scholarly journals Literature review: The Effect of Using Non-Herbal Panty Liners on Abnormal Vaginal Discharge in Adolescent Girls

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Shohebatuz Sofiyah ◽  
Setiana Andarwulan

Teenagers are very vulnerable to experiencing problems such as vaginal discharge and because of that teenage girls often wear panty liners outside of their menstrual period. Improper use of panty liners will make vaginal discharge abnormal. Therefore, this literature review aims to find out how to use non-herbal panty liners so that they can cause abnormal vaginal discharge. This research usesliterature review with data sources from the PubMed, Research Gate, and Google Scholar databases with a range of 2018-2021. The results of this literature review contained 4 journals which stated that the effect of using panty liners could cause vaginal discharge but under normal conditions and 4 journals also stated that abnormal vaginal discharge was caused by panty liners. It can be concluded that abnormal vaginal discharge is caused by a different way of using panty liners and the lack of information about using panty liners properly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 273-278
Ela Nurmaningsih ◽  
Nur Izzah

AbstractPersonal Hygiene during menstruation needs to be considered important in order to avoid various diseases such as cervical cancer, vaginal discharge, genital skin irritation, allergies, and inflammation in the genital area. To find out the description of teenage girls' knowledge about personal hygiene during menstruation. This study accessed the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, and obtained 5 articles that were reviewed according to the inclusion, exclusion, and abstract criteria. The critical assessment instrument used is the Hawker instrument which is a quality assessment tool used for qualitative studies. The results of this study indicated that less than half (47.60%) of teenage girls have less knowledge about personal hygiene during menstruation. It is hoped that this research can be a reference for educational workers and other researchers as an effort to increase teenage girls' knowledge about personal hygiene during menstruation.Keywords: Menstruation, Knowledge, Personal Hygiene, Teenage girls AbstrakPersonal Hygiene saat menstruasi perludi perhatikan agar terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit seperti kanker serviks, keputihan, iritasi kulit genital, alergi, dan peradangan diarea genital. Mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan remaja mengenai personal hygiene saat menstruasi. Penelitian literature review ini dengan mengakses database PubMed dan Google Scholar, didapatkan 5 artikel yang ditelaah sesuai dengan criteria inklusi eksklusi serta. Instrument telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan instrument Hawker yang merupakan alat penilaian kualitas yang digunakan untuk studi kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kurang dari separuh (47,60%) remaja memiliki pengetahuan mengenai personal hygiene saat menstruasi yang kurang. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi pihak pendidikan maupun peneliti yang lainnya sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja mengenai personal hygiene saat menstruasi.Kata kunci: Menstruasi, Pengetahuan, Personal Hygiene,Remaja.

L. L. Ismael ◽  
H. R. M. Garcia ◽  
W. A. Martins ◽  
J. Augusto

<p>O trabalhador rural está exposto a diferentes situações de riscos durante o desenvolvimento de suas atividades no campo. Uma delas refere-se ao manuseio e aplicação incorreta de agrotóxicos, o que acaba por provocar sérios danos á saúde, não apenas do próprio agricultor mais da população local por consumir alimentos contaminados e ao ambiente. Para isto, o objetivo geral dessa pesquisa foi realizar um levantamento bibliográfico acerca dos riscos advindos das atividades agrícolas quanto ao uso de agrotóxicos. Os resultados evidenciaram que grande parte dos acidentes de trabalho, estão associados à utilização incorreta dos EPIs, além da falta de informação e treinamento dos agricultores para desenvolver tais atividades. Nesse contexto, medidas de caráter preventivo e corretivo deverão ser tomadas para a redução do uso e exposição aos agrotóxicos, para isso, devem ser implementadas no ambiente de trabalho ações socioeconômicas, políticas e ambientais.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Health, environment and safety associated with the use of pesticides</em></strong></p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong><strong>- </strong>The rural worker is exposed to different risk situations while developing their activities in the field. One of them refers to the incorrect handling and application of pesticides, which ultimately cause serious damage to health, not just the very best of the local population farmer by consuming contaminated food and the environment. For this, the general objective of this research was to conduct a literature review about the risks arising from agricultural activities on the use of pesticides. The results showed that most industrial accidents are related to improper use of PPE, as well as lack of information and training of farmers to develop such activities. In this context, preventive and corrective nature of measures should be taken to reduce the use and exposure to pesticides, so it should be implemented in the workplace actions socioeconomic, political and environmental.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-27
Estriana Murni Setiawati

This study aims to review the public knowledge, attitude, and practice toward COVID-19 prevention. Pubmed, Ebscho, and Google Scholar database were used as Data sources of this review. PICOST problem analysis guide was applied to find good journals. The journals used in this study were published between 2020 and 2021. Overall of the public knowledge, attitude, and practice toward COVID-19 prevention were varied and synthesized.  Articles’ comparisons were complicated because the knowledge, attitude, and practice results were used at various formulas. A more direct intervention is needed to enhance public knowledge, attitude, and practice toward COVID-19 Prevention. Increasing and maintaining good public knowledge, attitude, and practice toward COVID-19 prevention are crucial to cut off the spread of COVID-19.Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, and COVID-19 prevention

2016 ◽  
pp. 52-56
N.V. Schuruk ◽  
V.I. Pyrohova ◽  

The objective: evaluating the effectiveness and safety of the drug complex hinekit during preconception preparation for women with complicated pregnancy loss history and uncomplicated mixed genital infections. Patients and methods. The study involved 65 women with reproductive losses in history, who turned over the abnormal vaginal discharge. Diagnosis of sexual transmitted infections (C. trachomatis, T. vaginalis, HSV-II, HPV), assessment of vaginal microbiota was performed by PCR with detection results in real time. Bacterial Vaginosis verified by the Amsel system. Results. All the examinees in the history have miscarriage in the first (56.9%) or the second (43.1%) trimester of pregnancy. According to the results of the patient survey were divided into clinical groups. In 26.2% of women infectious pathology of the lower genital tract has not been confirmed, 26.2% of patients did not give consent to participate in the study and were formed in the control group that received therapy according to existing clinical settings. 31 patients with mixed genital infection (study group) received complex preparation gіnekit. This positive trend was observed in all the patients of the main group (the disappearance of subjective sensations on average 2.2±0.3 hours). After treatment T. vaginalis, BV were not detected in one patient, active mycotic process in the absence of complaints remained at 4.8% of women, complete eradication of C. trachomatis was achieved in 92.3% of patients. Conclusions. Reducing the duration of treatment of mixed genital infections at the preconception in women with reproductive losses in the history is achieved in terms of clinical, microbiological and pharmaco-economic benefits by prescribtion an gіnekit preparation. Summary of clinical and microbiological effects of the proposed approach is 96.0 ± 0.9%, which corresponds to all requirements for multimodal therapy of genital infections, and no side effects, short course of treatment provides a high compliance of patients (9.2±0.7 points). Key words: mixed genital infections, miscarriages, gіnekit, azithromycin, fluconazole, seknidazol.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Fela Putri Hariastuti ◽  
Andin Ajeng Rahmawati

ABSTRAK            Masa remaja mengalami perkembangan fisiologis, psikososial, kognitif, moral dan perkembangan seksual. Perubahan fisiologis pada masa remaja merupakan hasil aktivitas hormonal dibawah pengaruh sistem saraf pusat. Menarche pada umumnya menjadi masalah bagi remaja, hal ini terjadi karena remaja masih belum tahu tentang apa itu menstruasi dan bagaimana menanganinya, sehingga kebersihan daerah genetalia tidak terjaga dan dapat menimbulkan terjadinya keputihan (Soetjiningsih, 2007).            Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penatalaksanaan flour albus pada remaja putri kelas X di SMA AL-Fatimah Bojonegoro tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yaitu penelitian expose facto (mengungkap fakta) dengan pendekatan pengukuran secara langsung dengan menggunakan data primer. Subjek penelitian semua remaja putri kelas X yang mengalami keputihan di MA AL- Fatimah Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun 2016 yang berjumlah 30 responden.            Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan sebanyak 25 responden remaja putri sudah bisa melaksanakan penatalaksanaan pada flour albus. Kata Kunci : flour albus,  remaja putri ABSTRACT            Adolescence develops physiological, psychosocial, cognitive, moral and sexual development. Physiological changes in adolescence are the result of hormonal activity under the influence of the central nervous system. Menarche is generally a problem for teenagers, this is because teenagers still do not know what menstruation is and how to handle it, so that the cleanliness of the genetalia area is not maintained and can lead to whitish (Soetjiningsih, 2007).This study aims to determine the management of flour albus in adolescent girls of class X in SMA AL-Fatimah Bojonegoro in 2016. The type of this research is qualitative research that is expose facto (revealing fact) with approach of measurement directly by using primary data. Research subjects of all teenage girls of class X who experienced whiteness in MA Al-Fatimah Bojonegoro District Bojonegoro District in 2016, amounting to 30 respondents.The results obtained as many as 25 female teenage respondents have been able to implement management on flour albus. Keywords: flour albus, young women

2014 ◽  
Vol 138 (12) ◽  
pp. 1564-1577 ◽  
Fan Lin ◽  
Zongming Chen

Context Immunohistochemistry has become an indispensable ancillary technique in anatomic pathology laboratories. Standardization of every step in preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic phases is crucial to achieve reproducible and reliable immunohistochemistry test results. Objective To standardize immunohistochemistry tests from preanalytic, analytic, to postanalytic phases. Data Sources Literature review and Geisinger (Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pennsylvania) experience. Conclusions This review article delineates some critical points in preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic phases; reiterates some important questions, which may or may not have a consensus at this time; and updates the newly proposed guidelines on antibody validation from the College of American Pathologists Pathology and Laboratory Quality Center. Additionally, the article intends to share Geisinger's experience with (1) testing/optimizing a new antibody and troubleshooting; (2) interpreting and reporting immunohistochemistry assay results; (3) improving and implementing a total immunohistochemistry quality management program; and (4) developing best practices in immunohistochemistry.

Eman Tariq Alslman ◽  
Shaher H. Hamaideh ◽  
Manar Ali Bani Hani ◽  
Huda Mohammad Atiyeh

AbstractThe purpose of this article is to review the literature regarding the relationships between alexithymia, fibromyalgia (FM), and psychological distress among adolescents. Google Scholar and databases were searched using alexithymia, fibromyalgia, psychological distress, and adolescent keywords. Studies that examine the relationship between alexithymia and fibromyalgia and the contribution of psychological distress on this relationship among adolescents are lacking. However, based on previous studies on adult samples and theoretical background, there are possible relationship between alexithymia and fibromyalgia as well as possible mediating effect of psychological distress on this relationship in adolescents. Further studies are recommended to examine the relationships between alexithymia, fibromyalgia, and psychological distress among adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Galuh Hanesty Gunawan ◽  
Zahra Putri Listari ◽  
Nurliana Cipta Apsari

Setiap anak di dunia memiliki hak dasar yang sejak lahir harus dipenuhi dan dilindungi. Tidak terpenuhinya hak anak merupakan suatu pelanggaran dan termasuk kedalam suatu permasalahan karena pemenuhan dan perlindungan kepada hak-hak anak merupakan hal yang penting. Permasalahan mengenai isu anak masih tetap ada hingga saat ini. Maka Save The Children sebagai lembaga internasional yang bergerak dalam kesejahteraan anak hadir dalam membantu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Lembaga Save The Children yang hadir di berbagai negara di dunia juga berperan sebagai lembaga yang kuat dan berkeadilan sesuai dengan tujuan SDGs ke 16. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review yang bertujuan untuk melihat dan mengetahui peran Save The Children dalam upaya perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak dasar anak di negara Inggris dan Indonesia. Pencarian literature review menggunakan google scholar dan SAGE dengan kata kunci Save The Children, Perlindungan Hak Anak/Child Protection, Children Rights dan SDGs nomor 16. Berdasarkan hasil literature review yang dilakukan, Save The Children merupakan salah satu bentuk kelembagaan yang kuat untuk menciptakan keadaan yang damai dan adil sesuai dengan SDGs poin 16 dalam hal ini pada perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak dasar anak. Di Inggris, Save The Children memiliki gerakan dalam upaya perlindungan anak dengan membantu anak-anak yang berada dalam konflik, eksploitasi, atau diabaikan. Save The Children Indonesia memiliki peran dalam perlindungan anak, kemiskinan anak, tata kelola anak, pendidikan, kesehatan dan nutrisi, aksi kemanusiaan, dan advokasi. Save The Children juga memiliki peran dalam mewadahi praktik pekerjaan sosial dengan menyediakan layanan yang membantu advokasi atau intervensi klien.Kata kunci: Peran Save The Children, Perlindungan Anak, Hak Anak, SDGs no.16

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 26-33
Ilmianti Ilmianti ◽  
Indrya Kirana Mattulada ◽  
Sari Aldilawati ◽  
Sarahfin Aslan ◽  
Mila Febriany ◽  

Pendahuluan: Kesehatan yang perlu diperhatikan selain kesehatan tubuh secara umum, adalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut.  Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara tidak langsung akan menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Media komunikasi informasi dan edukasi yang terdiri dari media visual, audio, dan audio-visual merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencegah masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Tujuan: untuk memberikan gambaran dan gagasan dari hasil literatur review media komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan anak sekolah dasar tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review. Literatur yang digunakan berupa jurnal, teksbook, dan laporan kasus yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pencarian seperti Google Scholar, Science Direct, NCBI, dan Proquest. Pencarian kata kunci yang dimasukkan, jika telah memenuhi kriteria maka judul dari jurnal tersebut terpilih untuk dianalisis. Hasil: Menggunakan media komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi yang menarik dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan anak sekolah dasar tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Media komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi pada anak merupakan media yang menarik dan sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak khususnya anak usia sekolah dasar. Pendidikan kesehatan gigi dengan menggunakan media komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi yang menarik dapat meningkatkan status kesehatan gigi dan mulut.  Kesimpulan:  Media komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi sesuai dengan kemajuan teknologi multimedia seperti media visual, media audio, dan media audio-visual dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan anak sekolah dasar tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut.

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