Aerial and detritus production of the cordgrass Spartina densiflora in a southwestern Atlantic salt marsh

Botany ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 87 (5) ◽  
pp. 482-491 ◽  
Federico Vera ◽  
Jorge L. Gutiérrez ◽  
Pablo D. Ribeiro

We used a nondestructive method to estimate aerial and detritus productivity of the cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brongn. and evaluated the relative contribution of newly emerged and preexisting tillers to net aerial biomass and detritus production, the relative contribution of tiller detachment and leaf shedding to detritus production, and the incidence of crab ( Neohelice ( Chasmagnathus ) granulata (Dana, 1851)), herbivory in relation to tiller age and its implications for tiller survival. Estimates of aerial and detritus productivity varied between 706.72 (SD = 153.38) and 786.15 (SD = 162.75) g·m–2·year–1 and between 1054.23 (SD = 224.49) and 1223.17 (SD = 246.84) g·m–2·year–1, respectively. These estimates of aerial production are far below the higher productivity estimates known for species of the genus Spartina but within the range of values obtained with nondestructive methods (i.e., 300–1500 g·m–2·year–1). Detachment of standing-dead tillers and leaf shedding contributed virtually in equal quantities to detritus production (i.e., 52% and 48% of the total detritus biomass, respectively). On the other hand, net aerial biomass production was highly dependent on tiller recruitment, with 67% of total biomass production contributed by the growth of tillers that emerged during the course of the study. However, crabs seem to graze on tillers irrespective of their age. Such nonselective crab grazing on tillers of different age together with the long tiller survival after crab grazing (often more than a year) suggests that crabs do not ostensibly affect S. densiflora production.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Min Huang ◽  
Zui Tao ◽  
Tao Lei ◽  
Fangbo Cao ◽  
Jiana Chen ◽  

Summary The development of high-yielding, short-duration super-rice hybrids is important for ensuring food security in China where multiple cropping is widely practiced and large-scale farming has gradually emerged. In this study, field experiments were conducted over 3 years to identify the yield formation characteristics in the shorter-duration (∼120 days) super-rice hybrid ‘Guiliangyou 2’ (G2) by comparing it with the longer-duration (∼130 days) super-rice hybrid ‘Y-liangyou 1’ (Y1). The results showed that G2 had a shorter pre-heading growth duration and consequently a shorter total growth duration compared to Y1. Compared to Y1, G2 had lower total biomass production that resulted from lower daily solar radiation, apparent radiation use efficiency (RUE), crop growth rate (CGR), and biomass production during the pre-heading period, but the grain yield was not significantly lower than that of Y1 because it was compensated for by the higher harvest index that resulted from slower leaf senescence (i.e., slower decline in leaf area index during the post-heading period) and higher RUE, CGR, and biomass production during the post-heading period. Our findings suggest that it is feasible to reduce the dependence of yield formation on growth duration to a certain extent in rice by increasing the use efficiency of solar radiation through crop improvement and also highlight the need for a greater fundamental understanding of the physiological processes involved in the higher use efficiency of solar radiation in super-rice hybrids.

2006 ◽  
Vol 128 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-273 ◽  
Susana M.P. Carvalho ◽  
Ep Heuvelink ◽  
Jeremy Harbinson ◽  
Olaf Van Kooten

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-65
Oktavianus Cahya Anggara ◽  
Laily Agustina Rahmawati

The terminal in Bojonegoro District is Rajekwesi Type A Terminal. It is located close to the CBD that has resulted in a decrease in environmental quality, due to gas emissions released by motor vehicles. The decrease in environmental quality can be overcome with an ecological approach, for example by creating or expanding green open spaces (urban forest). This study aimed to provide information about the capability of urban forest of the terminal to absorb CO2 emissions. This study began with a survey counting the number of motor vehicles at the gateway of the terminal on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for 24 hours. Then, the measurement of tree biomass was carried out using the nondestructive method. After the data was collected, the amount of CO2 emissions from motor vehicles was calculated by adding up CO2 emissionsin a stationary (idle) position when it was moving. The total CO2 emissions of motor vehicles at Rajekwesi Type A Terminal was 292.058,087 kgCO2/year. The amount of carbon sink (Wtc) of a tree was calculated by multiplying the total biomass (Wt) by the carbon concentration. The amount of Wtc at the urban forest of Rajekwesi Type A Terminal was 4.366,059 kg/year. After the amount of Wtc was found out, the amount of CO2 absorbed by the tree could be found out by multiplying Wtc by the conversion constant of the carbon (C) element to CO2 (3,67). The amount of CO2 absorbed by the trees at the urban forest of Rajekwesi Type A Terminal was 16.023,44 kgCO2/year. If they were compared, the absorption of CO2 was still much smaller than the emission rate. Thus, the function of the urban forest of terminal as an absorber of CO2 emissions was still not optimal.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1942
Giovanni Preiti ◽  
Antonio Calvi ◽  
Maurizio Romeo ◽  
Giuseppe Badagliacca ◽  
Monica Bacchi

Over two cropping seasons, 2017/18 and 2018/19, an experimental trial was conducted in a typical cereal-growing environment of the Calabrian hills (southern Italy) to study seeding rate (D) and nitrogen fertilization (N) effects on two barley F1 hybrids (Zoo and Jallon) compared to those of a traditional variety (Lutece), assessing the bio-agronomic response. Barley hybrids, gradually introduced into the principal European countries starting in 2010 as winter forage, currently represent a significant part of the EU internal market. Productive performance was evaluated as grain yield for feed and total biomass for silage and/or biogas production. Research results pointed out the greater performance of barley hybrids compared to conventional varieties in terms of both grain and biomass production. On average, barley hybrids vigour mainly manifested itself through a high tillering and a greater number of ears m−2 compared to those of the conventional variety (+24 and +23%, respectively). Furthermore, barley hybrids were characterized by a greater 1000-kernel weight and hectolitre weight than those of the Lutece variety (conventional variety). A significant increase in grain production was observed, increasing density from D150 to D225 rates (+35% and +33%, respectively) which was followed by a decrease in production shifting from D225 to D300 doses. A significant increase in biomass production was as well highlighted for the two hybrids, shifting from D150 to D225 rates (+26% and +27%, respectively). The applied nitrogen dose highlighted a different behaviour between the hybrids and the conventional variety; in particular, the lowest nitrogen dose (N80) negatively influenced the Lutece variety both in terms of grain and biomass production (−9% and −16%, respectively) while the hybrids showed the best agronomic response even at the lowest dose. On average, with the N80 dose, grain yield of Zoo and Jallon was greater than 20% and 16%, while with the N120 dose grain yield was 9% and 7%, respectively. A similar behaviour was found for biomass yield. It should therefore be emphasized that barley hybrids possess high yielding capacities and that such higher grain production can be achieved in a Mediterranean environment by using a lower seed rate (approximately −25%) and a reduced nitrogen dose (approximately −33%) compared with those commonly applied to conventional varieties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 1215-1221
Zikria Zafar ◽  
Fahad Rasheed ◽  
Muhammad Abdullah ◽  
Mir Md Abdus Salam ◽  
Muhammad Mohsin

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of water deficit on growth and physiological parameters of Ficus benjamina and Conocarpus erectus. The results revealed that all growth parameters such as plant height, stem diameter, no. of leaves, no. of branches and chlorophyll contents significantly decreased under water deficit condition. Interestingly, although leaf, stem and total biomass production and allocation decreased significantly under water deficit, but root biomass production and allocation increased significantly. Similarly, stomatal conductance to water vapor decreased significantly and CO2 assimilation rate remained similar to control under water deficit condition. Resultantly, a significant increase in water use efficiency was evident in both species under water deficit condition. These results suggested that, in spite of a significant decrease in biomass production, young Conocarpus erectus and Ficus benjamina can tolerate water deficit which is due to sustained CO2 assimilation rate and increase in root biomass.

Ecosystems ◽  
2020 ◽  
Sarah Schwieger ◽  
Juergen Kreyling ◽  
John Couwenberg ◽  
Marko Smiljanić ◽  
Robert Weigel ◽  

Abstract Peatlands are effective carbon sinks as more biomass is produced than decomposed under the prevalent anoxic conditions. Draining peatlands coupled with warming releases stored carbon, and subsequent rewetting may or may not restore the original carbon sink. Yet, patterns of plant production and decomposition in rewetted peatlands and how they compare to drained conditions remain largely unexplored. Here, we measured annual above- and belowground biomass production and decomposition in three different drained and rewetted peatland types: alder forest, percolation fen and coastal fen during an exceptionally dry year. We also used standard plant material to compare decomposition between the sites, regardless of the decomposability of the local plant material. Rewetted sites showed higher root and shoot production in the percolation fen and higher root production in the coastal fen, but similar root and leaf production in the alder forest. Decomposition rates were generally similar in drained and rewetted sites, only in the percolation fen and alder forest did aboveground litter decompose faster in the drained sites. The rewetted percolation fen and the two coastal sites had the highest projected potential for organic matter accumulation. Roots accounted for 23–66% of total biomass production, and belowground biomass, rather than aboveground biomass, was particularly important for organic matter accumulation in the coastal fens. This highlights the significance of roots as main peat-forming element in these graminoid-dominated fen peatlands and their crucial role in carbon cycling, and shows that high biomass production supported the peatlands’ function as carbon sink even during a dry year.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-116
Shahrina Akhtar ◽  
Jalal Uddin Ahmed ◽  
Abdul Hamid ◽  
Md Rafiqul Islam

A study was conducted to evaluate 100 chickpea genotypes to explore their genetic diversity in respect of emergence and growth attributes. A high genotypic variation was observed in the characters studied. The highest positive correlation corresponded to the root mass and total plant biomass of the seedlings. Seedling biomass production was highly subjective to seedling vigor. Using discriminant function analysis, the first two functions contributed 46.2 and 39.0%, and altogether 85.2% of the variability among the genotypes. Function 1 was positively related to dry weight of root and total plants. The character with the greatest weight on function 2 was seedling emergence rate. The total dry weight of seedlings played the most dominant role in explaining the maximum variance in the genotypes. The genotypes were grouped into six clusters. Each cluster had specific seedling characteristics and the clusters 5 and 6 were closely related and clearly separated from clusters 1 and 4 for their higher amount of root and total biomass production, and vigorous seedlings, where as, the genotypes in cluster 2 and 3 were intermediate. The genotypes in cluster 5 followed by cluster 6 appeared to be important resources for selecting and developing chickpea variety. Keywords: Chickpea; genotypes; seedling; quality DOI: 10.3329/agric.v8i2.7584 The Agriculturists 8(2): 108-116 (2010)

2003 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Emerson Roberto Schoeninger ◽  
Flávio Felipe Kirchner

A presente pesquisa objetivou a caracterização dos efeitos da altitude sobre o crescimento do Palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis). Para tanto foram definidas dez unidades amostrais ao longo de um gradiente de altitude, distribuídas sistematicamente com intervalos de 500 metros em um morro na formação Rio das Cobras com um raio com de aproximadamente 1500 m de extensão e com uma variação de 500 m na altitude. Para avaliação do Palmiteiro no gradiente altimétrico foram abatidos oito indivíduos de cada nível altimétrico, dos quais foram coletados os dados de biomassa total e a biomassa do creme comestível. Quando comparados os resultados encontrou-se tendências entre a produção de biomassa total e do creme em relação ao gradiente altitudinal. O SIG foi construído para retornar os valores de biomassa total e do creme e a densidade dos indivíduos na área, o que proporcionara informações para o planejamento florestal. QUANTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE PARAMETERS OF PALMITEIRO (Euterpe edulis MARTIUS) ALONG OF A ALTIMETRIC GRADIENT UISNG GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM. Abstract The present research aimed the characterization of effects of altitude on growth of Palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis). It was defined ten sample plots, systematically distributed with 500m intervals, covering all gradient in the mound belongs to formation called Rio das Cobras with 500 m altitude. For the evaluation of the Palm in the studied area it was cut eight trees in each established level of altitude. The collected data were total biomass and biomass of eatable part. When compared the results it was find tendency between total biomass production and eatable part in relation to altitude gradient. The GIS was construct to find the values of total biomass and eatable part and the tree’s density in the area . The GIS will give important information to the forest management.

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (7) ◽  
pp. 819 ◽  
M. J. Blumenthal ◽  
A. M. Bowman ◽  
A. Cole ◽  
R. M. Jones ◽  
W. M. Kelman ◽  

Summary. Three Lotus uliginosus populations, cv. Maku, Sharnae and the line G4704 were compared to Trifolium repens cv. Haifa on the basis of plant frequency and contribution to total above ground biomass production at 6 sites in eastern Australia (Samford, Grafton, Taree, Nowra, Moss Vale and Warragul). In addition, L. uliginosus G4703 was sown at Nowra and L. corniculatus (L.) cv. Grasslands Goldie was sown at Taree. At each site populations were sown with a grass; Setaria sphacelata cv. Narok at Samford, Grafton and Taree; Lolium perenne cv. Kangaroo Valley at Nowra and Moss Vale and cv. Ellett at Warragul. Grasslands Maku and the sown grasses were also sown alone at each site. Each of the pasture treatments was sown either with 500 kg/ha single superphosphate or without superphosphate (or with small amounts of P, if available soil Bray P The main findings were that: (i) superphosphate had little effect on lotus frequency and biomass after the first few harvests; (ii) Haifa white clover was the most successful legume in terms of plant frequency and contribution to total biomass at the subtropical sites (Taree, Grafton and Samford); (iii) Haifa was the most successful legume in the establishment year at the temperate sites, but lotus became dominant in subsequent years; (iv) Grasslands Maku was the superior greater lotus population in terms of frequency and contribution to total biomass production at all sites; and (v) at Taree, the one site where L. corniculatus cv. Grasslands Goldie was included, it was the superior population.

2012 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 504-512 ◽  
S. Chitapornpan ◽  
C. Chiemchaisri ◽  
W. Chiemchaisri ◽  
R. Honda ◽  
K. Yamamoto

Application of photosynthetic process could be highly efficient and surpass anaerobic treatment in releasing less greenhouse gas and odor while the biomass produced can be utilized. The combination of photosynthetic process with membrane separation is possibly effective for water reclamation and biomass production. In this study, cultivation of mixed culture photosynthetic bacteria from food processing wastewater was investigated in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and a membrane bioreactor (MBR) supplied with infrared light. Both photo-bioreactors were operated at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 days. Higher MLSS concentration achieved in the MBR through complete retention of biomass resulted in a slightly improved performance. When the system was operated with MLSS controlled by occasional sludge withdrawal, total biomass production of MBR and SBR photo-bioreactor was almost equal. However, 64.5% of total biomass production was washed out with the effluent in SBR system. Consequently, the higher biomass could be recovered for utilization in MBR.

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