Theory and Practice in Understanding and Improving the Social Situation of ovcs in Southern Africa

2014 ◽  
pp. 29-42
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Janaina Damasco Umbelino

<p>Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no Brasil e em Cuba que tem como objetivo compreender os elementos mediadores da atividade pedagógica para uma educação de melhor qualidade que promova o desenvolvimento das máximas potencialidades da criança. Inicialmente apresentamos nossa compreensão de desenvolvimento humano, resultado das relações sociais, e abordamos os elementos dessas relações, particularmente os vinculados à atividade pedagógica, entendida como a unidade entre a atividade de ensino e a atividade de estudo. Por fim, destacamos que para a organização da atividade pedagógica, promotora do desenvolvimento humano, é necessário compreender os elementos que constituem o desenvolvimento da criança, voltados a uma educação que proporcione situações de aprendizagem adequadas ao nível de desenvolvimento da criança e à sua situação social de desenvolvimento.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong></p><p>Teoria Histórico-cultural. Desenvolvimento humano. Atividade pedagógica.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Mediation in pedagogical activities: combining theory and practice</strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This article presents the findings of a study conducted in Brazil and in Cuba which aimed to understand the mediation elements involved in pedagogical activities in order to provide better quality education for children, i.e., education that can help them develop to their full potential. Initially, we present our view of human development, which stems from social relations, and approach the elements of these relations, particularly those associated with pedagogical activities, understood here as the combination of teaching and research. Finally, we stress that in order to understand the organization of pedagogical activities, which promote human development, it is necessary to understand child development elements, directing them to an education that allows learning situations that are suitable to children’s development level and to the social situation of children’s development.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Cultural-Historical Theory. Human development. Pedagogical activity.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Mediación en la actividad pedagógica: la unidad entre teoría y práctica</strong></p><p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada en Brasil y en Cuba que tiene como objetivo comprender los elementos mediadores de la actividad pedagógica para una educación de mejor calidad que promueva el desarrollo de los máximos potenciales de los niños. Inicialmente presentamos nuestra comprensión del desarrollo humano, resultado de las relaciones sociales, y analizamos los elementos de estas relaciones, particularmente los vinculados a la actividad pedagógica, entendida como la unidad entre la actividad de enseñanza y la actividad de estudio. Por último, destacamos que para organizar la actividad pedagógica, promotora del desarrollo humano, es necesario comprender los elementos que constituyen el desarrollo de los niños, orientados a una educación que proporcione situaciones de aprendizaje adecuadas al nivel de dicho desarrollo y a su situación social.<br /><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Palabras clave</strong></p><p>Teoría histórico-cultural. Desarrollo humano. Actividad pedagógica.</p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Марина Орап

У  статті  висвітлено  методологічні  та  практичні  засади  вивчення  онтогенезу  соціального  інтелекту. Складність вивчення даного соціально-психологічного феномену пов’язана із дотичністю його  до багатьох явищ, які описують умови успішності соціальної взаємодії особистості. Проаналізовано наявні  теоретичні   підходи   до   визначення   змісту   та   структури  соціального  інтелекту,   до   взаємозв’язку  останнього  з  іншими  видами  інтелекту.  Визначено,  що  дослідження  соціального  інтелекту  молодших  школярів слід здійснювати на основі розуміння останнього як здатності, що виникає на базі комплексу  інтелектуальних,   особистісних,   комунікативних   і   поведінкових   рис,   що   зумовлюють   прогнозування  розвитку  міжособистісних  ситуацій,  інтерпретацію  інформації  і  поведінки,  готовність  до  соціальної  взаємодії і прийняття рішень. Здійснене пілотажне емпіричне дослідження прогностичних можливостей  дітей  молодшого  шкільного  віку  продемонструвало  наявні  позитивні  кореляційні  зв’язки  між  рівнем  розвитку здатності до передбачення найбільш адекватного сценарію розвитку подій у соціальній ситуації  та рівнем розвитку мовленнєвого досвіду. Найбільш тісний взаємозв’язок виявлено між рівнем розвитку  здатності  передбачати  адекватну  вербальну  відповідь  у  ситуації  комунікації  та  рівнем  розвитку  мовленнєвої компетентності та мовленнєвої діяльності дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Таким чином,  були зроблені попередні висновки про наявність взаємозв’язку між мовленнєвим досвідом та прогностичним  можливостями у складі соціального інтелекту дитини молодшого шкільного віку The  article  outlines  the  methodological  and  practical  principles  of  studying  the  ontogenesis  of  social  intelligence. The complexity of studying this socio-psychological phenomenon is associated with its attractiveness to  many  phenomena  that  describe  the  conditions  for  the  successful  social  interaction.  The  existing  theoretical  approaches to the definition of the content and structure of social intelligence, to the interrelationship of it with  other types of intelligence are analyzed. It is determined that research of social intelligence of junior pupils should  be carried out on the basis of the understanding of this kind of intelligencer as an ability that based on a complex of  intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features. This complex predetermines the forecasting of the  development  of  interpersonal  situations,  the  interpretation  of  information  and  behavior,  readiness  for  social  interaction  and  decision-making.  The  research  of  the  prognostic  possibilities  of  primary  school  children  demonstrated the positive correlation between the level of development of the ability to predict the most adequate  scenario of the development of events in the social situation and the level of development of speech experience. The  closest relationship is found between the level of development of the ability to provide an adequate verbal response  in the context of communication and the level of development of speech competence and speech activity of children  of junior school age. Thus, was done a conclusion about the existence of a relationship between speech experience  and prognostic possibilities in the social intellect of a child of junior school age.   

Dira Herawati

Accountability report is a written description of creative experiences as an artist or a photographer of aesthetic exploration efforts on the image and the idea of a human as a basic stimulant for the creation of works of art photography. Human foot as an aesthetic object is a problem that relates to various phenomena that occur in the social sphere, culture and politics in Indonesia today. Based on these linkages, human feet would be formulated as an image that has a value, and the impression of eating alone in the creation of a work of art photography. Hence the creation of this art photography entitled The Human Foots as Aesthetic Object  Creation of Art Photography. Starting from this background, then the legs as an option object art photography, will be managed creatively and systematically through a phases of creation. The creation phases consist of: (1) the exploration of discourse, (2) artistic exploration, (3) the stage of elaboration photographic, (4) the synthesis phase, and (5) the stage of completion. Methodically, through the phases of the creative process  through which this can then be formulated in various forms of artistic image of a human foot. The various forms of artistic images generated from the foots of its creation process, can be summed up as an object of aesthetic order 160 Kaki Manusia Sebagai Objek Estetik Penciptaan Fotografi Seni in the photographic works of art. It is specifically characterized by the formation of ‘imaging the other’ behind the image seen with legs visible, as well as of the various forms of ‘new image’ as a result of an artistic exploration of the common image of legs visible. In general, the whole image of the foot in a photographic work of art has a reflective relationship with the social situation, cultures, and politics that developed in Indonesian society, by value, meaning and impression that it contains.Keywords: human foots, aestheti,; social phenomena, art photography, images

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 4-8
Raschetina S.A.

The detailed design implemented according to a grant of the Russian Federal Property Fund is focused on the solution of the cross-disciplinary humanitarian problem connected with the analysis of purposeful and sponta-neous processes of socialization of the child, and specif-ic characteristics of the social and pedagogical activity aimed at harmonization of the relations "the child - so-ciety" in modern unstable public conditions. The frag-ment of a research of processes of spontaneous sociali-zation of the child connected with the estimated dis-course presented in a social situation of its development is reflected in article. In it short characteristic of the post-nonclassical methodology focused on the analysis of chaotic conditions of social reality and essence of the person who acts as the language personality who is not existing "to language" is presented. Possibilities of post-nonclassical methodology in a research of a phenome-non purposeful - spontaneous socialization of the child are characterized. In article the specifics of the social and pedagogical activity aimed at harmonization of the relations "the child - society are disclosed from a posi-tion of post-nonclassical approach", the place of a re-search method in its structure is revealed.

1978 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 380-382
M. Javed Akbar Zaki

To many social theoreticians, the population explosion, particularly in the developing nations presents a crippling threat to their developmental pro¬cesses. Their argument's validity rests mainly on the assumption that expected economic progress is swallowed up by unbalanced rise of numbers in the population. The book being reviewed deals mainly with this subject matter and is divided into two parts, each containing three articles contributed by various researchers. Part one, 'The Social context of Fertility Decision' is focused on analyzing the role of factors affecting fertility at the micro-level decision making process. The first article 'Fertility decision in rural India' by Vinod Jainath, examines the applicability to rural India of various models of the process of fertility decision making and finds most of these wanting with respect to the Indian social situation. While analyzing the fertility patterns of Rural India, he points out the positive need for larger families among the poor small farmers mainly due to labour supply considerations. The author argues that unemployment and under¬employment actually motivate the poor to have more children as it better ensures their economic security in their old age. As the chances of gaining employ¬ment for their offspring diminish, they are induced to increase the total number of children in order that atleast one will be able to support them. Thus a vicious circle of poverty arises in large families because of each of the parents wanting to increase their children's chances of employment by ultimately reducing the overall employment opportunities even further and exacerbating their poverty.

2018 ◽  
pp. 13-38
N. Ceramella

The article considers two versions of D. H. Lawrence’s essay The Theatre: the one which appeared in the English Review in September 1913 and the other one which Lawrence published in his first travel book Twilight in Italy (1916). The latter, considerably revised and expanded, contains a number of new observations and gives a more detailed account of Lawrence’s ideas.Lawrence brings to life the atmosphere inside and outside the theatre in Gargnano, presenting vividly the social structure of this small northern Italian town. He depicts the theatre as a multi-storey stage, combining the interpretation of the plays by Shakespeare, D’Annunzio and Ibsen with psychological portraits of the actors and a presentation of the spectators and their responses to the plays as distinct social groups.Lawrence’s views on the theatre are contextualised by his insights into cinema and its growing popularity.What makes this research original is the fact that it offers a new perspective, aiming to illustrate the social situation inside and outside the theatre whichLawrenceobserved. The author uses the material that has never been published or discussed before such as the handwritten lists of box-holders in Gargnano Theatre, which was offered to Lawrence and his wife Frieda by Mr. Pietro Comboni, and the photographs of the box-panels that decorated the theatre inLawrence’s time.

Svetlana Punanova ◽  
Mikhail Rodkin

The mode of development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia and the impact of the epidemic on the areas of scientific research, education and functioning of the fuel and energy complex are discussed. The official statistics revealed evidence both of effectivity of the taken anti-epidemic measures in Moscow and of possible cases of incorrectness of statistical data. The social situation and the mode of development of the epidemic in Moscow and in the regions of Russia are essentially different, that reduces the effectiveness of anti-epidemic measures introduced uniformly throughout the whole country. The conditions of the pandemic and quarantine are difficult for everyone, but organizations and persons with a more modern informational character of production adapt to them more easily. In general, it can be suggested that the epidemic besides the very essential losses gives an important impulse for social-economic and political modernization of the society.

2020 ◽  
pp. 42-50
Aygul Fazlyeva ◽  
Aliya Akhmetshina

Children, brought up in foster families, experience various problems (diffi culties in interpersonal relationships with parents, diffi culties in communicating with peers, emotional instability), which lead to confl icts, quarrels, running away from home, destructive phenomena, etc. One of the eff ective forms of working with children brought up in foster families is individual counselling. Individual counselling is used by various specialists (psychologists, educators, psychotherapists), where a special place is taken by a social educator. His or her activity involves the implementation of social-protective, preventive, educational, informational, advisory functions. In the process of organizing individual counseling, the social educator takes into account the social situation of the family and the child, personal characteristics, social conditions, social and cultural characteristics and the nature of the relationship with the social environment. To organize individual counseling, a social educator needs to master various and eff ective techniques, and take into account a number of recommendations. An analysis of the literature and practical socio-pedagogical experience led to an understanding of the insuffi cient degree of elaboration of this issue. The purpose of this article was the solution to this problem.

I. Korgun ◽  
S. Sutyrin

This article discusses the measures of the government of the Republic of Korea to overcome the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It shows what programs are being adopted to stabilize the social situation, normalize business activity and create conditions for the development of new sectors of the economy. An attempt is also made to suggest how relations with foreign economic partners may change in the post-tandem period.

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