Polymerization of fibrinogen in murine bleomycin-induced lung injury

1996 ◽  
Vol 271 (4) ◽  
pp. L519-L526 ◽  
M. A. Olman ◽  
W. L. Simmons ◽  
D. J. Pollman ◽  
A. Y. Loftis ◽  
A. Bini ◽  

Bleomycin lung injury in mice leads to an acute alveolitis followed by a fibroproliferative response characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix. Because distinct regions of the fibrin(ogen) molecule have unique in vitro biological effects on cells, we quantified, localized, and biochemically characterized the molecular form of extravascular fibrin(ogen) in methoxyflurane anesthetized, bleomycin-injured mice. Bleomycin or saline (controls) was administered intratracheally, and lung tissue was harvested and analyzed at several times thereafter. Immunoreactive fibrin tissue content increased to a maximal 50-fold over controls in a temporal and spatial pattern paralleling that of alveolitis and maximal fibroproliferation. The generation of gamma-gamma-chain dimers and alpha-chain polymers, together with the loss of free alpha- and gamma-chains, indicates that the fibrin is predominantly covalently cross-linked. In fibroproliferative-phase lungs, the fibrin fibrils are branched and colocalize with those of collagen at the electron microscopic level. These observations strongly suggest that fibrin is a significant molecular effector of the in vivo fibroproliferative response after lung injury.

Genhua Mu ◽  
Yijun Deng ◽  
Zhongqian Lu ◽  
Xing Li ◽  
Yanbin Chen

Abstract Supplemental oxygen is commonly used to treat severe respiratory failure, while prolonged exposure to hyperoxia can induce acute lung injury characterized by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pulmonary inflammation. Dysregulation of microRNAs contributes to multiple diseases, including hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury (HALI). In this study, we explored the roles of miR-20b in mediating the response of type II alveolar epithelial cells (ACE IIs) to hyperoxia and the potential underlying mechanisms. We found that miR-20b was significantly decreased in the lung tissues of HALI models and H2O2-treated ACE IIs. Hyperoxia induced the release of TNF-α, decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential, and led to excessive ROS production and cell apoptosis. Overexpression of miR-20b suppressed the hyperoxia-induced biological effects in ACE IIs. miR-20b negatively regulated the expression levels of Mitofusin 1 (MFN1) and MFN2, the two key proteins of mitochondrial fusion, via complementarily binding to the 3ʹ-untranslated regions of mRNAs. Furthermore, both in vivo and in vitro, upregulation of MFN1 and MFN2 aggravated lung damage and cell apoptosis that were alleviated by miR-20b overexpression. These results provided new insights into the involvement of the miR-20b/MFN1/2 signaling pathway in HALI.

1994 ◽  
Vol 267 (5) ◽  
pp. F845-F852 ◽  
R. Dean ◽  
J. Zhuo ◽  
D. Alcorn ◽  
D. Casley ◽  
F. A. Mendelsohn

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptors have previously been demonstrated in the rat kidney by in vitro autoradiography and in cultured renal cell lines by radioreceptor assay, but the precise cellular localization of these receptors under in vivo conditions remains to be determined. We performed electron microscopic autoradiography on rat kidney following intravenous administration of 125I-labeled ET-1. In vivo autoradiographs revealed binding patterns identical to those previously demonstrated following in vitro labeling. Light microscopic autoradiography showed that silver grains occurred exclusively overlaying glomeruli and peritubular capillaries in the cortex, inner stripe of the outer medulla, and the inner medulla. At the electron microscopic level, ET-1 binding was specifically localized to the fenestrated endothelium of glomerular and peritubular capillaries, and to a lesser extent to the vasa recta. No significant grains were seen on mesangial or visceral epithelial cells; nor were any seen on the cells of proximal tubule, the thick and thin limbs of the loop of Henle, the medullary collecting ducts, and renal interstitial cells. These results indicate that the endothelial cells of glomerular and peritubular capillaries are the primary target for the circulating ET-1 in the rat kidney and suggest an autocrine and/or paracrine function of locally synthesized ET-1 in vivo in both physiological and pathophysiological states.

Gustav Ofosu

Platinum-thymine has been found to be a potent antitumor agent, which is quite soluble in water, and lack nephrotoxicity as the dose-limiting factor. The drug has been shown to interact with DNA and inhibits DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in mammalian cells in vitro. This investigation was undertaken to elucidate the cytotoxic effects of piatinum-thymine on sarcoma-180 cells in vitro ultrastructurally, Sarcoma-180 tumor bearing mice were treated with intraperitoneal injection of platinum-thymine 40mg/kg. A concentration of 60μg/ml dose of platinum-thymine was used in in vitro experiments. Treatments were at varying time intervals of 3, 7 and 21 days for in vivo experiments, and 30, 60 and 120 min., 6, 12, and 24th in vitro. Controls were not treated with platinum-thymine.Electron microscopic analyses of the treated cells in vivo and in vitro showed drastic cytotoxic effect.

Н.В. Белобородова ◽  
В.В. Мороз ◽  
А.Ю. Бедова

Интеграция метаболизма макроорганизма и его микробиоты, обеспечивающая в норме симбиоз и саногенез, нарушается при заболеваниях, травме, критическом состоянии, и вектор взаимодействия может изменяться в пользу прокариотов по принципу «метаболиты бактерий - против хозяина». Анализ литературы показал, что, с одной стороны, имеется живой интерес к ароматическим микробным метаболитам, с другой - отсутствует четкое представление об их роли в организме человека. Публикации, касающиеся ряда ароматических микробных метаболитов (фенилкарбоновых кислот, ФКК), как правило, не связаны между собой по тематике и направлены на решение тех или иных прикладных задач в разных областях биологии и медицины. Цель обзора - анализ информации о происхождении, биологических эффектах ФКК в экспериментах in vitro и in vivo , и клинических наблюдениях. Обобщая результаты приведенных в обзоре исследований на клеточном, субклеточном и молекулярном уровнях, логично предположить участие ароматических микробных метаболитов в патогенезе полиорганной недостаточности при сепсисе. Наиболее перспективным для раскрытия роли ароматических микробных метаболитов представляется изучение механизмов вторичной почечной недостаточности и септической энцефалопатии. Важным направлением для будущих исследований является изучение влияния продуктов микробной биодеградации ароматических соединений на развитие диссеминированного внутрисосудистого свертывания крови, артериальной гипотензии и септического шока. Результаты дальнейших исследований будут иметь не только фундаментальное значение, но и обогатят практическую медицину новыми диагностическими и лечебными технологиями. Significant increases in blood concentrations of some aromatic metabolites (phenylcarboxylic acids, PhCAs) in patients with sepsis have been previously shown. Enhanced bacterial biodegradation of aromatic compounds has been demonstrated to considerably contribute to this process. Integration of macroorganism metabolism and its microbiota, which provides normal symbiosis and sanogenesis, is disturbed in diseases, trauma, and critical conditions. Direction of this interaction may change in favor of prokaryotes according to the principle, “bacterial metabolites are against the host”. Analysis of literature showed a particular interest of many investigators to aromatic microbial metabolites. However, there is no clear understanding of their role in the human body. Publications on PhCAs are generally not thematically interrelated and usually focus on solving applied tasks in different fields of biology and medicine. The aim of this work was to consolidate existing information about origin and biological effects of PhCAs in in vitro / in vivo experiments and some clinical findings. The presented summary of reported data from studies performed at cellular, sub-cellular, and molecular levels suggests participation of aromatic microbial metabolites in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure in sepsis. Studying mechanisms of secondary renal failure and septic encephalopathy is most promising for discovering the function of aromatic microbial metabolites. Effects of microbial biodegradation products of aromatic substances on development of disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypotension, and septic shock are an important challenge for future studies. Results of further investigations will be not only fundamental, but will also enrich medical practice with new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.

2019 ◽  
C. Tigrine ◽  
A. Kameli

In this study a polyphenolic extract from Cleome arabica leaves (CALE) was investigated for its antioxidant activity in vitro using DPPH•, metal chelating and reducing power methods and for its protective effects against AraC-induced hematological toxicity in vivo using Balb C mice. Results indicated that CALE exhibited a strong and dose-dependent scavenging activity against the DPPH• free radical (IC50 = 4.88 μg/ml) and a high reducing power activity (EC50 = 4.85 μg/ml). Furthermore, it showed a good chelating effects against ferrous ions (IC50 = 377.75 μg/ml). The analysis of blood showed that subcutaneous injection of AraC (50 mg/kg) to mice during three consecutive days caused a significant myelosupression (P < 0.05). The combination of CALE and AraC protected blood cells from a veritable toxicity. Where, the number of the red cells, the amount of hemoglobin and the percentage of the hematocrite were significantly high. On the other hand, AraC cause an elevation of body temperature (39 °C) in mice. However, the temperature of the group treated with CALE and AraC remained normal and did not exceed 37.5 °C. The observed biological effects of CALE, in vitro as well as in vivo, could be due to the high polyphenol and flavonoid contents. In addition, the antioxidant activity of CALE suggested to be responsible for its hematoprotective effect.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 494-501 ◽  
Sameer Suresh Bhagyawant ◽  
Dakshita Tanaji Narvekar ◽  
Neha Gupta ◽  
Amita Bhadkaria ◽  
Ajay Kumar Gautam ◽  

Background: Diabetes and hypertension are the major health concern and alleged to be of epidemic proportions. This has made it a numero uno subject at various levels of investigation. Glucosidase inhibitor provides the reasonable option in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) as it specifically targets post prandial hyperglycemia. The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) plays an important role in hypertension. Therefore, inhibition of ACE in treatment of elevated blood pressure attracts special interest of the scientific community. Chickpea is a food legume and seeds contain carbohydrate binding protein- a lectin. Some of the biological properties of this lectin hitherto been elucidated. Methods: Purified by ion exchange chromatography, chickpea lectin was tested for its in vitro antioxidant, ACE-I inhibitory and anti-diabetic characteristic. Results: Lectin shows a characteristic improvement over the synthetic drugs like acarbose (oral anti-diabetic drug) and captopril (standard antihypertensive drug) when, their IC50 values are compared. Lectin significantly inhibited α-glucosidase and α-amylase in a concentration dependent manner with IC50 values of 85.41 ± 1.21 ҝg/ml and 65.05 ± 1.2 µg/ml compared to acarbose having IC50 70.20 ± 0.47 value of µg/ml and 50.52 ± 1.01 µg/ml respectively. β-Carotene bleaching assay showed antioxidant activity of lectin (72.3%) to be as active as Butylated Hydroxylanisole (BHA). In addition, lectin demonstrated inhibition against ACE-I with IC50 value of 57.43 ± 1.20 µg/ml compared to captopril. Conclusion: Lectin demonstrated its antioxidant character, ACE-I inhibition and significantly inhibitory for α-glucosidase and α-amylase seems to qualify as an anti-hyperglycemic therapeutic molecule. The biological effects of chickpea lectin display potential for reducing the parameters of medically debilitating conditions. These characteristics however needs to be established under in vivo systems too viz. animals through to humans.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (14) ◽  
pp. 1983-1990 ◽  
V. Lenin Maruthanila ◽  
Ramakrishnan Elancheran ◽  
Ajaikumar B. Kunnumakkar ◽  
Senthamaraikannan Kabilan ◽  
Jibon Kotoky

Emerging evidence present credible support in favour of the potential role of mahanine and girinimbine. Non-toxic herbal carbazole alkaloids occur in the edible part of Murraya koenigii, Micromelum minutum, M. zeylanicum, and M. euchrestiolia. Mahanine and girinimbine are the major potent compounds from these species. In fact, they interfered with tumour expansion and metastasis development through down-regulation of apoptotic and antiapoptotic protein, also involved in the stimulation of cell cycle arrest. Consequently, these compounds were well proven for the in-vitro and in vivo evaluation that could be developed as novel agents either alone or as an adjuvant to conventional therapeutics. Therefore, mahanine and girinimbine analogs have the potential to be the promising chemopreventive agents for the tumour recurrence and the treatment of human malignancies. In this review, an updated wide-range of pleiotropic anticancer and biological effects induction by mahanine and girinimbine against cancer cells were deeply summarized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 030006052098635
Qi Gao ◽  
Ningqing Chang ◽  
Donglian Liu

Objectives To investigate the mechanisms underlying the protective effect of sufentanil against acute lung injury (ALI). Material and Methods Rats were administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by endotracheal instillation to establish a model of ALI. LPS was used to stimulate BEAS-2B cells. The targets and promoter activities of IκB were assessed using a luciferase reporter assay. Apoptosis of BEAS-2B cells was evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling. Results Sufentanil treatment markedly reduced pathological changes in lung tissue, pulmonary edema and secretion of inflammatory factors associated with ALI in vivo and in vitro. In addition, sufentanil suppressed apoptosis induced by LPS and activated NF-κB both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, upregulation of high mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1) protein levels and downregulation of miR-129-5p levels were observed in vivo and in vitro following sufentanil treatment. miR-129-5p targeted the 3ʹ untranslated region and its inhibition decreased promoter activities of IκB-α. miR-129-5p inhibition significantly weakened the protective effect of sufentanil on LPS-treated BEAS-2B cells. Conclusion Sufentanil regulated the miR-129-5p/HMGB1 axis to enhance IκB-α expression, suggesting that sufentanil represents a candidate drug for ALI protection and providing avenues for clinical treatment.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1731
Yu Maw Htwe ◽  
Huashan Wang ◽  
Patrick Belvitch ◽  
Lucille Meliton ◽  
Mounica Bandela ◽  

Lung endothelial dysfunction is a key feature of acute lung injury (ALI) and clinical acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Previous studies have identified the lipid-generating enzyme, group V phospholipase A2 (gVPLA2), as a mediator of lung endothelial barrier disruption and inflammation. The current study aimed to determine the role of gVPLA2 in mediating lung endothelial responses to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, USA300 strain), a major cause of ALI/ARDS. In vitro studies assessed the effects of gVPLA2 inhibition on lung endothelial cell (EC) permeability after exposure to heat-killed (HK) MRSA. In vivo studies assessed the effects of intratracheal live or HK-MRSA on multiple indices of ALI in wild-type (WT) and gVPLA2-deficient (KO) mice. In vitro, HK-MRSA increased gVPLA2 expression and permeability in human lung EC. Inhibition of gVPLA2 with either the PLA2 inhibitor, LY311727, or with a specific monoclonal antibody, attenuated the barrier disruption caused by HK-MRSA. LY311727 also reduced HK-MRSA-induced permeability in mouse lung EC isolated from WT but not gVPLA2-KO mice. In vivo, live MRSA caused significantly less ALI in gVPLA2 KO mice compared to WT, findings confirmed by intravital microscopy assessment in HK-MRSA-treated mice. After targeted delivery of gVPLA2 plasmid to lung endothelium using ACE antibody-conjugated liposomes, MRSA-induced ALI was significantly increased in gVPLA2-KO mice, indicating that lung endothelial expression of gVPLA2 is critical in vivo. In summary, these results demonstrate an important role for gVPLA2 in mediating MRSA-induced lung EC permeability and ALI. Thus, gVPLA2 may represent a novel therapeutic target in ALI/ARDS caused by bacterial infection.

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