scholarly journals Applications of Aquaponics on Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L) and Nila Fish (Oreochromis Niloticus) to the Concentration of Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 2447-2455 ◽  
Deswati Deswati ◽  
Niki Febriani ◽  
Hilfi Pardi ◽  
Yulizar Yusuf ◽  
Hamzar Suyani

To meet the consumption needs of fish and vegetables by utilizing a narrow urban land it can be used an aquaponic system. The aquaponic system is an integration of fish farming with hydroponic cultivation that utilizes the remains of feed and fish waste into nutrients for plants with the help of nitrifying bacteria. In this study used tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L). Determination of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentration aims to find the ammonia change to nitrite and nitrate in fish ponds, biofilter, and hydroponic sequences, and their absorption by plants. The ammonia concentration at three sampling points (3.231-8.989) mg/L and has exceeded the threshold of 0.02 mg/L, while for ammonia concentrations in each sample of pakcoy plant (558.563-2,001.659)mg/Kg. The concentration of nitrite (0.008-0.760)mg/L and has exceeded the standard quality threshold of 0.06 mg/L, except in the 0 day water sample sample 0.009 mg/ L and the water sample after the biofilter 0.008 mg/L, the concentration of nitrite pakcoy plant (3.764-12.321)mg/Kg. Nitrate concentration in water sample (1.046-2.275)mg/L, and still below the standard threshold of freshwater aquaculture (20-30)mg/L, nitrate concentration in pakcoy plant (4,890.09-12,864.7)mg/Kg. Ammonia and nitrite concentrations have exceeded the threshold, while nitrate concentrations are still below the threshold.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Rieski Ambarwati ◽  
Krisdianto Krisdianto ◽  
Slamat Slamat

Aquaculture in Riam Kanan river receives watersupply from rivers and Riam Kanan reservoir from upstream to downstream and practices different irrigation and fertilization systems. This study was aimed to compare the plankton community structure, to find out the physicalchemical parameters associated with the abundance of plankton and the fertility of the fish-farming ponds. The research was conducted at Mandiangin Freshwater Aquaculture Center (Balai Budidaya Air Tawar – BBAT), Karang Intan (Balai Benih dan Induk Ikan Air Tawar – BB-IAT) and Cindai Alus Minapolitan area by using the observation method. Water samples were taken by composite of 6 replicates at 12 stations. The parameters measured were temperature, visibility, pH, iron, free ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, DO, BOD and plankton analysis. Data were tested statistically with cluster, Pearson correlation and regression. The result shows that there are differences in plankton community structure in the fish ponds, shown by 5 cluster groups. The abundance of phytoplankton has a significant correlation with pH, temperature, DO, and free ammonia. The abundance of zooplankton also has a significant correlation with pH, DO, BOD, and free ammonia. The seed pond at BBAT Mandiangin is eutrophically dominated by Bacillarophyta and Amoboezoa, while in BB-IAT Karang Intan and Cindai Alus are dominated by Cyanophyta and Rotifera. The inlet channel of BB-IAT Karang Intan and the broodstock pond belong to mesotrophic category, predominance by Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta and Rotifer. BBIAT Karang Intan outlet ponds, BBAT Mandiangin inlet channel and Cindai Alus inlet pond are included in the oligotrophic category, predominance by Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta. Plankton community structure of the fishfarming pond varies even with the same ecological conditions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Vitas Atmadi Prakoso ◽  
Hendy Firmanto ◽  
Kurniawan Kurniawan

Utilization of Waste Production of Cocoa for Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis niloticus) Seed Feed           Problems often arise in fish farming is the cost of artificial feed (pellets) which is expensive. The availability of local feed ingredients are still very limited and reliance on imports causing feed prices to rise. Therefore we need research to find alternative raw materials that can substitute fish meal price is relatively cheaper, widely available, and do not compete with cattle and human needs. Raw materials include cocoa shell waste derived from cocoa plantations. This study aimed to evaluate the use of cocoa shell waste for growing out of  tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus). The study was conducted at the Center for Research and Development of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bogor. When the study will be conducted over two months. The fish used were tilapia fish 7-8 cm size were maintained on media aquarium measuring 50 × 40 × 40 cm. In addition, the feed given that the result of the fortification of rind cocoa powder, cocoa seed shell powder, rice bran, tapioca flour, water and salt. Commercial feed was also used in this study as a comparison. Feed given as much as 3% of the total biomass of fish in each aquarium. Every two weeks the data  collection of body length and weight of fish seeds were measured. The data would be observed that the length and absolute weight, specific growth rate (SGR), increase biomass and fish survival rate. The results of this study indicated that tilapia fish fed the formulation of cocoa waste could not achieve the growth of fish with commercial feed. Further studies on cocoa waste hopely be better to produce fish seeds which same growth with the growth of fish fed by commercial feed.Key words: Feed, waste of cocoa, tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus ABSTRAK         Permasalahan yang sering muncul pada usaha budidaya ikan yaitu biaya pakan buatan (pellet).yang mahal. Ketersediaan bahan baku pakan lokal masih sangat terbatas dan ketergantungan pada impor menyebabkan harga pakan meningkat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian untuk mencari alternatif  bahan baku yang dapat menjadi substitusi tepung ikan dengan harga yang relatif murah, banyak tersedia, dan tidak bersaing dengan kebutuhan ternak dan manusia. Bahan baku tersebut antara lain limbah kulit kakao yang berasal dari perkebunan kakao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pemanfaatan limbah kulit kakao untuk pembesaran benih ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar, Bogor. Waktu penelitian akan dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan. Ikan yang digunakan yaitu benih ikan nila ukuran 7-8 cm yang dipelihara pada media akuarium berukuran 50 × 40 × 40 cm. Selain itu, pakan yang diberikan yaitu hasil fortifikasi dari serbuk kulit buah kakao, serbuk kulit biji kakao, dedak padi, tepung tapioka, air, dan garam. Pakan komersil juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai pembanding. Pakan diberikan sebanyak 3% dari total biomassa ikan pada masing-masing akuarium. Tiap 2 minggu dilakukan pengambilan data panjang dan bobot tubuh benih ikan yang diuji. Data yang akan diamati yaitu pertambahan panjang dan bobot mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR), pertambahan biomass, dan sintasan ikan uji. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa benih ikan nila yang diberi pakan formulasi dari limbah kakao belum dapat mencapai pertumbuhan yang setara dengan pakan komersial. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai formulasi pakan limbah kakao yang lebih baik lagi agar mampu menghasilkan pertumbuhan benih ikan yang seimbang dengan pertumbuhan ikan yang diberi pakan komersial.Kata Kunci: Pakan, Limbah kakao, Nila, Oreochromis niloticus

2021 ◽  
Vol 324 ◽  
pp. 03008
Desy Aryani ◽  
Muta Ali Khalifa ◽  
Muhammad Herjayanto ◽  
Ginanjar Pratama ◽  
Ani Rahmawati ◽  

The highly use of polyethylene plastics in Indonesia has negative impact toward freshwater aquaculture systems. Omnivorous fish is one of the freshwater biota that exposed by microplastics. This study aims to determine the effect of microplastics to water quality and the prevalence of microplastic exposure in tilapia. The experimental design is conducted using a microplastic exposure (polyethylene scrub) with concentration of 0.01 g/L (P1), 0.1 g/L (P2), and 1 g/L (P3). Each treatment is repeated 3 times. The organ groups observed are the gastrointestinal, liver, gills, and gonads. The stages of the research including fish raising, microplastic extraction, water quality measuring parameter, and counting the amount of microplastics. The result obtained for water quality parameter is temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen still within safe fish farming limit. Microplastics at high concentration in water can cause a decrease in the total value of ammonia and do not affect the value of water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Microplastics are found in the digestive organs, liver, gills, and gonads. The digestive tract of tilapia is the organ with the most microplastics after 14 days of exposure. It is concluded that microplastic is harmful for the life of tilapia because it can absorb to the liver and gonads.

2019 ◽  
Vol 245 ◽  
pp. 883-888 ◽  
Zhang Cheng ◽  
Jun-Bo Liu ◽  
Meng Gao ◽  
Guang-Ze Shi ◽  
Xiao-Jiao Fu ◽  

Dio Patria Yustysi ◽  
Fajar Basuki ◽  
Titik Susilowati ◽  
Tristiana Yuniarti

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari hibridisasi ikan nila Pandu F6 dengan nila Nilasa terhadap karakter reproduksinya dan performa benih yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini: perlakuan A (Pandu F6 ♀><Pandu F6 ♂), B (Nilasa ♀><Nilasa ♂), C (Pandu F6 ♀>< Nilasa ♂), dan D (Nilasa ♀><Pandu F6 ♂). Data yang diamati meliputi fekunditas, daya tetas telur, diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva TL, panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur, kelulushidupan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, konversi pakan dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai terbaik pada fekunditas sebesar 1191,67 ± 239,45 butir/200 g, daya tetas telur sebesar 80,93 ± 3,90%, kelulushidupan sebesar 81,55 ± 7,54%, laju pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 7,26 ± 0,25, konversi pakan 0,54 ± 0,02 didapatkan pada perlakuan C, akan tetapi untuk diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva Kuning Telur, dan panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur tidak berbeda nyata. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa hibridisasi (perlakuan C) memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P < 0,05) terhadap fekunditas, daya tetas telur, kelulushidupan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan konversi pakan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva, dan panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur. Kata kunci: Hibridisasi, Ikan Nila, Karakter Reproduksi, Performa Benih  ABSTRACT This research aims to know the influence of hybridization tilapia fish Pandu F6 with nila Nilasa against the character of the reproduction and seed performance. This research was conducted with the experimental method using Random Design complete (RAL) with 4 treatments and three replicates. The treatments in this study: the treatment A (Pandu F6 F6 ♀ >< Pandu ♂), B (Nilasa ♀>< Nilasa ♂), C (Pandu F6 ♀>< Nilasa ♂), and D (Nilasa ♀ >< Pandu F6 ♂). The observed data covering fecundity, hatching rate, egg size, yolk sack larva length and weight, length and weight of the egg yolk off larvae, survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion rate, and water quality. The results showed the best value on the fecundity of 1191.67±239.45 eggs/200 g, Hatching rate 80.93 ± 3.90%, Survival rate of 81.55 ± 7.54%, specific growth rate of 7.26 ± 0.25, conversion fodder 0.54 ± 0.02 obtained at the treatment C, but for the diameter and weight of egg, larval length and weight TL, and the length and weight of the yolk egg off larvae for each treatment do not differ markedly. The results showed that hybridization (treatment C) gives a real influence (P < 0.05) of fecundity,hatching rate, survival rate but not with the egg size, larva weight and length, and the length and weight of larvae off yolk. Water quality on the spawning, hatching eggs and larvae found on the maintenance of a decent range for tilapia fish farming Keywords: hybridization, tilapia fish, character of the reproduction, seed performance 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-95
Marlina Doloksaribu ◽  
Robert Martua Simanjuntak ◽  
Ied Hidayani Parinduri

The use of probiotics is certainly one of the solutions in overcoming the problem of increasing seed in fish farming. One of them is the use of probiotic king catfish, in this study tested on catfish, tilapia and goldfish. This research is an experimental study. The design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments 3 replications. Data analysis used Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 15. The results of the analysis of the highest seed survival rate were obtained on Pangasius pangasius (95%), on Oreochromis niloticus (83,33 %), and Cyprinus carpio (80%). The treatment of Rajalele probiotics has a very significant effect (very significant) Fanalysis (23.01) > Ftable 0.01 (7.59) on the graduation of Pangasius pangasius, Oreochromis niloticus, and Cyprinus carpio. The conclusion of this study shows that the survival rate the highest in Pangasius pangasius

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 530-535
Uswah Hasanah ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin ◽  
Niniek Widyorini

Kegiatan budidaya pada setiap prosesnya menghasilkan limbah yang dihasilkan dari sisa-sisa pakan dan kotoran yang berasal dari ikan budidaya, terutama budidaya Ikan Nila yang merupakan salah satu jenis ikan tawar yang sudah di budidaya secara komersial oleh masyarakat indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Mei-Juni 2017 di Laboratorium Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Ikan dan Lingkungan, Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro. Pada penelitian ini ditambahkan enzim pada pakan ikan, suatu enzim yang mengandung protease, lipase, amilase, pepsin, tripsin, dan kemotripsin dalam dosis yang sudah ditentukan untuk memaksimalkan proses pencernaan. Ikan Nila yang digunakan  berukuran 7-9 cm dipelihara di dalam akuarium dengan kapasitas 2 ekor Ikan Nila dalam 1 akuarium dengan volume air 9 l. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui konsentrasi amoniak, nitrit, dan sulfida (H2S) dan membandingkan pengaruh pemberian enzim dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda didalam pakan terhadap konsentrasi amoniak, nitrit, dan sulfida (H2S). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental skala laboratorium. Desain penelitian berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan menggunakan lima perlakuan yaitu dengan perbedaan konsentrasi enzim. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan 3x pengulangan. Analisis data menggunakan uji two way anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian enzim dengan konsentrasi berbeda tidak berpengaruh nyata, lama waktu pemeliharaan berpengaruh nyata terhadap konsentrasi amoniak, dan sulfida, kombinasi dari keduanya tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap konsentrasi amoniak, nitrit, dan sulfida. Cultivation activities in each process produce waste generated from the remnants of feed and feces from the fish cultivated, especially the cultivation of tilapia which is one type of fresh bonds that have been cultivated commercially by the people of Indonesian. The research was conducted in May-June 2017 at the Fish and Environmental Resource Management Laboratory, Aquatic Resources Department, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Diponegoro University. The materials on this research are combining the fish feed with an enzime which contains protease, lipase, amylase, pepsin, trypsin, and chemotrypsin in prescribed doses to maximised the digestion process. Tilapia as research object has length of 7 to 9 cm and its kept in an aquarium with capacity (water volumes) of 9 ls which contains of 2 tilapias. The purposes of this research are to know the concentration of ammonia, nitrite and sulfide (H 2 S) in and to compare the effect of the enzyme provision with different concentration in fish feed with the concentration of ammonia, nitrite and sulfide (H 2 S). This research used laboratory-scale experimental method. The study design was based on Complete Randomized Design (RAL), using five treatments with different enzyme concentrations. Each treatments was done by three repetitions. The data was analysed using two-way ANOVA test. The results showed that enzyme with different concentration had no significant effect, maintenance time had significant effect on ammonia concentration, and sulfide, the combination of both did not significantly affect the ammonia, nitrite and sulphide concentration.

Nihoreye, F.J. ◽  
Nyongombe, U.N. ◽  
Alunga, L.G. ◽  
Akonkwa, B.D. ◽  
Isumbisho, M.P. ◽  

This study was conducted to evaluate the reproductive performance of females of Oreochromis niloticus originating from a strain of distant origin and extensively exploited in fish farming (Nyakabera strain) and a local strain recently removed from the natural environment (Lac Kivu strain). The experiment was carried out in triplicate with fry of 4.9 to 6.3 g placed in earthen ponds for a period of 6 months, at the Nyakabera fish station in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. The comparison of the two strains focused on the size of the first sexual maturity, gonado-somatic ratio, fecundity, egg diameter and condition factor. The results showed that under similar managed rearing conditions, the Nyakabera strain reaches sexual maturity earlier and is characterized by a higher gonado-somatic ratio and higher relative fertility, but a worse condition compared to the Lac Kivu strain. These differences, which indicate a better reproductive success of the Nyakabera strain, are related to the origin and the history of domestication, which are just as different from these two strains.

Farhan Yasin Hamed Farhan Yasin Hamed ◽  
Lydia Mikhailovna Vasilyeva ◽  
Natalia Viktorovna Sudakova ◽  
Ali Attala Muheisin ◽  
Adelia Zakirovna Anokhina

The use of the crop rotation method in fish farming makes it possible to increase fish productivity and crop yields in ponds. In the countries of the Middle East, in recent years, the Aqua Crop rotation practice has been developing, in particular, the consistent cultivation of fish and rice in fish ponds, which allows eliminating the contradictions between these crops and increasing production efficiency. In Iraq, an experiment was carried out on the variable cultivation of rice and carp in fish ponds for four years, with the aim of introducing this practice into the country’s agriculture. Four ponds, each with an area of 7.5 hectares, were involved. The research was carried out in two variants: in experiment No.1 rice was grown in the first year, fish in the second, then rice again and in the fourth year — fish, in the second experiment, on the contrary, at the beginning of the fish, then rice, etc. The fish-breeding season lasted 9 months (March to November). Fish-breeding indicators were studied in detail: survival rate, feed costs, fish productivity, the results of rice cultivation were judged by yield. In addition, indicators of economic efficiency were determined according to a simplified scheme. The results indicate that, in general, fish-breeding indicators turned out to be higher when growing fish in ponds after rice, so fish productivity increased by almost 30% with an average value of 3.9 t/ha, feed costs decreased, while rice yield increased by 15–16% and averaged 3.6 t/ha. The best fish-breeding indicators were obtained in the second experiment after rice was grown in the ponds for two years. Economic calculations confirmed the advantages of using the aquacrop rotation practice, so in the second experiment the cost of marketable fish decreased by 10%, and the profitability increased by almost 30%.

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