Kaki Manusia Sebagai Objek Estetik Penciptaan Fotografi Seni

Dira Herawati

Accountability report is a written description of creative experiences as an artist or a photographer of aesthetic exploration efforts on the image and the idea of a human as a basic stimulant for the creation of works of art photography. Human foot as an aesthetic object is a problem that relates to various phenomena that occur in the social sphere, culture and politics in Indonesia today. Based on these linkages, human feet would be formulated as an image that has a value, and the impression of eating alone in the creation of a work of art photography. Hence the creation of this art photography entitled The Human Foots as Aesthetic Object  Creation of Art Photography. Starting from this background, then the legs as an option object art photography, will be managed creatively and systematically through a phases of creation. The creation phases consist of: (1) the exploration of discourse, (2) artistic exploration, (3) the stage of elaboration photographic, (4) the synthesis phase, and (5) the stage of completion. Methodically, through the phases of the creative process  through which this can then be formulated in various forms of artistic image of a human foot. The various forms of artistic images generated from the foots of its creation process, can be summed up as an object of aesthetic order 160 Kaki Manusia Sebagai Objek Estetik Penciptaan Fotografi Seni in the photographic works of art. It is specifically characterized by the formation of ‘imaging the other’ behind the image seen with legs visible, as well as of the various forms of ‘new image’ as a result of an artistic exploration of the common image of legs visible. In general, the whole image of the foot in a photographic work of art has a reflective relationship with the social situation, cultures, and politics that developed in Indonesian society, by value, meaning and impression that it contains.Keywords: human foots, aestheti,; social phenomena, art photography, images

2020 ◽  
pp. 145-163
Marta Casals Balaguer

This article aims to analyse the strategies that jazz musicians in Barcelona adopt to develop their artistic careers. It focuses on studying three main areas that influ-ence the construction of their artistic-professional strategies: a) the administrative dimension, characterized mainly by management and promotion tasks; b) the artistic-creative dimension, which includes the construction of artistic identity and the creation of works of art; and c) the social dimension within the collective, which groups together strategies related to the dynamics of cooperation and col-laboration between the circle of musicians. The applied methodology came from a qualitative perspective, and the main research methods were semi-structured inter-views conducted with active professional musicians in Barcelona and from partic-ipant observation.

Ю.В. Ковалева

Представлен историографический анализ развития понятия большие социальные группы и историко-психологический анализ социальных феноменов , связанных с массовыми общественными явлениями в России. Сформулированы актуальные проблемы психологии больших социальных групп, к которым относятся неоднородность оснований для их выделения, недостаточная дифференцированность со сходными понятиями, неравномерность исследований в различные временные периоды и идеологическая нагруженность их разработки. Данная работа была ответом на необходимость восполнения знаний о процессах в таких группах, происходивших в различные исторические периоды развития социальной психологии, с соответствующим им уровнем научного осмысления, а также обобщением этой целостной картины на уровне современного понимания и формулировка перспективных направлений исследований. Целью исследования является установление связи между определением и основными свойствами понятия «большие социальные группы» (его синонимов, аналогов) и особенностями социальной ситуации в определенный период времени, а также реконструкция социальных процессов данного исторического этапа. Проверялась гипотеза о том, что большие социальные группы как феномены социальной жизни формировались в соответствии с историческим временем, а соответствующее им понятие и его свойства с одной стороны отвечали уровню развития гуманитарного знания, а с другой - пытались удовлетворить общественный и политический запрос в объяснении и управлении социальной ситуацией. Использовались методы историографии социальной психологии и психолого-исторической реконструкции . Первая часть статьи посвящена анализу первых двух этапов развития социальной психологии - с середины XIX до начала XX вв. и в 1920-е гг. XX в. The historiographic analysis of the development of the concept of large social groups and historical and psychological study of social phenomena associated with mass social phenomena was presented. Topical problems of the psychology of large social groups are formulated, including heterogeneity of the grounds for their isolation, insufficient differentiation with similar concepts, uneven research in various periods, and ideological loading of the history of its development. The study's main problem was the need to replenish the processes in such groups that took place in various historical periods of social psychology development as well as a synthesis of this holistic picture at the level of modern understanding and the formulation of promising areas of research. The study's purpose was to establish a connection between the definition and the basic properties of the concept of "large social groups" (and its synonyms, analogs) and the peculiarities of the social situation in a certain period, as well as the reconstruction of social processes of this historical segment. The hypothesis was tested that large social groups as phenomena of social life were formed under the past time. The concept and its properties were corresponding to them, on the one hand, compared to the level of development of humanitarian knowledge. On the other, they tried to satisfy the social and political requests to understand and manage the social situation. Methods of the historiography of the history of social psychology and psychological and historical reconstruction were used. The article's first part was devoted to the analysis of the early two stages of the development of social psychology - from the middle of the XIX to the beginning of the XX centuries and 1920 of the XX century.

Dana Arnold

‘What is art history?’ discusses the term art history and draws distinctions between it and art appreciation and art criticism. It also considers the range of artefacts included in the discipline and how these have changed over time. The work of art is our primary evidence, and it is our interaction between this evidence and methods of enquiry that forms art history. Art appreciation and criticism are also linked to connoisseurship. Although art is a visual subject, we learn about it through reading and we convey our ideas about it mostly in writing. The social and cultural issues articulated by art history are examined through an analysis of four very different works of art.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 261
M Lufi Fakhri ◽  
Nerosti Nerosti

The creation of the dance called "Gairah Diujung Syahadat" aims to create creative dance work by expressing ideas which originated from life problems of a young person who converted his belief because he wanted to marry a Minangkabau woman. This dance work entitled "Gairah Diujung Shahadat" belongs to dramatic dance. The presentation form in the dance work "Gairah Diujung Syahadat" is symbolic representational. The dance work "Gairah Diujung Syahadat" is inspired by the social phenomena of life where a young man met a woman in a night life and wanted to marry her. The young man struggleduntil he converted his belief andsaid the creed. After this young man got the women, he did not dothe obligations in his creed. Everyone judged him so that he realized that he could not joke the belief, and he had to return to the right path. The dance work "Gairah Diujung Syahadat" focuses on an incident or event. It is an interpretive expression of the struggle of a young man, but the young man does not consider the impact of his actions for goodness in terms of belief.  The work is manifested through movement, stage setting, make-up, costume, lighting, and is emphasized by music.Keywords: Gairah Diujung Syahadat

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1009
Kerine Claudya Wijaya ◽  
Ariesa Pandanwangi ◽  
Belinda Sukapura Dewi

<p>Every artist has the goal of creating works of art that cannot be separated from the spiritual feelings experienced daily. The creative process of creating this work of art is initiated from the mirror which will be explored in the work of art. The method used is descriptive qualitative study and experimental method. The problem in this creation process is how the phenomenon that occurs when humans feel unhappy in their inner life so that they feel depressed, even judged between individuals, both physically and non-physically. The result of this creation process is a puzzle arrangement which is a metaphor for the results of reflection as well as the spiritual relationship of the soul with the body that has been experienced in living and contemplating life. The message conveyed through this work is that humans must understand each other.</p><p>Setiap seniman memiliki tujuan menciptakan karya seni yang tidak lepas dari perasaan spiritual yang dialami sehari-hari. Proses kreatif penciptaan karya seni ini digagas dari cermin yang akan dieksplorasikan pada karya seni. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah studi metode deskriptif kualitatif dan metode eksperimental. Permasalahan dalam proses penciptaan ini bagaimana fenomena yang terjadi ketika manusia merasakan perasaan tidak bahagia dalam kehidupan batinnya sehingga merasa tertekan, bahkan dinilai antar individu, baik secara fisik maupun non fisik. Hasil dari proses penciptaan ini adalah susunan puzzle yang merupakan metafora dari dari hasil refleksi sebagaimana hubungan spiritual jiwa dengan tubuh yang telah berpengalaman dalam penjalanan hidup dan perenungan hidup. Pesan yang disampaikan melalui karya ini adalah manusia harus saling memahami antara satu dengan lainnya</p>

Begoña Pozo-Sánchez

La literatura migrante italiana actual transita ciertos espacios heterotópicos que, siguiendo la propuesta teórica de Michel Foucault, inciden especialmente en la creación y el análisis de esos no-lugares que, bien desde la utopía o desde la heterotopía, analizan la situación social a través de la literatura. «Italia» se convierte así en un territorio al que llegar, conocer, habitar pero, sobre todo, desde el que construir realidades otras. Esta perspectiva de la literatura actual no aparece solo en obras escritas «en» italiano y «desde» Italia –como, por ejemplo, Scontro di civiltà per un ascensore a Piazza Vittorio, publicada por Amara Lakhous en 2006; o como las propuesta poéticas transculturales de la Compagnia delle Poete– sino también «en» otras lenguas y «desde» otras miradas –quizá uno de los ejemplos relativamente recientes sea el texto Vergogna tra le due sponde del escritor egipcio Ezzat el Kamhawi, a medio camino entre la novela y el ensayo. Nuestro artículo se centra en el estudio de la construcción de la identidad migrante a través del análisis de la poética del espacio propuesta por Amara Lakhous, evidenciando cómo desde distintas realidades transculturales se aborda y (re)crea actualmente el concepto de «Italia» a partir del discurso literario, a modo incluso de polémico «contra-espacio».Current Italian migrant literature goes along certain heterotopic spaces which, following Michel Foucault’s theoretical proposal, influence especially on the creation and analysis of those no-places that, either from utopia or heterotopia, scrutinise the social situation through literature. Thus, «Italy» becomes a place to get, discover, dwell in but, especially, from which to construe other realities. This perspective of current literature does not only feature in works written «in» Italian and «from» Italy – as, for instance, Scontro di civiltà per un ascensore a Piazza Vittorio, published by Amara Lakhous in 2006; or as transcultural poetic proposal by the Compagnia delle Poete– but also «in» other languages and «from» other stances – one of the most recent texts is perhaps Vergogna tra le due sponde by the Egyptian writer Ezzat el Kamhawi, midway between novel and essay. This articles focuses on studying the construction of migrant identity by analysing the poetics of space proposed by Amara Lakhous, showing how the idea of «Italy» is currently dealt with and recreated in literary discourse from distinct transcultural realities, even in a polemical «counter-space» way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 07
Eduardo Palermo

En 1933 se fundó la Revista Nuestra Raza, órgano de prensa afro uruguayo que denunció la situación social de los mismos, marcada hasta mediados del siglo 20 por el analfabetismo, dificultades de acceso laboral, la prostitución de la mujer “negra”, la falta de acceso a los trabajos públicos, bajas remuneraciones, negación de los derechos jubilatorios, la vida en zonas suburbanas y muy pobres, la discriminación y el racismo. Fue un portavoz en el combate al fascismo internacional, a las dictaduras, al racismo y aportó a la unidad cultural afro uruguaya, fundando la Casa de la Raza. Entre las acciones más importantes aporto a la creación, en 1936, del Partido Autóctono Negro con el objetivo de obtener un diputado que los representara. En todos los aspectos la revista fue pionera en las acciones de resistencia y acción militante de los afro- uruguayos.Palabras-clave: Prensa afro uruguaya. Nuestra Raza. Partido Autóctono Negro.AbstractIn 1933, the magazine Nuestra Raza, an Afro-Uruguayan press body, was denounced, denouncing the social situation of the same, marked until the middle of the 20th century by illiteracy, labor access difficulties, the prostitution of "black" women, the lack of access to public works, low wages, denial of pension rights, life in suburban and very poor areas, discrimination and racism. He was a spokesman in the fight against international fascism, dictatorships, racism and contributed to the Afro-Uruguayan cultural unity, founding the Casa de la Raza. Among the most important actions contributed to the creation, in 1936, of the Partido Autoctono Negro (Black Autochthonous Party) with the aim of obtaining a deputy to represent them. In all aspects, the magazine pioneered the actions of resistance and militant action of Afro-Uruguayans.Keywords: Uruguayan afro press. Our Race. Black Autochthonous Party.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Zuliati Zuliati

Tinjauan Ikonografi dalam Karya Sudjojono “Di Depan Kelamboe Terboeka”.Penelitian ini mengupas lukisan “Di Balik Kelamboe Terboeka” karya Sudjojonosecara ikonografi. Sebagai cabang ilmu sejarah seni, Ikonografi mempelajarimakna dari sebuah karya seni melalui kajian aspek internal dan eksternal. Aspekinternal sebuah karya seni seperti subject matter, gaya, dan aliran, sedangkan aspekeksternal berkaitan dengan situasi sosiohistoris yang melingkupi ketika karyaseni tersebut dibuat. Maka dengan menggunakan pendekatan ikonografi akandiperoleh pemaknaan yang lebih luas dari sebuah karya seni. Berdasarkan penelitiandapat disimpulkan bahwa “Di Depan Kelamboe Terbuka” menggambarkan jiwanasionalisme sebagai pemberontak estetika Mooi Indie yang telah mapan dalamkultur kolonial feodal. Karya tersebut menunjukkan pergulatan pemikiran dalamsuatu situasi sosial yang didominasi konsep estetika tertentu. Sudjojono mampumerumuskan konsep seni yang berasal dari kejujuran dan kepekaan dalam melihatrealitas sosial dan dikenal dengan kredo jiwa ketok. The Iconographic Study of Sudjono’s ‘Di Depan Kelamboe Terboeka’. Thisstudy discusses the iconography of ‘Di Depan Kelamboe Terboeka’, a painting createdby an influential painter in modern visual art of Indonesia, Sindudarsono Sudjono.Iconography as a branch of Art History learns the meaning of an artwork through thestudy of its internal and external aspects. The internal aspects include the items containedin an artwork such as a subject matter, style, and genre, whereas the external ones arerelated to the socio-historical situation in which the work of art is created. Iconographyprovides a broader understanding of a work of art. Based on this study, ‘Di DepanKelamboe Terboeka’ is one of Sudjono’s achievements depicting the spirit of nationalismas a rebel of the settle Mooi Indie aesthetics in the feudal-colonial culture. This paintingreflects the creator’s inner conflict in dealing with a certain social situation dominatedby a particular aesthetical concept. Sudjono was successful in formulizing an art conceptoriginated from his honesty and sensitiveness in witnessing the social reality known witha credo ‘jiwa kethok’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Ririn Yunita ◽  
Desfiarni Desfiarni

The creation of a dance work called "Basawuik Kato Maelo Raso" aims to create creative dance works and to train as well as to educate the creative power of a choreographer to prepare ideas through innovative movements as a communicative language in a dance work. Basawik Kato Maelo Raso(interlocked words and appeared feelings) dance work is a dramatic dance work which focuses on the daily life of Minangkabau youth. Basawik Kato Maelo Raso dance work is a dance work inspired by the social phenomena of community life in traditional ceremonies such as the inauguration of penghulu (leaders), the village official events, and wedding party. Batombe tradition has the meaning as a medium to express feelings of like or dislike to the opposite sex, and it has a different response in each society. Keywords: Basawuik Kato, Maelo Raso

Africa ◽  
1968 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 457-468 ◽  
William A. Shack

Opening ParagraphIn An Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand, Professor Gluckman argued that in situations of conflict, pre-existing groups do not divide neatly into opposing halves, but that groups realign themselves according to the values, motives, and interests governing them at a given time; and that groups who are opposed when facing one situation may find themselves aligned when the nature of the situation differs. Similar studies of social change in Africa and elsewhere have further advanced Gluckman's contention. In all these studies the analytical procedure adopted was to interpret the situational behaviour of the actors in terms of the influence of the wider social system of which they were a part. However, a great deal of the ethnographic data anthropologists gather in the course of field research are derived from chance observations of social phenomena occurring in relatively unstructured situations within which the individuals involved have a wide range of choice in determining the way they interact with others. This paper is based upon just these sorts of ‘imponderable’ facts of Gurage life which, when first recorded in the field, appeared less clearly a part of what Malinowski once called ‘the real substance of the social fabric’ of a changing tribal society than they do now in retrospect. I attempt here to interpret the spontaneous and contradictory behaviour of individual Gurage and groups in the setting of an Ethiopian Christian religious ceremony known as Mäsqal. This analysis of situational behaviour is made in terms of selected aspects of historical or ‘processive’ social change in Gurageland, a tribal district in south-west Ethiopia.

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