (глутаминовая и аспарагиновая, аланин, глицин, пролин), аминосахарами и тритерпеновыми гликозидами. The possibility of obtaining meat culinary products with the addition of components of marine origin (small-eyed macrurus, thermal extracts from holothurium-trepang and cucumaria) is justified. Turkey and chicken meat, lamb and beef are used as the main raw materials. The criteria for evaluating this direction in the technology were the results of organoleptic examination of samples and indicators of biological value. It is established that the rational amount in the production of cutlets from poultry meat of muscle tissue of small - eyed macrurus is 25 % of the main ingredient of the recipe; the biological value of the finished product increases by almost 20 %. Thermal extracts from holothurias (trepang and cucumaria), used instead of water in the recipes of beef or lamb cutlets, contributes to an increase in organoleptic evaluation, and also positively affects the biological value, which is higher than that of the control by almost 18 %. The use of thermal extracts from marine raw materials (holothurias) leads to the enrichment of products with soluble collagen fragments, biologically active amino acids (glutamic and aspartic, alanine, glycine, proline), amino sugars and triterpene glycosides.

O. Fursik ◽  
I. Strashynskyi ◽  
V. Pasichnyi ◽  
R Svyatnenko

Food proteins, besides being used as sources of energy and providing the body with amino acids for the protein synthesis, are important biological objects that help maintain the overall health of a person, participate in the growth and development of the organism, and the functioning of cellular metabolism. Due to the ability of maintaining a balance between anabolic and catabolic metabolism, industrial proteins have achieved the status of a biologically active ingredient or substance that promotes health, which is associated with the placement of peptides or amino acids in the chain encoded in each protein. The article presents the data of conducted researches on the influence of created functional composition containing protein (FCP) of the given composition and properties on SCORE and indicators of  biological efficiency  of cooked sausages proteins. Biological value, as a criterion for evaluating the protein, is very important for determining the effectiveness of its use by the organism. The product's amino acid composition is one of the indicators of its biological value. As a result of the obtained data analysis on the study of the experimental cooked sausage's amino acid composition, it was found that the experimental samples using the FCP were balanced by the content of essential amino acids in comparison with the control sample. For a experimental sample number 1 using FCP in combination with red poultry compared to the control sample, the number of all essential amino acids is increased by an average of 67.2%. For the experimental sample number 2 using FCP combined with mechanical deboned poultry meat (MDPM), there is a decrease in the number of amino acids such as lysine, valine, sulfur-containing (compared to the experimental sample number 1), the SCORE for which is less than 100%. Calculating the indicator of biological value and comparative redundancy, and the coefficients of differentiation the amino acid composition (CDAAC) and utility, generalized the effect of FCP on the biological efficiency of the product's protein. The use of FCP in the cooked sausages technology in the amount of 30% increases the biological value of experimental samples by an average of 3%, utilitarian utilization rate – by 8.4%, and reduces the comparative redundancy by an average of 50%, CDAAC – by 4% compared to the control sample. Replacement of the meat raw material developed by the FCP in the recipes of cooked sausages increases and balances the amino acid composition of the experimental samples.

A. T. Vasyukova ◽  
D. A. Tikhonov ◽  
T. A. Tonapetyan ◽  
D. A. Kulikov

The basic information about the possibility of regulating the functional and technological properties of forcemeat systems from skinny ocean fish using fat-containing products, flavoring additives, structure-forming agents and functional food supplements is presented. This mutual addition of the recipe with various components allows you to create a combined special-purpose mincemeat and products based on it that best meet the needs of the body for nutritional and biological value. The purpose of the research is to regulate the functional and technological properties of forcemeat systems from skinny ocean fish using functional supplements. The objects of study in regulating the functional and technological properties of minced systems were pollock, cod, wheat bread from premium flour, butter extract of dried mushrooms, Provencal mayonnaise and Mobi-Lux Universal as a dietary supplement. Oil extracts of plant materials made it possible to stabilize the functional and technological properties of the raw materials, increase the biological value, and emphasize the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. Nutritional supplements along with Mobi-Universal Universal enriched minced Ca, Fe and I, as well as vitamins, dietary fiber and protein. We used standard and generally accepted sensory, rheological, physicochemical and microbiological methods for studying raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of raw materials with ocean fish was carried out to establish benefits. The high protein content in fish raw materials and Mobi-Lux Universal will help to structure the product, increase nutritional value, and adjust the structural and mechanical properties of minced systems. It was found that the WCS for the experimental sample of pollock minced meat reaches a maximum value of 75.9–77.1%, which is 3.5% higher than the WCS of the control sample; a similar tendency is observed for a sample of minced meat from cod - the WCL reaches 78.3–79.9%, which is 3.9% higher than the same indicator for the control sample. The PNS of minced meat containing pollock is almost 2 times higher than the value of this indicator in the control sample; for cod PNS is 25% higher than that of the control.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
L. Peshuk ◽  
O. Gorbach ◽  
O. Galenko ◽  
L. Vovk

The research is dedicated to the development of recipes of cooked sausages and their diversification through including in the recipes poultry meat, and by-products of processing meat and milk. The meat products most affordable and popular with the Ukrainian people are selected for the study: cooked sausages and poultry meat wieners. The main components of the recipes are: red poultry meat, mechanically deboned poultry meat, medium-fat pork. In the recipes of the products developed, 10 % of the basic raw material was replaced with a hydrated protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement. According to its physico-chemical characteristics, the protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement in the technology of cooked sausage products allows us to get ready-made products with excellent quality parameters. It has been established that adding protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement to the formulation significantly effects on the physico-chemical, functional, and technological parameters and biological value of meat products. The experimental data obtained show that the moisture content of the fresh stuffing for the sausages Kuryacha and the wieners Videnski is by 0.9 and 1.7%, respectively, higher than that in the control samples. The water-binding power in the fresh stuffing of the control samples is by 5% lower than in the test samples. In the finished product, the moisture-holding capacity is higher in the test samples (by 5.9% in the sausages Kuryacha, by 3.8% in the wieners Videnski). The study has shown that the amino acid score difference coefficient (AASDC) in the control sample of cooked sausage was by 11.2% higher than in the sample of the cooked sausage Kuryacha. In the control sausages, it was 13.0% higher than in the Videnski wieners. The developed cooked sausage products with the protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement can be introduced into production as functional products with improved biological value.

I. I. Simonova ◽  
L. V. Peshuk

Manufacturing of chopped products of poultry meat and lentils is one of the promising areas of meat food production. The combination of animal and plant components allows to supplement the products with lacking biologically active substances and to obtain food products with a required chemical composition. In this respect, issues related to the investigation of the possibility to use lentil flour, maize grits in prefabricated poultry meat products, and the improvement of their technology are relevant. An analytical review of the literature was conducted, meat for processing was selected, new recipes of truncated semi-finished products using lentil flour, maize grits were developed, organoleptic parameters of truncated semi-finished products were determined, physicochemical and functional-technological properties of minced meat products of semi-finished raw and finished products were investigated. The main raw material for the production of semi-finished products is semi-lean pork, goose meat, chicken meat, sprouted lentil flour, maize grits for pre-dust and other components according to the developed formulation. Cutlets were taken as a control sample, its recipe include first grade beef, semi-lean pork, wheat flour bread, wheat bread wheat bread and other ingredients. According to the organoleptic evaluation of new types of minced semi-finished products, it was found that the best organoleptic properties had samples that included semi-lean pork and chicken meat, with addition of 8% of sprouted lentil flour and chicken meat, with the addition of 12% of lentil flour. It was revealed that meat and lentil flour cause the increase of the weight fraction of protein (16.91, 18.04%) in specimens number 1 and number 3. The moisture- and grease-retention capacity of the products is improved by the use of lentil flour and maize grits for pre-dust in samples No. 2 and No. 3

T. Lebedenko ◽  
G. Krusir ◽  
H. Shunko ◽  
H. Korkach

Currently, the creation of a range of new products that improve human nutritional status is a timely and urgent problem facing scientists in the food industry. In food technology it is effective to use functional ingredients that have enhanced protective and improved technological properties. It is possible to confidently attribute the components of plant origin, namely, dietary fiber and plant phospholipids, to such substances. Phospholipids are a group of essential substances that are irreplaceable and enter the human body only with food. Phospholipids cannot be formed independently in the human body, but perform important functions that have a positive effect on the body: they restore cell walls; they are involved in lipid metabolism, as well as reducing the risk of cholesterol formation; they actively participate in the delivery processes of biologically active substances to cells, etc. A rich source of biologically active substances are flax seeds, its medicinal properties have been known for centuries and are recognized by official medicine. The influence of flax seed mucilage and phospholipids in the formulation of red main sauce on rheological and physical parameters was investigated. Samples of sauces with replacement of 50 and 100% of flour for flax polysaccharides and 30 % of animal fat for vegetable phospholipids were developed. The change of effective viscosity and density of the developed sauces is investigated. It was found that at a shear rate of 0.3333 s-1 the viscosity of the control sample is 14.32 Pa·s, of the same one with the replacement of 50 % flour and 10 g of fat and 100 % flour and 10 g of fat, respectively, is 16.49 and 19.6 Pa·s. This replacement in the experimental samples is accompanied by a slight increase in density. In order to substantiate the functional orientation of sauces in the introduction of herbal additives, studies were conducted to determine the antioxidant activity (AOA) of the developed sauces and their components. It was found that the maximum AOA a sauce with herbal additives has, which for 90 minutes is able to “quench” 89 % of the radicals formed in these conditions in the model system. Adding sauces to ready meals, even in small quantities, help to increase the nutritional value and attractiveness of the consumed food. Therefore, the effect of additives on the consumer characteristics of sauces was investigated. It is established that the developed types of sauces have a characteristic structure, creamy and homogeneous consistency, pronounced taste and aroma. The conducted complex of researches allows to state with confidence that use of available vegetable raw materials instead of the ingredients possessing the raised food value, allows to reduce energy value and to expand the range of sauces of functional orientation for restaurant enterprises.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (5) ◽  
pp. 1063-1069
Cristina Simeanu ◽  
Daniel Simeanu ◽  
Anca Popa ◽  
Alexandru Usturoi ◽  
Dan Bodescu ◽  

Polyodon spathula sturgeon breed is successfully reared in Romania in many fishery farms for meat production and it is capitalized on domestic market as consumption fish. In the current paper were studied a number of 1400 sturgeons from Polyodon spathula breed (1200 individuals of one summer - P.s.0+ and 200 individuals of fourth summers - P.s.3+). From this flock were weighted around 10%, for each age group, and for laboratory determinations were chosen 10 fishes for each age with the corporal mass close to the group mean. After analysing the fillets gathered from the studied fishes for establishing the chemical characteristics, nutritive and biological values of proteins were drawn some interesting conclusions. So, regarding chemical composition we notice that in the meat of analysed fishes water is in a rate of 75.41% at P.s.3+ and 78.37% for P.s.0+; proteins - between 18.08% for P.s.0+ and 19.89% for P.s.3+, values which place those fishes in the group of protein fishes; lipids - between 2.45% and 3.45%, values which situated those sturgeons in category of fishes with a low content in lipids; collagen � 3.83% at P.s.0+ and 4.14% at P.s.3+ which indicate low values for proteins of weak quality in the meat of those sturgeons. Study of nutritive value for the analysed fishes indicate the fact that fishes P.s.0+ have a mediocre nutritive value, having the ratio w/p of 4.33 while sturgeons P.s.3+ were placed in the 2nd category � fishes with a good nutritive value (rate w/p = 3.79). Energetic value of the studied fillets was 97.39 kcal/100 g for P.s.0+ and 114.31 kcal/100 g for P.s.3+, which enlightened an increase of nutritive value with aging, fact especially due to accumulation of adipose tissue. Study of proteins quality, through the presence of those 8 essential amino-acids in the meat of analysed fishes, show the fact that at sturgeons P.s.0+ proportion of essential amino-acids was 20.88% from total amino-acids, while at sturgeons P.s.3+ was 26.23%, fact which enlightened an increasing of proteins� biological value with fish aging. This fact was also shown by calculation of proteins� biological value through chemical methods (EAA index); calculated value for sturgeons P.s.0+ was a little bit lower (118.73) than the one calculated for sturgeons P.s.3+ (118.79).

1982 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 537-545 ◽  
B. O. EGGUM ◽  

The influence of antibiotics (a 2:1 mixture of bacitracin and neomycin sulfate at 0.7% of the diet) on the availability of energy from barley-fishmeal-based diets was assessed using rats and adult roosters. Changes in estimates of protein quality, as influenced by dietary antibiotics were also determined in the study with rats. Gut biomass content was estimated by measuring the content of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in gut samples of rats and fresh excreta samples of roosters. Antibiotic addition to the diet significantly (P < 0.01) reduced apparent digestible energy in rats and tended to reduce the true metabolizable energy measured with roosters. Biological value of the protein for rats was increased significantly (P < 0.01) by antibiotics as were net protein utilization values even though true digestibility of protein was decreased significantly (P < 0.01). The availability of some amino acids (e.g. histidine) showed a marked depression (12.1 percentage units) when antibiotics were added to the diet while others were not influenced (e.g. lysine and methionine) or markedly (7.6 percentage units) increased (e.g. alanine). The extent of microbial activity, which was shown to be markedly higher in the hindgut of rats fed no antibiotics as compared to rats fed antibiotics, may have contributed to the positive influence of antibiotic feeding on biological value of dietary protein and to the changes noted in excretion of amino acids by rats and roosters. Key words: Antibiotics, Nitrogen, amino acids, energy, rats, rosters

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