2006 ◽  
Vol 118 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-112 ◽  
A. Mauro ◽  
L. Eisenberg ◽  
W.W.L. Glenn
Oana Drosu ◽  
Marilena Stanculescu

AbstractThe electric, magnetic or electromagnetic phenomena that occur in the biological tissues include: the behavior of excitable tissue (the sources), the electric currents and potentials in the volume conductor, the magnetic field at and beyond the body, the response of excitable cells to electric and magnetic field stimulation (through changes in their electrical activity, changes of chemical transport through cell membrane); the intrinsic electric and magnetic properties of the tissue. This paper presents an overview of fundamental phenomena occurring in the application of stimuli with a future purpose of focusing on several models of external electromagnetic stimulation. The target is to create models of the electroconductive anatomy of some alive tissues will be proposed, in order to investigate the fields and the currents generated by the on-set of an electric field (in the first case) or a time-variant magnetic field (in the second case) or the superposition of the two types of stimuli.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 38-46
A. P. Babkin ◽  
A. A. Zuikova ◽  
O. N. Krasnorutskaya ◽  
Yu. A. Kotova ◽  
D. Yu. Bugrimov ◽  

The widespread worldwide spread of acute respiratory diseases is an urgent problem in health care. Expressed polyetiology of respiratory diseases does not allow to limit the use of specific vaccine preparations and dictates the need to use to combat them a variety of non-specific means that stimulate the natural resistance of the human body. The main pharmacological action of sodium deoxyribonucleate is the stimulation of phagocytic activity of T-helpers and T-killers, increasing the functional activity of neutrophils and monocytes/ macrophages, providing regeneration and repair processes in the epithelial component of antiviral protection of the body. Based on the above, the study of the clinical efficacy of Derinat® in the form of spray in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is relevant.

2020 ◽  
pp. 15-18
Inna R. Kilmetova ◽  
Igor A. Rodin ◽  
Nazira I. Khayrullina ◽  
Nikolay G. Fenchenko ◽  

Summary. The disbalanced feeding and the uneven distribution of micro- and macroelements in the environment leads to a trace element, in particular hypomelanosis. To accelerate the growth and preservation of young farm animals include in the diet of various biological additives and drugs, which include selenium. For stimulation of weight gain in the livestock industry, as well as for the prevention and treatment of pathological processes in addition to micro - and macrouse amino acids, primarily methionine. The aim of this work was to study the influence of composition of DAFS-25+Polizon on morpho-biochemical parameters of blood and functional state of the liver in fattening bulls of black-motley breed in the conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Experiments using were conducted on bull-calves of black-motley breed of the properties in the properties age from 6 to 15 months. The first experimental group during the experiment was additionally given the composition of DAFS-25+Polizon at a dose of 2 mg/kg, the animals of the control group received a standard diet. To assess the impact of the composition DAFS-25+Polizon on metabolism cattle studied morphological and biochemical indicators of blood and conducted histological examination of the liver. It is established that the use of the composition of DAFS-25+Polizon at a dose of 2 mg/kg increases the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the experimental group and reduces the amount of white blood cells. The serum content of total protein, phosphorus and calcium increases in the group of experimental animals. Microscopic examination of the liver revealed no changes in the structure of the organ and hepatocytes in the experimental group, whereas in the control group hemodynamic disorders and dystrophic changes in liver cells were observed. Thus, the use of the composition DAFS-25+Polizon at a dose of 2 mg/kg of live weight in fattening bulls black-and-white breed contributes to the increase of redox processes in the body, stimulation of metabolism, prevent the development of liver disorders of cellular mechanisms of metabolism, optimizes the structure of the liver, which generally provides higher productivity.

1970 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-337
Carl-Johan Göthe

ABSTRACT The effect of three doses of prednisolone and ACTH respectively on the weight of the body, the lungs and the hilar lymph nodes was studied on rats killed one month after the intratracheal (i.t.) injection of 50 mg of fine-particulate quartz. The prednisolone was administered via the drinking water, and the ACTH was injected intraperitoneally during the period between the i.t. injection of quartz dust and the killing of the animals. Prednisolone causes the rats to become cachectic and reduces the weight of the hilar lymph nodes. It also retards the transport of quartz dust from the lungs via the lymphatics. All these effects increase with increasing doses of prednisolone. However, its effect on the lung weight is insignificant. ACTH does not affect the body weight, but retards the weight increase of the lungs and the hilar lymph nodes. These effects increase with increasing doses of ACTH, and seem to be connected with an ability of ACTH to promote the clearance of quartz dust from the lungs and hilar lymph nodes. The method used, however, does not make it possible to differentiate quantitatively between any ACTH effects on the bronchogenie and lymphatic lung-clearance mechanisms. Available data, however, indicate that the stimulation of the dust transport from the lungs and hilar lymph nodes is, at least to some extent, related to the lymphatic system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 744-750 ◽  
Hongyang Li ◽  
JingyaWei ◽  
Fengtao Ma ◽  
Qiang Shan ◽  
Duo Gao ◽  

In-depth studies have identified many hormones important for controlling mammary growth and maintaining lactation. One of these is melatonin, which is synthesized and secreted by the pineal gland to regulate circadian rhythms, improve antioxidant capacity, and enhance immunity. Prolactin is secreted by the pituitary gland and is associated with the growth and development of mammary glands as well as initiation and maintenance of lactation. The hypothalamus-pituitary system, the most important endocrine system in the body, regulates prolactin secretion mainly through dopamine released from tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons. This review provides a reference for further study and describes the regulation of lactation and prolactin secretion by melatonin, primarily via the protection and stimulation of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jonathan A. Shulgach ◽  
Dylan W. Beam ◽  
Ameya C. Nanivadekar ◽  
Derek M. Miller ◽  
Stephanie Fulton ◽  

AbstractDysfunction and diseases of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are a major driver of medical care. The vagus nerve innervates and controls multiple organs of the GI tract and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) could provide a means for affecting GI function and treating disease. However, the vagus nerve also innervates many other organs throughout the body, and off-target effects of VNS could cause major side effects such as changes in blood pressure. In this study, we aimed to achieve selective stimulation of populations of vagal afferents using a multi-contact cuff electrode wrapped around the abdominal trunks of the vagus nerve. Four-contact nerve cuff electrodes were implanted around the dorsal (N = 3) or ventral (N = 3) abdominal vagus nerve in six ferrets, and the response to stimulation was measured via a 32-channel microelectrode array (MEA) inserted into the left or right nodose ganglion. Selectivity was characterized by the ability to evoke responses in MEA channels through one bipolar pair of cuff contacts but not through the other bipolar pair. We demonstrated that it was possible to selectively activate subpopulations of vagal neurons using abdominal VNS. Additionally, we quantified the conduction velocity of evoked responses to determine what types of nerve fibers (i.e., Aδ vs. C) responded to stimulation. We also quantified the spatial organization of evoked responses in the nodose MEA to determine if there is somatotopic organization of the neurons in that ganglion. Finally, we demonstrated in a separate set of three ferrets that stimulation of the abdominal vagus via a four-contact cuff could selectively alter gastric myoelectric activity, suggesting that abdominal VNS can potentially be used to control GI function.

1998 ◽  
Vol 26 (03n04) ◽  
pp. 265-274 ◽  
Ching-Liang Hsieh ◽  
Tsai-Chung Li ◽  
Chien-Yu Lin ◽  
Nou-Ying Tang ◽  
Qwang-Yuen Chang ◽  

Although acupuncture has traditionally used the acupoints formula to treat diseases, the physiological mechanisms involved and the effectiveness of therapy remain unclear. This study investigated the physiological mechanism(s) and response to acupuncture stimulation using the acupoints formula. Scalp-recorded potentials P300 were evoked by auditory stimulation of non-target and target in 13 normal adult volunteers. Latencies and amplitudes were measured. Three assessments were performed in each subject over a period of at least one week. Each assessment was divided into a control period with no acupuncture stimulation, followed by an acupuncture period and then a post-acupuncture period. Acupuncture needles were inserted into the body as follows: 1) non-acupoint: acupuncture needles were inserted 2 cm lateral to both Zusanli acupoints; 2) acupoint: acupuncture needles were inserted into both Zusanli acupoints; 3) acupoints formula: acupuncture needles were inserted into both Zusanli and Shousanli acupoints. Our results showed that both acupoint and acupoints formula assessments resulted in a significant decrease of P300 amplitudes during the acupuncture and post-acupuncture periods. However, there was significant difference in P300 amplitudes in the non-acupoint assessment during these periods. P300 changes in latencies and amplitudes were not significantly different between the acupoint assessment and the acupoints formula assessment. We concluded that acupuncture stimulation of both Zusanli acupoints resulted in a decrease of P300 amplitudes, suggesting the involvement of the cerebral cortex in sensory interaction when simultaneous sensations of the two types are received. No similar changes were observed in the non-acupoint assessment, which have been suggested to be related to so-called acupoint specificity. Results obtained using the acupoints formula were not significantly different from those using acupoints alone. These findings suggested that neuropsychological effects from stimulation of Zusanli acupoints and Shousanli acupoints are different.

In the study of the phenomena of anaphylaxis there are certain points on which some measure of agreement seems to have been attained. In the case of anaphylaxis to soluble proteins, with which alone we are directly concerned in this paper, the majority of investigators probably accept the view that the condition is due to the formation of an antibody of the precipitin type. Concerning the method, however, by which the presence of this antibody causes the specific sensitiveness, the means by which its interaction with the antibody produces the anaphylactic shock, there is a wide divergence of conception. Two main currents of speculation can be discerned. One view, historically rather the earlier, and first put forward by Besredka (1) attributes the anaphylactic condition to the location of the antibody in the body cells. There is not complete unanimity among adherents of this view as to the nature of the antibody concerned, or as to the class of cells containing it which are primarily affected in the anaphylactic shock. Besredka (2) himself has apparently not accepted the identification of the anaphylactic antibody with a precipitin, but regards it as belonging to a special class (sensibilisine). He also regards the cells of the central nervous system as those primarily involved in the anaphylactic shock in the guinea-pig. Others, including one of us (3), have found no adequate reason for rejecting the strong evidence in favour of the precipitin nature of the anaphylactic antibody, produced by Doerr and Russ (4), Weil (5), and others, and have accepted and confirmed the description of the rapid anaphylactic death in the guinea-pig as due to a direct stimulation of the plain-muscle fibres surrounding the bronchioles, causing valve-like obstruction of the lumen, and leading to asphyxia, with the characteristic fixed distension of the lungs, as first described by Auer and Lewis (6), and almost simultaneously by Biedl and Kraus (7). But the fundamental conception of anaphylaxis as due to cellular location of an antibody, and of the reaction as due to the union of antigen and antibody taking place in the protoplasm, is common to a number of workers who thus differ on details.

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